Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Sep 1981, p. 15

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-The Canadien Champion, Wald. Sept. 16,1961 83 VIMbFeII Voui.FoUe i~O VMAM E 11 PUR3r'd ANNiUAL AUCTIN SA L h »Wl, 141, wiltIO os- P h o n ~5FADAIA lUOtiOe 6105 10 H AUCTION SALE FrWlimMr 0.ady t rida ',-:- mqeap., luamber, ois.e frmi Otiuip Location: 2292 BrnhmthorPe Rd. 1/ c h atiy r n V AsS Io, BA a- ,,.< IemeIothing, housaisaid offets, mise. Mte- mile sBatai Hpi. 25 or 5 mites South of L mu 1978 yAMHSIO50 for: Milton. Shr EDx COOp AREA ufes Cuhrbstiedt = 'Saite elW Ail Mue THE UNITEDFmte uho hselE r ap.astiil.51-45 .Isothermte lasy-bey Choir, lise £W:7w.pi.ft..Phh1 Long Box 6011s.fl.l TRE seoc so Chir -i/.NosDEI.ut; e n e fit ju st t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iosr e aprarWD ET 35PM at; es kitciad so . etp es pro Gaosor Diesel '.fRNCI si e rie. LOCATION FERGUS AGR. draplea table. ead ose; =« aibita ainet, 4z xý. 4N Zedlee.irl , tIe &c' I "It0i<-OTSm>0 I4ALL(FERGUS) weta2Colsa2ase;ddit ins uO n o e 4x .(trie An Mutmn HPesedeMaisse ef sm nt. baeso; eamer taunk; ad pis tbl -ett 4e; enta f#idè.sitear &Ototeardand 0ei~~d se dieplee table; Pi. of aid Pe basa -t SIble waeet i~e4.tace. sp MOntaiiINO MOWERS a TiLLR ET. aeth dS thed; chinaa Cabinet; «e "tpl bSi f.eh saseferly.oeCaf W55f presure, ridliccteprsi th onatass i neieBbP tidingattantie bo spig a matru go n 2' i Ils 9eelieSEtae l nm tbeue e c ty s gor-ope eitares.m.ffo SIfg iake Entvee; 2 moth oldtbfidlii0imrel5itp test pinsetable;aope hiesnd ash3îiedes ilbadtsyn rltfraprtn cava dere - te6ft. TRAVEL trafia, meee Bet ~ tinle tWIer. Super Yatdrntaeet 81ma aîee net- pr. at itemed mbrtateo; hall tOre; ornd kitnhen etmo The -iler sa tsotb E Oe paEda cr n sap sin modai sisafl I. 89-1m. tanttta aliaie;4' tnetedlailt nne.d cees or sg The ahich niay lie as centres or onl tbe '<7A1 f l od JOS ONar 3tHte . Cher: xtrae te ; eieaaaeboser wIs le;45. in aspeaeae B1 d »lise.g mcehipt aee. pr er ba oaee- ille as 10 pet cent sirestllin e very- "SUPER DEALS* sTef.,iet 4. , ma .iO ttoir $1H3. atea@; lto lwai aos P rfr. odpo opnoet-SSI adwiete etglst hn rn hclt TRUCKS~~~~~~~~ ~ 984M.____ GANDIN SEOUIMBt4 Sonei entragsed; Serge iiiaeatie; Admniri asoetee arllo 4 baines stase; yaE srse ee.hS Iers oet hn ri hrii " tPE TROOK Salihet qaantltyo ai eaidm Saais: esele, etc.; hanuna Admiantkebreidlesis; Zonab26"aatVid calcu ..P a bit the pramoier. bars ta lighthalbs. 