The CadianChampian, Wed., Oct. 14, 1981 C5 Jof Mr un -0- Ih ,%mménr t=ddg. Rut Wilso marrtad Va n 8hansthia etrimmer at Grace AnlcnChurch. Lessia, Picket top Hoisteins Loasta Formes Ldaoftteorgeiown. exibto si L55atapped th. aue F s"maurecotscloos and 5.cot aouaand br ldra c eagaOronEity af herd.tnComdde t tit Part ited n idmais iraItnfoor year aid, shoataebyt24iHlomo axhi- lireaer oid, fouyear biters and raie il an bad lina Junor nslalandleg show, and a eh-mpion famate, ica bloJltnompeytllvelScm the top cnior and Junior tateiiryprimos e ttebslfrnand pr-Jundor Lara Marshaitll.aded biter. ouf te nbbons. Itecerva Junior Grand champion cota champion famate tamf taau PicklaestiRayai te Jef Narsa ai Gerge- Doree, shoovt y towasenlie chcànpon Pirbel. Tihe resarve tauchit and tp '9480 s. A Breabvista Tony Darestene Ferma ai Citrity, shows hy Camphettvle citotast Corsiaiie Frmaetacaioite but yarlng ba.l Theta welcomes 9 Titla Tac Ciaplr oai-Marie Ntcaare and Bain SigmaaPhi buclBf Jrri saatolky. ftaa more candies af The cicpters an- trlecdebip, - s t Pt aiumncrrlad acta Butine and Jady lin tiet coupls' outing, Wbster (trusterra tram a hsebeit gamceaif Brampton and Wi- Ra"ar Part and art- ipegl hava decdedite acueaftallai aIAnnsasd jota te ranha. Pet ODoneit's home. Thte"tain"s dinaer Fr te nexf reglar evmniog eau a piont meeting, Ot. 21, surrenlasoumambrs mambara plan ta attend welcamed cnac pladgess.a tlti iy Pearl Casselons Ctity Brb, Brt .Dimcipne taitat rav, Jasa Forba, Tear. - Sicata a tucher, Joa Gregory, tualle roumaitaor, and co- Jensen, Jsae Meelan, atior f "Dicipline Pamneta Masfian, AnamoF ihouf Tsars vn cm ?M en MM . , i-OO5 38 MP.è.i THE MOE U TEMU K» 347-MI u1 O euefe.AMtn 3UO0 Dy Usta iirhy 1 Leralog ta relax mayt ssod simple, but imI' = saMUeas eIl nutah iii, of Mills. lesd a rames- Ca te sapew whtension sed1 Mer iret sessoaie- traet ta0 aludens,1 Iitduding trans talbea s MWeita er.r servisor1 Grrecti" ontre. 1 courmes béinlfe Il iwindead wohhile,' sica mgldaddlng siecaid neyerkWtateenytilasti l IlI wa ore ofa leOring rowam litds setiln esa 0 akes you bw a ourbdy and bota il remets ta tensionand ba t lier p le- ta oyou," aha "Wea att xprlenra Bsefetyi Thte annuel csmpalga ta procoafa scicon hbu salai y wltt h hatie wsai. of Oct, 24t ta3. Noralysycitadutat ta SeteberSchool Bus Set e base maved aead this year due ta datayn in mail service bultait maya hait. ta lin reglar imne o&anax yar. Watt sMiaule i. Iis years ficame and iis con ha applied ta mter- iota, sfsdnta, hu drivers and parents of young ciltdreo. Tae rampafa i. dracted ai mtarixi n wim satnpt tbpas bis H O.25S S err Milo, nt 8L-39 BE ING GMN sieatenca tacUtea- Wtechniques ai for im. EUt t dent ilink he be nefi af ise s- you bavetalia toataliotriser wllh ailier la- tarecli la gai iotantsedividuate. twram, a"bs con- ltIo ta a ay positive tinasti. exporlasnca and it làaa Au wHattseb-enfitng gondi experes«calado framntadividit afttan-tit>.thr 1tat81," elle lion, euh stuuIap- sait. precated , lhes, Aitexorcse wre therapy aspeci '~ simple anti mi course, site nld. sgratuons leabs esl, -paaple MmeseOfa 0 ohg taIay-onsa taei prositema andi pou snlageawautd hlieaeta devlap ea sllghly dit- colla. fereeL pernpecive onU nMI. Wiba onidt he yasr fon tules, itoem of ta Inctuded cnly aLsealng ta ofters hlpa duOmou, an indication ta minmisyour ss tat moeswenmmara prabea" elbs nid envrs aoflalperlencing Thea tw-hour cesions strass and tettsion. featurOt "autagenlr" .tea 511w tamen ta tratiig,thie use ofiexpress 1h51 feelings. imagary ta prompte Mou tend ta caneet relaxation; ta'eaitng titar tensoem," else nid. extercioes and cognitive Ose af lies addtlanal exweinesdssigit ta boteile fate ligP~rn readucs nttratitstrougbwen the feeling aofsel titougb. tnrfts and confidence Mrs. tiniafroid sica sudouta