The. Cmnadien Champion, Wed., Sept. M. 1Mit V M paksIIIIPI a ge Optimiot Club A y t Marin e Ii. r 0 uMtO lu ments have a pabnlt t he rear ci h building, titemeelvec bad made bnufficlent e1ffort to mâaile M a ddv angernuing tfron the elel reiet muiwl opeeyaon snew,nlah ad andisat froteirbotn w us 4794 4 r" red = Mon&y pi n rmpted eca thiebuilding tegetin frein thteparnglot. a miee dor u, " th.ed ~ ric. 5bd.. 1ùi relted in beavtiy increasedl maintenance the followtng busineses for ORO» by w euwr. Inber atte toicounillrs, rs. abril sad te reuWemnts;plu aggravated o h ~leti m W of, ciar tb. < d a Ilattert rp- ceceras rieed b.d been discueeed by the cru.ung Un. re, tud their assistance with the cuhrt n b e on ce rnae th ehot iend a leste teants tethi pe iluCMUtCaiUa à laU l utte rlwhe ed ter ii wu cenina of baving te w li te main eno n, nef eely for lUe touset th leter btfor te Smejijni Parfoi m »À&M l m d & aniu pou te coseuncil b.d r bt ted traacetenter the buding,"'M. Gabriewrte. impllication toteard tb. resident, eto teiilditg Caîm .ldmrtls' eucune of keeplng aide domr tocked et "iteowevec tltey were aiea te b. adviaed tiaI the. Mm. ltînten eid. him te reeCct prtnents in Milton. dom b.d erigînlly beeu rekeyed le elmminate ac- *19 noenb.dy spoeliiatway t yurmoter you 8111 Menue Loated on Ontario St., lb. seier citizen &part- eas lbresgh them a irgely tihe tenants would certainiy b.aupet. .~. Group iiI study lu future parkz> need b ~ a r~~~ ' w A. mm tovenmber sieig om said, wesld teok el ail aspects et re- IflWUiUiaèd~UW aglraer r ttn.fle anc- d and sltf needa for tihe ftle. motte .,. . = Mr. Arbic add.d tuat llthei .rnemende tien frein conld eteo Cae. lh. tewn frein l- dsifl AM Arblc advised inoons made onder public B ~uu on <unit approed lb. establihment of pressure in lb. ftle. Ou rua Medepnlgt. "A municipaty con have e very Anblcmd _ i th e d ceenc i cet rptit decides lbey wanl tu- .e Rereelsewil mtch pressure," b. said. c.~.o< iie t Iat - This plan wenld gin. ceneicil e basic go. explmied lb. stedy wmdld b. a for msking a deciaien b.yeed lb. lb. aiu nuniie tonif r ti.=lr.pàni, am rn wbimi of renîdente. in"ial nles, of rerate act en 'Ti.eudy conld determine, for ite om. exemple, lb.l weoneed tree moe ball aI' aeeingli. read ed dismonde and a titeatre erta building ntfeedyeers S*" b. sald. sntz year," b. said. "Il iltl b. a fîve Al«hiinbb exte'eseed na firin year plie tbal w. cmn wenk teward." wm etOui nuàui e pintons about bai. elnadd Mr. Arbic sdded lb.t avon aller the. 0 ~ d .vo, as a the tO hum b did cay Ibat plie in completedl il wil nat b. s ~~~,u hrainneebve beceme clear and carved-in-stene direction fer the Inan, ~ ~ a Oulicd b. supperted by lb. cindy. but wnald b. r.viewed every two co'm i ie comaeu est! d y Oui w. yearn te seure Ibatilt sill mente the dentl n otler nti tee 1 perceived needs of tih. ares. we.ld e«U-tldy ebWec," b. said. "Il iill b. a sggeeted order of Oplee After te meeting Mr. Arbicisaid tihe eventscacoing ipublie opinitn mnd filse<Ocd M e ul bi plnad d hi e ,b.aid. ta -amt e Oneds and prlocity Mr. Arbic naid tbere are slr.ady mimauMe fer recreatien facililies In the Coin. neede tbat are f iled, bal tim the plan would peint toi the ares A prprycenducted ntsdy, he fsture reqsir.ments wili b. MDA 198 st clair saves you Up to Tf, new 1962" car, s ready and MWad j oehv waiting to take à i 1 r 0 : wtve ai yw azd deaeryou into 1982 ant tMO M fo pien<y sS- with a level of ~ L . hrineakal Im he style, performoance, Every pattern in the store us on sale! iidilU a two- andi four-door Hatchac neyer expenienoed beforeN Utd foyr-door Sedant Match die pLC you want \*ere very proud of the 1982 Mazda U Itirm ate Cliai rtone mo your Wuet~ andi your style ineup. Mthtsnk youII agree ntat ail of aur M lW hite 0i-Base And ffls mm vididiesurpisiglyaf- prouct areexcptinalvalesbult and en- bod"ti 626 Cotln andi Sedans, Cortsîder the gineered with quality as aur first pnority M l eulina W ood Stai n wd appoitoed Deluxe 626 or the 626 Luxury Inspect the fit and finish. Chieck thet standard 9 " For exterior the mrTber of standard features and quality Stop in soon ait your Mazda dealer Oreg.17.95 1 2 reg 9 avah*i Wo such a esnbepnce. Because, the more yoîî look, thle more ' -o A gg Of course RX97 Mazdas legendary sports , . ........0-8 97....*. a resonblemor yo ~.gai. <1 1 gai. n«W o M rMW M LKE 112 Pnoce Off Our Own Low Regular Pnices' Sale ends r Saturd.y, fl SAE dSEVCE~tÇ lii Sept. 26,1981 AéCIII. Moo" ltd* Thle paint an pape people OmuumkGabAotee MILTON MALL' Mon.-Fri.- 10:00 to 9:30 878-2629 Sat.-9:30 to6:00