en iwj.ct xtend.dpro test oeaoos T.vcpdi-maa i Wlh'ay'se x iu tatiavs ed pOpsd aleid v oWamt& Mmlg bmCNMPÉ«â et rnddentmewebib ,,tlat M ola.Boliu 5be e i ed 0< csountsulafe dia a.bu oueaAb. dM t isia210Uc00e. woi'es a mai aoaairt V. sn a pa p -kW-'-savebea di-braaer dm avt Mit &A baealpOnforiDa IoaiatiartaL f~l~7 ar bcd bvaJb,,.md a eral a nloc. merdng b e ntylle aenou t ad oub li AE Communlty Nswapaper-Ssrving the Community-for 120.Yarsf MILTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1991 34 PAGES - 30CENIM Pikting nurses seekwage parity DyJane Maflar ~trike, hava ho o vltig for nabtaindcaolfrmn Local nuraes. aaeklng wage palty vltthon I o M iroe vlnc rau.d ~puiic *~~ ygg.aq ~ regeZed nurse for 12 ycars, Eileen Eige, preaident of the au nfomaionpie t» o mo m ietH ocal contractesettlemot has takenasolong. "Thbe association statea young nurses are going other places TIi. 25,»0 Onario nurses have beaas orkilng vithout a con- for joba. TlIay are froecte travel and the money fa there and fhey trct for more than a year nov andi as they are flot allowed to vant to nake fi," Ml-s. Elge said. After spending tbree yaar ini collage and nov worhing as professionals, Mns. Elge <cela nune abould sot b. mabing le,. than potal workans, aanifary niaed Onaro u.cehave sot received a major sage increase inte 1974 and their ls7sraiewas Iheir letto date. Tue slarins cage for cegitered nure la tis province la $17,400 per yoar citb toe atatheb.top af the acala roceiviag "sigwitboat a contract docat t fcet WXKIndboiday besefita, btter sorking bouns, mi!14ni#«beh ir Thse None are sooing for o popi-1 àu-A ~crossentf aboat 40 par cent la, brins their1 I 'ott.arbtran cd'they bavent Aua ikats affered uanything yet. Tisay wero p- toed bohnd dean a decision in March," "Tefonds aethere frteincreaac, meansehile tiaey aro tollecting interet and 9di maO r lwe aroasitting sella our bonds out saiting," M aalst~ sboadded. iJi.55lI~"Sinte 1974 lhey bave becs tatting bath Sithb IVon medicat service andsec oro thse ons being rot bath. Tbcy oront tonaidering the costof lving." bits. Eige said Milton District Hospital Adminitrotor Brian Brady toutd grant thse none an interni raine of about s*~~~~1 ape LT. ar tent as somecothcr Ontario bcepilals diu for dhe sogicai bave. "aid dthig.None in British Colunibia recently dm yurs bOW ddwbe recetvcd a 45.59 per cent increase and at thsagkon wbenevera none in ther province bave been iven 5i.511i.55npMn. Elge said Otaro nss are "b$s.di omae demanding tie sanie range of istrease, cmoga M W.tin aid as pont raisen bave sot been in heeping foogbt db isde& vrysilathe costof living. -W tu uly"bhea-Id, "Thero aro a tot of nurses raisins face- sddi"ng tsa Miesn ie on lacir osenoladys and laey cont S allasdeal cultdm on lac sntary lacyre getting," Mns. Eigc dsenpltgs. n Steo<ela cnone silt bagin seebing -~bibtmaA 5rpa Ii '00 professions if laey dont stoct mahing sybowfd rmAtinflinalfing-mor""'Wy fr os. Thesasyblda Pay diffes oaty stîgbtiy for lac evening oeetc.aad in somadan sd night shiftsaand secobend bousodn't tisaI ce ciù carry on," ays lke i iiiaon lie nothlng more tlan a mnory as vo face measscxtra poy, otnording to Mns. ige. oe"i. "lise lcgaty f fn rgr of anotherCanadian vintar. Is e hould aerve as avar- Tise 52 total hospitot nne wero rep- hic determinatios sul jpg fcsslt. Don Pearson was photorheflh ngonthlel entd by off-duty noncesanty lentise in- lslp h di tl1 o, ' Mle ac.Trout acason bas e b msanon w I oon ha formuation pichet yeterdsy. Mns. ige isse." uara rmUaae sid lac 134 grouo Ontfiolhosbpitot "Saetertainiy cantoil heading usranori helk.nre aro tryla la seltolgedier tinform a !-ta aplbt9 p u, rep-esantation to picket Queen's Park. r ~ Q®~j'~ I4~J~B~I A ongedman #Nanrrpatwoik tocaMm"er ai ence a notorine Nancien atm no l.fuv bndo.Nae eis iito ala, locturlsg lusury af lac abou oc he foond God, and be wsan s ealtby, More Mitonotast wrkStîo's,phoo Pg2. and moeCanadi Iey CO#lînthe night occog onnnies s ainlternce la a dsrheaed rom aLtpolice iSd- te day ceca Tua quatert in ukv. dia ommsda imên ila __ Damas n uda0% emcm, 'ait job 3. eshil bmOrna Mnd donl. sePg7. 