Haton seéks handoû«ts, to help solvë deficit By fteveArm50 am n edi avlsaw of t Uis an osoccuplod Currcntly, hao gr a finestand s1ssdlsg dormestrY raspomsi -lu Ibse Provincei asistance Hultes cblefadmisi- faaivlgMrPes t lid dded, tit section la opsgmuu atas cr"ciogs" and wll ha o oglt by rogiostrstive attmerD"InSia CIuntllrs a 50 pr cent fun1 lu Uir ac haomes CounsTem Mannn l ien airsdy but ai offlela lyb lue Parsend tha Masse M. Prin oupitd ."hi, ssld have longer have eut ithe OabvMlel naid futurs paing andadmInt- caver a prjeetaddeficit deficit wc otothUicfausl Ibaltha Mor paidibons csugbt hfore Uic demand fo reraudotial prabemo01t Uil -1srette, taff lu pftdig at Huilas Cente"ontf reglanal staff. boUi raidotiat cre for budget was appravedl services et Uic Musr cculd hoa volded If the suc soichaonge, and Mance. l'he problsin cou 50518eciluim u ad o- asd 1 have ta tit ra- Me. Pertio mesloned reglon adla obtter sy to peepofrs tus, ha Regissl coil lat caused, ha naid, by lunded cmure fr iose uponibllty for ih nsUiceserice sncb as ibe Oak- aluei f fînanclal id eddleg, have mah a social igber than cpected clit fadling beaouiWho staff paroso lvolved," ville Senior Clisona reportina sego t utupsvdha ltetdUcasfl su t Uim services consmittea vacuolies lu Uic ra- de nul al e spmire ha naid, Residence on laltesbare trends cauld h e tiUithe staff tapu la n recoininndation req- sidetial cra section f hopital cur. M. arisadedUit d. tse Mela ononîtr uetiag provincial Uic rtoaflpopeated Thc Masses budget la one ways"emy beapogann -"we ubeuld ha btter quiddy." l asitace la cver Uic hume f or tUic qed. mn bascd on having 8hao iatbeors OunrPravcd Penions "wbicb able lu predict Uese 82icola0sioriail. "Tis la a probein pr cent f Uichedaluin ifortuin uibis ose ailaite smop feoin the situations becaue ce Coca, Walter At beUi Uic comiiitea t-bel msny hames for Uic tbe residetiat section res," espainisi tnt number f P-eehave lu ha abe la Mu*hamicI> hqlatonh Sewer ma i ntena nce eut to Cove deficit By inave Arnold ig are Uic lalo cith peted $M0,Sifadeficit laniaucis ater wuusd f thc curaent prableo. aned anau rgu-bdget ctoo re "We'- ltota " ment ., tha ce cent ceminsnded. abeut Budget cula and micb RatIon officias the regfioal ewer Iraugiotintheire5tOos becase f Uic cap ce inoatise semer sorabe e$21785 cseUi, cootd ha aggressive bll coller- hope la caser on unes- sstem budget. cas cmertaed. budgetlud," . commsentaid systein seematurèly, ablef luthbe ares of ps-e- oiîlllor toutcofficielshave es-Cini. joau làUetil Uis la it " hoenid. voultive mantennce. luted a opa kag fplahsed. renullud in a O llringanî. "Wa Mr. idhaicb aise Mr. Johnoson aisa 0 ageeelPa a o«drastia decres ne sbuld go hack ta thc tac quetioned th i ldominsotai Ibat Ue probtees racom endotosa eene for t oncetvp or ta saine botter of prapescd budget cuto asssnet u antold ho corbu s dan d ial' nslui. optei n Un il." la alante ot the predttted bp reglossi strationt and inasse - Hatns snilaep Coun. Walter defici. stff coOomittees Ueinled ta secar ystam la sfln Mulkecicbh rllagtash Coun. Bll Jobnwn, "Thep Appeal continues HaIt-on Region wil continue an appeal against a Land severance that wold gîve Milton'n Golden Horseoo Youtb Centre a Per- manent home. Concdtloru agreed recently o contnae ter appeal against the tond divisi"' raniit. tee dccsinnhich approved the severanCe. ln a report o inembersof ohlIe planning and public mrks comittte, Planning Direclor Rtasb Mohammead aîd the severance, chiait would eparale a 2.2 acre lot froin te 4.8 acre original parcel, wau againt th provisions f tbe regionu official plan. Mr. Moammied noled that tic loi sacitliin the rural prt of Miloo and Iat tic Prt lo be retaioed itefr rasidential use flic officiaI plan, lia ooed, supports non- tarin raidential anas onhy cithin recognîncd bamielu, rural clutero and planf subdivi- Te youth centre ban ean usiof a building on te