92 Titi Caud" c Oanp81l00eWd.. Oct. 14,' BUSYTRUCK STOP fs!MWne stauratlo00i.tuooblotli.tUi W «Cooks ao 0FuRtbna sIrtI-_ fl en ifrane.ipselasad in wmsro-rder eolta tonl aSne4-ea*be olli If1 nesfle.nade ca5eaaps hauseta nfle John tDuetitor Pan 878MI4% 40 Chisholmi Dr.. Milton, Ont. 8h b THE CORPORTION 0F 1 TIIETOWN OFMILTON PARKS & RECREATION FULLIME job Oppoiltnty FACIUTIES SECRETARY apitd Incidet -Aqaatkmn.letosdona. -bablaont ecnxtefotf*sousO -tyrini nd otistcetail dodoxsanU -rud to«t 2S1M/arn E tr R MILTON A1.a ntarieo ett/aoddatetoee bslcafltPibal:FWY c" 21. OMnd:30c.m.n PO. o0 o. tRi MILTON Coisi Earn Extra $$$ ilhe «gtgana ELIo Needs Carriers lnotithe aaseo cGovamoio Crt Eb Cabot Tasil cKlngSt. aMilalda Dr. oMartin t Southt W. ar.a @Io &aept/inap plcations for otitor arasa of towt. SCREW MACHINE FOREPERSON Ecellinnt opncctav aibis fo ,xpetoatted prson ta tape/cae a coaimachna panl UtS inniaantona/t-pnis steuiomne. sactto1futal ctnIival niai: Mnomumtofah5Svan at-up np.naence. Gocd Concbetnot nsecl/entosa/ayattnod bons/nt confidtenc nn ci e/x aEh oio c/o TheCitadi/en Chmpon 1910Macn St. Mlt.Ontaro LIT4N 159 4z Mlton District HopiaI RADIOLOGY Rocoît oed eilataa/ Tchcieonn et/a/et ion ewitnnE e/ttanctStsndbi/Ettenllblcdnolas Octaxional doyi eiteonaoto naaoeaed. Fodeta or of ilnmie. cntat Mis. ickey Chift Teainino 8782383 Blue Beacon of Canada Hut theblcintioi/itite1 tkM O i cm fl WASM S;AY ATTENDANTS $3.75 - $425 SUPER VISORS $4.25 - $5.ii plois onus tuacnehfirnteaeilei Annit in :aren ta: D. Cralg or D. Hanoi 40 Chitlhm Dr.. Mlton HOME-MAID SERVICE bot oqaonn na/lS Et ot te mplatas bosa u me en ontova aIde //ehtdnnostac o/tntai/nntte lui CLIMu rqt&#. Cbarlottte .Ier mmdfob,m5sW -d t nigéh SgO Sotet c 7thft 10 A.M. * ~ ~ ~ ~ " - su .tnpiu aarneneaiefi UOIU~ILC Labin OMrifalaRd., t% o a mide aclh of CMmLasé usiiWeadmolc SA(MoU" A me* OsieDanyftd. et_______ g744«ma) 1 AtJCTiON SALE gn Oa m nu =. ý MACHIE N frCmaitI ont a cak o dak cina cabinel.t t4 glesudodecre.drop S LM9EXfrontM & IMMWa 1cariglbe frnti6 ~glu cabdinet Opffirciit c beomea qu~ tw*lf nneOUNo. S Sld.Irodi, l88040 cf V X Viaoui vizoti penla table, voohit & MACINE LERU Eu EX10 pA Co _%gg1 à"49&1#oM UnmcaaumL, opprox. 4%h mNl i rite4M1 p/ns 2tCheit, ay albl inuog* o bie ueg OPERATrOm Murs"accn osdLae umetnanitet Hcrsby o rfiSidvinie a aittmd e. 0ia od3sc- Ooa'soms NUC~Ae ICME TU RETURNU oct.le,5l10a17 2 *si,,,." giîon ndgW du*- 4Minbsab leodgio.frOv b "; - asooontV maalu mirx 4 a = e esser;podedlotable' dom wft.si a NOItOO1Servi0ce OClca sesnstein/g t/cc 2/8150% ofih1@ a fL 6 m l met. Irpi .