On expert advice Dy Dmsa Spr An espert, 1110 sal, ila mmebsd freinseou o00ew. 1Io riabo &boutlOu, but il aP- peare lametOuI Oue oarld bas sevar soewscita prtdfu'satnoftIbase types. Every time yp u ss ressd, il semsl, goseae Je dlablas out advins. My fislawaresne ftblamsubatCk la we obsur s wbia ouatlle. At tOuI ime, Hâke txany oehier pran=ts, a were tunadisisutoe, iothe ase speku bp Oue epert on cblld car, Dr. spea. 115 sausol frai adolca. Yne b.d la boy him book. inaOueisltenigpaas , bocks bava be uWedyoafe d gadvins ne everysubjct yo Sul t1k Of. Ibm. imiiode. '7800 Te Sava Yaia MarrTise", 1100 To Arrase Î7xpnsveOlar', "linotlaP48M a biiieDlae,"IoTo9k. Friands adisnaePep",to Te Mae Yor O ove Y." Vou cao boy paperitack advime coerttsg evcy asepecî t flvig. 91gb one ot lare tOu innssuable veoluesdcdicated tla improvIsE pose su lite. 1 ave nsiea..boow el ltas. boks sel, bl04 but te sohm niers suggst l ere are a lot ci foks out Ibere wooeaIleal lblsnk IbaY bava problem. Wail la buid soetInelg lthereanar books availaiie tolal pus bau la inake aiytsg rain a bidieelas log cabis. Vouscon boy books oblcit uperll dascrethlb.symplainof daiY slebaasOs oadoud sel oat la bav. And if ypusare nseil 1batore Ypu stor raadlsg, terens a gond cbianca pasi bave oetin wong oiI pous bere yes Pal Oue boek don. smeawclla s bavaeimade, sMdar mabkin, shmci tdm*lsibppilei. Ibarvacbaseof oite elM t M y-it lahire te.l= î anr i Ibat Othirestaffr sage advins on lb. but osway sellis letp PliY"l Gadi Vous cangel aCslebaesa exere udih ier m NetcomeaaiYe Sreilis, WIthIe esunanid aslf alteo evr reusas, ypus bavan Unlrlulalywoarthitoliaadvi aucb as sfe.dsiviti 11,10uletmonatOu verypepeer tw bs il 11laateded. Thonse oh ava Oue peusdc dulr lypeWo aacola freintOuTV scres woli leouin Oue vrue of Ou eadcb. ranady b's pedhibs. Or bainrrbod el efe, r obalaver. H'. renaiy strin 1experal'ocu"bss Oit pas, advins itheras a lot et il gin tlda tir auo tgba nuto renl illes a oe-tome baisu. If pus bavaelaumaecitidre pyoiseau obal I mess. SInonthe ieglsasig ofi Ou "idahave cntoudd parents by disg tOu very MWlagebYo.s- vised nsella do. On thr han&, seietima llasa ise lina oblcb sapartsadsvising frein naggsg. And 1amserctais pas can pckspsabok. sonesobare, obicit gogas o exaustiva 0.1*11 ons OuI vrp sublect. Spara unefreintOu axpurts. Fruit tree farmer granted severance i Gsu Goola tg 0 se a bons ide frinr Iban1 itallo a ssdDivials1 Coesdmedm. ut baow whb.110 S suItSals ui ble. 1915, I bere e1 A~~~~~~~~~~m onoadswitatht arc laid. w, alinany Adams prze fr wxningthismont ore.sHef Wlaitp h banlsgate, reebea colorig conait a ed by theceagbelacd, b.and restauant ai The onadianChampintdthe a bveani fie atchwaa reneted o th ~Y e qaine redi odA MDonald' wast wek b Paric tans owteres.aid EIliott, eploa ni o! the mon t cSeaedaof ieapen SIJNDAYSEthMeRan,01han ldlbst cay3Nei st eek b edtroueln 45 aes, ndc RA0410 MILTON AI O.11>241 flin av «d5Ee sIE.lRad e m d 7 gOh't ere Uopd Chs selad in10 tllled tlas OuIt Sjme ohob.d pa ohi reuanmllot. AE.LPAGE I o »U O "Av@ A Nm maVAUSIR tf gocaOm ou wtbb s obsd lalefk biooa isoos oi3 bedio ocicnn coln is th lcapssisdbcl disanicoe lU $mm"neb inen ad p". nskAlis stesin 4440 «MI Jsy Onuecl tdot etsA.LPg.l(Ont.)lLI.4164n7-0173. fain tb. lsd, OmlOti farud mmislpuanl aima, ebIch it f M0,~els Comautla.cb.ras a*lent ame Brilsla ciwd cladanp- iect irsitone Who mpkqin 30 0 salrsn riciendr peapl andi davalpasne il esefidul in s fautmb lardeub caff pe bis tain 0111b. a bons&fà&.tato. the bout in Ontario far Omlu.k sala bis aiiare s.rara in thi u e=fhy a=pnd l par efthl. e mlrp. Hao M ce290 acreas ftugb umpioed 30 peopla dur- hibiscn &ad dleaaad asg the sonener, and hb. an!is n 1Itheltue MUL21TIPLE UScun %ESIccCE S1981 MIS AWARDS For tise Mamîh of Jsdy, 1981 B ruce uMn -.ilis itis5u EsasoLi& AF e Fuirancks -a.u ri T.