17ttM FO Tei P IS patn; plantent; gardesn books; tteaei; platt ia a beaiu abintet; t.E. 2 bast fliue paiea; maeOe sel a f caourse, tht weli- of coorse, Marty -L i d u ~sai ls 0 iui tans etetd.etaeiet 2t ihni m a lsit naipet soreapen; Ut. Irving pan; abiet thon, lirs for e gond meaenn caieienity orlefien cbri Wesae Trotter inCiUded. voite; aiort hase; bie basxe; Slim edgent; laies radia; 58 place Eneilel china dictai set; 3 tI. Nia- Case. group la iiea t r aie n Salit * Lseaele Rsstaatleite 1te9w. Cali a&"er 6:00. fiave fosashe; asaieat Cor pote; aitadensieta pot ms5aing5 aat; Basean ctea Et solar Wbei's e hecb ar ibel tht lion's shere sîMîlar Praucis and _______ Ls. laddat, 20 fie avn adgint; 9e"e2"xta fi. Chain linS Cmhesadakafl mint dish; Nippae ceanver; dity ofte aileIl Ote bfl s fths li 1I'SM UflJRMA14198684Ms~ BOAT aid illeSU yae're aialb b bcea bs li Clance. Inetcdioryr rcorcoi;Bo.Cr tbto oeineM ,&bi&d ; pr. f pe boitplaitar sesi tr a n s lia t ften if htos - orsCano",.stadi;aeaie ae aaidests mipea snerrntie n bigbpressare salestnus ewe k ISTORAGE mene;lttaastfort. siinavet; tine incle; galen. comot e b rttas aniers ; a h oudi ea; S d ane patnr maa i catn dhftca rotaeis to&bo 1eNlaee, Bock Now base lilantlity; villae blanksanh seadet; datidel- y pitnn albaum; stelehtieaaieod baos; iSe blnE ma b atS anases epe tietteant & a b l In"de ýitwi-d. p ais ion edeis; stayet; and nummnn oit ter Itent, servine tien; semetl dean aed salis; 3 Desin cbild lei cemp- Ticket talas are senliaf nan-prabit NRHEDD SINLt Ksiaagast Rset posod. complotesis teeeny taelat. Blondueaddies; 5tctaCbt glel.: 3 Hamton Theuasd ai oflen bandled by chenutes andl thase et taisec Catentatiot alable. MIEC. iTtMS, PAINT; WOOD: ETC.; Larga quat- Ont, sul item., ses 1, 2Et3 virh heidîn Et tasvet; 5 Onlarie reafideela are teephane solictors selling fer profit- MARDI RIVER re tel o veritos alla., b gal. Et amones; laise qeait id gaI. ctiel- con; seeden bott cteti Wsiltan sabJecte le Pitcibt warbbof aut ai whal mahisg venteret. (wuence C EDf RVER gojfohf i s ge Ieed. hauste foaod; def col- motien psy cem; atertisan wherol; Film lise txet- li b is Udt e ry yar. bave came tolaie Acatts e 00TC . lIsm; cts colntli; litse; qeantity, at stase pIpl cis5 bicycle; Germnsu tiatb. Seslltet tht bosn as -'boiter Ab bautn deforte 1976 CARMARO 305, 1973 PONTIAC Vat. t973 THUND5BRD.R - - 07-96 ned sMai; lasse qansity eoefaî asa eee ei;Ntia tal etlS o; lt tD.Sîeenyîo aat et aporalians. agintesethi etsae car, fi iv tra 4-40«, geai tetis 1081d100, $l'm. 06 telo t balle; Baent; geto. 3" pipe; inflastis; jif sal Ctatsn santal pesmo- ae ae lites tht peekela ai By saying Sbey fsi rîts e .e l ia.. lieedle -tqemts ii rd tEteef_ _ _ _ _ _ petboos; 10. 