,OF Co, w SITO ONTARIO SATURDAY, SEPT. 19th, 1981 PASTCIPATIM PAVILMOS: M-sf .l8 JAMSE .PNIUPRINE IIAN *CAJIABA *SCTTISH LTlN *CHINESE *UKRAINIMI 7 * Dm. UTC6âM WEL86 h A At Mifton Fail Fair Sponsored by The Canadiean Champion Opaeoamaer ph tgrpios naille.0 Subjctmater l te, b inthe Rein f allon andmay b PolaPhedlu colororback and white.Il oay bcensmbidisor nimis blacad whitenOd fourprnts in the Morrcli fication0.PitMet l e istallrthn 3- x55' Ebchprt t5be titledidtitd astinlecto,'and he thetmeofPehto- grape n the eeiidl ote printtWnniphts from preChampion rotetOarNGTefigble. Ersrnt prisnfrrp roduction oîf theprnt inThe Caadan Champ. ion. P nmthe prepty ofthe etrant. Jwlgiog weût be bndon cmpstito, rehjct motter. crepp.ttg. design. tghting ad ptograpi celece.rJudg' desorcefinal Frt praeti ckad hitei$6.00, intcolr $10.0t Sod pre iblak adhite$4.00, incoletSor8.0 Hooabemetio pise ay be taded afi te dscetiohe ttdgcc inisltainsi the fusil th TheCanadi e Ciot. 191Man St.,MOttirby5 Pm. Weosadaf Bisn«1,11 .ond c u lisatiopot â ferfta«is ÏtpFar Setnier 5.2act ' s uy YOewanu t r F TNPFOR2 -' W. O ..s. TOJA»M«c etemm IN CO-OPERATION WITH ILTON MALtED NF» K JAICAN TOURIST BOARD4 HRISN OD ARNALE AIR JAMAICA UNRVL g REGENTHIOUDAYS rwp OSAR Kentucky Fried Oicken THE lnAd * and Multiple Sav.ngs FOUR Cao unt TWO GEAT DEAS onfilger ,,jo SEASO Sd --- %F 0.4HELDOVER-5THWEEKI t Duby Lba 5l e Mao uu Gegu i . DMLY 75 & OM W" Tle..5meL , leT ma Lammu a &OS ' SAVE $1? on a BUCKEt :hike s fici Main and Commercial Sts, IMîhton 878-4171 I NCK PACK ifor ONLY C9*4 e "n M &n Coonnsrcad, MILTON fne c 1%ag fmu. Officiais of the Mlton d th Aru*M*çse- Lysslt'ed Mayor Gordon rnI aw t«Dy ftdo iniMilton. Indus Uppeyc Hienderson, public InformattI'diredttar JutaPowersMOO Krantzand Murray MConlof the town staff lasuÉtoUit the flag. Thle campaigli lisayear ls seeklng $6,500. 'UCl"i, châiraxan cf the campaign, was unable to attend lb&fagd- Drive for arthritis seeks $,0 in Sept. Voluoteer canvassers mcCoanefll ad Cath Tii. guioai year la rerontng leMOsGibons. Tressorer la *6,300. Lut yuar tie BraCh tTeArtiti Eugeee Mct.eod and the. csmpaign turned ia Society wili be coilng on bant acceant la at $5,785 or 38 cents Par local homes neot week, Halton ConenOOlty capita. Sept. 14 te 16,in hopea et Credit Union. Neville Artbrltlo Branchus ie raisins $6,50 te trtiier johmaton la in charge of the Golden Horseabo the wonk ofthOe Society. coin bottins locatadin e eglonstcbbairs roi The week la bains pro- stores around tome, and GeorgueotPr Cl claiiied Artlijtis Week Dave Good la asalting berne lut year collectsd by cesincil. as Grand Knlgotftdmb.$M,754 and lhe reglonal Holy Rosary Ceail, Koîgbts t of hhaOu. -gual ti ear la $22,6M Knigita et Columbus a 1 drive, wîihassistance > Auxilary aV tram, severaI people. i r PalChutla la chair-- mas, wlih Barineyf Hendersen on industriai fe s fu o l and commercial chair- Milton District located on Margarat St. mon. Eoggene Cale- Hospital Aunsllary wmliba oteralirnai vecchblan lcharge of ha holding ls tAwn tack n SacIn3. lb. reaieOntial cate- Party thias atuaday, Tii9,4gloes, tubUa ta paige, and Jite Poocerfi Sep0emb.r 12 tram 1.30 tuand Mii b thflgalta Zone chairnien are kaomn au Kernlghan For lbthden,tOur Don Lainhort, Murray lse). The pcoperty la ffl b. cht=Mi i caadystrlrs l rn Oi thbeai ond hore, tor MMM.On. everyone la gtarantesd at .3winne. TaeêPo Wed. 9 Thlfflb.shoeVa i lert e Ifaurein theSimach fortahoreoraI ie M.ths St. 2 ~13. pi. UWflII n et Ata3.30p.ma Otat wibe hebalslngtpi, P.M.in heeohdmade qor-t taln, cAndfrerea WUNMcD NAsol niMor. lw MADAM R ICAE. miIetter achac e i bnh éiga variet y cne ANDlWU tC12 HES 1 . ZPA rSMM f nrengt pee can tisi, chanesre laenichmabe. Thr ERWGIN M TON MeDNI-S Tes dnpl-Tn ale e CERIFI CE ETIES IL BESJOE mi a ram mi taf ANDWA CHE. or 0Dentîns yar any itraems ichnces i 151 AIN TRET EAT, MLTO tab le ale herlta ENTEyU R AONA NDOU LE ARK whom e akseecgondofleI RS GING TOWINMcDNAL'S Iitema, amisaeds toc N ORIGINLITYb. eao ereean mOl itemstctet. concies, Ai e r teb e- ONTBIO taln Nupîta oand au LAIT KiK r> MAIN oavail In tacs buet haen'tcon evnochaboe Anthony Gooebanngali ftabre Osto Donna omost el wklas shupsiand a oe àlle Tat7ne.aeaaiamfaas Hoal Fudto t-