« auos ~iJeann.seeSandereon - A.. Pàr For tise Montis of Assgst, 1981 L iimes Cursie O cssOircLd violer Salie - Ai L~Peti.nesLId. roesioa * e eac ea Ae .sat Ta s I s * * ,,~ ...8269W- REÀLETATELD. 30 Mai St E, Miton 88-056A TorntoVIL mi Takto teteanineala. L chance that iny loi Milton Fal Fair whicl ing zoo caled Anina here with one of the sta pony. FaiY Fair Ever omnted la pet ar Rlamna orgel ait reailY clse la alm? If Ibm. bhave beets9 sacreI dreains fr yer, Suas Robimen-Ceeke map b. Oueieais oet tsdting Ibai. 2 Suas and br Animai Ï Atraciens f Oetario wi11 b. part o e bcMlon ait Fair, laklng place 0610 oeekund aI 0e fair Atsîeng lhe aoeled animais titat loca chilidren and edlla 010 gel a cance te bseve ap cimse are a thtece menlb ld Shtland pesy, eeep, gas anod9 Mediatc A nedialr as beo appeleleti by tbe Ed-i- ctialn Rlations 1 Cmmissiûo la sist tOu trust« andt lacbreet Oue HaltnRoman Cah- eSic Separala Scitesi Bord i e S ueretq cetract negeiatiens.1 Thsemas Baned, a Teroetla isyer, oan oppetslad recettly tc NmO iRd EUMate Missel aime@& SWm epmmnita M hsa HM in 0Monefor du wm end emcSdkg or@ MuSss apoo10ntmrebe eoelmmnatheibMo am Mioaba e sec inam PluMofialoui.olSUf hilo .cum7mlUi. A cor.Yte. mey -ontelilo buy à lotadater b own home 0si or e a buildng ontraOcte obudioms Alot :Î1 ould b obosetnrcv rfuNY. VY>umuet Mu" for s net onty la ilaptable in vou but dm *05k" Lisa MeFarlane, of Hamilton enjoys the boatt6endid 0140 amM.a coOW»10iu 8 011001 cal chldren wili get thisi weekend at the paermit.l10 bfeatutres, among other attractions, a pet- Yuf oldmoa b.r .stte landla tsalfbid ahig ai Attractions o Ontario. Liaitla shown water.end,»w« saivor e t uacalble. vy« eus tara o that show, "Popcorn" the Shetland esuethtpotable matercent e bteciui 0,00095ng by i ensd thntthe otle 5,tttabilaoràsapiletank layoo. JAM CICE J595f Zeios 5615054f themnietsloty ,b.uld b. .saobcd te ueO - moka sure thai yoei cipatad buiding oi 4 e lloismO zOO wIII De ~~COUNTRY LOTS on the lot. .ococO*U-îmfn attraction rabits. accompaned Susan lao A Ilina a aloo te. Orasgevlle Sun- possible, but not Cerai mftn Plans are aise ai Iis peint, sbe sal. beigmade teVlsttfall susan ot Brlsint aire in Orilia and starledwoerktng in the Spencuvilie, nea aninal sbew, r peLing KnOn. COIJMNTR OME meo bSiaieen .re TinkIindeof ortIla Lvely 3 bedroecbrick bungalo,2CO AEPCE yaasnsgo lh a Trono dffrenti and vry i.