Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Sep 1981, p. 1

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laIsai±aas aff s fla tpi g aa *u* ~ Îu~ ~~ouisw1uiaaa1$topy1sIa5d rOas, the moolly paymeulawouldasoarWo$W. to otr way iwth the rates inthe inim. " Wd ew h* oes et lsa idvrod prices or, radosod"lrrasea bmorigoge paymuiao aifhuttasea 1fr. Qu"ae ode f101waysofg pprosching ta Un aic r eiea 10tapaky theh Iro'ui=ratas" fand$5IManeconmonad hoota MouCaefederol governmntond urgiag actionon tome farm O~pusIsed11y adaunias SaluTQidisi, # fo a5 p.aMt a'gata asad o essn wmeeturpyu«fo," Qin etat dlarseto o rlitmoetlda vs hahd ept. ie7.3pa.l bý= 9ibuïaWhg w# 'rMn1% im rgolgaeooroa e s d metthr a y. woblt . ad l 'l ofoiemtgwasdolohedSep. 2i73 .i S oilga t.pvdoa f-- ~fr th dm é dotheubolbsa401M na m emnM"Aoui who ta coocerood aboit 111bmrigage commitae raom A ofthe Haltas Board ofEducolian banhowsoes ood buu hoei-W aefaclog 01 prggomhva AO5110OBI ioko 0 i1 prci aratas labavtad ta attend," 1Mr. Qui-o rote. Buldiag, 200 Guelph Liae, Burliagto. Sterling tan~rhus .ow h.ssrislog ratas en M O,= "E'conomast, bouliers, real estate b trand tni87a.Sa>.10. lamas." *la qs,0WW a fabhave bmafac$W. oahas b av, boas bsvted la attend and gîve their Puraher inarmatian ni availahie hy calling 11r. I1a prose ioaoeta wtata bitplan, 1fr Qo. W d*hflb Bi*È70d 11v0ekb ktaWaIf that morij.gwuooroewed tdyat1par cent vewaon the otcomo s oring linerait rtas aid Quinasetiiit-5d3or Janet Boagelli oai 1-3fa ~IieEmutMau Iuxmi0n A Mtrosn ComultyN spaer- Serving the Community for 120Qer MotrolandCôMmun30 lAGweS-p0 0CENTS MILTO14. ONTARN, WEDNESDAY. SEPIEMBER ta, tu81 Commtuoe show berneage. Alhough Jason Chucls- a gani ssd the Ukrainie pavillon, part af mach and is 3-yearu-old ister Nitale ver. bora tm Teaival of Ctgotrlea, ta make othera avare of their Canada, as ver. their parent and granpaet, backrud. Thousande are expected ta visit the 14 they AMaretl vaeof ther fémily's mots %."iChse,- pavilon around lova Satirday for tihe third annuel tend t the Ukrine. ise Chudahalave once festival. Ethnic groups alset for Saturday Festival . »yJas. Hufer i the more thon 4,0topeopletahoattend- ed th Festivalof aiCufttriaslutYer or ony indicaion od respala. ta this yar'o aven, tinte ctuld be runalag ot fer Par- lTa M$3ickets ohchoaitata .nry tealait14 pavillons teniaons asevrl veeha siga and although orgooluersare nt sureoc- taW advanre sales, they encourage ths. th vnt teattdtu ahYearly. "Thare amor.oa5 ,Msaa popccla la ild," aspla ifsare btcNefi, as. of h. festival rgasizer. fr. SOcei sai! h. Festival aof Cmn- trilaot a prfll-makang ting andla nperalad hy vomtas, s pires r kepi a ot a npssible. liT he beri, h. adîtala la craalaan ethniedtrlli play, wth any prcuids going boot inta, the rom mnty. lTe third annul event tiS kirk off Sturdoy et la.m.tahon h China»e vi rmng anme of their colrtul culture ta, Main S. The Tronto 1<050 Fa Acadrtay Grac Angican Chrrit. As part of thecoa- finial apeninacrentany, Mayr (Gard Kratta is rlsg lihe larger thon lite elaed Cicane Lion ta illin ath. ,sLoalmry folof aipaltisg th. papil iof1h. animas eye. ToHa" f i viaito h. the siteaof h canada pavllon whch lil Oder tautorlcai dlspîays, early Canaden craft dsmentratlmas and élide and ilm pres- talions. Delft alu, a'uodouitt, vonddm 1 Mbm &Meda4Wnoati oMM glah th stage fr the Engliait