AI a remdat cf Ilefr i yemam o au ardet buabait fdelluer e Ul, t bava beau the effot b te taistaev"Ici cempalauca -q ceuacd uuu of 1lime. laigis bdofflin letOIL AIsuauar eomeuanty, 10 in mua ffuat ta campte vit m sema nileg ega lellOsa.llaam , jot tt ecuea uns Onaiq ft t R< a1 l rae db. eu rUta yl te Utéaîverage flloear "tateaam 10 tal Utdereoeapplllel te rain lut waaka C- U~ a moto by M. Gry tau racavad ttUt" as raatiue' lb.molen bld baco ra.leadl e elaeac on tao Of Udmm&ln Mc.Tlaelga Contention eu Uthtabat wera ratd e th all foluli gtisa*rT-Bail d.ys. I tal a Itouaîtyke boougssa cibseaud I colddt agra. wtl BythenoftemoALm beg abtle npractîleapitdig and h"lfoccaung tbslue inoot Ia maceohrtf tae bMBA acctva, tte scarad dfilng, excssive waean d tanmeros. trlmala ara taetraa campacinule lward tae ',nthuaStie reaaton."1 mayba thsacmachs. bol examne pacea$asratglpte devalop taeriajt *11kletsarlg o -algradustes WbY Canga acal h.. ail ea outed dole changae rstarages e davlap batter ymunu baabal playar? l'me Eat d Joes nd loi idtyba rap assistats wuld voe hav Id. Bala Cooly appauatl if ha bld lu bailleacble d . sballa, buwt lâ e bIhIWd.pteua ltw te throc aamady. 1 woold h ms pupla e floab au i atisa camns"ty le"amoalle tb stop backwalrd ta tae tybaL Wisther 10 ha rev- adolaeant T-Bal.Two-Ptcb r teilg Ocy-urbon tasa, it p- PMU.tie complu b otbleg le My umatloe Lata bara pilcicsenf ad attiog aloetaif weaare a termaalecee- yatitvile enteioand, more -meratlif wa ara te luave baaabalinlehlbgommlmaffrrtUt Com a e Ut MBA maallg &u"iy Nov. 1 t athUtOptmlt Centrae10t7?Op.e. ad anprua ymr ve"a. WyneaMarchand lCoaebJ &R Setaeg Blades' awesome power leads club to 3 wins In a aceseme dsplay cfpower. wle Straeavlllo ameed ls goal lite le MIlIc Banvil Bles.mlerbnama tbe final=prel outacoed teir oppoation 1-4 ilEBrie CuIagDavtdsoo aed winingthre ami lu wek. Camercofirad goaliforMiloeneblla widsstdte onlauht wthi a Vanaietauvai, WakY, Dl Paya a.ed lO.wl ovr Dd Tr&eOagd Hore added aslta. Slae. al j:, eil 3tStodybar turead back savaal Shttvllle doabllg thé cera n Goer -3oe aces.letisa Milton goal. Sueday aternece at Meeorlel Arona. Bldea turnad le thar but ffrt cf Banvil blitad seven ss e the tIhe yar aglleot arc-rlval Duda.goal e té ldparodtli miegtow. th. loottl aD Vaeaotauel Ae absence of teo e arsrombd and Buae DavtdV a I=aerr contact ddo't brt Banvil astae club wtlb tee goae aiece w elinaglea proved ttcold tlittas wall aadleit went le Todd Hrne, MkDalp o ut Darran Shaw ta, s alo m Bnvitlad 2-t after onea perted and Dolceanmd Broca Cameru. i" htion acerdfr four sacond-Psrod D kv e th t Oba.maits gaowb oldleg Gergetowne cff 1ýiDe t ,'Wn __- __y a l ad leo Bkduerupted for thre goalil tetb aand Dhvldom.wttbhiesecod of firtprod le stroelsvtllanmd thonathebaaina, corad le tha mddle frama heao Uarut of tae wy frtae 3-1tle pottae cemmlondlg lud YESWE DO!O ýWEu tE 4 CYLIOD INCLUDES BRAKE plus tas AND TIRE INSPECT7ON W THIS SPECIAL OFFER- FROM YOUR LOCAL DATSUN DEALER INCLUDES: " PARTS AND LABOUR ON A 4 CYLINDER ELECTRONIO IGNITION* " 4 SPARK PLUGS " DIAGNOSTIC CHECK " DYNAMIC COMPRESSION CHECK " TEST ON ANTI-FREEZE " BELTS AND HOSES CHECK *MODELS WITH POINTS AND CONDENSER EXTRA PLUS MANY MORIE PRE-WINTER SPECIALS LIMITED TIME OFFER 00 DATSUN DEALERS OFFER SETTER VALUE? aYESbWDO! METRO ANDi AREA OATSUN DEALERS ASSOCITION AND ASK ABOUT DUR DEALER SPECIALS! CALI: MARK or DAN 8784137_ _ NomTH M D DTS LM. L~~~ 610 m"thist, 1.IIIIIII SIXLA RWI'DLOT. The Canadien Champion, Wad. Oct. 14,1981 C3 l COLISION I Piâching should stay in the game CLEMENTS Et NOBLE INSURANCE AGENCY t M ALLTHE LI§OIR , IN THIE vvom- 206 Main Street, Mih- 878-7217 WE SEI 1 A 11 Ci ASSES of INSURA NCE F.W.B. FITZG£RALD INSURANCE 216 Main St., Milton, ont AUTW CHOIRý-I -ý Oy TW 1- - - fflm- P EN 7 A i N 878 '326 cdàstle building centre