rTe Cariadian Champion, Wed., Sept. 23, 1981 O Mor"thn 0Uparticipate in MDHS run New More thoan 200 eager crs-ony estisats TO TORONTO frrnm Matoue District 111gb cienejoyed lit Sn- INRNTOAARPT ine t lko path ie sedl's alxth annuel INEATO L RPT crsucouLry uslt Tuescday it and arouud lte sea a.eu.. SOudane leaiteand office staff partlcipated in ACOffl-.m*3J'.r te rheitbthe aitaternoan EDEN MILLS »'00~. $37à»= Vlnce Bernai, Pillp Dew and Steve Dattes led $APELIL 20.00-.n «l7»0u thse charge tres lte slartatg miltleand finlased 1- GEORGETOWN .00n*6.0"' 2-3. MILTON *11S.O..e- *26.0.." Thtetallomlng are terecuitssutflit top 20 rttnneru olm inuorder, for bttbSand grls: ACTON 6 $m'-..* Ber:s Bernai, Dem, Dattese, Date Nolet, Mark EDEN MILLS * .00-.. .O'r Saunders, Join MIidiletun, Mite Vas Wart, Mite 90- Mines, Derait Cumminga, Glen Faulknsr, Bruce CAMPBELLVLLE 55.00..'nS00" Syer, moi Burgesa, Bill Cwrrdetti, Tsny Canaris. OCOA5ETOWN ::500-.. 9.00' ragClarke, Bon Teggart, Tarak rina, Rois MILTON * 5 ..' 9.00=..' BiRedt flSimpsonsand JtnTltreg. CHILOREN'SFARO$ &W0.-, Girlat Jastlce Faulbsor, Dendue Worth, Debite EXTRA STOP 0 6.00-.-~*.o"' JitE, Lynn Ctpelend, Lanra Viek, Reanee Nolet, P sy McCormack, Kelly Knlglt, Bresile Sianeto PRI VA T'E CAR RA RS AVAILA OLE ON RE42ULEST nlya Laer, 1455 Wlliamsn, Val Plat, Carol Esrly, TYLER TRANSPORT Eida MeLellan, Krinttne Wagner, Layla Jan ltawy, Kely Csrntlcbsel, Glinian Willtughtby sud Pattie 53¶5 i(ri N lie oi £C«uulv Club UoItd Siwd, Oolob Imm8 nu:Mr hn209 ttahr n staff students navigate the course behind the pis reic REGISTER NOW ~ $ annual crsss-cotmtrY "fun" race lest Tuesdaly. Above, manY femrale finiaher.- MARION FAULKNER Juvenile boys take Pinn poa OEO V goid meda/ in run *SAVE 25%/ on a 'Nieburg Thr8m7 a t7o% e m f a ta M is DIaIrIc 11g cm tmleourtlt overall Wit more Kitchen'- made in Germany - bisseirls, met, mxed and junior curling. Norh o it it.Oter memerof uthlie teat, 17 Designs ta choose from W £1MNNNR at Eari Bales Conservation Park. »Oi, 'rIm Pollen 271k, Bill Corradetti Le y lte secondplaem sto 28t,Grog Hotdrutt 351h and Mark * SAVE 25% on a'Mul~ti- 1981182 CURLING SCHEDULE teaiswere thtoault ofNed.tlp Steve Davis s a atrsug îsth iu Mobile' WaII Unit - made in nmoo nuu sjjjp IE Dems waa faurtit, Dave Naetme thtl ie junior unyn' 5ois maires whie LAIM U fI MESsIE and Jolis Middlelsu was 111k te give Gin Faulknear, Jamie Edwsrds sud Germanv Naturel Oak only Tuasdst9gum. *flLS n! sanda 1000 P Mundanlis00 P .hd.yt:30pis. tihe Ism lte stromW nltsmlg. CtMsra raotr MDHS la lte -BOet WeednTunn'iat5Oty 6:30 O.On. IýZ Tise rate dram competllars le escit mlglby' iiia mndnn 3nmeiee.n lu. ut hantais mitiget, Juialr attd over su lte girls' aide, lte top plar- MAKE ANd AINTMENT FOR MEE ESTnIMAIE 1:0 P.-e 83n tp.m. Thu,edy6:30 p.m. 10OlOpem investie divisinsa for ty n i ngIrs a ere trois Denise Worlt andI boercsmye s e na erm l aura Dicit wito were lotit sud lOlt lu dutticult course whist w$mas b a thasd ie mldget girls' dlvisian. Carol Esrly sasL CAAD CUN a5IITIIfl VENIîIS oeCsI~uDdI~ ea'nt e t he --ta Gn a' [SUN. NOVEMBIER 1-1981 OCT. le, lui1 AT 7:e0 P.M. Jacque family wins APUO..pmu-S2Pick up a schedule for this season et the Club 4 of 6 tennis tities b A 'rTe Jarque tamlly ut Campielll detesîrd Ada Jacque 6-4, 6-4 for te mes itay uvor lte =eks=n t siles rttmt lu the 'A' fllgitt. 'Te fin- E I Ada Jacque roispetled iu lte finale ot betmeen Audrey Scitreiber and lte alegea, doubles snd ixed ai lte Barbara Weaver wansctedtled for Nansagamnys Tenns Club chatmpin- Msuday algitt but mas postpsued hy ships Susday. rain.I KpJarque tank hume Imo hItles lu ladies' doubles, Riddell teaised mie Ada Jatqse aine won Imo ut mIit Jarque tut an easy 6-1, 6-t min ltree lu an enltauntleg da ttennsa over Elva Mead and Mary Kenoe for both. Kact pleyed a=a tunt- lu mixed doubles, thteJacqueti lussnaly tor nanan itsurn. deteated the huuhaud-snd-wiftelaa lu lte man's singles fluai, Jacque ut Peter and MarleueGritmwood7-5, 0- uutdueled Andre Ktda 6-4, 6-4. 'rTe 4. faltoer-aud-ssu comiin ost ian t junior boys, Harold Kueitier de- and Harold Kselr detested te pair feted Jett Martin for the singlan' lit Pe-fse ut Mut Rlddeli and Jacqan 7-5114,06- mite Adams Thtomas and Kanitir-fiise F E 4, tor te doubles tile. ttu'ned botk lte duo ut Peter Heuder l EL IN Guer su lte ladies' sida. Su Rlddel nom and Martin 6-2,06-2. PAres nelaceNG home wdth attractivo naua-ooking wood- THURS. SEPT. 24th uigland iea Bring the Whole I Mountain Maplo 8 9 ntro ar Family to Our -Executive Walnut OWLS RM Showing of the New $139r 1982 Pnve urs en-ls ls nre 71 UI tCabin ln Concord, Spirit, Eagle, *1 $2 9 $2 19%5pT alo e glo SXI4 Seg $16.9 ON gallon LET USlo - w, P ~'fl FW r O N HOND FPT i C I L Super Latex -a durable, interior finish that'o truly scrubbablo lime alter e OVLR 1 HIR 1 Y D)IFI-L-RLN ï PA IS cL.üs fl oi 1~EL N 111L111 . STOR HOURb *~CA B iCuO Ln cr,. LtO CHARGE IT!