94MbM S*e lIc#ports Sammaer Sports" for lac second y;2 i a row, 'oatl'-ing rn on ue grof wsemeng ansd nner-up Ias.Look toc this spetiot sectios inide todoy's pope iOu reders srtc..........5 Inlacecourts.......... t.. PAh" ona-p 10 IR1CORD SIii"ON Clésaffieds i......... l bes W o Dos t .............B lpÀtltc'bce ...........B IStaSs, ceossnists ........1l THutnaSEMcON Spots emviws .... ...CItutoC4 Malertinmen ..............Cs Ipeelal cappiemons a lote 10 Som- mer Sports, Color Yer Wrld isa Sa;K-Mail. A comical pair. Togather nov for six yaar, Sami and Lois Ross are quife a teaft 17-year-old Mlton District Higli School student tauglif hcrself to projeef her Comicalsidekick helps Lois entertain crowds y JouaebMulier Photocby Tom Ourley Tcobaeadsoare botterthdon one, even if onecof laem belsngtu a dssmy. Venlriloqiit Lois Rosa finds sella lac betpi of ber plootlc-bedad fiend Sam, cbe con express a lot matee te an audience tiosasie told ilaoot lber comital sideklcb. Sisesplaina lceSamtinsoalie sadspted, but actont- ly le wssaogift frm Santa Claussix yeano go. The 17-yaar-old vetrioqoist bon becs prattising ever datce, mainly in front of a mirror. "Itseas brd afinat," obe ronembers. Tisahm lise set out in tonqser sayisg wilaout movingbarbpsa ws, "my monibobos lachstopple pie." This enecise, alsng sella roposting lac alphaobet bondreds of times chie satthing lber refleetian, baveialpadliser developiset shi. Sace boid obord lime pronnostins lac ltter ."b" bot Lois adspted tu is problece. MHeold talach :tory of Goldilocks anId e Ilirce haros, lts asn ver- aion aidathistdna s ary. Tinit oct lis stilued by thePair, epeciallycll yoadindces. Inspiradtbylbherlfalaandlier lovableisond pop- pet Lamb Chsop, 1Loin droanisa ovins o tctavisisn show mne dsy wilath lacbo f ber bclgbt oronge- baired durmy Sam, by lac way, tabos sffosce tu being cofled o dsmmy-but Lois admila dUmm really lsn't acetiser name for a vsttioqult's dslt. "H5e alseopimahos me see Rita lhe dummy in- etad ofii," ahasuggeel. Sam andLols perforsiai tblrlhday partie ond lac anninil Miton DistrictIHigb Ithi lvariety iobto She is ttendisg Grode 12 tbis yer and pions to Il clubchi.cvernent day as willas a local shooI and htcDonald'clRetararnt. Loiis ni ottivain tda iommahang prograni of 4-H anie ,ctla aeun bawi mte w. Sam bu beau sseee be daalOMacMd a i be ciscobd jaccb *~~~~ thçJO a e i. nisb,osit i bardta àtlM mdM MraIto-foot talI dans' nyLois iescmocsaia tso tltis.taller ise trick tao bing a veeatriloquiat la moosteins voi=~rJeedm sand "gies dthaaudience anui> aie os,~l tY ong iab it vythb* Whoun coosgtlsaiedou ber tocice Lois la qtdsbtle -Y oabuaa acy te gs. tMe dss't eosiader h = at hnmapal lbu ai. .m ean imit have matecad tlaart of tnlhng wîlot msving bcr lips. Lois la lac land of girl llaety to be dstribed os hobbly. lb.ba plenty of energy and persoosbity to sima ellh a m seo la jnit a shable an lac yomng lady wbo conra hi. Sam in a basic donmy. His boul moyen frsm aide to aide, las motbspens and ctlos and his cye blish. Loinseould he a marc istricate dommy sella oasesoden bead, moroeceovins parlsanod samne asaortedtcostumos-bot sbe witt never discard lace The new dommy will sot be o sister to lace, bot o brotfier. "To projectto femate voice seoutd sound tos niucb tikemyose,"sbesaid. lam's sis pears sella Lon bavesi becs eaoy.fies bots dcopped and brohena tese tinie and once even bad in have broin socgcry. Lois' tavoorite oncle. seo aqte sapportlve of hissiecc 'oambi>ti*o, per- tormedlahe dlicate operatien la resiore lma abit,- ty bu mavebhisayelids. "fils cyca sereni binkis nihlaccentre noani of has bed wss ptit and Ises elastici diat tohtrotted binceyelidsseerc put boch iplace,." recalaLois. Uàving in a carat anca six mites to the soda of Mit- ton trdtepont aine yeots, Lois and ber older sister Dacîeebad 10 <lsd sesystu amuseithlemoetve Acoong lac ssted contrily amusementso Llheplaying la lac boy loft and amost tise torn teids, Lois fomnd time la devetop ber abilitios seila lac belp of Sam be pcacticos often and mahos a contentroted effort seien praparingtforoaperforance. Ste con opacatthedalttie monnsella sec bond Is- icrted into bis bath. Tiiero she bolds a plastic tobe esteodisgfroc his stck chicS costrots hlic o e -Sam isa six-yeac-olwiththemindofa 21yearc oId. Ha acta about my ast oc a itte oider and beas aid enaug in ta dte baae ho lalbs about damr samaetimen," siscexplis. Tua glrl'c ceosa <cissanor la obviousanad avidenl mmn t ticat meeting. SMa bas dia talet to malte Ssauasihea dfférent entity rom iinisatt. Ha la on acqacistance ciihwisnm Lis ta onovars. Lisanae chailengeasa a ventciaoqalt la ex- ocdlasQi litIf imagin da nseonsd daim fer, b ÏinhcaM wlll ry tosethora bath s gMi, * pce WUit Miàapair of duaonieL, »W aaiasésMaMde ç.mo nd aenda a ace cWadier a" alent in Iront of an rés. -Katn adent. "I dinhsben bs ocrified at the diauglit tdat it woald b. put ce land dhat bar famiy bad farmod for more tbon a centur." FuserI srvit. toc Mia Smih cas bold Dat.9 a O.agb i'renby' tg tg