giod, On foaind te pragrani nid. "ivsaabte" fer Mc. Kldd la i plana- inacttng s vrialy courses baglning week 4 For mare informatian scitool buses vifh igitta or ta regitar, 1frs.. flashiaf, bus drivera Kldtle May ha raait<ed and parents. . et a70-40m vnng. W The Halian Board ai Educollan seetinapplicatians tram quaifflati alctais ta iti the vacant tuatees seal in Wsrd 2, Oakvlte. The vacsncy hat been crealeti by Trustee Mms. J. Culmaens resignatian in aider ta seaat: eetolaseMunicipal Cauncillar. The terse aif office la ront Octalcar 20, 1981itla December 1982. A prasnsaqualletlleaàatvastes If hatas le a canadin citizen 18 yes fa8e or o195 .a855ident vil8mn Halton public schSl oector. Apliatonsshould beho irect00 ta 8the chanvn 8o appications ie 0ctoba, 20,19uai Intoeri i la h019 on Turdayora8ninu. 0988905 22, ai 700 998 0The applicioso e88incl89109a rasuveof MAm. 0.La Smos .S. Lveade cluiroun 0othiesagnti Direc«ofS duoalla Naoton Soard oai tioln 2050 scaipit Lins surfin ton, Otaios NEW CANADASAVINMS BONDS FIRST YEA New Çaladat888S lrno Bhvonds w711 nveOelm 7vn 80hi9 Nt ory doCanadaSv899lBondis altrus a goodratevof vliln, hyaino :.31erý1%Bandssrong. FLMXSIUrY FOR TOMORRW Instant Cash. 98986new Canada S09lg Bonds yorenver ockvd in. If8th nvvd a8ns. teyarevaty taCash anyt6me at 0ny 0a887dz8807rvdvmp9c's iagent. A Canada Savns Bo 970 ndias goiodOs rnàneviY 95pOL kot. No Isîsesl salcetePenalty868880the nev Bands are 0cand anyineallvr Decvmbei 31.19t8,l8erv'sno9inlviest 8a80 penalt Yu i 79 92777eeciev7d i7689891for v0058full mont, elapsed snce 8Nove86808 BACKED 5V CANADA IISELF (aonoda Saings Bondsore80ballked by al 01 C98adan 8eou908008,Whvn 909 boy Canada S5vin8s Bonds you4con986 sue88888998a0e2a8sale.948 fl905888808i8999c con count on EASY TO BUY New Canada s5v57999Bonds1aie e0s0 ta buy in 08o9998891799879cd5S00 up ta a total Wchase limit of $1500And 9096have800692i880of Bonds 7he8e s7th 90979708 7877v<88 Bond f8t a79907 900986 and the88Compouc9nd I18808997Bond8fo s09i8g g0,986 ON SALE OCTOSER 13 Sating 0c8o088813 . 9 0conboy Canada S5ongs Bonds tran7 099 autorize89 sales70agent. 78701997879 008ks 786098fl300deole008stck 0807949 trust companies an08d c88d78 997999 Be sure Of Tomonow CMacfâ Coping with tension is aim of new course MmenYoumnMWdInsuranco an insuance boo gives 1I choice. Good aoaie is wlb888080 ch f90uSvg,& otolid.best8 70008,vp0 e.luac897B eo8fs!Aoyciatiodsof Ontaio88898879 5i00 d5880890a8i208 Main4S, Milto 8i79875850'6co888f8f 8 7e M RETURN ON PAST SBIIES INCREASED Th, lteo sO8e on iI s-n o »i N-m.988a1, 1q81.8aFS 0885,nq.-d 058898 Sin i sa.81d5 unh8 i Me bond. mon» the f0W Ofa -oscidta 19 /% S te yor beglivIg ,.8tbconti«ia888a188808of10% SERIES DATE BFORE 1977 StRIES DATDI977 T0 1980 9~no98990N9005' 977888v , M.If'f7S..m,=1 8~98pd80705.7' di o s. vt ,467 0858 089990090. 0g7008799 0, 0589409 .o789oS19090,nWSt 9059,9 1Q82 pe SI 00 Bod97of507h7594 9990s79OS4Ig959489988981 foll-S ~ Coourdlnefltof9dS wll 9 79,1 -d -55890111--t0Of S5805 Mo8,99 Dt. tm8898788 981 78999t ix099 ý Q72 7399 984 9379 4 18 1973 7 N" 1985 .45I70 974 75 N 83 22 90 V.1-89 88 99 t8 1975 76 999 1 1981 o 1 198 197 7 8. 985 3270 1977 78 7979Q3 75 99 B97d«S lh.1 t8 -14-1 oS ;Q78779 99999 .4ô 98 979494929794377 979 809 372740 52 51 Mo 9 78817 31 4771 7 W27 CAWNG AI BRIDES-TO- '<eUfxTan5 le planning enother popular brides» party for engaged il who liv in thce Milton ares. I you are planning a WEDDIN during 1982 you usli uant fa attend. LOOK waot WELCOME WAG han In store for you ... e FASHION SHOWS e DEMONSTRATIONS " SPECIAL DISPLAYS e EXCITING GIFTS FOR EVERY BRIDE " NUMEROUS DOOR, PRIZE.S Thuraday, Oct. 22,1981 -7 p.m. 7O 324 Steles Avenue Admttace a FEE.tonl b initaio oniy. To obtain pour peonal inviation for pou end pour mother oreattendant pieae gie usea call. Anne 8787143 Àg%