mhe Canadien IÇhaasioln, Wed., Oct. 14, 1981 C? - 848y vor 40 rÎ 51 on ed, if ns 1as Oz 4 Cheese Festival tmdlum 68k faouMe r 2@g9 lm tm 2 ar MP b4Ube," ns why pay 2.45 Black Darn Whpa2 59 118 Mss4 Wh. Wl ~ P 2 CIvoeOICIIou 4 ClvPay 79 Cavendishi Farms. I ozar .Ily pay 169 Blc amn.d 9ni mq 30 y ï Ovalb 25mo .= e , Wh 1 H afi-i g235 mozzarlla 2.4 im a 25mp 2 ne tlub a59 StIwhOfm"llS as 1.59I hmChOs7 ïl a sl8 CoO y 28 I17 I adyua qot why pay 165 I oie, es la 9' Ohy a . Noreca. ceam*d 5w hy pay 163 rait.anatrel 8 y palI y Aý oa rndaMrin 5 ouffl g 149 muenster 80 manizanill 7 oage 46G ntMCIfl ~. cheese stix pq t8 2 lb pol bnwhy pay" prices refer ta Loblaws everyday low produce & bakery effective ta Sat. Oct. 17, 1981. treh le store meserves the rlght to lmit quantities. Mes FWM H~tOz 1W" .5 rom 1.49 UL.dIM p.' . . 1. 1 -