Treinaine Rd properhy of Lawrance Scoland for the last 19years. Contract worry A clause on the agreemnent appravad by regiosal council lat week dtalt ton famidy causslling agencicu dIt ha aokedtla in i casing sorne conceri fer the ageRcies. Tbe agreement, 0018r wich th agancicu mdl provide faiily counaalling rvices lu clients refrred hy tbe region. contains a cane altoc- ing regional officiais "observa and valuate" and o inspect att records" relatiog ho Uic services pravided, Whan the agreemeant cas presanted recestlp la ineîberu ofIthec ragions baalth and social services coînodtee Coanillor Dore LaCoosha IBurngon) quaoionad the cluuue, wondering if il viated Uic rula ut confldantlality between couacellor and cict. Ranne Viion, acting diraclar ut the soia services deprticant. adosited there hacc heca oe concern raiseduainit thecauine. Mr. Vvian addcd Ilat ic satf citI S'y ta monitor Uic services providcd hy Uic ageories Urough evautain foruma ha filled OuI hp clieots. ,,We do have naine mrk tu do in ttut ares," 1e tld camaîihle einhabru slve t-e p-chiens. acdUrîha cr;1 charge on bameocoars,1 The uccer spale bucd an a peecenlage fi probisin rasutld ram Uic coter Uep use unnnttp bchavp estulail durisg a montb. durng Augut ond Opponnsaof t-e sur- September f Uias er' charge sptein are qucb clahie eest ot an taattach il ns the canae lama are coattly chat smmc menbeen bad warncd cnuld happes If thc controveesial sur- charge systani cn adopted. "If ever cooneil Cost of selling Halton may double Ialtns budget for business devvicpment could more thon double over UienxttwIo pears, regiosal caincilluen deridcd tost caek. Cousdios gave Ueir support ta, a proposa fram business devetupinent- directar Math Fischer clacb cnudd increase the budget f lac depuetmet- feues $11,ll65 ta 40,5by 10M. Au mil ns addiog t-cc mre peuple ta the departmont, Mr. ichers proposa mnd aDownflue lcrcased adve=ll e, icrguar rese f a busneass esetther and Uic production f audio viuel aide tao el the raglan. Buringtua Mapor Ratp 0h1, cho bheven that lintrelldevelapinent shbcdd ha leftIentirelp a incheloca levaI, argoed agalat sncb a large ex- pousion to the ragions depuelmont-. 'es rellp amaccd hbu e ecoatd lp flop frues a couple f ers ago chancwe had sncb auuleity mesures and mre occrsed abouta npla- ecasinlue staff ta soc chas ers tlking about mre Uhn dnublagoa deprtient" ha naid. -Tisogcom roralàall quite ricb for a ragion that- atreadp han gaad devlopmect and good emptupinent," ha naid. Ragiocal chairesan Jach Raftla, dfendlag tha ProposaI, snid in- dutrial developmcst- la Uic raglan cas enpealallp haporant if plan for bosi empîcme t r tahamet. "We hve epe hwant- la mrk clý osetchr hc ianad me have ta creata jobs for them," ha nid, QUer councillrs, sach as Terry Mancl lOabvilla, Walter Mulhewich Oourfingtan) and Milos Mayor Gord Krantz "aoup theccrp for a reglocal departmnent- as mal. "Thea rent ephashre la ta, devlup jobs for 1the future and that la hest dose bp a deprtint Uat Imbus uith 11ecntire raglan," M. Mleclch naid. Whilc ccpresulag tUdr supot for tha principla f btainss dev opment remrved ~r cmWV dviduafllpan 1the varlouspropasalo chan 1the 1982 budget- la presented. oler & &diam Nn oknd the "5uperarkekjewgldry soe a * ui el cio o had e ' oastp on on s e p eri e get' iatod rigs ij4 hs WIN McDONALD'S GIFT CERTIFICATES AND WATCHES. JNIT.pput ChMlAdam Outwbdees DausesaKille ow4.emea boRnisumPosaia mm*Wwoqr WURm OeWt Px ass u-aiaOnrai-maC-0-ra bon srend Ote thâve tis rnwiwcmhfl« thne km t" om am foc anih 5ce yt armt r gpnb et h the o1 w 8. cscecOLA4.sev 00 0 o rgl N o w mw pecial Fe uche tfryuo 0Soft Water nsaes onoy insu many easp Ntah these pritoC oan n gncryur e slfd n a0utolt oborgni on aLndsay Water Condîtioner ,Model fora Famly of 4117C) .ums'le9'0 Exra Extpprca ServiceeS~ StÇtc Extra AAL Misla- 0..193 878-229 See-9 oop rcae Kiddies *Corne 'W DIAMM44 Z! -- --- . --4 .6