% ttop ta bl;miMe. UV mod I ib e; 844.5588 no. -bdi yao nare hra4 and uotON unti ufmie hmNWS aFrtt Malat Wstah Irg2wVia cie"I1c tafolplour isbleVin.vel Pcrqt fllnMl pi3. dlsfoc1l827-1455, oTir1/a ft pl.for MaItoniHMISAtuStIon Wea. nut oastand:limitat tomOaOhlsMWslait MI- 4 e n t w in eleq u in s Mfi n e x c eln n t o n d tio n s o a a j u b a n d i n t m - oe il e x te n o to b l a aoe i 00080800 and SetUppana-oéro a bz ansi9 e a fntwý ei tmd*E ieciiigokbfft4dsus sorsns or: iho offrin to WtAVE Ul pm"es;Vlaktodaf tasinfi yuow*nletndn dom, 4m tui 138" 56ut ht": de Un end aO Robot MARDI GRAS aOsAE'altln gletr PltnPp rtale 24 XSr'; aline tableblefot.3r; Pèse )aepre ce lprnOratnflor aà OTU E UAUtYP"4»80 unaines enilel ck miefrItableinu te , st is - tbe2 I istbeI 0 S l itaat COSnu RETUMAL*Sobloilbd-4;antlid 4o*dresersent.tcuttienaal 34" pins bWonatbox; uni pins In.ces I So", Et notattu O uNOMV CARS w atiZ ettt meftn stbcrun/na dtable; nispinesSudWboIà Nop deptndentn es- Ouee oue iisam. Hgcou. Ossumar a 000v. table MentnnebocieWatleloo Co.;chad epies canet sonclubr;3 Oak canllet hab ;ioie f .brio@fora POfichoai : Thaticai maonaiesan wý .o chol adU dtad lm 0" c ini l 52 esoet teainkut guto"Chclus ni f an n etcpona Me pr0Pinonseatusla. e Wnc b& nlile oies, nsb racbor ophohmatam uit bobsab culte ueinnut tans sut pnat abcoi; aintlfba For cnsWdndi itet CaSSAruk«.SetzMotorcycleTICO. psaueekoubli 5prebockcaînsie p* ba mie a chut;abouan edomen idflood misea Mw wd-totk ta - pa*rlants presrred. 857.4thLin e ~~ chirs. cou soato wlcbao iclutChiaon Anabrstyle chah;esoat w 3EV4 pOMistai tut 3 dit/ois pom t: Lcto-Geor r at t ther in *054 ucad ineutCurling table; 2 nd lier tables, table,, 3 dimut cwalut caler sWnd chottselt nd4 Cdouer, DEYsou Oi if 88-81 d.table oen core; és cddvmie bahaoi;2Mioaln ~ost nle 0dtner hi-botwtb nimeri comonde ci h m sinDrs.,.Cli416"_ 01.43s.secfhChr;erAaestopelouantable,, rond tae patinai table i 1 ainsi b&t140crblicloi0driei ctent. mbogott /8 Tt aain44a Or 877-22SI HVNA ; ? e/h Fr/tpitdsitatsneetbb etotppoli tocard cabinet; ock tItaltftcabinet 3 dravvensb2 bmpm T&M y.HVN S I seit tar t lted pouycir éaer ttoptabl, es t apriiaohu tplopbats/edalaa n t/thiinSt. fStn.COK i1~lrd or PAODLEMP us"d cr dsaioi ttmaIaRCERS ,. .n * s PuRon piste. O mies, chaib, Shgeitnouéeeniingmachine ont. vmesefeOilutta Dopant tille aeuUTIuSoa clndn-luS ricins.,%8Pal4m