Seek sludge storage approval. \ - .c- .- l -a - -fplace. 07yatmAr"Àacl leouedly on an amer- provincial Ecvronm-te temporary amer- (Burllio) sien op- tef l bav1e ve e Méontlla Hgcey liol, hemik el P rolcin dgeecy 'aignce.n ., e ercommatnde- île o, laei dl lt i nliedlttlt ot lieroleglo "oivouly we lave 1lelion, eeylcg "an openilvl Unvi totule» .i rie7cycocluded scrdu0p Iathe 5iplcede ometintle1deal ligme len c reidentiel 10cm' laedcng 10 eiprevl 0f à 1a Yier agreement celIt ecnprcrl-otccouldd -it cudein leosietive ir a mee no ncetil lat i lemporiry abille, st0r Daliviie fermer Hrold laloceadviltiontaelong soiy," la anld, iddleg ao." jeitl aPg - lagoc e l* lwe n cei saur ite and etpanive environ- licol pulic meege l e Sit d lwold la "'l'i te.rlal1a tiery menal impac e irng. te ariaof te Brling- lutter for tlaec-gite 10 tien t t-& cmdsorage failily lait le IScPiti Mr. Pell'. toe dnnp lave reloed dMrtworkingimlme- neryk lat ee clta= citae ldgi repcated rginge 1 o t contera anar te dlaeily on te proeceu volved a#-&' alproceàaven ff I tligapooddmati te enorgoncy or- poslldlity of metingneiided te, get appronel Cou tocbie tecctlarry ieomi ontvalalile, le rangements, anme Bor- eulige goonc thoa, for Oie pircoon en- so000 f= ilmy ntevo aiafutur laviever, Iobn eiiioe "lc llnie intlidteaa mc rnci. annlir facfilty cold la oppocId te ridem- clange i ceite ime Boringlon Mayor liy t le rpot 0 cm eeddetlint nth@ilanondation lecue of M einwei firtlcnnoderid Roly Bird "alnleid opbe lier eficelechlcg cd torm eeit nncoeil pulieitprssure. Ilile," lie aid. "We noni i linconedilloro lein olkh pculiulc ~ ~ ~ b wraadadcl- elanlaloceled amd Cemaccilor Walter lne sfr ituatonion oppoolefte recoon-nrth- liatonmdflcace fructed. MlSitecit (Brleglont llth tfieiale eneln e o CoenOiius, Ptddle Dnoie Peril, Hal- itlteptid an ammd. orlae ' 0 iisel"porleglMr. Muiesicit'c verBe directerBSe)t lace chef administcre- mont riquiring rilnel Ot ttalole.e aviren amendonont. want More ald tieMti hy, tlviofflee, laid ceonelil-. staff10ucIdy eerai gentectwucr "Fiidn"'mot prepired 10 itt tt vithe. ceecrcecdieedlia telIlrme f the alrnaive lcations for .rég"Oce fficlla talmy commoelly ile 8arl lied fâced te piildlty jopry yot itevng o 0f lvlngon etelon o por pubtle heanIng. R g n re e t tem satrieofliti 'm z:01ai t 9 al - - tiing thc papre R e io r jeode vilion l coid __rcLastprope r ontlaceas,' eald. M 'lido prepueil elrigtncoidd expecl le1 _______ cirtalely cedafret eeupto$l,lOO te a... na m flt deai0of the axpayen' = agie ofth.10e a a M Î) d rn n t 'O"eybecase l wü b prvalprocoe for a per-- oppncid," Mr. Mollae-nmmlfaillly. slcit added. 'lice actuel hielg 'Tiiemendonent," cotdde'l la expiclcd lae, n i d, ".le an aliimpt nierlhiefore January andM gefitunsledit on ae olndd lafolloseid- to off icial Plan tproce tne l" e, byap- .0" ea e = traedclenlwudd increaci te of site." liedexperlonce lbre roni bl ýi z oaai eaoa tI cn Ie iseoItel voit iby CoiecfilorJoan Lillie olit rymng 10 gel long eeed 10 praserve farn land. "'lier. le a miecen- ?eo," lie eald, "Iliel thi officiel plan amnend- ment lele the nature of o joheey-come-lately eciteme, an effort leo0 along for a hme ride.' Mfr. Armstrong trled 10 explale le cnoncllorn Ilial bis client ied lieen levelvede inte plannleg of lte &as ialce tlie lieglmnlg of lte acitre liut lied cgned e leter agreenmntwllt lte lotn liecause of qorlel pro- traclad egollelione ovor lte developinent. ..011 develepmenl agreement parallela exacllrI thoeof lte .U andeener l inte Offici Plan Amend- mlntSinon aria. Witl we are deallcg viuit lean adjualmeel 10 lte plan," lie cald. Thce industrial .parli, iv llceledi lte juncton of llwy. 401 and S5. 