810 The Canadin Champion, Wed., 0«. 14.1981 rnu r? ~ mF ~ 1~ I!JuUUI&Wwm.Ue U An underseny Dear Editor: Thee commenta are drected tu te readers of a ltter y Mr. and Ms. J.W. Baft of Miton, wtach appered in the Sept. 3o tanne of The Canda champtan. The article was entttte 'computers goofed". 1 arn the one ceoponnîble for comptr-related prohiento of the Hattn Board Of Eduatton. The contenta of tist letter are my aiea pernonat feelings and thoughtsand ont fnecesnaity fhaae Of tthe Board, or any of tas emptoYen. Camputera dont goo, in mach the aenne wny as automotles dont canne accdent, witoml peopie tln qote a nte fhought. ta have a machine ta paon the hock i, ta, a railifcanit rehut! Sa murh for that. Mr. and Mms. Raths tancera nmondo the roaticts eimeen cafeteria hmmvs and Oe ttmetahlo aanrirgned iheir chldrea. An n Parmit, I cao appreciate thin siation. 1 gse the ftang that riggored ths responne ta anc pargraph ia their tetter, and Id ike to quote that ere: "fi wold appear ta my hmhband and myselt. the Hatoa Board of Edncatioan stotalty irresponsihle ta iheir appcoach ta ploanin their clanses, or are the sindenta nnppnned 1o nt iaconveaîence the Board lna aiy way" t do thinh thts oaa an averty harsh tatement ta make. Il maY h, however. thaf Mr. and Mms. Raih dtd nef reatize the magnitude ai th Boardo activities. E.C. Drury han an enrlment Ohin year of 801tudenta. iho are ffered a chatte of 205 eparate courses. Each niadeof rhonme his or her cournes tram Oeltit aif20corses, according to therrtevet and preferecle.Thin in Youth centre Dear Edtr: Re lTe Golden Hlrseshoe Chrtian Yoth Ceare, 4ois Treinaine Rd, Miton: oor the pisi 1 yers, Mc- Lorne Seotland an lesa, ai aa charge,.a parcel nf land in the GHCYC This prie perfy as suhsequevly graated ta-1 fre tafus by the Tonof Oahvitte. M. Sottaad nana retirai) iohes ta have this land seveced and the 110le la this propeciY Put la the name of the Yanth Centre, hawevec. is reqitet foc land everaace as een deied. With respect t th1eintentionaoft Oint y- lai, 1I ieh ta pint ontthOe aeed for tis aYath Centre taor coooaatiy. ThC editraltcotaronseaf Oe (fo- mer) ahîtle Journal Record and Oakvdlle Bearer neiespapers ear iteiioetuthie aeed for truciured actiittes and or places lac eens in gather intad o cogrefaing ai Hopedale Mal VoUth Services Network Halion Refion baa con dctlid research 01tochealarmi levaof vandaliSrn raunai by tarai temn. ere is a pogr m 1001 Oa praven tinlho effetive in deterriat youth-relaled pahies for aearly 20 years! t have heem atteadiof the GHCYC avec the past io years. I3rng thin ime maoy yout-oreatetl attiviflea were unilable to people such s mysel.asan aaalternative tr Satarday ight drug drinbîng parties on Prevaent inasociety today Opportuviies 10 mot rieads, encourage one an.iher in iheir Chrtain commiil mentl, gain ex- pereoce in pnblerelatons public speaig and performiiotas well as ved shot mg f ain0elufine sodenta hag Ihir mind, toa ethenscitoo, omt fo theares eore te nom ohool pear ninct. Noi, if ym tink about te *et-t nariat nigilimare itin ttaaccmnmo-t date the pereal*c1 dt a vry ofadont ' tltotl tc e e tofiltaI cannaI ho elved, i ilI ha eqaite cloar iehy compaters naoed tedoail. Taking inoacoosidraioa the nutoher ai teachersaaelable, te namiler oa i l iot inlete day, te student' persnal chatte encurses, the dependancieo or prreqoisteoflu courses an eoc h ater, and 1he tat there re avec 101fl,So t0 imetahle tomiinatian poasiiliteai ttC. Dracy, one can nselloal ift sabsolutely imposible, even if yon had n rena* ful of compilera, ta pravide eacio nd enecy studeai wlith oapesomlty taltred fimeinite of ha or ir chitte. I suppose, aifcorse, if ym dotlled the teachiog otaff, dmhhied the building ine. and dauled te athoot' tan levy. if cmtld ho donc. I heieve thaf not jot om, hu hy fac te greater mjaclfy of omc teather, do tare aau te 'hanan noe ta" u fdenfi. 