l'h. Canadien Champion. Wed.. Oct. 14, 1901 9 unen entit tha ettettu sertace lu bruweed A tee guba' nt'teeldey'e llqetd shavtes suasie tisa egg pelle qetckly and esetiy. seap upraped ena mirrun lu tise bellersuen I» enpoueueate riais clte flaser beefortuea spaialoccaston? Àamnean aw nu Uipa bu cheola mhte=nu snc Sesa un seset pisnm ai euh e sste lor "àac an huer lesmamnirat natar mIn nichs b ean mptiad a sui bottis e go atiltood cetrles ut tisedtn peu ned Dnt discrd prsnt, suitafflunrt- tacha cum.lut hacmmeatie hadie le brelaen. itapiicetUe hend i s trttg am cllr. Thsa eaubc prchuu d tan îjèchapiin muest pet Stormeoeunte s pet supplis cacha ifscpermerbea. ley comantartenohm nlad celersethev " "%epty bu mastaheil up wtselUsatutr outhUe iâsWt orsam e.Sip Uth lerà Usa-te mtiluead teathe lu se neyen fMn muet Uths tan carrylet. DrlvngsalUnhr rcd lnactiglelMMurnru lnea a récsaad cru seeretUsea lene linge r unhaner enbvigleg omsCAMcenb ehiapM lt a i 1cieng Usu teck trUscegea strl tof and hldng liea d iasut un keorlanger cai. Strtlng i, poinitftise longer cai l ldrive la Ue tac Just beferethe tac sll»esld, inar tise piper frai. + =JcunsunDc rmes ta nunle shu hadbflO.LThe P-au O A cheaep ean diffarent G.e racletcn bu mcadeneoutfa «'hasiea' ladder. Peautnl utce tha a fser e us. It setI plac ue s eudetie eaectton. Flattensd ueplinupotsnon tc regtuleer bunvy ftmrnle thae bse placede bu re- storsd ile ii nai conditiotO uea stan ,ir.an he toubace and tns* anar tise flatteed ares, abeut an inch A dwv<Z«Ummbhsngr -enbu cn nerted intoa edm*d bag haldur fthe is kitaban. Fld bagla tata squares eand clip tagetiserinetise hanger. Ise hanger tabea : ' lttie space hung up in tie cleaeleg ciZeorunktcbs c p*.d. An emergmcyhatael ca eha mdi ct ai sneanvelope. ettune cornr se Use hle ile twase eugle ta allen cny I&Mdil u san Ueturner frusua en svetepe Ust ceas- laleed leesitmai untalle. Antesr widet ypan er naneil tafIM a smati-etcleud bottIs but cnt flnd e&sat- able tunnai iry talas hait ac eggeleell tUs & suai n piceain lita end. Tise "el sefinh ique isu ebrittisaid cen bu um M nce f tltalepacedInlatise sle tgh t hewiesufcy. rWO Cake type dmaepllemtte Gai Isave hume bard feuntenpeeae'e ta tise air cac ha reclalmed by epilubite e tew drupe nf lurpantinu un tha peltas. Replace lid set aatde tur a tew hbanansd thea turp' seitl seen seften tha pllul. wnul give tise mirrur eàsape 51515. Spread the uap uner thesa caeeltie episseou damp paper luwellng tiene pullule selea cteanclctth un shaet out esepaper. Tlis tnealueettwfll aise spt rment tnggleg ut the utrrnr wselh aety remlta uee tha hathtnb lu filleil wth hat weter tc Glu shaner has bain aned. Dp EdilI iSarp 1 fln a day unwlnetp spent, if!1 have ntt helped semene. "-Centw" and "nhartng"-two