The Canadlian Champion, Wed., Sept, 9.,1981 CO ACTON MA FRIDA Y là A Anindo.' Wmeowd s FALL FAIR _ _____-__ ___ Sept,,2c0eanUcbeain et ActosiPflk - AU. DAY - Ariun Hois Show 400 pm.-Hall eahbta poutrysahihota , tald4QdWOOM i Marg 8UiOaiti bt, andI>WM u ubi Sho SueaiaChlre (s4itn.W) aped a greallt deal Of thir Urne maiin Parking $i M W omen di sp Iay&W.m-Halehbli otYexbil c,'afts and doils tc 1 jOO»a.m. -4uck Finn Raft Race, Beei ay hi Kry andvaeDMetavallbla it ui e,~aile i. Cattia Show, Junior Bef Crde Shcv iuioe an"utp'aa oat *c Junior Hors Show, Haiay Horm beatadnumtlig Mi W antte ot ockad e hefnbd Show, Lght HoeeShow, Mimiaa svFyii aaiastat-ae eell inLf the goedant le seing te loek Paniea. Shiep Show, in"ld t Bidis ie& nO i-- d= , -concessionsi, exhiita, outlde rrtirelttbel. taCOMblE --And 11102 Cini lWaYs concessionsi and sahiits excelptio. bock," adffl. IHutten- usai tif tdmYare hiV 12M0 p.m.- Large Parade decrIIilI mf18Y . Itje artPfft htri nd C".rohisii." i 0 p.m.-Baby Show pid of Maaw r eoingc ases. Beth iwoihiii ir 2Mt1p.m.-Tug-ol-War & Gamea wee nevdm or omnweuld University i SiMO pm. - OIdtymi FidlduataContei la 9)idomca itralla'epad $tt ona kbiand are ff-tieADMISSION: 2~~?lmmul &M aiinke aseiul mhaa at adhSholSuut 2 =b1tors W011111111t es ejeywieoriBa dgoloutAdulte a Htgh colSuet 26 Ys ofgie italens.lamepuyd15 fo SOM&Chldrs'FREE" je a unique -111-11100- ol the e aexmtra2meyai fuematun Min Lster whz ioi<o Tiotnet reY"B ci ifor thPaknhHm"M bo 1a', ub 18 takIlit,'btth.Y sho i .ci mai i u 00 eEFU de.i'ltiink < iamidials, PR taîy "We bed mre tUrne '-- U p as tee id fa'r ila. aesbwte et Iucu peelerequetine a 1. fat, lhe DrmqilieO a trtaid and are avaithobene hewlng test Yser, reablatl pelida conhi.I f thla 8 aPro' mhlii.wi were a'setil FUk NIIAtDnO sîdrahl irein18loy heSteamn-Era," said Aco Crin lu inilgt starai, auctiont»luaSanid bl i m, - i ai lbDncBancingt whemer dm. ahnka nie arp S a utn."iraDac ad mt flot an.uum ADMISSION: $s.00 pa porion cellcfor.sei adi Men: Shirt là Tie Ladiai: rsia or Pant collecter.Adance Ticket Salestfor Saîurday Ng m o ll n s gti the aO F D n c S p t. 19 10 S i rra D a n ce Bi i eh. leasea8' oe 41 MiffSt.BEat, Acton, 853-0411 aleen tidoi. ~, hy- Liwited Tickets Availible - bons immaiusda M ceiof mare thon S â otnW21 ,"iay0 hc 1200 Noon-Carlsbetti Hitch. The Po stum-Era.Show, Dairy Cattle Show, Junior D soin ettirur h«WCittie Show, Englinh Home Show, b ifi st hall exhuma.s inside andi outside -qu concession eahibita, Swiae Show, te th mm lou&Ock Finn Raft Rcs emendée1:00 p.m. -Min! Tractor a Antique Lbilr, we rad anTrictor Pull originl ShIreY To1:00S p..- Firemana Water Bal Cort dou ean rags anYw-200 p.M. -Inthe Aren "Ths G ulpi in prce frnt $10 teOvertones Lades Chorus" TviS yea barADMISSION: mothier vstsnnieo f 0<DUaar er pecalty. EMieniLister Adat t& High School Studentu $2.5 of Uà»I P oin ",abong wikh hor mother Ma drehtehpeDR n are avili Public School Students $1.00 dall. doil coloector anad brought atiw of thir queBajrmafm os und Town Evealuatty. bo lapesefavorites to the Steac-Era, die Pub loch No IE'a ta open s deilimuffein_____________ ram her home, &&&&.Iha' taugliter. l i Fr Elle, th. faicte- tila itmh t h. char- actera portrayed hy h. - hsy are e humai.r penmalitlen. 1 leva . id,, aid thon. are my kidi, 1hiteadmitted mii a taugh. Uhie Ellen and Mare Lister May collt dlta, abster-h>aw Deen ipnd hhei making thoin. ieir charocloco are tabrie clamns, niciameli mappelo hY the Ima Trante wemen. For the secnd Ysiar in a ra, th.y dlnptayed ther creatianIn the. craflo buildlog. y ~ u Te. haiidmad clamait depndng upen their abse, lobte f ram tar.and-a-telf hbain te ta hem-a la make. Mlaeifs. l l EIER WAY. YDU'VE NEVER Mre tai tins yardn ai HAD IT SO GOOD! 4 materiat. 4 the crft aa a part-ime Yooi can et our dolcioaa chck0fl, ahromp orTh wfoae njyih in Our 11,111 hohby,.sng tueifr ir condil onod doningroom Or takeil t with you for a 1111l f loloh.d preducltstadndw' hv appreoitly $20 each picfloC that can't bit bout l ust cal ahoae n .I ai threagh friendi. il readv bV the tomne yoa gel heritt Au ei they eh make apple dedamad F RF S crochet a vanietYOf F R AST items. Wrndy Maauliakof T EO S RVC <akillei nd e A EOU S R E' jeu edleraf= aur«Delivery Only On Orders *1000 & Up Fred) ce rei pWe Aea Ctor- Giva Us A Coli - linon The Creive eAoCtr cirme. =aare.amganii iA RERC N E ai alsd ala t- L U I R C N R puy rpreaeitatln5a Canad a a mn- Cre fLu0 nai nerCEcriS kiltsiethC Il f are rO t home dseomlfltiui. SimIar te makeI&W i aid jsetia'y doa'4n- E.4 U U U U IÇ IK N dia' ailes, d 'ULE HKN-OktLW0X " - m -iI.J.UucW0tntJareCN ta nt aili lireegli PaMeI"l V-a AR ORE. WATCH F OR 0 A S T V AUCIION OCI 22 & 23 OUR THANKS TO DONORS 1. 1