pavillon aboa P s'aaUnitad Clsirh Hall, N fre. 100 il be itfered sudnd ihigtesa i Acrolath. srnet ai SnxPrel isclude maypol demia, tu cup reodLOgt Curcit, the Lotvlaupavliatllowl ond th Punch ami Judyshow. Io Irlah typbeal atvalaCrimos tath pavillon la ac ai HoIy itesary Haitlo'th prqtrile faid mad acivltlon. lBe entrlalomaent ail day and nlght. dlgbs oalke bacon hums, blaad nuw The Uin Hai, PineSi. is has e .Laivisitstyla taritis h. eavail Italien pavilon vhere prmasines hy on viiterainttairetalth thaii. italien chrs, yaith orchestre and ocrer- lThe MuilcoPavillon at h.Ui dlonstlataiitadd tethefestlilta. MariA ta is l e hidod l inte .Sehaand,rassi. ond itho daering of Colir sfor die traItinte t ai lIhe Olma ateCmeca Telitdod aid drink of Maiuco ai tai» hpat itearldiuplSay fron fd, ai evuilag damcetail h. Jaoc. Cotaluane a d aI elaad for th. chldrev, pnaaso yl h vll oaebe iacluded inthe display. tlsoughau theofh.rasie. Japasasefou, artsanouicrota dbapay Theo iinIdtiehai, Bais S. is t and native dancing taisreveal aime nof11a.th Philippine pavislon hre ft cutrv n cullerai background t S. (Cotait audPg.8) Poaching chaergesfild A Mtiltnmanoand is rther are aono Ito.pepe haga nanatiai vlth o Chrgd lt rtorul psseasion of elosed seasotaie tLatI Nwell r, i 1- Bradway St, Milon. Fred Nenreit 2a of 92 Chrhit Rd. S., Atnan aid Detoeast 4, of SE4, Atn. unlaveily transpertlng dm rdarlagà aiémd ses-on- The. charges vire laid by PdlsttY ai Natera sorcas oliclala frointh.. Hss-per office foloivlg ào sesof raidt Mù*y officar o&socogettd a cr, tw h.Oo* iOt- cUa d aâilioua A v âd.am in f0s et Ion dolaa&m. t hsyterian 1fatlure o lià thop- cipea for nage and Jahlle fer unin Hait, 0Festival this year. Wit h. of- hidd aid be hrtken the alla of food tram lita maximum penalty for poahing under the. gante and fisit art la $500. lther a sno tminimtumt, nid tinistry of- t crs- fitod 4ttt aller teing bud gcolts of huntlag doer ait aifneason. is pick-sp trucband raarmn ver. ah. Perrnaetly Mnltry official i *1 h. aking for a permsanent frféitora af hsised equlpenitit ais mont rrmi incident, sald Ras Jean-marie, coservaionsof- icers ro-ordlnaaor fr the midisry. A ta-pour-id Fraslton mon tan rhrg.d flday slit lib trhm uaatin fesces, abter a de s as inbthea lb. Mtbasg i~ ybiniga aig bnig lahciig tof soms ad pessesidosua i frerun et alotL Approve $1 .2 million hydro building debut By Steve Arnold Multons hydro commission cao go ahead with con- house/garage structure at the corner of Main St. and truiction of a new headquarters building, even Thompoon Rd. ta replace the commissions current though saime town councilors thi*k the structure ia facilities on Commercial, Main and Chales treeta. too large. Bily Rowney, chairman of the Hydro commission, Towan council recently approved issung a $1.2 told couniciliora the new facility is needed now ta million debenture for the commission ta finance thse ailota the utility to grow and meet future demanda. project. "These figures are realiitic and demontrato that The debt, ta be issued by Halton Reglon wiil be we have aomething hero that vo can lve with," hoe finance a 20,000 square foot office/ware- said. Mfr. Rwnay said repRying the deheittte taood mean ai addition ai $1.0 tao bmntohy hydro hlliof $. He added that consmnptias of etectrcîty in t1e ttas hao boas groias hy mn par cuit a year and the revenue af