dd»Oes.:Mtiontte b LO4N BTyMo4 t e lohdi noyou ïle eMtLart.0 tPppr, mUVoorosing" i ule olyb9e u; oi alola ah e a/taPait al Greo htc BK 91, . t71 nONeObppeica ce;Strsctto, bld;d/tgse bi:xdIol elti e HAR TYI T oes ist5. lesoil itssCcili Ponic VenteaLic. crat b 2 suoat, (Bock), caase" m lgoo li ni.g/san:eaptp aoti;e;ut km play tl Rad MAi.YIT eaola n, i. Tce.8.30P.M. oro dU.o040f. 173 1972 MONDA C.a. 30 MMbssseiNOM akbopiste, withade,.2 botpaOtWgluaB.tI4b&b fottill Mtl o in ~blcir- FULL11IME ~AI.ANOt4 Pinte Lia DUC 213 1 04 ooet.tigeea 4ae aeoai aobi. oobod;siithecu; Ottspbasd eale De" 00 T t hu300 1073.CicieslOtO5Ploats,8botter.diehi clati), ckukide; mast diat, cair bo; 9 cci, &jugeit.t1 .5 gel. W. . Vis Oiyaodl *,,, position hi..6.n Lic DU 8 69.SaIte" MOTO-SKI 340. rpnrdsb=od=ise /i teo niinOranba fuir odatenl mes i 87MW elistas. Ciii M I-M et Georgteton onslut rnnItati S ni -o ^(E e ca;"nfdalbah;o ekit, blf lte;po n k anbmvisitee;;ctvdi ttttl i~t Enuaee a. AeUSEO and »froid? Cryseri.577 Stu . conrditio M më oia d ;8@* .,gbe pslEtctryeyotmuw ont 878M F ULL Mattd pri5Fr lnci118-155, 176ASPEN Sra/al Cinflt t _ bSkNew hcnonacob, uni/ert smht; pib prsmd gosu hcmes;nai hbEtbttcc oce clt Ptr. bant 4Z ri,0 ooic~ 84bt/ rls /oirEdi a yl df, $ 0 a eU.ef ,wtt u, ini icvr ate wolc ~i ", 6. O rttaô.5/a/nu.3 hardbas; bot p/ne;setertel doir. excra n/ce nId p/c- ParY0 1 oerdan ioirien. eoi t aattti, >AM/ FM 1972 IoO=0119 elk tdat; .badioirt.ca i es aib hons; 24 lanat toposaccco; e lrga atais Copesm-u LemMiltonetler Pmmn b VtLcarKYD re ~caoona; candi dieh. Wedgscvcatype container; d4OOa4i~~e RAco. Phons btw oubit Eqoaitiia/c nrand n e, Gergeton oCYinyx/o h. prlie dlca/ospln/s; Wedgwaod 88080 pbchetc;Sterican/n p-,obr mr .ii..b.r. o. trea-Prominmon _ _ _ _ _ _RM P ntontcistne plte;C0877-31idlei.on; pa. 5/infi crue t; savoir bbrunoyte; mort Cen0 9.m.Rat.0do..... Ilca r Ttis ire bMCaiiL l & - R.CM.. o eatU Aihe te; oapo.4 to a tbt18n.cielai ian;poieItu ; psitio3Ca y dit Confident/ie. - SEAT nos pitonl lh t, tepc T4SmulL 1416-278-70 potnn erd.GENTLEMAN, 040 Otn, 85 R5taiMtnti CWaêintion); bind ctaeo; eai "otal Cted- Pr. btscbit OR lampa; 2 a/ada/n Iotop; 2xc lampe; O4udSa.sti o5bi5 ¶aCOmnO ou wcd b on axe nOd. immeccite epsvisad W~lntxrristol m 00 WM so-o- lardslW";n - dain. Stoy sy I iteitheai a a odi Odtion.Sais piceli straga tM. Otebor M §*MOVMWtd "dlah c/tua sh:d/t; John L«~rn t flibtletniataW"; xl loIn Iobonhoesbu AX Drîcne nai, arrangemtent. UI. f a /ipof ld 8o4 Lc 1AW t la Mai lmt. B R iOT N oos otvteplate; DaosEizabeth 8/mer fr toooedoesofoo obo neo. oe be full tire b wftkbds,6. r lO t 4Ste II 9. aieor ge.ttown Caobiitiiia es' a. niueINoir Doitaitia oule r oa t mag;c; api&boents; 3 Roy a dneedtonfcdlhOe S a rs dricIna ex LOCAL bcsinassma o .