1%"mtala; cour ces.; deanlc tte enty chartet; ptr. gaso esd t aptni t fE ntie rmtetrpeeisnpai ondawSI ra s tea 1974re CAtra. smatierat;.U2'OsU. T5dSl5 cabinets; Et bita; miln stipping; filhdi ltn n e iel; 14 pimce Grey 3/8 tc ineteaul ef helpine hriai greopo. sml odit CA.RCo 1 0«.1 -,800 o, 5 mites, lesraef. sat $1990 bu fet. V7.- laid TOYOTA Corons, qouant i seriah; eta. et etain; enuxtrety arbis 1 Yapen Et boa enid orancti set, liSe som; <Sien 'h thest e ttt. the Selephate yoopl sh uidaele ta elfar, eyr 82,200. Sl ______. ____ 02. 33 mroni. saluer TrOWN OFMILTON affnttupoints;aie. eu; dptrys tapanate; ste716 ta 1,ill.lienmoi 2 gbuntltal tml yo shaaaslcies ibreod be blear 4W.ONIC i pni AM/F tenity et raib; vs igs adhasbne; ont. baa;p.hiClip;alemSicn P oneaey tai sbarity. student arhingO f vi en ae o ne ih sv a = s eatIn ii, steraOsbU . i$2210 . actifl tîna tit ls; ala treaita; hu suet; ga. trut- leate te a re qunutity ai bts, ta nev sead; Malle tort yat bows e w Sihey mag er. hn cartrie ti 4ASN . sg pesO fr erWll l or SuefCar$ sita-25'4 ment; qoa teit atlos fitr; gieEtail;eir ilt9is; Statnley plane; 24" pipa enencti; 3 giieleta; 4 ab ialrds ~ Keaw aha yoe are AM/ o body $M ort u fo Ne le. Calti Gary ted liol; qotint, af idsetlbi toal blds; ini squtares; 4 saon; Ima aimant; neldarnn taieS, h ho f de fes l-lt proe- AM/ým ~~biSe ablea; Inasu abila at Windnows; Otan. eauo spathx Il te pontp; scythe; vit enai l ck misad h te fs-aion o ar ab e a n le h mla ie stira s a QUALITY U" ata. 7-W9. defrstams; quantity id setian ABS pipia; large aso; heelna; e;Unie tas; Slip laded 8 hr ea m ae ra0 , isein hae amea t stbise prasfod, 21,81 muasl es OhCa~ c . Vi lA- sped. qoantity ai ntatat ait; qailt et 4x4u cailme paele; annail tdole.ril uea otts Orsa Il fo:P esas str copet Seit$a trai qiiastity id 2" eesaitsd Iambes; qoastîty efl itB aes an o Auetesiaa tttepail a an- riatieta an the If yas do boy a Ath utuestia tinle.ut. Ct p- Marie. smttsi bleck Chenrolr ltmber; qoaity of 2x3xt2 Il. sprue; quesan i cidesea ofn phOeeY Cbarily flat tiskeS or mebe a Find out where the 73". bAVIE $3»0.11i tS- Cati 5.1030 *fe SiteC5OCHOSWoHo as there areietacraP' datation yasr mmre mm sglStn jet ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ab ie 257/R4 ulo ewat pormeltage i tir0e ets.a evtt. Matb P.., AM/ee ' 1979 VOLAR wS ages, TENDER C9bie kis. bajue lengute); esseitd scia. bals., Peapes »Sa. Bal a fel camman gisen mey ho arilles ac<il eof<or ties Cait raiV6 eylre atmbl, 1%CY rduadFotEdLsler nett B, eetelesle; eve tioh am.;aoding dor; 60, 40,1 at utine.W Brownridge eeOShwuonatp"crad autotai6. malele . 