10In ttl ktlnlvolvie 1,400 acres of lied. Mcr. Armstrong eeld only fine pr eut. "-The dtaff report mon- ney te i mpiesionta titi woildimea citange le direction or policy for te rigion," la aid, eddlng Ilat lecioce of te provinclel Mileer of tloucleg lac m mmade o declelon deigealing te lnd for a particlar lied of developonent, thitiamentdmenl dosenot reprecint o ciange le direction for tite regin. "la my noletholon" lie teid, 'tece lande ire ot in la viieed as prime agricollorol bnd. 'Ibiy iteve nonregionoo ignificince ail ail." "My clients lavenon intention of maitainief tin land le egricultorel producion," la added. Mr. Armstrong dded 1001 te typ of ledutry iteiig coeidered for the lied, linded ty te Frankel Steel plant, Mcy. 25 and the itydre corridor, sould blabolle 10 funcllooo rural e- vicng coern%w saff s resiaI o-ltiaicmot prnlierly citroctet'ized ast ared larrleg, lie, laid. Water donied Te rrRdfamilles are gomng 10 lave 10 endrea ehlelonger wvt1onl on odeqoa water sopply te teirlhomes. Regional counil lotI week refoned a reqoet from Jon ilio n od Emo Scsi hocl aim their selIn lave dred Up ieceone f cosror- tonoork athenearity imiterlea subdivision. Mcmlars of the pingand pubiuc corla comnutelad recnmmended ogaimst llosing the liomes 10 coonect t10 10e regionot o-ter mole leros 10oy are olaide Oic rlon area of Milon. A final decisionoo-an defer red. A eprate reporltelil 10 pepared bi teaff examining the effecte of developxetnon es- osting limmleg and the regiono lliiity. GO exemption Healton councilieoslave egreed 10 pay a con- culing firm t o $14,175 Itcstdy the pay levels oseniorataff. lConil memitér approved o Seeememenda- iSfo eth1e adminitralion and finance tom- mittee recenliy viicit appaleled H. V. Cap- mon Cornla nd Compenation LId. ta, carryot thetody. W hl« la lice. me jectcd liy Mesli1 egmlmcci). val 10nreiect el1 imedmel vwicc seldd lave Udded 72 acres 10 the Mlline-01 Industriel Park. Brien Amca, ,.WY«erfor1eOnia PrprtaLd. wvihi ovn s0 ite, orged counilloro 10 apleove te propocl, seiicit lad lien rijccled ly the planning and pblde Wrla commitlai Mr. Armstrong snid Drug war lihe Miono Soard f lcatlen le Ille mot advonccd bard le doalee naceipng rn- cpoelMty ced t a stad ile dcn vi10 =ad sit- enletilviof the Aidd*m =R<.enit Feundtlon k O'Biend, com- monlly cosulan for lite = ,te tglo10d %WLtrdy iveeleg 1a1 "11 iad e the mont co-oilii le aling a dfnte c ined" e10 oa gledrgadic- ion. Mimadlile c-voriters lave 0100blace very la- penaud se10the c- oreion from board clffli tol truon, eperllly pwe li fil Eco Lander, direclor et educellon, P.G. Sone, coperindonl f Instructcion, Soit WillM , Jackt Ricitard- un and Junelicoqmpc. lTe W, ilecmn- juaccion MitI the bard, lacnet up a training