-nie RAastîartntlats;Mcfrantb Cbaskee, ar/'meta.00dlidriVntotriqcrnt atite.Chacm in, ittai19t1- bCnnttit Prbr. Ss vita; c e ae itrihnet u e;Cnde 99CLE Cmie 45 a plate; Scfn nue: Z5senihpobeT.* et/ t em 0 FrW.TV. n record, 145 Ninptie oS a s t eeth Miono.neii Mii ut Cce Cnao 29CntIfiai oriaal. cwred Plt«;en. fa ita ttaal M"Ceté tn ar ii3t; ZotiOh potib/n&TV; cWtn ho se cit R., Utit iD. M lion.emloied. LintI ed ti6ai iTtn. Excelltnt cntion. .. ae Pds Ltu hmepom eoa in onnRtpl.; Attce ut piage- ; W es tn o hm foui On rio.ttoe non e tot conitin876_1290.. Ci Poi aoses kn eg/uapoinef; Tcpcnto Ct allotmg. Cfeey .tntgtto;W dofrm omrao VAiTRC/WiT- itontia ei. d teadt ito 1 MCenlori»2-.MLiea ht it itdea;2ba axfoxu;R.C.A. Victritadiol indiO irai orWod to ESSful linta. norbait on. Pr RighO cohein.Calii 977 OtICK Ç875-845, T .rs-l . a ine lwBu aie; lecp tsbot; oa i m&-sror.g n;Vco al aaaos . itotito MS 35'21Csto -408r, pOtte OATAN MOO 44. 1 M8tohPs toteted c»Rtble. lted; ataP dich; toai .tcc cn;/ttbl er I/nte rve,-1.11. TRAGE INIODE X.AMWAY DIslr- Lmoe p/ansif. aamed cnaetable. tecy boaot; ocdalgramoophonenw/oh hou. gcod; toto Han 8 foruie.brake. in.ew, iticit. Cnt.pie saarvic bors earn 20 nuarcitalotais; connai csotabe; tilo Intbowla dey stnieng Gngebnesd c/o; chtdoucc/t Ll..t r4mtotei- . -RIDE tositte Mnadai steri... ,.power T Interviewu. iac iai doinao t 8 Te8 h FrdUyt. e neottires. tSMc. or acu/lbin. Ooksporen tntnsteed oai33pnr Houata.d; Roty aldion pate osun/ci pata; otiobo c/; Lchenaal tanibta t sin to ies; YOUtG tditeU i nr"outiien nt' nSanst ut aetnffOr. 87-7203. tant. Gai yor frn do/lrd~btoCooin/etceruee./at tm t ino;bt a S on brt sconat & aie; Individus't relostîid, t L lne.Sp. t or 10 . 9in. 104 (EV heent dub OOt LSM RIE . .O5 3 HaillndA imode tu plats;iiDOnstaovr la ts, inncclenx; Cmosat ême . lebote. wlmltrtemCatopani ira Prasorn10Ciii6NATTACHEO-DOnat . M.; ARINEa iLPIC. Mcna/OUBoxea/aafrece13ttne", tcmrpriiedeoeefrs 8 t7 on1A1 on00 . 