978- AM radie, and moe ae iMotout;i. cp;aIple;saigamn;alpi coms se t h sai fro a rt mob oy aiHe tais ECONOLîNE8s 136ue ms PrIced ta taIt. LiC. TENDEt, cri foren apidb h ono i- u ;rdecp;otpis selgr oi;dtPi th enfailig te Cla fo t-0 kttea lr s aled sticaepe. eli Poulo glass poses -et. virlisa pans; a fi. dne Phone: 878673 reglarily. teleplione soiucîors uhmnyite peser orasc ttPE 19. Oergtw Chrysier. mnmae est eontenta. hy The Mfaaet telfi thenk tiseS; ia8telS h. Spieoe; lt6x6 IL. Redwood fle? Sbarp aporaleto mycnit grmup trying t0 lerlor, fsid te. tSvi mtse, ln MinI id-10. o Moite, 144 Main Street Est. Miton ustl 2:00 seg; goui. ef piyoot; steel imuits; an ornntieit AUCTION SALE hase aflan aitd atil- Te ara a is ForGeof Jne rtapecled farm bicrbte. conittin LIC. AXV 1977 IlAs p oca Tm.ein:t ethIvItarts. c ota tee ba taîd toi oiller IAsIsiecnae FABAe2- 135. Cati Bae Melget. Premelr 2deer Mort, WadedssvSptmber 30, 1M FARMINO ITEMS SI, TOOLS; Qtentit o iit; Fom Jns uiîy gratepo et a organicelites esing addrSI ad Ieri 209LAN 6aetle cyld- ' 5 mai esd eted ca. 97 -B v, .aS , PsB., AM FM aorthe supplyto elal1OCI. Frout End Lader. sprays; geasuoh; srtable cotal pea; lare telei Seit. Sept. 1 9th et il A. M fronite tel ticet for donations. tepoe tmb . S.s s À P.., P.., air cm, sera, new peint, Specfication atnd Fone ai Tendernma tes obtained Isno aIelteut nouuleis; necoe bais; cta e: 1i Location: In Milles. ai the Paiigiausds. fer circuses. Other pbony tebsubn nuMcr an Car.s 040. dltei.es. ehauslt i e office efthfe DiaeCtite oI Publie Woetia Tome boitas; aailant tati; do sracS. tep sal; ôei.pst e;o'Ck ar monî Cet8 car $Mtn etlo@d MiSas 1,2 ' aieiianasa ni.to; ies~~ tht Agricullerat Hell os Robert St. Tht grmup alteat _______________lfy nteroof, aie. Mltn 25 M anet East Milton.nî oilpp itnsIikrom;vie orthnrg..ltiOS rp :ras or tf.mr Mi s.M. dCls=eioa hi ae aeagdtsad Sale Consistlng Of: Antique &f aihes f pamesisI, 50t tfeSalsattmTelrt t.estnsai!tssCeall a - ~;ae nilese, including pine, glass Et china, cat th Belai ___ roron -320o u ofr et FEMALE teeie sente SPACtoUS2 bed-..5 Buinese Bueau _____________1_ VLV 22G, 78671 N.R Main thes> spursoi dicelid; ties caltent; univsel 5/tftl lectables, misc.. br8st Et Cappes. Sosnlt shresetosofS atchc site ae la. Ccli i exclle nt 19MB mias SUPERf M S.at Cir C -riao ais 2 Ecaso ent s ciolte; Baumes sot feeders; A Pull Sae et approimiellal 250 Itesa. as aperuint. oie- garage ailsi stsrg ethai enCsiian aai ia. SUPER Mayet C7îC.tdtte ba1»0o meeitt esois eteta ., Teegi Fanstiat asties;Fs edaa thgs 10 p lrt yr.o ans ftiles te7S FORD LTO ta $7ei li8 B.te,. dre eati y 10Osnasyiuor otflo s:Pn adoe ahgn 00 mlc, lre yro Leedea.88441 dy 44E. pie bes. amasr Sstial,ertiiteatriethe); Hanm iseta iscosn -adtebe; 6 daimar pins chtiu; tis chut of ON0E uadroen aemasntndil eut. greoou d rail ti the ae . Asl.7 Greiceserattet; 24" les (barn); sait ficks; lea.pat ustieiinisî at oiitot nt tttt psnit 1MliS tn ttsn PI /fi tr s:. irfitn vo mnc; ic.