waren sorda. Md you reatize that God a see afruen the "lnslde" tut, ont the "nutide" lu. Its what' in us that cutsl,nt shat we louot 11e t niharu. "Failure" lu uly n dttur lu "nuc- eu.,, 'lse wha donnttrnst theru are nt ta ha trtated ihenenelves. attentionyU tet truen peuple sebu tan- mertp nuhhedyuu. lisera sa lwups sorethbsg chant unes suecenu that dupieasee even you ehst triendu' Mre peuple wtutd gel lu tise top, it onlp Uep rematned "un Use laea." "Grattude"int Ue attitude Uat sys "inrti amust get, then Iinitgive," ts the atttnde Uatsyn. 1am"lau fusletaorn the wny thlugs are, noI thaesay Uep might eth.' NeaagaWaval Womn's Inattute held a "Homefet" caf ta demontratcm nd sale at Brookvill Hall Saturday. Martha Hoey was ume tW demonstrate eplnnlng and cardinfi of wool, theoldfelhifed way. 0IIa . 0 "letulleu" e a a rès ilg cuussitp peaptieaI lm p 1 ceng cuww mure eselslai ai umau1111 unnina, d aeau- te advullasaelseslbuasa serteaU= askit al'fe t mi bdldolUfele. ,er uelt et aà§t oi MaisPetk. LuT dNe.n ieeaideMle l ya l;il ps. .Ne ami fasaste eslit lliea accepel by lalepIse JAYCEE@URvV Wed. Oct. 14 ta Sel.Oct. 17 - Mileu Jiycaas s ulceàct a Ccmnistp Airttsve, t te inea in cuneeruofuthUe cnuueetty lieu IraitunaNricaulas i tl bey = r a mU s i r a lrti ip ti o n R ein t i se hbiae attv. SOILTON PLAYEDaFALL I3ANCE Frlday, Oct. le, bar eam'a il7.30 t.. A ufet sellibu haidt 8p.u. Ariaa Tickat aa scie8.50persan. avllibte et 9" utTrvelor phona Jan i Vta7-M9D. IGHLAND> DALL ttrdip, Ot. 17 rom 8 peu. ta i c.4.-iie hitiin aid District Ppe Bansd preanea Hilnd bi ta b bel$ai MltonMemoialArase. Admissionale$7.50 prpra Rarathuanta lcludad Futebr contact John Sandeesai 877-7M7uor Vcky Bonnehoueser ati 97-610. PIIOTOGRAPIiT uESaON Sattrdcy, Oct. t7 train .30ta.m. lta pu--The Mittan MHtatacal Society tutihavea.a phulgraphln essioanenof nid loaetphso toUs a heMilton Public lhbrary. Brag pesr frleesuand Unir ni 1hla Thre wilibu cattéea t anustpsd lbat ut ait, peu an sule pue. rerluiser testrmatiun plumne cati Mms. Peun Mcttiai eVe& GIANT FLEA MARKIET Satsrday, Oct. 17 ram m &11. ta 4 lilavantwW b ai tSm ilPun S" ta Mallea fuuds tue chool = uiec. Vedlgtablu are avaiahie i $15. If pratsTied, itema nti hataben n cosagnuant rnm 7-ta S pu. Wedaenday Oct. 14 and lieunedap, Oct. 15 authUe sehaul. Donation ofbtks und ther It toutlut grutliy apprecitid.P'or page ai 878-99 d1itti it IaiPniîttail FASIIION SHOW1 'l'tudy, Oct 20uitc pu.-letlna lisfia nitarpa =Ulet iethèma eli emr a "Wice andttueee" .eThe s wlibbe W at Usa Liss Mtiae leen=t Use ehaplon guI sbn Nlenen UShowa I ~ nue 8,0ici m eo orSz am aghaWii*C tg "Mut bopihago muralaa m* lac e u dsonWO & Tl. t u nro » Oniarlo gp ou tiesse itfur-part lecure mcert lMâUb uPeblic taseer Lre Graansood.tbwtt il tall on '*asyng un slltnga Rama". RUMMAGE SALE Wadneaday, (W.t21 frnmi10lem tat I pu .