II ~ Tisa Canadien Champion, Wed.. Oct. 14, 19813 Placement service for nannies grows as parents.s66k options to day care Dy tMislà by MUnàà ieslematecejUreaupc a ient Of an affecliaita, ptttasstd waesas th han anme Wdly tlatistd a happy ii'sdet09tdrie * n s e is cfnriss ci stthy parente andai rai=cstaal ala nf sant ite. aunje Wb ie rIand timtisr wrappad ap taeoSsadtiseyadanaisar Watt, esseladctntarpetcetaanyte, ian retlepllkely tareettt l eeAndrmn ocs rai t atatticaon tisa deastd fan tissapwrprluli thm neisar taicatat thébdulaslahOOitisfg cffst mary par, astn t ted 5SltOdoestslc Imm ÏFoesMthsecald am W00 itgtti Ontario aione, an aeccrlsietoGds Dreyer,es --sneMlhSselstdCaesdlse Mald. MNacoé, acnmte taUnDr««a, ana-t lnrai aiisevel fer anth i ci Suta OUIlpitlad antatlalaterstatve ta othea fofrsae dayes TheldkW fanr isiMaid" wae harn fine ym qagi han ahiwcia canstg f«a alange anti seusllpaerstelt sasty -a aplace- mentefficer., , A stgle statisa, "ha nnetd han far-year- ld ganini a daycar prigren, Sut sha cas con- carnad ler chiliwaa nt raciinng staticlant pr»Wiae. Th idaesf sterttg uplarosnt cmasnay and nou h5 ast oy tis p!Ulaha siiar tineslefno i, shaqdth«rwel-yiech to wor s ar anns esandrstixnîletexa- laton asi- t sea ice t ais e trugglasi te ,gatis Unests tuntrefflte roslfd. Tedsa d hiri, an th anangae, a doaai ncgW oeryth nUfruit Grea, Spain, lia- ly, Engerd,IePhilppimtand tJatenica. In Ue pt tIs earaanstisahan paced mnie lisant meegirs ie. cthe Ue ap f fitimne ens- plo tattnsg aroind he orlw ie l Msrs. Dreyer serb o ut, et an office in har isslse weesehe inerviews prospaeeclieata. Han arcy requines lSle stinartislng. Mar tias ha ef br buseinessa cae s resgsr- ferraisafrodnihappy cietoers. "lTe demantdfor naneslalatre. Peopesr listing fr wsenete ea la alseSys ging ta ha with the childtef," sie expnpe :1fayenssatt, yed da't setewnr about tsecietdren. Yeu nws omeeusnse l wth Uen." Day cae may coet n ss or nV$6 par cid, but whant a fasiy ndtl lang St two ar tirea chldrtheliexpane e ncensederaisle. TIsa cet fhfrlngàsiiysewananla sppmrtataW . Maam r eeal 5fdre cafsats lTse asaini lesai i th ha isad sfai brs witlh the basarnat dm.nta eynfst S the weh. of oiaternatsdasraithegft5a5daai Whma ngirl teaitstriewed, se met ravide et tisu tw a ttlaetrarcomnaetiont, an watt as fitlno gnapltaication forte. gshe mest ave an ap te date h.itth cat- ifcata andha clear M any criminel record. Mns. Denvea at requesta a handeiritten let- tertframte girl wtis r reaaen fornepllying. Many et han contacts wlltitrview s an ay as 30 gist evany day, fie days a wee, part- lcutarly In ceistries sehera yeusE carntare tcadsng foanmppottaity ncoeeineCanada. liapasdieg scn tisa county, Uep=ceofe hringlng s girl anr msy taie anycha rem two ta four mentha ad te semacaaesu t ta z ýý erhaln ntt o ffer. T isMpe me nffie i oan fi n jb fe.Ter Apety Spy trio. Irsh natmy Mary McNally and ber two chargsCrsCt beckil, andntater Lias, 13 arealal pretty good paln. She is up m gth morning to bat them g et off to chool and there w benotftay gel home. Nannies are oflen a nuLble and economicat alternative to other pots ofctay rare. llelping wth cheres. Lina and Chria Colbeck hetp Mary McNally with tce dioner table preparations. Nannies araeflot juat servants, but more like famity mambems in