1I lo kna hat0 i07 taf hOe Computer Cere tare about the «hnman asperts." lisat evident hy Oe dedicallm mand long boum hbelmeen May and Sepltober thai me pti i, trylin emanure on fie as posai le tof the situations M. and Mrs. aIh peait about. M. ond Mu. at ymr cmmenta were on nndeaervod ahol ai ome o- celent and dedicated peple ai Oe Hntov Board ai Eduaone. E.W. Jottymare. Milon, Onario, works the daveta ita rplatoa sitta are aa= ffheefiamay an have reaped tiralifitprepoea Oie Yneflo CenreliTeýe tn idio f nl han heen mainlained hy dnaions (ta pay tac heatnf and hydre) and hy the vaunteer efforts of yanf le and their parents ta eui paon and keep Oe groundn and bnilding dean. Speakiaf persanalty, 1Imsaforded te appatuailY fa write and ing mY own sngnf, ohicit tend ta elfhf years of alagiafng mri-prntessoatay, aad the pradnction off00 ahalff. Ottara that attended atof wiOi me dsinf orteea yeac, have gone an ta mariafge andcoing ffamiltes.,o hv pi-edcarerasoudoolins, nirses, techers, chirapractar, sacial waceta, deatitt, patarS, lamyerranad mtasoaarlea ta Mneea lew. An the profram Directr (inte Aufît i1M0) I have een te YoOi Centre confine ta preide support ad encourafemtintt the naittquent iren genraliams. An maoy as0101 higit school and univeraify afed youftno irminOohville, Hrlioglon. Milto, Hamilon and Mhsainaufa attend tino Satarday ifhta of evMrymanlh. AItoimgh pcmservatiin of tond la an important issne, the prenecatiln of oryaung people la af leasi an im- portant! Please camsider the vanc ut the GHCYC ta aur cooosoanify, and snpport Mr. Scotlaod ta hs requet for idseeae. JoAne L Thrneno H.A. ,B.E.D.,B.S.W. I Profram Direttar Golden iluraeshnc YotfhCentre, 3neWatuon Ave., Oakvifle omm vna»vin Itwemonue ioeaflO~M4 f.v- m 0ouI Jelinek opposes betthi govrtoaott atcntyto tod onu atomne charne.dMr.IU»n*ae n Tho tona eau Wz% E are "ttnoa o a rejectud lit ere Itt aif o - nioetnoo0 L 0 m npoo ~~ attve member. hndilo oIegoni M r. pntna Mc Jeltoit reoe Tly 110 Otie tapti n e moral proohlnsofn te tu ov f te Proie- 0WnDehoad «ad onete ora mintter ne fiom enado mt=« Weddiflganda funeral noted ,'vZrnnetet anda Sy0mpathyta extedemaWe marrîd one Friday Mc..amn Mca. Jo tanlthn statue OCof & taMr. Ea-1 McMllano ne nenMi Oct. 2 ta Sf. Sib ttha lie Egoi "clota ta el ofmmd Roy fon erîy ~Peere Ctrtit, Ninlit Une, Rrnit, sud te ffeavte M. D DuePmOu'0 Ln, hy Fate 1000011e ru es le t -Tiaseticly nd:"I -ary yM» C aiensoft loo nonotM.ad .Jock rnraly wcet," Mr. MeMm iOto Id Spe- _____ _ lthe brde te te foc- HoMie' neoa.. Jeltek said"There are butwishs inMc. 4Wmer0W le- <Oa 8011aofilbe yeong co1p1e ailI raemîoefoc tocpta.Fmet a-Mc a Jagm e loemiaDratOalodo daugitetr of eaes at RIDnmqulo- t tevel itethoitd medayt Fomer minis ter a t anniverSarY -Te IdrIpool Streelaflte çetoetry. onu H.IaImm iemot i cjl oiren Sgttday Set. 2V, 1011 gane, a sitatnte t A lMen of Nafmaldlaod, weas ner tfeuia f apen the pouolbily of Sarnia, Mc. Anta ntverarY =ri aI .amm wre Wtw inmr f1000 fiing. Baker and Mc,, SiirleY OtoagilPeoyoinWhoe.C.Plten mr 1.tomiaun "-We've amneat0sonrf BelthbrongofaiToronet Cto a srvce tls anuit. Theoho baeaer 1 n peoa af thittfhappen in the00leroyof SmitlhF011s and S»ie aîenod alylt un patrOagiR. W.L ,ntdSatsarey». RouofaiCalgary,, 22 7.31 p.m. atlo-clod mwa RerByron $itnc aiMile mdofn.W ha aid. gcmdciildre, o-nefst fomner memitero and Muin wnOfaiAtoatr ilgoi en roaet iltides gcandsn an md oeanc rnda frOn'Miltan' Mc.ONevn w000 MBW"i nmorltemqpattmd have argned 1001 tegat- brefier lalmn