-A nrueaigeansd whe lapisai eselli bu bld ai Boueton Preshyturten Ciercle an liird Lune lu MoSPICE CARE FORUM isurs. Oct. 22 et 7.45 pum. - North IttHopitue Cra tteret Group offert a second tamuaity education bSernasie ln Wilims Tewne la, un tihetiUma "Cnmmualty Re- rcsfor Cia aid BEeravnct". Speakers wttl ha Jlm Juns,.ftera direclar ef the MClura Jans. Fuerullieuelen Georgtownansd Dnsa Grter, RN., Spcial Cara C-Ordttr, Mta liailth Services, balvilie. CALLING ALL BRIDES Tbursday, Oct. 22 ai 7 p.u.-Welcoea gon lu plannin enBOUMerpiplar haidas' pirty tor ecgaitrie sehalientee UaMilon cru. Fiesleee.aows, deonasiratiana, special dtspys, nattas g 9W ansd sueusudr prseas silih avail- able. Tahacbeldant tiesaischer-lint Retaurattai M 4 Dtelec Ave. Adoi- lsi a tlfrai, but by invtation n lp. Thai ale uinvitation, plese nal Ata ati n-7143. SCOIJTAPPLEDAY Frdcy, Oct. 23 anid Saturday, Oct. 24-lise MtonaDistric Rap Stentu null but Apple Dcyn. Ruyan appie and supprt Sntetltg. RUMMAGE SALE tictrday, Oct. 24 frcil a.m. ta 2 p.m.-A giant ruetuage sce l wtbh hl le Gruce Anglican Church Perlule Ha. BRgaina galre. Eveupune nielcoeu. SANTA DANCE Satundc, Oct. ;H ram 7 p.m. ta 1 c.m-Mark pnr caisecter. Fund aling dace fruneSata Clausapr- adi ta ha hld ai LicaseHail inlMiltan Mamunlal Areas. lickeatsu utpen cul.Jim Berry wtutbtihesadine jcy.For tickest cati Jha Smralnai el-127ornCilliasi ciai878-3626. POUJCE DANCE Stundcy, Oct. 24 at 7 pum-Hlllu Rugunti Polcu Ascinua tilha h, o. ir unîtnuat -ni liverd.' tî'i At, Militti , rcetdnis0 1 dt' wtt go tanards Ue Cripplee Ciîdren. Eatun Seau sciety, Miltes Chapten. Math "'tmlen"Carry Wright ot Mctoneid"TaamPy"Pet-icla Farde et Man wtt bub audTicsua-ar per persan tneil-ansburc.lâUve t mIun, am a rINIdowdprisedrutu pu ikt I 2 DivlisoatSy8-mi0l, 1 ct.1 mmo1la t thb~t estd gudi» tl an L £E.LI llTe name friends Gent blncsesed and ucs- lendth 191903b.dnnbtlupttauttaa nk,l na n ue &brick, attect i.bungaow, sepasaen DOYUNUDAUIOOUHOEN~ ptp affe bunesecx30 cnt buildi.re eau mute th iaeptentuale. p&n~n u uua uutt anen, lt mtneMauet 10%% utu l 94.Plese e u Hm ftien haent neetc. Pleffl eeu J. MuLare. JAsIu 7tt lus n Cn Pni ie Ha. seucm.vJtMC $22,000. Ontnoftu an an utottheetitil $l7,tt. HlIuesshclildin cites cunty toutyhometantussttet oi 22 Petit unudd spitet. enintuint. sc. tn te enjuna tutu tit une iit ean P& pnd làan et tînepltilu tene38 cessnnh pond$ & nature tieaîslage 2-tuon vGeutaten tinich fbattus. centre hell, 6t ettencountty hune titi @tma Itetleein vsty luar habdtnnts emeetith idtes.tt mn, iing tuent &t anit nue,. Pato otu t ensutero. nl livieng n. luare in 'tutu taunsand attpti. Inteone4 stunaînpool