waigfi"eraralmenteioamny bu& f hm pant tht bvealaertailte drnp fr-m teckof -atm- eu rtesho revcad hp fllllna hthou wth teaou &OUaIUe oh~acm adPlAc tPagpnts or - cr Iacnt-inr I cae for atfewtineutes- LttUsm ot a thier aftleewànaada*edinhcetplcetoer etlaat hall an hour Te trotaenet wilS do con- dors fr Ue flocersaid plantsa Ta kfep taen of ypue chiltu na nrowded aclmoulng pool or atte haach, peint thi i-franomeone bahinll cape cith ced neil polta platiing data-a ctamre fa-sm an obe- sine tdy vanily table tita a clter of ceaiha and blrimitu. A fine container for te¶d ctthsuaca 0f r evr~ or:,rez Ff e s~ ecplaque A amanit fusen dce eucas r n h eme color au cm h el efr holding Nâtn Hskw É ocauietyc ina- teineaaVerajl historie Milto . . .~ aid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i asocaacolorlde.Mxngtsplqettie iCuld atareld a alelapeenful of eou cottge e Wof Bhr o Miiroend ahrCunarucfon jice addad te Use waten' lite tettece PrsdetVa rlaawed r. r0 ule o sould peck op aller about an hor ta Ue P- è M 0% -i C3 .,imdetehin àt ahW emaing f e.ag eu av nabeu" te ahe esm mty Pguma tea ani la prons- ting thet lairme eveta- <liy rin taue ne aa-Prell naimmdky gor-" Map me daia servee.aad Mai cea- merdai orgaaisatioanslit ho alleseed ta advetién hi un me".a Platiea fer ,Ddteâ»"e' held h. cnh t Matad adeda tu ttheafllne 0f Une Camapla. toi Nmau. E.. un maeled ta a-et Baas MiMllS, LUT iPI. lheRusai degme ta Fnlday Mt i pi.. Na Mmeer a* DMoftle" clIi ho acceeped hy telephme. MILTON SEIdOS Wedaaedy, Sept.23 aid Wednei- dySpt. 38--lIenltS enWeelirC- m ehab88 cllit!da meeting t lagon Ralail 1:30 p.m Carde aid ancladm.loue A i sutue cinme NtrP$UE'PEEIING Wedneday, Sep. 2 ia ao8 -h meting, t1W oal ning ci. maremrma il diaesa Oie proceta o daer reaeareh Nonmeeùnor ae celcome. Aféeeof l lilhoniierged te those chu are nt menih-n. MILTON PU8LIC LIBRAEY Wednmday, Sept. 233et 7.20 p.m.- Pre-o-admet nirytme regstaton for dree antI four year aid nitldren cil ho heM dataiscvealng t Milten Public Uhorary. lihs domrn pen at 7 po. If pne canent attend, cntact Oie chlld ren apee»tomt et efe-NI. SQUA4E DANCING lTouradap, Sept. 3aai 8p.m.--Scaixh Bleck Squeae are holding daee - lcidectory eveninga for anynne in- treted in leerolng mder square dancing. AS dacie intrdctery dnc- ingvnagachlho hetd Thecidaysaie MartnoSt. Public Sciien. For ftiiher inoarmatinspteaedcati787, 976- 2154 un eya-ale. FASILY ASTIIMA PROGRA. Sturday, Sept. 20 ram 1loto 1.20 a.m.-altonLung Assoctaincll ho rnnminga Femly AathiienProgrem t Glergetwi Dterct 10g Sc"tu/!pool tan(Gergetown. Chldrou dUs anp degree f asthm are cet- came te attend tue nclm, gym pro- gramu aid tuer femilles are rgid te prticipate inte .ducatoal seg- ment. Pre-Itegitretion hs requrid an a dctres reterral ta ecouary. This or=econtinestoprovdd fcie f chare an il a eupporled hp rom- monty dnaionte the Haltot Chrst- mas Sent Cempelga. CORN COB CAPERS Thin Strdey nd Sandey. aid every ceekeid te the end of Sept- ember-Montahorg WildlihO Centre presenta tue annt "ort Ceh Caprl propran, feataring appie ider pressing cri muiching. crn on tue rob, pancaeonand everagou, tracter and hocie-draco wagon rdes. ou Ue coadid trai.ond iducationai democtrallunincloding bird bond- ing exhhibtiotd unme fidding aid pappef nshacs. Admission ta 13 par car. LADIESDASEBALL AUXILIARY Seiucday, Sept. 26 att1 pou-Millto Minor BReahiladies'Aeiliary cil lold their unouat genrut meeting t Ru:aîv Park 51111 Tuesday, Sept. 29 ai 730 p..A specll crecning of nec film releanon hy Cada National Film Bound ci ho held et MlonPublic Lrary. Dontomise srare opprttuty totoe par-of a very ipactel prevlew. READY, SET SEW! Tise fali 4-H hummtnaktag club project a bai eng aid a eli lfteady, Ge SeM, Sew! "Yung pee ch. are 1 eaci old by Sep. t are invteq te jin and cub meetingas aeat earlytinSeptmuher. For inforaion coai t Mc. Nacy Schimdt, Rime Econnit forRollton ad PSet et tue Fondoffc,87-314 Mon 0 0 MOTIIER' itORNINGOIIT Wedeeaday, Se. 30 fa-cm 9.30 ar. te il .m.