a EonTrntOk IOuai o iha nOeea lt nrio talog »momelittoha's tinteT rMc.Oord*n vill, Neinn ndollor citoacioe or Saei YO MerieMowre poni afredy hppenaf Wtala, Mia. centres for moniop, tram 1102ita1f04. n'embe ci of n alInait Oi e rom o ConMltont.t ad f te 0 turcin tacap- M. Noota delivered Citrd Choir i yon AT lnfad n hpton 'acnt F M ili on 8 8t56 yote ront nrd ha pepaed tac the hrtauhe "earteOàtn nuooeO. Yo'tl ecoahînpnad inoo ine inaipfine through the ho-M e ah niostana nhairthon ohessinu h Yone "For Pooe CvOmnec" in louves500yeuopen00 Mo it tveas ofeepte end eeohtomo. For exempte, ào amOr Mev pressnt n onie te boy on rhtuh ho doueno ntend te foitarnthmnneh. Yu novemoka eten hse.d on nooptn Ilaonlv to n t h eeoprospet" lhid no Itetonofa cooeptnte aooioement A Pmfemiota ot oih«iho e 000 aoeenauon anmeok ito CUR OSITY ettae ofoer and on t 000evbelons Ihdone 0ev hum. SEEKERS Intactui h pgetroo i O oufoir uwnnoievagtiteoshael ovnyemof i hioacMn. Ho vara oitin pospecnte by advencenod ottasa ne v donne mho ame daftehotprpet- .1811EVBIOURU titre00 hes- otntetokvnehu -to n teput vosehonte. COUNTRY HOME Lnney 3 hedom icnhungaaow.2 lionatav tofonhaînuhm1,00 000v on har and woh a rgunooden rîcdod $0,90D end the oatdoiie i ,houai Oiaioouvu, taahOd puy dowe the o vinaOe 0v3%. Forai arnoae anrge mer nardo i h erru the dotiln, ralilJeancThomson, 7-OU6 fruit Exelet cuntrylnaone Anoto o 87"-767. nec012.00. Ca lSonllePrtoe 87"5or 022-122. JUET REDUOED Try yuoiaeronthninnisell decooietd 3bOaiimvhomrne. itîntai $779W. Onno inanin, Odionn, sparmetodicoon ro, iealce ndrio esrnd gardon arjun a eeî ai thne ,u1ijuOits. Lre ,notnOoiai 10% 0)0 a -onday finianconononaiiabl Col[ Jean Thontern, 8780666 or 878-077. Foi Salo e, nlnate titai0.01cîa O land.OBuldinga aîo'oV fltinfor nevînti- mateltrsou.m0par Montv % Onenom inaailahl orlart. Cm)ld bnuitotseca park la o ve mie Slouo anevavo fev 878-8M02or JotnieMfnein878-294220a Art ou e mi Cat Doleo lla ms 0 S'Ow 0,nc ' nM, ho J APPI.EY UNE - M10,0 The polaire dauetnct il .This oae munet ble n o ta ppeiatod. S2ittd , ten oodorpnet hin gim eidi 111«eaOnt uroednt tanate ihte 070-an J.. Kr oU hsn FitOUCEO AUAIN)Voiidirini onatfm-000 4a maah bdoncie toi tue. 70hbtfor N"v honte nanotaint, uni nana igM ni ta! hhoa teeiehdm. heirn eitdoo. 8 dm,. agità fa*iom wamloOfiouduce. 1Thi o RUtoU- dmonO.ri, fou n appointoaet 0W - " a mîntin pomimUo)Appaonhnotnv-CeM. sprnag d paemiafoteoisina end netaoior htig. beotwuvn o d thineecru ohado fac counnltrV sa nino 0n am VootÉiO tIn m of tIté *te0iOnithe main olmOtOhu OS oiwoO bInthe hdO mm Coq o. oo«» 0 «AV (ne un-ne). 10. LTD. cREATLY REDUCED *77,00 Ina)) am theille ,ain hsnooelrS3ad rono cli, ronveniontlt o<.tai clo ioscooads, shopinavd thaGO rain. Cou Stellia PIrnetni87000M5 Or 6221122 - four bodrooran idespit - 5% paydown on noe mortgage - ate lai - 3 bedronin bungalow - large gamen room - nitoly landncapad loi - main floor famity rooam ithO large oui-ia hifchen fireploce pariiaily oompletod banoment -close fouît uamenitien -4fh bodroomn or don roughod n baoamoni FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL BONNIE WATSON 854-9990 OR JACK MtCRU DOEN AT 878M6 OR 878-0666.2 YOUWILLLOVE TREAMREB ARE NOT LOCATION PWS - lm ý À,@ 1 ALWAYS BUMED THE KITCHEN This me is 1 ce d just 5 minutes out of This 3 b.d,..m h.me '-s-ci 1.1 Is cHoosE iT OR LOSE ST F-1.111 f-t onq and loadoli -Ih 3 2 Il., Il '.'-nàd lI1ý il q," 1. tu 1 l Is alm..t ffl,000 l -;'.de --m ah et bal, f-pla- and -alk'..t 'e Auquet 1964. 1.11 1.ýkiê" g.,.g. end a 6()' x 140' lot. Cell now Jim onto largeerap atound dock. To soit this Kott 878-OU6. rdumm 878-OU6. p.toff at 878-8m IL 8-AYR-Y MacLFAN'S PROFESSIONAL, REAL ESTATE TEAM