8 fhe CanHcad mpChfion, W., Sept 9 101 OId Fashioned Days growling succesas tecriuerNM" ee sja se ManSt ws a dsemi" tut wlsiwdtdyet worksei et I.Nt Kez Pin, Mers World, morsu=moe tre Éfà théfor IbatIt i-Ni ehe&& Hm» eM= Miltos à Maltebidi eHaMrris Mt=" andbw*eý nt," h,. mmtases Mew st. lusirsit>84gisrseivlnsed materdfur Cienot# nd N iinse im555the et CIn be asq»"cted trBmble wuthdofliMd t¶ moresOt FsbOSd d wonssconsd prIe isde. till ~~.l eu l:t e smailBarbier S n ilo De4s e fit, b 1 ly clise a5 Silut m 5 wm Ueay be ~repeefigur.ls]dud ta Mme OmPOiilt sud them tis ym mcand tomary porill. The 'besiorit genallàMat disolUE dis wis5fa dremtiinsd s illelFmslIotMaOabeile, ailsnsem' W s, rssm sltui pr ls.wboselsctsdtb brder isil fr judés. wittil, flwengi esamo, lmgtls o rtra e thde = .- = -ubbhsit ie mede«Pire- orse wlosrs were Caris nbassa1 ssartad bts and an josortment of scIes sbire smerons lily for dis evont. - lues Of CanadaVVlv, LAMW« ada rrid bok ad imai qo~ a n d Otiler contet e triliBob Crbert of Otarto caslrtb cosseisctudsd Gabrlfle@ g clorl Mssui, wmva in s ds taf t tsd ailtbsme t is le blh bcbd FIse Boutitqe et Mere tsb f Cmn rm t M a ,ls t dp sdsm b sa.stl upIt ortor Cntr and frsm Travai, Jmne Mlter of lionThe Mitos Belle Oiie Iea e's teristor a sdtis!oM tl l5Mains t, McCilg lTse Champions,and Mmoramd Leorsr lter knnas & 0look scod prise @ha%. 5lWura5ce, Kogt's tof W T e5 centre toa crufninsedishe 0BaktofNova lBouttaon An eyseatcing taslteaney, wbo Mois Wer, Msstty Tî dow ise rougt lts saff irBt or n tIs Ol FB bIO e mor e rI aor caO-ý ant blai;or gna he are ~~~ ~h Jonebtus an odeuadDaeotuLe tawnomtca i at Laeror Catrisdi pa itt fa pted pr the ot pfopdi oidr osed wtada14 Ail boad. ixieLeeResaurnt e Larie Cetre as ranfored ito n od Stafrke d s ovlrtym fasiond tainstaion coplee wth aining relecingthethee o evry in-prnprLegrds t,0 m-d Day cotet jýUed es wek.Thrtlîtil;Ruh Mn mer (ear ad nxttoe ettan ddit efr mrairodierCete wit lr is eme tdie paint-d mgo tomplenite st l- eat wcktt nra on Staff drsedole prtsde fose tditacmita w astovedtioiathe Mstig dmsy. dres b sceior thereturan cotini tptream-tr Ereme Poe of te etRise, lintraDons Mariyn Pillpo, ano Admm- riO erttasiet eonderf ut tdeantgomeayo ai M t h e ai Wfacettes iarosa sirer lime seek futureelli front taitery More hon 20 Mîton tattoe o tita ea dus AsResstllnI Jettovain Batsl eSs CnenalMnrstf ee o ogt nepttheti asd ad13in tdasheladet Iiraey u p inwday 7 0 Nt arval. , esit Aei Staffosumsaste Sdr SdUP Tewn isalit C- forath lattrdanfet hse rsdns hr a omtiain 2 hw radAey Mta ih DanrMaet t,6dgespude r ob h es otms eted forae ilis lthead dty erene snd inconed Ssnwday ath iternnoonpon(lf 005iynPilisMao Am' riedfr isatifeTormie mH eynora tins pentiore W ens spokliern as of dit r To po togt h osu e a wr ivraetan idey Pos erat ida mnrnaysplatsad.Midlotars toca~~an re et wnhv r Gdoo tin rs, expeescoene r acrolethe Conor ta prenen ans ed ndatde e ar ns ro ino tond onf atdre SsiwyThe cti acdaa wU ia os rttae. ctt e BbtenPntnoetatte rîzefor tt Old aahiosd Day n dp Partfie-l are taea00tialn eMrh fe(stonndLoisrGularito f tsemloesate ~ie readtsan Sunoy hodess t omlmetUt autIr.sm tsitairee, atennd ae C2ct m basedfon t he spioftNavo iVtese pt 2and aiate aTmei Hia7i n A nfal TA Hapseioffici Se A lan SonaenOny Onaverne0nsesrnen 19 1 LEAnOT!rnt sion.l. asnd Every atter infoe stor is o sale PatsterGnV.kivb.iGaîk ins Misîlaiia sonAdminisCtraio- codiinîes 0 etand te a eam .T e i o f o va S o n, saeda11woin pie.Ill Bbes promi s favsec i zefrleOdF sindDa -netb s neirca epce uesafw pirnftue illattendthe atOn CAPft n ous al r w o h rn bcfil aurfacesnex speiol l k dnpnv o dres 1901 compi et h ARS autem te nt roeiya fa nona v aal2 fss 50k. .SWBadnk tnsofMiM iNovaLv -De Cecve a07Lenin a Psm-ssiallî, Slav JEhoat, tnesta n 19ML.81,e5,OLM An.sntn 112 noe OffPmurhewn LowfReOular riceà 11981 ZE-PHS ()18 AG i lE vvvviaal6al iîvî la E<3)40R WAGON u t e s n ie Bar6senteautoaas, a meIr srier coch roo , errain . e R O vice the conýs sd 149. M O. L. P ntse O.,4 7 .75 m.S aains r5 .3SW ite0iENOSs siain sasi ian. WS.W l.(6)198LN7CHOPEThepaint a ppe epiclew urae monitdhly ,by a V)98 o UG Pos. *M7 EPT2PJ fim l5amig crtl" lofocl33liteGA L cn ioeR MO rltrsLT .M L O M A LM n Fr-10 0to93 -d. --Muoaipoe teing E t po8e8-2629 Sat.-9:30kto 6:00