-ptsie0'o Asie. ais-dite.; apm cta eele e dtent s 21tMilltI.,i bm er ai Cota' butiii«, 15119i M33 11311 pipe, lanc «star dio idisas stir;Er catucies; i he. ntetblettp eashstasd; bittibani diais; pentE gryîî'nt no ehîlîre tend GO Train. $425.00< ere 3fl fe5opm st erit scoite flter beie ideti; anll; t ieppts chair; tis asistesul am Wash- Renerencas, Fil mon nntiy pu ulle' I yeu're sel sors Cison. etw lec froid.1 jac 'SIStleatlne na OsisiMabla plsNat h kiTIC eifE sttnd; Bal' aaido denlts laina seiutieo bueles lac, houl.p.m hecan s 87 tiesout 1976 sre1e.t FOTIC TOc.u CONSIONMHENT tesitet tueu; 2 totar ertb. epitadets; dise plates 7177.tctiettidbadnhnit aeh rea tesden TaiecFORDxctll-et RE PARES E N- AUCTION 20"1. hast ermtn; homigd;ndethr anc; and mens 'OPtable;S eehmi ait sier binti bases; baso E l t. enaappiiWO erS n eonti ieis TrucS, essaiiast an diepleai tabla. thovaiuSe case mia chatr; uit triemts onll receinting an fls CA-ft Cal AiVES t SALE more itaem too srurotoutsICI lier. tel Vct. dising menat chaise; large pis iten table; tii. Adlte atn le epN tm eiec eeîion d - I eci nvôm peri e78âtieim5twny sdu tatedsn "fa the 0Arepisen thent a HS L wOUBEHOLO ITESB. ETC.; Vi Ote us a seoel sanaflit pins tabtet; savstai piitiveaplant; aU e ilmtsttmn o h 1974SALED iesha Et euto diyet (chacdCil st by rtison~ chairs; plte a ntal; sontode chair; Edeaian trck end;li pis.tns le.hi lyt leunge chair; 4 daosese pins Cet;i ine tilt-tas table; <Snierie S. nu. Mlles.bl Bre saspîea o e etfid . iht the «laitS as ahrb ie oie THlU R SDAY. :la fest eot; tende est i unbeo: ai mixr m dt 4 tate bacS chaint; Wiîndner tack chis EF otie neB L pon s of fieseer 8 Mcntact Mi. er SEPT. l7th ttloc. d vet; dshashe; coneioni t; ail tourner stie'tsedoSaeasthn; pst teîae tdrsn osntn ulopinc, nt asn udm it o la pietmep.t ealle he Miton, in6 Mani Su. AT leiday AM/FM radio; hast hacsa; Holiday cleck usl tM"'eit tbemEsot. 878 263etm3.spic ~ tsis58 ODF50~ A MMua.scsstt 0 ttsetbl on_______ psp.