3. i ck up n 2 , à u ll g t o u oup l i o obt s o t - 2 ca e lat s O w o rblnb d d l o n /n b d s o as n l paIinn.L v a* Prnio cn d ton,(0 taie/mpooicOt/pCtortatt. o piai nlt iese l i e. Mush . too od ofra iCiompTnyC olu it C E I - o Ce R j d I2 op iie O t 7P4 S M uion el ' M o d.c A U S dah u o e » o te: MM mCA ViiCtEQU W hier Llm O.S UFS DIW' omehln Cai b wl& ptchf; artal oiet $1, ar e d-2c d m lt agshe Rox; mi/c nn coiefi Aise t't1d cmvtae subato O aeue cm - . L efoleoix&Sais lante t.49226.Pochr Us oies.cd; ssasmosi r 10D EithayTRis O nn Enbe irorlUine ia NW Tchn et 53-661'R' on853 J;2 -ODG 4 4 AMM2 e cdlame; tOalosRi parpft e pi hm ubac! na ppnez atai IC tesl T3nd7te11o /nnitad tcmtowercwagon 200InstilaMrelaigbox; franted mae ICI1i81. Plane afood isoonts ai ai Techn.o d7 rcsanaiar aerne tnamn/ edc.noadniiiental-..iiodo; Oxni Ccoiot I usi ba . oubln ie bdd bei ntiela r0pdoe*A bea. VWio For ota duto. T7em olo ual/ . at .; " ithuagel2m tant t. .;Lrn Thi poPt Se. ît ao / tu cu ilm pt&.= .ten. Onuteitoi .htisean; lbs t itetp eotdoc tnoboxe; cuide ALh bani e:nt. H o/tg.badoo7th, 1981,tb1:30t Fond Tw mbgWt o MontSaionemit wiDhTne mhtWfrteoupyeditlain o . ox; tt/a o»Nebill thnsex unadepoatet bi 1 ejeeeeoPAINTNG CONTRACTORC lre ..PC; dorrtenptuAins .W ERS O ALE fhe vnsdcm ltelt book hch SotBx Tandem amnine/Od to ittwran td enoite oua ttotteP&pndan; 4rpceet,/(Mexitaisr; bat Umm m is Long Box poise endPaPninng ai dos O.P.P Deichment. pnt S vepéeakt; 2aceino laocbuter shes;doair og Pirte fa ana h a oeaiss r nénThe01 bus NagemFoli, Ontrio.punc oma Ili depsit i$110100 to oed LugotelPala. Ontabo.Caadin e 5etoeCommuno lts t erlidolas by taitfled chaèqcea tle dot tolS the osrDl5l TENDER NO.Doittc oe Etconnos;te rling/.tx 50bSwastikatpanp/t; blanetOx hapoid on or batten Datunhai 175, $4-1174 x4 Eachoendrmset/a qotadapatflrI. . napemo ouauto; "Coisonne"tyeplates;eetzef MN C"nnd TndmMRi b ctetoxl. bonis; Pxloeon loonvatero; btonotla; Madi/cins pritl ao i" lmIntpectiotnSatcrdei. Oc- cS P RTendr document a a lobta/edfIM: bot pot/t/ee $00u; buttan croc/o. ouoard crcktc obr 3*1 fnont10a.. te 0 fi ondi. MMI~~~ SUPERLMI eiaDEALS Min/cion fGct/ntttntS evices, Nigara Regootal woto/ce anc. jas a mi totkied; the"P/itr Th t* uno ee SUPER TRUCKS*, Oas.ce,36 a/n t. W.. PO. Son 8M,.Dndecoiscoop; ciaolion t/tfpace crole Pt. 19v,7 t cg Auctioneiler: Ward Brownrldge The Miton Juior'Y'Otta.LA5t/G. para St pots; 2 buttet bau/t; ceindot buttr Ptco. Phono: 8784730 Day Care. Nwry 9fthool S SeslIDtI ~ Ccled Tndnts rnil be renvedtinta 2OC pot., oboat. idividelbuttrpt/no.tit; Ilg. cos; 3 uo BlURlt8o:iSEý,.1.