tnit nun tit a uIéel uan Itthut utth and 5lunntlstabtle. Cal itusut itto. bleuet. Pluee l HIngeWieshee. la aucm, lueru ont dhrcentde ttu2 ep.nmttn hale 3 herodinti th 4 p. bath. Cuntry kitupat, essiatadniet tunne. beautunit lantffped lt. Meet ettusb. Plu»se netDeani This ed oiungettalownnu utiOpietu Wtb ituhlargeOttivintutom duet tutum, 2 leepal. Atacuttefnttetngand g nuvnen tute uti. iltedaet $139. lPesCalii BilCrnue TDAIO NAm L COI.ODAL *261t.tctNetleda en ntato eMapies ut a teet 4 ace t thte Canpbeflitie aten tnd eaturngelarcetbedînune. 3 bths, iiopinuen ie liintron Et dinte ngtn. , ate Colotni atcen t.Nnnroetntast Calil net Weh h iPlu pet 2ntoe, yputun e nt p'tteu diitun. tm, 4taditutis, Iieptece.2 nesh- ittttitinttiud lit. tist $t77.Stt Peuce tai DiBial un, yOII'LLiU5PM5Oil Tu uwn se nlftut 2stmytttth Inital living tu Ent dtntungrm uinuttun 4thedinutus,2 baths2 firtWl &eua tetpStinetnlt itt ttîtS ait Pluano e l n1t1Cun $77,M bShnptd d runt, tietyd eest.2 hthe, 3 bdiene, cuti i IdPa, fttstlutO P huepitant luted lut ie uaiet Cenu. ttt.tu tg t ni11% itîot98. Akiet untp $7,0.lumPie aLntdaytJ. MtLaen. 4 bedttenne. t-.chepnd tutu tuun h tuen batbe, npgieded bînedinun, tutuie ndsaed. Nte ara L ttdetaia,90. Pluec»ltBillti I5ACES Wntdednd ith ttean, mnuntes nttl401et Milton. Pentu e llDon" Stut FOR LAEe IuduticeuMetinteet, Miltn.Pinae uaii tenutiflidingialot. Jum mnuntston 4ai Phtiat Vendu n el asiscineueanetg.Pskieg PROPERTIES 5MMEDiA â ý I TSS5I3P5ChoffLOCAYMO- .iitdi555A 3 bedentu' sant. tlnsarg eta cudninutmn, MtS.nssatsanslue adnui patin dutu, in ptit, lvitu otwtu frelâ e Pistee Pnn tut', lttPBan nett t ytar edSplt levaiclou to anev e , PLUSP Sisth utaienttao. Ashntsi u Plus e olDonna tyve lInge cune tr intha luninks van *tttt2sttcv teen ufn:naled ed nu unvbdnums n, ev e dyaed, npgaded nuth ieplate. pun it idetî ulYfned ivinu tut et P.alet ttU9,90t.Cali JSn tunuthlfrnptae evi enelat8edentt MCytCaol Sinill 0vavnnt, Lîn nut4 beduun ,2ulttt mn, Ble, aiv -utihi"n 10ACRE MIsepAcue-u$2000tOi e.' tînt falnito nth irntiactuperktltlun um tnsit iroetut dcitnted whins euSuper cdnpilneain oo an tutu wt aiyoairli nu iveine,24 c nuthbey wndnn, anabuntdnenfnuphcrd iatte ncnst&P tnli toituttu titlîncediapleSuper bren rPuss ct alu te e hntn or n16t900.t Punaecaln Plset#lthe epetetata^ng$130.at . Mtc oomu nun San ectptanmit netage uni tà ls te Mete , lu"senee, MCnOy t Cor tt eln GJn uMCu PtueMar MO.PtlumuP"cluncsSheePalets Canbte onhln Milton 87 10 389 Main Ste E. Toronto Lino 826-9218 M011111@ ~ a sldy Ma" Villa Tary Sond.oRfoaMangerFANI. soi Curea StOHall 4. Inge Wliehar Bron rasn sell e aleS otmeey ciell Lamaeeco llBat itti Donm av-laS Caroe Stonisi Deug sa"war nday Mcl.aMe S7-40 P-IU vubd ~ ,iU 08612 93.27m8 04207 07-20