mail canna according to Gtdys Dreyer, president of Canadien Maid. Approximately 15 par cent of requeta for nannica arc for single parent homes such asainibis Milton household, said Mrs. Dreyer. Drever and ber counterpart in Oe lrignecourn try. Met ginls psy for Unir ese trip anar. tnt smeasmen thny ara Selpedti sethe saprs- spectiveaemployer seiseltertiatiect saecet sf Os trip frsn theUns enintgn etan egraati rata. Mns. Drvers tee r findisg Osa rigit girl is $«s. anti se tises net cmel her service is anar- priced. "t gsarentaa Oe gsnds taSuos parties. Il Osra le e prssnality praisten, sec silI sert it et," ahaseaid. A girl la naner lft setutf jboistuselaandtfor hennItf, se nit, dting Ua tenntanty agent- ries sipa hir Sentis clesnt et Osa girls once Osay are plaeat. S ais hard nate* Sat atotes ot girls firati fr oetaressent se entUr asti litae5y Seteti out of Oseeissasa. If hat ehaelti Seppen, Osae gils havaenty prinate numentan se Uey con arerbpbap eeer, aveu if itlasteiddle et r.li D,'nn rever sali, addieg UieSebs ntenaPlppfed wih oneferciens. tn enly tws canes, girla have racarnnd hanta (tee young eontantsntto o eteiisto Se bhep- py era andthie sacsnd girl sens pichet ap fsr shapliftintg. Mns. rener prides ieseaf witS cisosisg girseSe soris st well sitis n leeily antd Secoealtest natnsily meeter reOser Oas "jastea nenny. " AU nantieenhirati anea ndtsorking tasse letige ot Esglisis. Many, scheas ilipinen also hae nnnintg or teaechng qualificntios. Tise agenaIosahenansien vrensanti scIas depandsnonnc liant's prfarenra. Englis girls area eenng tisa yamgent, eniti Mns. Drennr. Usually snlisir lace, cern, tisey are lasieZ tr a chance l l in Canada fur a yeartseat.w Filiptenos eear, are sten onr 25 yeaanaId and ara leniing for n long trte position OaI selSlsteas long asepossible. Many rtarn tlaOsahir honte onca Osir via î'5 np and reapply te este a ScS ta Canaeda, sise seid. Mn raver spacinlines in iiring Filipîns soene iase Osay araOsaeniet popider, sisa tnid. 'Mostrcontaficent ery large tantilien and are ascrentaly affetinante siUn chisdrar," sisa said, tescriing tients shy, nild and merS peopla, St sitis nry secil tSeitsa s easc nniontlity Sas ilsentcharectaristice. "Englisis ginls ara yoenger, SaSly, otgoing anti indapentint" ,siesa eiti."Tiespantiss tand run thOshantafor Ue larnily. APPOINTMENT 0F OFFICERS METROLAND PRINTING & PUBLISHING LTD. RON LENYK MURRAY SKINNERI TIM eSITTAKER WAYNE ZUBEK Vice Prenidet ViePsdnt Vce Presdent VcePresident John Butler, Praidant, as pleanetao announca lise appoinimant of officers for nawly-tormad Mtroland Prining ubSlisling Ltd. Whila lise nama ss etisa resoarces tisaI Mtrolanti represanle are sealI establiised and welI nown. Merospan Prining & PuNSlsthlfg Lfd. and nland PuSllising Co. Limitati have .Atan FaePr"U- AlsIhitb Caniantan. teeitean lutin Pmhlag=l5cl.IlélIWUM. _______ long Sean racognized as the leadlng community 1 newspaper groups, n Canada. They hava gacis t produced, and been acknoeldgad for, Ihair high 1 quality commercial prlnflng. Togethar they maka k Metroland, the mont powerful suburben press nafwors e and one of fhe largent coud teS painfars in Canada. ylRlnkwng NesAdnaatlsr-A. ae,«@ BnlNmusfnaf Er&.