* Wedtmday. ntl4.d96 siwhcin bot lia ar/tctd in/g minnatr; tap can; 2 laid Ch§dmn'aCientra iibe o/erd itpablic. Tendricleein nundas. et/dis. compositionand oi att; Pele addtLtru/o; AUCTI ON SALE etthe NORH E NDDe U Lt Fat utnitnnoraton pluecotntact M. Ed d ta/unck; GuibetnE/ttline.2 coaSpantt'es o ou ab r heà tan//ai . Min/aiiofiGoem t Sericeson/c . at- ict/u.al o ta// qit. 2 catch hoisit. gan o og8 ab i VVhIU Cke Ph»du,. Ontaio, Tlephoneld(416)O27-3515. tUboit bn/imte; ttent bnie; tank/bletaulinx pan; Sat. Oct. 17th et 11 A. M. 327 BrOM St No. 9 Te l/cttrenytetndr noo nacmetlt act oe t/canear; spia; ton/on; 3 tooîs. cteim cm.; Loation: In M/bton, et 0hePUigoanda. in the ForYar ec Oaalt Uee Cr inoOit~fcllettabin tac/c. bteu dottet gog p s dl;AgicultreHi/iaon Rt/tert S. Mo kotilFo ou extO lyU s ae hd r fcahregarler; Gmon nfnoti l Sei /dt i/.;4Sl osstn f Rf)Atiu to rfr (1fl) SE ovenmnmet accaped qlan p/ace; 2 ecg cats(I ot/5dc. 16 Sa Ctu/eod octf Irah.i, n/noe FOCi BEV SLESSOR atax SrinInn 4Mlon0e nlersmmntinbo. gsa ochnepr/ontit, cllatabax. tit. etc. Dmcv -P% el lrdta SESRMTR _____ .2aisse Offet. Aactone oiec. mntt topnibe fonn tA i al id/c eppacinotel275llse. uuu- aMOOR «itlon/acidonOx Pointute-Mon/e Hosi/et cuphoird (inoti; 2 teepin G.& chis Coe a, n owftd- hm 78-79 NOICETNOTICETO udoer JIMMY FORBES cotdl cabinet; Vicîcan proct ale. 2 cnîd enal bout - uyos.UsSeaseet- à fasciste lm . Apleeda0iiU. temntbdrapiîcnloatitatt (C.1860); oni/nibut- *~~~ ~~ Wuenotago i/n SeseotCREDITORS CIIOS HO.lo Uaedt 05 a utte; ash buffet; 3 psd loc c/air; pns planter; 1ud AND OTHERS AND OTHERS mpleookmi/nattoto/te box; 2 - Y on tabl; nuspl es -à âTHER «Iýthe- IN THE ECTATE 0F _ uf h-'ale a irr ek;4fae ioa lHNSYYU anea nocid lien 0te a rMERCUERY 1976 OcSTEe. In oocd VRthuNJFA caooaeono AUCTION SALE at/t otaholstand; Minitarl oattabe. 1thaiostx TM he YM btit/ln htfihomeinRCou Icnton. Ecoumical VR LE E uCarn gis OSCAESCITES toO rstareaa lt terocet t r/n e woth F/tnIES DECEACOC Ettate at Altnd FRcioid bec/ ofaca; pant o t/tc; nMagainoe tabin; naer tobiertsoildwnm Coltnt 453.%" 10taCh"Ytlers teoont NOTICE îS bEREnY OSlunghtn. lta oh THOS. 8.GIVENonpndnxttîhntt.afoinntCtOCl OFFE, lvingCar 6 choo. 88-78. S thiGem. 1= 1 enins.Dopotie pi cabinet tait tcoened donr;ne. soobat/nt mOPtR i/Otin -8 B SveEalol.eiSita u /5 Gte tor enine. Dont GIVEN tlot aipennt theTawno itoMin t aîhefanonLOT 3 CONC 6ofphEtIN T/NF ttcn ban; wo aned re onso,; an/ocitta nf dtaonnt ntclht -8 te iW ELAOL dnc In T4 MONTE Cann r l O tor tMI tis itshLi .. gonal rxsoici stntto atimi.ti attc3thn npn ico tpccl pnltdpatnnoae mas u t.7Mcabb Cres., 