the hydre commission has heen grotalag atil per Ca. . nogt .th1e iratintaquas- dudtrasan ,«Mh Agot av npdie Wuau k libo 11*10* em ashedo vrthatevar you , 'at"h.ad. Cou. arias Pamai ataaattarethe1. aWiunmdoaseortion Iht lacreud hIooba *odd hopaid out af inrrae lacoes inthetfuture. "osay tta iconts~oagtl- bssaid. Mfr. Pemai asù, aid hydro tlla for- masi rasiduita are clser ta $00 a perlad I than $50, l'anrlght avoytat $1.06 lara5e I la $2.12 Ire sinanother question ahot th ouibt ftheocommissiono ailg tae torrent tatan hatlthna o no na la uitn, Mfr. Rotanay ald thra haa neyer een a fermai approach ta 1the comnussoln on the tapir. "The oly latk abot un niaS tataa hall .o .okpaetilhi rcil," h. iaid. "Nollalagever cora na eod -boat il. AUl v. hnta about Ihat la tahat v. read luUtr. aey saidihe three lacatians cor- retliy blag uned hy tae rammliassion~ -- ar tn amanîfaris neuia, "sonaur matarials arearcattered aiarond tataf.' "Weranatinlaa positian tahere we have a ,er r tv e years ilte.yan tatI Ohutohyelo.taa.isoaw,"head-" Curreni plana, ho naid, catI far co- 0 strurtian on the new faciity ta tri lita fait "and ta. hape ta eta lat itn net year. "e AI Camapbell, geeeral manager aif11e sy - ro. S, Ma. eeo Clnlao stam, naid the halding taon deigaed to pravide ail 11e facilities liat vould ta T neaded hy 3laide anddiaaataîde arhers. T at's m y Iucky sign That, e nid,ý would pravide for the grovlh envisianed hy the commission aver thenext tayear. Taking Ihir chances at the wheel, Pat Butler and Doug Drennan, bath ",Il dannt mate ense ta pt ap a 12, vait for the vinnor ta corne up during lthe Milton District Hoapital bulding and thon have ta start addiag ta it Auxiliary Lavo party Saturdoy. A clown enlertained tise crowd and twayearatlater, he said. addotblonlti hlrntidterlc ttefs od e Mr.mielail a ehrd atthesloctalho- waasorved and food and crafts vero for sale. Proceeds frac tise party ily ta provide service tolala resideals. will hlp tise Hospital Auxiliary with ils work. Marathon a winner Hiltaniono put their herta inta the Terry Fon H.meriol Hon SindoY Stary, phot- Pg. i. Plant open housa Iâme CaIna.r tta ited 1ta fllta pla ut ploees'famfitaa tours and as opa han, Saturday, asd a hît FIROT SECTION crowd turnedaout. P.t6 Lawn party, art show '111,haaptal van the visiter, vihen Milton District Htapital Auxilîary stag- ed ita annual latan pacîy Strday. Pg. . Champions galore Mitton Minor Banehaît and Milton Gtrs' SftbatI playrs werer raarded ,seekvrd SaFor a caipler<ra5do tt ailth 1hevents. tee the sparts section, pgs. ClaC5. Choir cuts record ltiue'na tloiig-playiaig record an sle ilacra ouls ttin saoak, rerorded hy Silo'a ownChorluters choir. ilary, photo P9. Ce. PlowIng thea fields Baais nplaasen sendplaverl vSs rdtompetisg for prizas inthe an- ualmathon the weaild. Sas PI CO. Mltan Caunar.............2 hdtorialu. colutans -A ait dognhow.... 5 Santa traIts dollars .....6 Eslertaintaent ..... a. In the Courts . .. -.9 chool neoa .taa ... 10 SECOND SECTON Clasifedtaarkt l to B3 Who Does Il B4 TIIIRD SECTION Hais threatens rropsta .- -C) Specil s pplemeaki: - Acton FI F'air, The Boy. Clar Yor Wortd, Dominuion, K-Mrt, womn'sinstitute MH1 Annivrsary. Walca. phU.it et 5t hWee. by Edlth Sharp: Hofhlag lu raoly verk, anles you woudd rathar h. dim iniosthla du. 1 30PAGES--UCENTS m 1

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