Collège teachers reJect Imtm government offer, :%. ;rva ua ru. -gauwae me dmt %wr n bm fbs puerl Ontario ali- ucb a"naetv" gnu= tia rm. - tamishower, bu. _ntieult, UIcama muadiellan tlba efmmtéin te4.Uwure redibelare the UnMeniay vote fow rnaRe lent ney altermnn a S eceilnte Mr. Matna lient t Un lierle upite tUn rejecllea culip u lcet Mm. Martn nclpta Draw profits youth centre Gog lb. Urne? There wun penty oftme for Nationial Assocato ofmatai and e.lock Collectore members to bu y and mal rom -on anothar at the Ontario Agricultural Museum Sunday. Clock and watch parts aa weil un complets tîne pleces were offered forasale at a flea market like thos held every two menti. for membera. OAM hosts dock display AasiHolidaey lt anea4 ganerally uai 1wo Une fiee martketa mblch attract membure freen thea Torntoet-sa. Se ollar tiny atch cent- panants lot- sata mhile ottiers are ttre la sait aid traie clache of meny descriptionsa. PaltMonuhm bern a membrfr w1tIyeranad got the ba 1forhie hbbhy hy Iraqosattng fiee marktlauni an- tiqu sates. 111 teogbl myal lae repairtn Unn hae "t'e bal Unebais, findtsgsumomaila e- pairUne," bu as- No daub Untheat- latione busbtpei Mn. Motitela evance inhie 'Te aasacatonefie market mas a ose-day eveat fbt the club asti- hbit finthte W.A. Stewart Hall il bu oiable fr1w George Kobunas, 63, trucki. mceped ijury, o Toronto, driver of the police ai. 1 vtemiig frsm 10e.m. tlas p.m. util Saturday, Oct. for Yetib eluu s$n mihltb e sntly cane- ~ eidm. Diane Funk, Uabuan themonm o«M beu mud lo am thae n euhuni &rein rousent ith the Omw bOue atrt 'be tiet nlU dram uneglwn ua Deatei hI North End fow Yoitli mnrbwur i Golalab, wbu rutwrned hb lltke-*ofmig tUn 1 Last Week I OI to take advantage of Our off seisson pricesl We Hiave Added Somethtng fNew... A Fur Salon featurlngal i te popular fusia nd~l PUnitLynx, rdMu MENS eATERasa8tLAtS5ETs Oea OnOn oa. ea . nana n49 rue a.. the ode SeA.lronA i'Hde House IN FISîuCENREo '~"onono-'~ ornoWnB I IIInsalno n e u i UPS800 Govurmisnt Rabala:l TO 0UD our home is hooled milS oul, 001w uifie ime tb convert 10 nturot gos or etsctricity .. . or add an ol-saving float pump to your eoîstng lorced-oir lurnace. The Federal Goosrmsnt it subsidîze 501/.of pour installation costs for eosrgy- saving fleoting systoms- up 100amaximum of $800. Ifs ol part of the national effort Io conserve our osu resourcos. rebats o! $3000on0 Total Carier CamIont Electric Furnace,Electronic Air soenar and Humidifier. Sus the full rebelle acheduls belaw. ENERG YEFFICIENT COMFORT PRODUCTS Toipen Mut CHECK THESE IMPRESSIVE CASH REBATES! o 5lednpido 125- Heat Pump or Central Cooling byirre 3118D 71111111 $ 75- Electronic Air Cleaner - $ 25- Gos or Electnic Furnace -$225-Heot Pump or Central Coofing and *$175-Hea Pump orCentral Coolingand Gas or Elect ric Furnace $ 250-Heat Pump or Central Cooling, Electronic Air Cleaner and Humidifier *$275-Heot Pamp or Central Cootng.Electronic Air Ceoner and Gas or Electric Furnace *$300 -Hoot Pump or Central Cooling, tiiectronic Air Clooner, Gas or Electriti No maiier iiow coid rie ouiside