4 eai Go oa dition.33. eorgetowan Ct/sr t h eEstaseofVer& Eto Pal/t HtV iHaot, ttt bit(moeran); prtaixoot ck/nursingcrockier;,lace pot/t &MonR -PM.n 6000e oîd n/nl et hom. Full SM.e8n7- sues. Jeffoet awiot hedu 4/d on koraotthe do-t*Qubc;foo oe ado a rmcar fne lhlidrenotni 2 lait9Nta rber-15 FORD LTO-4 TwntoftMltonIthelodey ofJnn IMIBomuet Ofl agn Col ck, neith ironooto.mPie 3 Orly, 878-1657 lcsad.d Tlt, ci/ta li.rps ph.,tan Cutto otiHîen on, tooto rd/n lotheci- AT.. OCT. 17 et 12 1400N d p% onetSa bc/ obl.iat; oml tatchono 04 /fRELIAOLE notan ar strex hfulI power îxdWiovvn. h id on o r 0 ogbiptcitps __________ isoxitl t belte/ Stactcrîaa end morett if tnrbu CTLEchtot ctitt nipo îcoCc/anmo/ équOtaste & OIC,21botin :005p.tt e77. aboa u t ait ddyo f sototalO cn ot bfnlf itt e e fod onhn w.tn nBulililia ont t Snpt. dopluft oltato ble; setofch4o"ope bt/tentchaore; EX P E R iE NC ED dans. ontotte or tarîtaOW dispat ntn 90. Mat. t6, est.ntqairid Ocloben 28. 19ei. i/tv/uni 333); Regbstticd Hrefodttw a t/et s"alib.dtavenitcubo.4-nsien me ir- Erl10 o. ninear es t« ours Manif k GeorgtetonC/titsiOn. FORD tan. 1977 tebosinih.o»Mantu the î.aatt. the atdeot ci/i, bon 22 Aug lby Alnx 333); enstlraio ct M; 2 pnswo w t amntctcend o;nla nt tg roncker:;2 lite in Pitito. taWodwaird#ritea. 878- ciii877 51U. Ecatalt, 7,0 a ntjr sge. icIdistibtelo -Otheu.otiJil Sidl npktle s pit on i/dc/n. Cabint; pons bloc/ton 7083. 1706.aiNE Ootnon 978 l/t. Cetid. utdot5oig d n et lnHeeordntcmota ul e 11 1 r Cbann aMMai bu Ldyt3 200.871l t. thonae3M/nday nf Oc- oaa il aie o Rbtsd 1 to od; Ca l i EiNT:A iar ifnihd - ~~~~~ c-a o97n loloRA25 j«1961 atit aic/t Saung otgardOlt otRecbted Hoereordd et.bo 7Rgbas;NTeAltoocn sotnao FlO IslpeOWOOdalvota c pe 0trisG;i CtS/ERRA 25dm Mii lbor ItemGls. Ch/c. C.tabl*e. Me., 20 p Mofc FLORIA HO IDAY Oit ac cao hoi Vs ton plik-up, drk tateta ss ofato hed otatedatei andi 8ull; Hroda imer. /C b.;Hnei.d Catinei logies; npcto. 70 piex thofdipinnienn - --L -OIDAH -OIDAY - ery populr mollet bon. certifiai. 854 asate cdi he 4/andoteil OcTED dose35/nday ah Bloniecqutan nt/ns. Hoolto St Stenteat c/gaot; capsEt saecam; (Cinal n/c/ton, pcoahf talai inn iiic. 1J4 732 . 2/tcing regrd nnli ta Ccptolov. 1981. Ibo. NoiaEtaocncaupoetJOpen; S5hfotuit ols an Gnt 877fOc sCht/r fi. co cntiton, ftlî t camacTilhACTOR Et IMPLEMENTS man I. pcc. oh ptnand gbxx. antiquentCo t/aiee e-51 . crt/tlad. es8,000 en. natc aloi/ihans been LectrWood, T Yong ses/niCkbumaaa iO cre bat ir ON! ototot. 