Reed spent Ies wlnning than Baines did, * S- IdogsL Miv ilohrat *£àii peoni.î Exilases elwawcnteSpndng flgs sWY amY 0ou t.I seh atqu eduls M d nCatee Enrolmont booms at-Shorldan College lread hn =1rimhtl rrata for trdnýavasdows0 U S~ soy isiarisamand10 locations laIn Mt" "se perbta e la si ilan o i, aIet adh ai. and Pel. raulolsa .peoUld-ovnwa ~Irom vo lblaoaol mit 197 t :* Zii a ddtheinl.a- wu@ total oncolment incroas l o-imeiia rjOloO brda aaie botSValo, R lu ilor.çsasl b-lop - forC m ty leryles eotssoda=sadna an =oateaudna osadetsvh er. Part and lé at ,Mltos mod nom ntla1. 0 for 8h. fME "' ~ g dim osnl ooel e Arob t hibr110 are tabhsgtho bacoeassi- nion, tub mmaber la stsont onolii l 1405dy05 OihSIprf diolcusriu.& ri-tm ntlg stanti norease lain speendWtotal tom0 difWent sehchaso rm aiI rata vs had rl~ hr ifpl: Srlcay b nd of lb. dlvis ai ivoai h- eopecled." said Itef- umn <,3) la rlsht on ibe. a r vt lolissi vish " ra acodud Onac Milton Corvette show. turnouit down Successful sae [Hundreds of buyers gathered at the Main St. ahop of Sher- vood Hume Saturday, to bid on antique farm implements vhen Mr5Hume dispoood of a portion of his vast collection. There vere 30 tractora plus some threshing machines andi assrted agricultural antiques in the sale. Shutterbugs urged to enter alttter bug, take lite Cntre.1BR12, Camp- ntle! elivitte lvieeiendsi. Hlon a Regian Co- Att pitoagrapitt must servalion Aalhoitîy viii e taisa withis te geo- onoce agais hld iliagrapincal ioutotarien ai anonel pltograpiy te Haton Regian contet, apen ta ait wateraited. Some pace amateur photogrsplters. la chose ram are: The tems ai lila Maatsherg wildite yer'a compeitiio lte Centre iBrns Nalre Niagara Escarponent Area Camphellvlte and lactades aîy aspects Comrnity Pond, Hilton ai tite tapin aucit as t Faits Coaservation rsi istan, vildlife and Ares Easqaesing Can- ait trentaifrecreslo n ervatian Ares, Motie- relaled ta thte esrp- snakie Paoi Conserva- mnt. tion Ares, Kelso, Craw- Categorien viii inciade frd Lke Conservation blach aad whiteit5 tst, Ares, Carise Commun- cotor priat and cotor ity Pord and Mouat lides. Nemo Conervation Att priaIs musi iv 5 by Are. 7 incites or arger and cnel mot be mtled or tard- .Fllawing liecte st itoard monld. aUl saInes iii iv ce- Entrantesy saesi tuirad. A sel-add- ap ta a maximum nirneof opdeni tires enîrien 10 escit oi npe in'sare d. tietselgaeiea Rgintration irons First price io escitmot iv compleled iy caleory iii iv $25ad escitarnt and thos a 19M seasons cr pas. are ohtianale ai any Second psce innera conservation ares gale wiu receive $15 pius a homse or tite main office t982 pasand third prise et 310 Min St. wiii iv$10 pion a aea- Att enries viii iv tona paon jidged la November hy Cloing dae for sa- s paelai protesimetl tries la Oct. 31, 161. photograpitera and Entries may iv et hy HRCA staft memivra. mai or dlinsred ta oas AI imina piotaographa; ni the olowinglna- wiii iv pahisited la the lions: Halon Cosaerva- Cnervation Corner- ion Aaihrlly offices, sione. 310 Main Si. lweehdasal Winnsa iii iv or te Monaherg Wild- naified hy mal. c.0mdii*poutl-andcOOs non nnPI dmn l lassos t mng smhiqaas seit = grndayoeie pra«06h f Thotued y Oct-- -m-- 0 .M. PM eOy WOUIssenhS.*asO.IOvM__ EXPERIENCE- STOCKS BONDS GEORGE E.C. JACKSON oAVIooON PARTNERS UMITO 827-709 827-7092 Res. 87&-2M8 The Conadian Foaces Sogalas Ollicos Taining Plai orlsenion higit saoot siadanis sWho have cama 10 o ils ilh viai tbsy viai 0ou01fai li.. Il yau sel yaur c olot asai sachxcie- ment, socusiy and saisaction wilh th cnadien Frcsn, viol pay Yoas uiiaa aod psy yvhil ' yaka adeoreninsayonofimoto the. 40 icipl...sat s Caoadien Forces calsgs osa Canadieno aamsdisd univsssty oi yaas chatas. Whea yaa gaduats, yuil ssp sgit int a n inissoniingad visl-paid psiian auaffinas in the Canadien Forcss. rtmors Isforatsio. iaitthîe Canadas cmptoytoeot Centre, 3 10 Mata St- Milton enesy last Tuesilaraifte Montit or mai tlsacoapo. We ar talwInthteYetow Pages aOila, ecritio0. Ibsa ssolit.Litit *5. TRltcanants. - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- Ca..i5as sOnLOF nlla Ca5 1. 1 d asStsOVn oasSsOsLIH 50---------- 1000 IS AROUND THE CORNE A lttie whle aga, 850 lasses aeemned l1ke sfer- L aff goal. Tadlay, we're just sarld th camer fraco 1,000. We're pleased ta an- naunce h. latest addions ta aour Leasing and Rontet staff. Stop by and w're on aur way ta. Leasing aur 1 000th austor. statu. Everyosaone lise hbst inshopiaoducod and neording mne whon lhey vaer WW vont l te.ta M. Renia, theinme ytmg and nov they euanWog ci f lamIIloUfer his vihsinistheMatul afford Ulem" spacini edfition 1M 8 adyshow wvon labotter to He ovins a 1%64 c pace car. Thliserue n o sionlo. and s 19M8=roadtroly 2,068of thesecar w iowhei pearlnl te ace.NORVAL.JUNOCTION thrho anadcho ivmedstatu vhw" E~ organise showis et- tur ovet mmRUuw 11Um u' lracting al Co v IaCI UU ~ U I lovera. Mr, Boin e l âl k the milton vpl their cars tollUme shows 0 and smo ,orgaisie touir e l N ovin ralias and anela1 isactions. c UPbbOI LIGHTNING 6:30 EARLY BIRD 7:30 (tme masite -- - - --- wawfflIn es MOF mm ms5fmIam lS»ueitui? ITosnmaN-Ti /2 m mokeWismim M SPECIAL RAME RDDsFO Cam s 'a * aslisOfMooseon t . ehet 15 637-2237 sn, ~ ., Mail HsIonfnlation ourunyour prsntiabitly insurne' If thas4he case.yucecemy nos meet the costs eT lodays settieselsfo pessonal mury opsnposy dsnogejdeennts. Toite sure vnusm udequtely pmtected. tait .%0cr coomcai insurnncc agent Weirttgie-forynu -ASKYOR nine thlrty nifle thlrty monday to f rlday nine lhlrly la sia OEAE sassray r MALLt Hopedalo Classic Rollerski Race Prizes courtesy of Hoped4ile Mail, Margessons Sports endSWlx.