- btsfepsace huge fshed t oom, eulses thnevelue i.abi lovly 3 group tat tlrvelled lereting, lsaisud I wth weebssand ce kou, are woeden bedmoc bseksplit, oeeentlcy loeatndt freqsently tssbet raly ujey lth ait dock .hns cd bec eecsy ach ed closete chw, sh opping amd the GO wenternCanajsda ilirlgarage, large stcter gardec o th smal trse. Cai Stelas atccet WOM7 or e Ttepettlws Petdisg zoue, esaid freit.IsEx cllentcutycation.Askng 62211.tt "The peple tgroo was1 $129,9t0.CaiSelaPerostte8 78-065or desling oit were getng pnPlanlty annpeueg M122 ou est ai thelinte m, pet lathersoay frunt teir Ontario taie really rurai besnninin even le wanled Iben se oel" ima. .K e n Sisnn nid in a rucent "Even tlb. ksin1 iteveeo. billton dm1' alosys getU . Amotebr fairâ iis OsellaO hse bm inde et seasn e ebeasis ave' animais," nillesud ir app intedAPPI.5OY UNE *100,80010 b.ip the Halles unst in19 so-se and North 3 bs h ecca memtbeen et L'Assoc Yrk inlWS-'79 -Ceuntrykhm henwih bifmsad ition dus Enseignants Boh the truatees and lag e sted pocnh 3 be hreecc PRICED TO ELIL *40 France-Onlariso and the lb. t.acber salary -Centa vcuss, tc4 bcdrccc, J et lscd 3 bd.oe oweuhoueu 2 OnTes nglsb aIllc negoistieis comntr -Deuhle car9garaeTV ec b eo ecoh esoOss Tcacbee' Assncslim bt t mantial progeesn on eeecoh beltht bar Te . v lasnc caS stýeloa P t 6 78- setletiemstanding ditter- cnb. smade wIb lb.e CALLJM oKERAT87e 0565 828eJanceMMostO87-055. eceuwotlb the scbeei muialor s blli board l inumpecd thaMr Mr.sed hnlldeb. eaut tasedeo ufiinmml wIbh appoistid medialar riteu$ and teacber twe isthe pa, insPeel reps isa few dayn. teonag msty1s%..ed bctcasndc1985. 3bctscaOFOO*"»0 zs t t s s c b lficd s desS s u sa c e i i i g c r ; a T i a . ý s e i l o e u l aise-i yard.nectceckys tseeeSucr sccmpdnebdghsa uebois-nqyard. T lobis 040 f4uds od whhunn intimss mco.Spubf Id strct o ult lerculdsensu l.l Vou s ae oodlally nvked f or s parsonl vléwlasg. DaWeta eambar 24, 190. 7di0 - OOp..Pklace 300 .aatcDrvs irie4 n AaklsgPrie*17&U00 Riuncbsgll%%dualOO4 Tus $M1.00 oppW te MOU .051dtielidostlg bovar. lsta sat fesuse a oiala kOhol". 2 fireplocaa. fesvroc poolth uieh wal ncs elosmond avd esd Living soliOstibm 15y'. a* mscb c iewed aa moia forisore? ConitiOMERLE ISAIRD-KERfi t&*3733 14Y%%TODAV oonmlte pseaoc aahsîsittaCcoî sncOolwih me...CaoFie. PI.LY DETACHECI- *70,80. Ths 3-ieo labngalao lalco 1k. tn end fieus o largOe- cec th pines cpbcatds. Cnral itctdimog, almlar eeldgardn, anda otaoge t 10%earc oteimortancctoieata. Dccit couets o. .JeantThomtson, 878-M0 or SM7OT. SENDOR PAYO4l d5% Vis t. Ve.odctstetSait Ste beaut- teul 4 bedtectc bucgalow oîth a lare fectcd yard. ToclimoCal ti oe 87-M 1eJck 8,78-UO. to bugitcdoncosi. r, i.bon colnre SUPER INANCIN Tbisnbbisht 3-bdto hel as a brick tcscpla c nthe beg test. Plt dnn oloenOd largccst-int kcohec esh walkout to e fccd gacd. tLa ot gae.set %cpusseeetdatthinactit aantsim. Pitedo si. JsstThoecc. 878-0565 or 7BW877. CONFIJSD DY HION INTEREffT RATES? Teoettn' sohîe ousu ehetihm nis e $ 35tttt send fcsc doih a 0 14% otgage.Th iesncomparablel homeoncthe mkt StbcS,ýaed .. 1e. nd cadd woh exsa CailJslai Vedue ,t 8780666. DOUBLE BARRELLED uetil Sept.l1986 acd tac, out the opCc lIce mflite t ceociti. CasI DsditWillasc et 8784M or 878l-731. la r As WA5M MAsOAeMURlthoeonloscu atitratve 6 bsdcns he ao 4thacge 010104 comi.end 3 bstlcoeoc. Lvelv plus bockb-yrd, aï 1inucctttn ceedition. Oc the other tsd. vymost wih o tne tleaObspcoste ne atus hoeforlaseniciebe. littaleco. test need - cati Jet Soesvita ece apoitOe- nentet aiAE.LPgeiOet)i. 4164M7-0173. IT5fOT CANOT- - U5f 18N 0THE PMUE$749W- a grai 4 bdcom fami5lava.teL-satild llele/dieles co, plus esc-bt lthem, 2 bertelmne lot & gmd sesm. Cmpae emd rmOno the veale. CaO Aoc Mctyti fot Inlauie. A..LaPaga lOc.l Ld. 4164M-0173. 1 r7_,- il