-ltnox Preabytérien Chrcii ixasponoring naoorelng of enfles, conversation and information. Sue lHunt of Dnc Fif illliehoie gueealapeaker. Ilere lina nursery pro-, vlded clii enfuiit es for pre nJenec. Everynne la wetcoue. Admisiniie trou. CRAFYSRGi. Frldey, Oct. 2 from 5 p.m. te0 9p. andi Satarday Oct. 3 freen 10 aou. te 3 pU -St. Pa'i Unted Oarch ilii hld acroit shoc aid sate. Stanp intemoting rafte. TENNISCLUS ANNUAL Frldny, Oct. 2 - MiltenaTeanis Club clh otd lisannuel goeral meeting at .30 po. et Memortl Arena, indeu- ding a report on expansion und er- ion of afficeri. A dinner-dance cil flloet ai 8p..end gueota are celcame et $12.50 par pereon. Tckets are evallaie tram Othe exéctive,, 38alap OnIa unrBath Experience atire, or Cal615-103. PARIttiaDANCE Satrdep, Oct. 3-Spensored hy tue Catulin Womouî Lague, tue Holy Reery Pariait Danc. cllie h ld et Holy Ranry Hll. Eitertaintag cil hoe The Doly Vrden Revue. Hot1 and cold bffet, bar aoiddor primen. Tickets are aveilalaiThlie Nul Eeg and ThetesIreBSock eti$20 pr cuple. MINOR HASEBALL MEET Satarday, Oct. 3 at 1f .m-The annoel generai meeting fr h. Miton Minr aiehailiAaaciainf li wll hoe heid et Rotary Park Cononmity Centre. Eletiot f officers pls tue contitution aid hylacs illliehopt te a generai vole. A conceraed t- divideali hauld attend. TOUR OF LOCALiHOMES Saturde, Oct. 3 - Miton Hitincal Sciety le sponsoring listet orannte tote a 0 enmooney te moutre five aid hurlai grounds. Tler includea 10 hamou of etuer hitoricel, router- aioni, or moden interot, end thep racefrom regeocy rottages te modern architectare. Local retae- renta cili toture pioner-type ion- chenfor the day, and a lide laeaeo- talion on "Tie.Millero Wlk' cWlieh hocnseveral timon throagh the dey t Milton Cntra i Llrar. Thie tours cil rat fromt 10 .m. le 3 p.m. SANTA DANCE Satardey, Oct. 24 froin 7 p.m. te 1 a.m.-Mianh your caloudar. Fuid raisieg dence for the Sente Claus par- ade totoi heid et Lion Hall in Milto Memoriel Aren. Tickets $1t0pa roupie. Jim Berry wcli e the ir Jockey. For ftickets cal Jixo lirain et 978-3377 or Cette Rouf et 878-36n. LEGION BINGO Every Tuday evening t 7.30 pou.-Tii. Ladies Acdhliary sponnors a bingo ut the Legon Hall, ChreuSIL Al arc wecome. Evry Mondey evenin-ipamsorcé hy tc Miton Senior aSenal Club, bigo at the Optimiat Centre (up- tai). Senior citltn are admitledl free..Dooru pn ai 6.05and gaines start aut7.15 p. LIONS CLUB BINGO E.veryWi.îiosday a! 730 psoi so Rd. Snor Ctzets are admtteli free. NURSERY SCHOOL OPEN Noc ope, Tiny Toto Christian Nurery Inhonl i etHgiway Gopel Church, 106 Wakefield Creir.. Mitoni, tronm Mondep le fldaya9 te 1.30 &.m. aid i te 3.30 pl. To reglter, Cal Judy Storey et118-2057 or Mm. Chriteniet et 87-306. REGISTER POE Y COURSS Milton Y, lecated et White Oeka Plena, 37 rante S., aiamnoen lietl flprigaaioftcouresfr adle childma-e nd teenag For Faciter- matlen and regttritkmnvielthe Y0 al 870-8711 Ever laue ihe end et pour pyjama striag or ther drai. stringa or puied out altogeiher fout lia tunnel of clt' Il con oflan hae eely r.pleced hy aethga sanllroin kerdwt one end uhid q g L, hve grsât dltflcaty ryleg to threed a aewtng matchine needie. Tii.. ta a imple and eaz ay ... just taete noeedie out the machine, threed it and repace i. Truern whlch hang on cire dlotitea hangars for any lengda of time heore heng worntinverlably end up wlth e creaun acrnaa th tatd even im no-iron meterlel. To make e no-creene hanger slit a cerdxHeartubealimlar tethe type usad for holding alumlnum fior wax peper. Slip if overthe wre hanger. Onceiltla naIe enamcd lte tape te rover the alit in ;=eveth. rol coming off the hanger. Giaaebaking dtahou thet have takeas onua brawntii