air, there s always heat in il. The Heat Purnp captures that heet and purnps it inctoors. Addrn o ethrteHa upchanges MILTON MM I iu APPLIANCE ITOMlAbh REPR87MUSO Semond prbla e IpPl print doaed by arliat Burt Ceeueonmuumon hp DP Rattandci 5Ma fleaver a. Un. Fuk notai Unit Une cmmite bai ne ceuInruanlag Une dram, un evea ne ilakeae mre denaea by Repiu Printtng. Anyoca latareseainb helpingwmthtti Unpro- grain ta ievited la con- tact Un. bFunaIetra- 208IerwtUn Centre et 8VI- 1244. A imvtile bu liuegneugey 8pe thepon theMUn 0e Un e hum.n Talusn iI ent melu&Én la tlmetbeeluty bueav«u ieet 3U Iniais, he lamaidw uea e iebtegevrmait lbu ne« ru » maenoem." npaidei toUnMeuis und mob steritmar obw ntrlty, Un ofeu b Important aun; It l a en *0us. hu adi" ae a nofai 1ICE 1LOCE-X sunetoOnt au-on, Ont ~~,UiU - - Wheftyou buy Iuisranco.. the. key word Ie niea e le 0t*-hstmsn 0-oohtal In Canada. Thay ue0 thounuanuof buurnioepoOwu.maut ho* do vote *Ii epobtl iath uonu for Vou "aeb an r boshoosbeu. Wa sa neot amployaue Q# ay biuiwno ci puny. Wa aine, the munkat for yoS. To Ibid Udg f bnauenna. .. Unis U . . ..w« gnqw... et the Andi% eue IpVo t sha mhumea uleli. sen ote den wth asmn#bur of Uhe lnuiwun odkusuAuaoeindon ... youhava Insurance Umited NflkkItMinflont VMM Wbt do Uhenanme King Edari, Vogu, Toronoa Daioey an Chuster bava ta comn- mun? Ihts quetion will bu enaerai fer thona ebah vtett the eohtit of Pequegnat stecta et the Ontaro Agriuturat Mseurne.there entil Otoer 10. Nemetites King Ei- ari an Baner mre gt l n e vroes ot f aetthese sIeste mais in Bertie (Item Ktchner) ram 1004 la ta40. lTe Canadien com- pesys onder, Auther Pequegnat,- learnai htn crafitainhis nattve Smwieni. Whas bu firtucametl aCenisa bu menufacuri bisycle buuemmnet ruantfor* clcshmesofctarer ta Onario. iThe compay mu cneai as meshentrol ctoclas era hesomtag oheotete and safireen sortage hai eun caunai y he Iu mr. Evarythlng rom ma- tte clocho ina Sur modl gruidfather stockes era maie hy Peqoagnel an tactoeithUndlaptay. lTe collectonta mais opeof contribtlaoneram Cheper 33 ofthUn Nat- ional Aocaton o Weirh an Club Cot- lectera. The Toronto rach o the essociation wu eti the mooeom Sonay for e fee maretlwhtch gave members e chace tn ied lhoee misntng parlsansoiadi la Unhir colletons. Every tmo mullas thmy gather la 1his mn- ner, intieg experts ta Une ri" la speti ehan ema .1 ', lthea nete r1 u- dattegagelraiet b recomîtructei Aertoyle Toma Hall sasa unsaonfoalo-the 120- membur chepter. iMan seriously inj'ured1 t i A iooisnge ma muaa rioutly ijrei Toesday moroieg, tnae car-truk colision on Briteonie Rd et Nth Une. police sei ecea- makbnga efttunlot- oto Britaaaia Rd. lrom Ohe Nielfi Lte poladitl Une palfi of a dump truck. Driver othe car, Fred Cote. 57, of 2230 Heygte Crans. men roshed t10 Tranto huspitel tehere is condition as lhoei et press ime aet criti- ca". AROUND Tm HOUSE M e lalruico oo ast hatkinboiling, tc. Thislts a te mat- O Wao ngmoiso hooxo fiooifor. psa.en E thîckin he scarthonls rnco a er iO. Oothe Wh. m8- tiksock.oethuOe lieget ven f th aa pt aro dm ew i" NI tml nmth ieo 1