1978 $2000 ai.87 . .beocth/n IH.C. Mgaeotnactnr; ..tdub i/t; 1. H.C. 3haur-bontt; 2 cont cltoon pattes 2 tata/tboats; TE propertO.doge, ci6 te.naorcm ntltonr. DcileAsPfP Patot 17 itonsTDe Oila n ol fmlkcn;pn olbx HP at;eo dpc Capablse, eelent iofaisetosIlue-/n. sient 6îcîndnr. J//ST n 0tPnan cTDi 41/.O ootnp oa mbpct.ccbonomMH. ;r tlltC 3bo;I.H.EC. u la~a/cniga.Bno c osd itom t op,$,nn ,exclln.tcondtio,. I .tat./n 3»5/c oin i ftlfred Ithugltup /m.tanon.. 320taWtU//i;l. ). n i/ocOp4O, el.ooa cvn iat;2nOte ap;o od .ooerlmutnemel uonatt.S 1 Ctenobet.iBi. btt/aCt/Cbon; section dtcc; 1.5. gta/ndil;tt// u th4sctionn arlua« SpE o; c t/.2t/I n n taint rit adi 1Siets3t98.oyhl oliitn-d D 4Tble;CTV/tttadems:Bicarc; ar anenaaai ig 3Ontemm Sonfios No *01IMO ymiP7 . mintti . pc, n itd OOtRNIF. &Nit$ Et Tho Law OffcO/al wn; J.lTb/o nco/nt;d u/nn/ lte 2bo etos to a.3tlarg itou; 2. Oeh o o.94M 7 C t/i it tt 4. ONC. /bodL. t v attohir; te mmotoni/i. ho/tto/iv;..M. . 10 lin t lage abouralenten noa pneyod. eogilecrniMnsat, an. oit/o1 FnNCHBn/Iar honFdot p ooni labc/o des/ophone;/tnnn Canadiso Chamtpon 87 ,,,e - Sm /i0 at Gotrgaetn aRamaienx.etc.. fsenob ont h tr/tco ma n chn e ,; l tore n ie : o/ veo t . 10! cu onin p ao, iolOntas conleta oOna/l0v S oo-oorme al 87 27Ptu Sret Nrhtactot, 3 pondot/Cdt c// e/bo ules bu lIl aint 0/ v//o /00o Ct/v/no Col 07 2ttOoSOnnOtO/, , ,27 /011 oFI ft/Ct/////o/o/F o//t//I/dtI/,/.///..//,/////t //..//i/r///nOEt/ on c a tc àM/ Mi e.t. ïLà5ii i 1ý -aebnftw igantiont. cI is u sw ýo p/cc p tracou tck li -C accnsoies. 553.21/o CRU~n 878o4ofilo/UCMi 15tau aablo bu sou/i GCALITY atO d tus- lais MAZDA 1088 Cati075234tarna ui tbUna's M. Ciii Sitgd e l87e. py CO. - aondition, os 12 _____ W n 645 hoMarn , s f .m. 788116 or en- tt/ttefi loto Ci«iGo@ Me l . M . i AAA tX conditiono,se. c tia DgIlo lifpW ~ W t 6ttloedt s5 r . o ~WA ON con to n, Cfl am mms a fer/itreU m m l Tais Amt atdau.p. i. 45 W a le akm Ga.. ie C 08 C OMW*p. XOwnt OMMWOn ou»orkin mllin lch irîm VOLe8w[A5N w». Avelwm Co esstmrok« tY* w ha@ M f p/tn/hoe oy 6 /n c in,2 0 S/n ante t onct10 l nn. at1 tca/a/ acitee Onan cua oeln/cPREVIEW/ O A.M. ONCSALEBOAt. roeba iii.ide. Oto -&6/ . W 7p.m. y ofw»se siilngO .H11b ndw mtlu rt«p obe Miaotnmn Actio mupfUblOfo Accfordantte.t SadcNSAE butMowsmed. uys. Aucion SNViC UonaA. couen CNRTracIc5I ER- ____ o choqu_ ... .. oiu5 p . ai-Iu Auitlae Ation ruodo or uaalAaedeea Cc 70.2M0s Tc 815.bu, entrala - Aa s l O UG E.DONAL 1 N RR F MIO U sCfUiff