tinge from constant une cen h. cleaneil hy aekng the dloh In ea tcong mixtre o houaehold hras and hot ceter. if acusuticai celing filo in pour recreatlonnroom orwonhnhop have hecome etelnad or diacolored they cen ho pelnted dii a latex peint. tUse a roler ntea breait IIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIlII e a*aaaaanmcalaaauaaaaraae*ueî k to ppl th pent.Thi WWkeep the holea inth ilesfrmfllng UP cifli Peint. when e recipe clle for httermillk and you dont have any thece iane need te hoy e carton if yen tse htteronlk only oc- caîionelly, juat add e teleapeonful et vinegar un temon juice teea capot regler milki and lelt the mixture stand fer ive minutes. Aimet instant haftermllk. guets nm achitue ndy ar and on. hem oues' plae tard nfit.ale. us te l'he next floue pou look up a telephose nume nthe cphone book ondenmine if wth a pet or pencili eforc yo close the book. Il la nrprising hoe oten, even mnonth a ter yen need thc number again. If if in un- derlinmt ifl l«jump' right up on thc page son i cl ho casyy f0locale. By EdiAUMiSarp Light up pour yard, plant buiho' Ye'lloever de lif lyna're frying to ron from pournelf. They uyna happy "hookr" is a cantenteil fishrman. + + + "Procrastntors nshould remeonhor that cuile they're spendixg time.werming up the engine, therefi ho tous gai for the trip. Yon're a le nert lfe if yen mii in flhc mirror and nse the image f eommoe esen that yen are frying le please. D0n0f ltfgenalp gel you docn, oupecialiy if if's aouot yournett. Thon. who have ime for gonip and idie cheffer have nooime to ho bled te others. ent of ailtotethemnclveo. Whuoccede thote who are nfopeoyl? No- If poo cont bho itccre cith yoornclf, you certaiof y ciii nover ho sioccre to others. Wht yoo thinh ut pouriof f i fer more important thon chef otheri thitk of you. LE. LEPAGE jTename friends _______________ reoiiued 4 hxed. 2-te=;ain excellent coodion, faend yrd iaingoucd pool. Unturnil Soc famlir monclhe tîepaceanad honte a senncaitc eircosndiocoil. Tu sie. inase sait Se Deicahleeai.. t-iansuiten vain ioocteocily vo, al-k-ouaio uolali fusned andwapaedvyar, veik 10 future GO staton. Ptaauato sowo. Pineeti Jte c MCo o Cerce ioSsnhlii Exiiinqsoiooîrln inunt 104.fl o. . u24W0 sq. 0. fuingu sge living anddi hnn once. landes nici. nain flio en hcncd amli oo sansued teuircSae inacnnîcrot,14 % und skîcu from $96,900 1t39,990. Choon. (rmaslcino tix.Call Lnday J. MLasen., 4 lanebnd,enen.3 btnhi, ipacsiing an9d icnnro cOt fel, ce eatunn kîitcen clote to seteola and shopping. Unsled ae$W,90 PuseaSil i LndnsoJ. MoLane. Chamno4onedoonomet, miatureea in toffl Exta dSm,.denc ce 10, wetea doocoaie., dctod fCenna. beutaiftre ci- vote lot.Fenasteg a neolahie.Ca JSn McCoi or Cole 5orthill COUMUVSSCOMIESTO TOWN Loohingout th0e0bay wordow ofthe10bastl iaeiy ied koschen ono therne,.ouorger voou elvin in onvino lis delglOful 4boor nînason hoe is 011 1the aecossocotsx rostid ineahomleofti ns calibre. Akn $13,90.tPiasescali Mary Vlla 3 bedov tes.ia,aneuncanane diic o m pato o drns 1 patiloivingoomc ils iloilace. 1 'h bthi, mv e 000. Ak 78,9.iff reuse oeDcallni Lawrencen. K 3 bndooni.senrato dning oc, laree cul ktchei. 2 bttOs, attachaitgarage. Home i ace lnot.tOs hecniO50illsintr ofatues: 4 laon bedoocs, 2 full tani. lînpcise ilvin îioomand faclm slily n orykien ci pantly, etc.Lrge 6booOuiiistaeih .ldooî daosiu Veid75n000. lesacausaig oif 2800 4u gt500Oae UenO ad spollesMan lio. asiols 0m plaen, cmte lnibols iS hixe ll,îso padldosk, gînal loution. Please sali JOnMCo Toronto Lino . 826-9218 Diifl Stalle Haol In"e Wnher Brien rGreen]I -444 8843» r08-990 878-848 Cai. eSn1iblll Duavrunday McLweal 8934718 4424 88-22 3M9 Main St. E. Milton naenson, Manager, FR., S 8784L25671 sof Bittan Donna SYnIs 87»-21M8 978-3112 61 il winther. mp-g- P.... y v v 1 The Canadien Champion, Wed., Sept. 23,1981 89