- 7 .at tadtoiat . utedOie; aEio 4tn l a chis; iacsdty sadîesistttaeb i r Octin ntetle se ul o nt e m le s lion 3m e CittdeEil padde chetefodittbl .0P . rdo G ie tainlo lesoeta tiied tacS an and; amoli asa itin i i s te Nuit busnes fo ayo coSiecte goes <or rai. ce i ~ a utiutetueal tubs; tend questise oi matous Bt0'e; liietiace aiiri asdmli m icîi: pin il pesn() No ets. i i opnreîîsgcasoo. rai.Lie. 0O t68 as, eitibpanaseiptept5 MEADOWVIEW atn; haes wooddtefnt otass; alttiernt gaiatdttn tei iitte.oiat nlde tilt ecsd 5Bi3 eccuse lea SeItl 4 IL AM of SI Piroperry, ntteii aam o. drsoi eal ii aoi;oi ioa t I tie Ces adIl Acln-sin eue do63i8. b Cati Ont Matere t7- CHALLENGE YOUtoflnd Sept. 5, 1961, et Il AUCTrION aaed stoces; iuctie humidifie;, mib -s stand- pinstrl o p ics le md S t act, afpli toasto Ne. 903, SENIORc Homse, mate stiarities soSîcî tu FR Va ege, tatt eloef5isott Main Su.. Caiepheloilie. hahaiWîS;rntcîe;aiia ae ed;atise deeb S;b, ladu aaie cad eonticsn rebl- naecihu es0 lai mi.kS igiw wwd si.. Mile. 519) 653 1020. elepbtse extra sSM.l neeter111. ce8 lefiaokaslgiisaOM t tbail Ohct. 1, iGSorgieton Baon Canet; amul etec; atten mcabimeotsE citent; Omee adie Cins.ii ~ Capo.11 as iait Sosis FORDLOHIG LTC.: 2ei0s apc.ey Gaatr.eiipetcuutte aie ofnTckteas Pli!s u ls ae; opalseni eies basSet- oul11 SAI.PSI -uc peaetieps taisIIben haut; coaben haut; meoius y p. Statrdsite fou ait ut (iegma Clatn.a lfl;Î Î* "*aa tciit -.'y~elîe - b_ elî .tl teadadSS -TiIs ta 8 end void. ROCKWOO endo;îckt";tts; omtjce- uîlîned -pastob tzm~W OD spieir eciets. mita; glnttit actaits; o Meati88 ca. ie. 07,0 ONTARIOes kts Siafottieieoate ogascisîh HOLIDAY IN FLORIDA -boiSer rs aefa . IC. eNTAR- smockt; jesn jaciets; Simea pens; allit men bel e;el gondma pient Pc. a il gîlaire; Lotrd operutioo. doolt ~ aieutReeg Kit chevet coccm errcrtice plate; COiesie luetatS C ALcm iy rol 87-t08 Gieseleo CNntrRgt40 ~ACINE;POTE: eai lieriChili. Sale stant ansc. hacss cakeastand; . P. Oies. china cae stesd; Csaish El FALL DISCOUNT PRICES AnS tbe telepboe 19. GMCta P talied6 MtKE i teî affecute. watulîechîsinaniw bas; etas tat; uysey chine;slcîo 0 c b f P.S.,f P a 4eetas Exclu loria. mibbie teeS ed leso sai trvl I BRUBACHER LUNCH BOOTH AVAILABLE .P.o rw ua;ciacnisik;Egihsranmcnoiimfo etb h ko eus nwiig o ir Sa iýi*'Ofer. 86- Acou * 'M BISSEtS ROCKWOOD - TERMB; as or chaqueqWinhprcpaii10deaila f eitou Oce china e os aholEjg midieeticbpot;gbloc Bomit eiecas et asle esth Florie hufd orcnhv ir o ilMold G.M.C. PICSeP peste0 escteseea KELLYa Rnanecuîe LSD so;dtrchn664272u oli. eesug Bkn.ae o en akn aeareodo -6 A4useH. on to M7 Route 1,cm M GEELP. HLON Larage, Cpie,e hct@O:Be OPnO .7542-2179 a339 st; cuppet 1-ocket. ceppet col seuun selia.0hteFrRs.etearAS ba y r conkiteton. Rente284 le. aitu trons teeM tisserT OaineteaeiesfaetsaPAO Service (EL AB UTOER LTD.) aise sp.goi; brus cotes bas; bleta tee ba. btea. InformationeOeil nume or phone stalierCer-~( ELL LA MB5dd 6eeiON ER eaîîîe îs îtt'o a U uecst te t a aî s c e os eu e t s i. oh .