Prm gram for 1 eaciete1 frein ollrirn le lace 1 del with the dreg poli' liva, pariclarlylin tecitero lave te con- fidence and competence 10 dont efficinily o-110 the clodenl. A reorce packaege ws elI1 made avaiaile le every ilrîry le ou OBrien snid, 10 mie the information redily atailale 10 the cludonie. Studenlso mmd 1e region worm anlid In commen eter reading the pckgi.DOegrade ond 10e1 1010 orne lilpid me undersland the drog proilcm Inday. Il lion dicouraged me (rom ryleg dreg." A grade cenen olidonl caid cite wat afriid In diocuce drogo wi10 fao- ily memtec, loItonce cite con Iarolil il et A grade tour Acon No ry no i trying to c10p smoking, tt Board OCirmen Bl Laviueesakd progrcmc lav eauitem md ath1e scmedry lenel, but there na definte ecid 10 lave illen1theyougir grada. O'Brielcosed i Wl tDisney Croon v110 a cigarette addlctGof- carteon.,Lavim e- maeid,"A aaoter1 lavrenon cmment." Iistitue tur (e tdimmo disio(A tIGm&e. 1 , :mm m c h comfort sations for the handicapped: transportation contactosnd Higflocy 400/401 service centres. Moke sure your surprises arn peasont onos ichen you trovo in Ontario. Get the "Guide" by wrlting: Ontario Tnvel, Otaoen's Pr. Torono, Ontario MiA 2El. Tol: f416) 965-4008 (collect) Minitry of lndutry and Toancet @ Ontario Larry Gmeaanan, MinWue WMam Dat.epremer ioovni long processa lit'. clave th eed liere and peuple iomelodyviot t- "If on 'lihe coid. itoppen b cie long teroani s- te to viii laite overy, for s n long lime la geinl- need o rei," lie added. oge facu nclior BOl Join-t- h10 cefl (Miltoit)laidlit te Mr. Joli wtins bleing reined Hello, he Borlinglon mem- Peler Pa & were slmply tomne v. ler enemple noflte mente. àotit confiict in "l'$ ton lad, ' se toulli teemo (n telk abit iail lte population olcdge1 Une don't vanI lte thteouri cge ltaI goneslong oilescil4 Ltey wten 1 teât off note the le lte rural lie celd. anylig wsato1 o Mr. Lawerence Id itave noltiof e lime and te l emporory c10r- lity neor seiere ff le generated," 0000n odded. i)n1Mils Mayor smeroy toni thet vn in lie om- etronge" ite low whlen yoo ot polling urlien ie oriton oreas en cooncillors gel VALUE FOR TOUR NOME COSFORT DOLLAR? celpeo MILTON oe etch The Canadian Champion, Wed.,Sept. 9,1981 WULLY'S WORK WEAR Et FASHION INC. It's L1*0 gii*gA way MOVE Y!! WINDOne Pafof Jeans Nothing to Buy, Just Enter Vour Namne and Drop t Off. INAME: IADDRESS: i PHONE NO: WILLY'S WORK WEAR &t FashionhInc. M0 LAURIER AVE. (Laurier Centre) MILTON, ONTARIO 876-1345 $350 to $600 CASH REBATES ON ALL NEW 1981 CARS <EXCEPT ESCORT) THESE ARE END 0F MODEL CASH REBATES PAYABLE DIRECTLY TO YOU FROM TRAFALGAR PLUS HUGEDOFISCOUNTS EXAMPLE 1981 FAIRMONT LIST PRICE $7704 OUR PRICE $6,995 PLUS $375 REBA TE TO YO U 81 DEMONSTRATORS OVER DEALER COST f # w ~ (EXAMPLE: 1981 FAIRMONT S Ladod Stock Nu.907 Lis 11,329 ~V/WOUR PRICE $9,99 àlael uidefor thediald wuJiIanswralyour questi Wfalo the parking situiaion liko' WîiI you be able to manoeuvre lhrough entrances" Are there convenieflî washroom facilîhies? Tfese kinds of quesions are answered lot more Ihon 100 major lourist attractions in Ontario in Travel Guide for the Dsabled: you ýIl aso find out about: accessahie accommodation î?jy,=d"Wli