- set t ien - sianungt s t - EtsbotbfetnaAiainttinftie * Elsêfa pendent - Moshamlnf.nanhiff isemai< Sa- MItse CandIen Vs . Piaf CaiIsemia- * eatt tits Sffl * titIsYu* Caimmn f.ie .aS mlSt*tdd tttttTtsiffiel LIsei *aaSit l ime Filipeno-tsy antd quiet, Sut affectienate and nery pretectine oethtie chistdres. Greeho are liSe tise Englithin lersanelity, Sut mûre attes- tive te oseswarkdetails. "Cliente gentraly ciosea chat tisir friande have emtptoeyd" saiel Mns Drener St tise main beiIe lwsy lafied a naeny wse iseeu ieacontpatiblesithe antily. As teucis as se taises peinst t findthtie rigist girl tr a fanily. Mns. rener aistasSe oul fer tise ntenny's Set intarests. t biladose coupe e ho ret1ested e nassy and t tarned Oent dese. Tise site wsathe swnetant pent yes seulti anr wenlte toeet, Set tha iseimd-if eenndliesaiaaidlamper. " tnt anoUer cane a sngle iatiser witis fine ciildres sene livnin sa esennent epartement and Mns. Drener did estt eslt Uis wsn suniteisi livng arrangemenst fr aeamny. 'Ysu haaeta Se carefl a t Oe clients ara gingieopenidean gendishome," sh aid. aSheisas ptnced nsnnlen wiUhsne latttaeas wee, Sut tUnsi tedace cith ceeiderabie ceae avoid any preislemnt. lise SuIS etlier cliente are a si, tiddle- rIassetantilien, umeatly desile-iacste Senes. tI have ane amnity wisre haUn Oe histand and sife ara taciery sorean,' seid Mns. Drener, St sha aiscertan10tise Forent Hilt asd Bridle PaUn lita in nartis Tsrsnto. Apprssintataly 60 par cent of lier bseines centres in Mississeega witis Brampten and Militon cemnigsnet in linen.lShe als places nans sies as fer eest as Oshawa anti as fer sest as Guelphs. Whisitise psy ir set iigis, nansien do enjny a lew astra eSefita, sie aid. "Tisagirls araentore canftlaila eian tiay arr treatml as a meneer olise tantily and ot jeat as aerarnnt, anddntntt ara liSe lantîty,' saiti Mn .Dranar. Many ara nry ganerosstl tisir naesy. TSey sell usualîr sspply senta itar cloOsîsg, if thsegirl dosntihvany.- -TSey will bsy Osant tle Oisgs 10 show hir appranstias. andi if Oera in a trip sastis for Ue fantily, Osa sasny is taesn alsng aI ns cet laSer.' As a sernice ts nascînt, Mns. Drever pts Oe girls in tasch is seiOscns Oer andi arranges a couple ofparties each year. Mn rener cnide Sar nae bssinessaa sacceso stsry asti ispes tasopan titer sffices is tisa future, Sot for naseas SeaUer plant. Se racantly earrieti anti n Osisiing of ait- iîsg taOsth antily andtdits oeaof tisa frst liintgs secmuest do, (assseaspects ta carry on lier businss) wsill etotsire ananny. WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SALE! SAVE $100. MW 61FuU're -n -dle for that de.-ti- al..k Ra mg.*39.5Now *299" 15% te 20% Off Most Mode/s EXPEATSE WDNGMA CINNE RPA IRS FREEPICK-UP &OELIVERY - REELESSONS J & R Sewlng Services 878-6497 DIRECT WA FACTORY OUTIET A£L TIME TO WINTERIZEI ORDER~ NOWI SAVE IrF ON FREE MEASURN SERVICE ALUM. STORM WINDOWS ALUM. STORM DOORS PATIO STORM DOORS REPLACEMENT WINDOWS AND ENTRANCE DOORS WE ALSO INSTALL ALUM. STORM ALUM. STORM WINDOWS DOORS a~~26a .stmne39. WOO PONAI1E 0 NDPDU$ 'SAVE NOW! COMPLETS E5 4 dINLETEKIIT I4 IOIP cH h, t. AM I """' "ai" """" S" F..dm, au d n i .... ..... ,,aacst vaday' A,d -TM ,. ý,B 5PCA 0 1/e U$ vvirk, P '91"n i 5roOFF ,alaOT'co 'I 11,5.i11, n os enW ,î si$i52 .,Nci J. ese ýl11J jf, I I e J' ""s ""c Rd 5so eqnnwîn390p-Rd 7 Kra g d i I LONG OtANCE: CAl-I TOLL FFEE 1 i