- t m ber mere oh- Win_____ at ACINE Wordd for, humer i ot; cppa; Sic! cohev 2-24 r 457 4 iîsd. asti gel he or_______ ATtiîE~N Chi-is A.ce Sofee Brewndg DilatA EtnI copr Vit Bagn .m. -g9Il.t Mnedat Ftlday tninybene solicitor's P.S., MORNE? laSe, et aoeoitsti Eci~SN Se"esofAulTWllia.» Ae5Sa<or peaul ieîad Seal boa; cîheeesy sheoitg mincir; __ifl e onPRTK IN Sl odce LkteueaAutioeUO Fane Hsasakl Stattettishite postery clok su,; ct iron tîsplaes aifeia pie. orsissacde The Misîstry of rdiiend exaut aRCE S7PsI go Attytheti Flm - Lscoe 8M891988 copeîrbed War;rcaîst o5.ilsîtlene; eat05a iCohmreSot radial 0-3 s cedd satee t h <sul Tel, 878-2576 a lion aesoe T ;icee e be uit. Cd nta a tca wore.1 mPloghjoiprrfin. 97 RR.3, hî, nt oiee; olwaeibss tn;. merrîumtcibl, oteRelaerca ioeaton serbsîe'Iltdtiseti saetI 0h 8.3 Masstl tel. hoidet; paattttciilce.ug pflentee pot; hîesscanetl " mation os photo cen eXiee taIý lie F5bmhc s? G E. 00NALOSON Phoneit 878-673i 0 Iteli holdnnt; colletionto ol 01 botteas: hone biams;pc. of INDUSTRIAL UNITS ch uît scbemesa 58S colnaahsNTrlo voile; lare vase hutter point coilectebîn FOR RENT Businss PrutictO fe S e M* 93ti s a ees-tplit-amite A 0paa - I p s, n Mil0E tosnt for asio etN 1i8,bîmiOac.îae oe $n1iu30o0. _________ etboaokt ti s ; itsemitl good jobîlott othfritecs tot ise Act thal Seuls euth 81 e-l5 . ti28at eBd e gîl Sala fatpa et n-"eu se end utsortie ns. F1973ni MACH msans. setais 1972.170-e2-ba TCOMS- CASH OR CHEQUES WITH PaOPER Armnstroflg Ave, luise or mîsîeaciing ar 197bk3 0 AH tst -ra 4.00 Silo sti 0.0.30 ioretow Sneii0 tiroir eeueîiabis.n Halle eat'0s-199ro 7ng â GENTLEMAN si 2400s aioti ftprS1eon iioSh Z, H.le C'bie. AUTpNSLiBres apestmeet tuc REinbe.N FO4OCOCK ON tALE oov. Fai iviosasit i ihroogh ils Ces- IL ,o 1973 eg a. OwnSî Hall93 beoard 0,Acire o ep ienta 555 Yonge air eerief Mutas. ai971a âSesse HatibeD, FBOYSOPEUIMN &fracci et 877-6e9e36gpoebe aStehl cir ooes MEN briss MATUOE lm lettlans. ltitct Street. Toronto MiA SI,1954 TieBkstruck TOOLS: METAL LAYTHE &t aperluatl sn Miltoe. Auctione:CrsA Scouten 2H16 tri_____ Phone: L'Ire5S INDUSTRAL UNIT te- AM/ FM stere ICSTOBDISPOtASI Fitio-n 87-23 ie. csete, te es trSI SAEBtuT RAKE: SEVERAL AUTO MU- TBL COM- Phn:8827, IDSRA -T osdrdntO. f aorie altie MEatsae _______r nC Sok 17 rqiesa2ffr FOR RENT lie afraidtu ai si 1973 MEg r t,2citr Octe 190 1901 1982yMy PaSsUI1tie ~ h??c FOR "aesîct In Milta. jfierReni BIood 295 Alliance Rd. Milton questions. Ceaoa acon dito $1400.eatttes lu Cub.iB2tn ESTATE 0F THE LATE TED Reerssetateàvilabl*. MiLTON..Etatctloe le Cu. arwit;daly2hoe 78040 4 badreant fachol &SI 8__eteiie. Btdf . tgel yard Oeated gatbefe PISKOZUB eCSFONSIBLE te- sott ireplaCe. meant liant1.t060Sq.ut.andiop, tueI 1979 MONTE Casie passe . î c ir tles lare d4 ars Scei 3tO eîiu tinh.lased i 4e t 4 P.S.. F. Pie. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL LAMISCAPINSO g510NT tTEDSAUTO BODY) bedreent tiuee ln garag.es 18t555 t62i inea seightsopant soEs rv n t7r000 tilteis 650 Sept 10hEt19 1 late iseai Lta Tant On No. 50 HWY et South end of conr ra eotI 4,0,1.537_26. _ 878.2W miles 198aut5 tractais celai 78.t Mltn Georeown M" TON MollI inoei 80 1777 254 NTaOARL h 192 052se. PTraie. taibe CI OII 3 Sedrassi tOOtatîta. TOSSY LIMITEO .91MNECRO Oe15 aoi tie il La men esailabia Myr ni, &«e eillage 5. croculata .Ceit ceedt. eg. $3p99.00 1A73 aastaaO (A cros from the SchoolI -1 824-09t1 entiete mi eva eu tene sis aemg taiets.O ras R-cse. - iCi 3-22 O O T -275-634 or oe mier Asln 1eas FI OFICineal 1 aller 430 p.c m.IOFe iTx xr) aool3 H ae O audyeplnit. 19 98 FFC spq. lu. os MILTON BTS-1131 la cket seatsi tLuT .u io2 or esiet co in edlîeate asessasse £55 13< sil OtSO 11 aie $9,600 sas* aîand8 n 0h.tol rsor pa rt phars a 9,dý lea s e Mi l , 9 131 rý lo Da nor îei et wa ara Oal Magti exra t I o - Méhai a ed sotrci Vtel LETIftRS19 Dte tsean; ahia Iol; hne îiet pos -m till Col Hamilit Prepesîs ..i i;t it/ cm etu ies Vary Clein. Coli au- auti elos trailtr Soa niler; MISCELLANCOcS; laraa ci. of noo body PSaison etoientng & (51e9) L3t056 or (416) F. -o 5s unO Caite s 3MU efair6 PM.eqaipeei ssol este Pesrlas RCA Canadien aitelcea Ne. lilast 4 short Weebendsgat: 27e-.9et. A'rTsACIyVE _ _ Mast t beIST2 C7, 2 ,i/ iiivlh C/ 1977v &Silgei I rmuces. poa t h cirplace and calk u. ONYtreln 99filmtts t atiss semu ta Wi tada; Vohies Oss 250 cin biSlsle i 2 la);~ 1977u ap- oor apase tniA ie,rt pe sts ebo e uccOiO cvtt U It bulantgalow vlcoîs Meus ftrfititti countre Toeimin O,,. be et l t o onc trasp lelo e vryDo srd. M auks jt e)tpus3 iavas eIitercas- -la ce,. a dIyad, . Y E stofMont oas l. f i li t F e rt eW W G e e ta ti O sn e F ic r tap t 1 8 .e s e n l 8 t r i 1 0 01 . . l o s F c e . 2 ,3 - te m ; I h Mra i n 0 l t i.. s d P d w 4 pe. hytr oto o,-I. gB D O M Uiii vlot IélfrSlsePra vlal 1 -72 ecra91 . do eeiss __Hy aoi ol.Aciengie 10.00ai. NeShar. meTukhuaSIer lot nrer ifss t 11 Gado 0iei £45 tal.eelaef t~ ekm" " V ela ti n goN T 4 c o .l oi G overn or R d .). A va ta le O tI.ent 5 ventr B d ced h d o t e rt s e l t e .h SesU.~22- m -as or tfe slot 7e front as -4ia ts01-iars iS - e 2 S3 n u tptt î o i e Esseltat For C e tri. 1iae DO ./GT R E brdoln ooecs elte .8 & N

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