Socca tourne y JOHN T iHE LAST Wmn lua beu laitaj UPabet en" it uthe gaa- icaim of Mteievat eai vag-rd latrasai titiva-y luvy raja lut unit rcmdin iffl ycagoavvisai wit ti ecemity ta rmvte ealu IliseVangm uardsa sut su- swsqutl8 u$, tte te o-Oulu Aitte t tey itaet *eait ment r *,K= ka ed s Onte orgaisatiaon iMYSC - inom.iWluSBrseBo Par cepiaycitta te molncecris ed te. mornifmetboir tonteSedue toiai CPFflelmttshaisc 5111lMrri- usai ici McMctr, Jis Jeea and JluMcesslte dld a supa-it job et ettleg iva-ytklng trogiton teme. Wit te M"mdoCac fai le va-y pur cdiion- lsytut sa-e rate toan Monce te Mior SastsaI n med nvteMis e Meeda taonsancd te erngc &mmtis littii itdi- iess halle ne tomslid. Oneiofthe traupgtiWgabota te seoele su h -,sais te va-y sel condtions, fteds hirt nreuuaily cansaldaed seond rate came Ihanugh ith it tIylnoutian. The Mtuor atas iaiwsu payS aitte Soyee anddrny oM te vsitleg Mmicicagi tcels csmened on te isa condition oM te field. Lutnit se sa-i wlecaleig nerctil ocas Wt Eric woilurklog atteeceit i1 ted!te moach te Puroliton miner pes cnd i1tia t tiis muet hi te top recreatiacal tlus le Despite nly wslnages gise inetwogYomrthete lukep aï addid t leuetyt "Ioi .riIn EE at resmatahl el urs, I umelt ies pic yer n ca lsaleg lu ica fteplay salI alune theirpolte and e@ililuseThic ne catalely te cmaiit te Parelatae lus lut set. nbe tic s u seraa very min- gle-1 -P plyers ulu, on tic acaspliyed sel ahane telr poetiel. Aady Surt, site su playleg eut oM pumitioet llhacit, Ployer shortage hurts Corbott A abatage OM ply- didel beIP MIten Corlietc-it-.Miltont maiser bitise le te lnea a otf their tres =ehe.0ve th Milton taîled te hurney it garnis ai E. C. Dsr, Robet Baldwinancd aie layte. nhe Maison 1cm alto billetod a toam tfram Spnngild, Virgiala. Crbita lst l tin, i halleta 2-1 le the opina- ulieci su played on a vry seltfield. Bth Sprngield goals allpped hnrot te tende Mf gali Andy Olsu cend ittegoal. Milo, wsNcb payed te garn it uIt nt10 player, caneti situ a Paul Judinis ree ck su slepped by te tIre r fiaIt. saîti Mtate.stntetct-ch BinScragg,"I feite effort puti up by tiese bop a su la-lic. We ployed vsy sel diapito bigshort. Otgury" jasIsi erneilgoad enus. it Ilsu ahitgit lenel f lcis .We sire 1t.r-lil nsdogniie for lam.-- Craitadropped tir Otierts li 5 by ciutulut sea ult oaaend ehaScdilHOtait- uug te tird gisne byea 4-4 sanl. ws called os te mark a veny cpeedy il~orasud ecmged te boatbis cnae ucas sans ity keeplabu ti et ien cehic appnet ced te gai. Stand-le gueiee, Deug lies- art celd sot ha taltedoceaay cM te godalsad nitt slng, Mark Reyold,tead istlielgame ofte yenr. Asoter ployorruit. had an uxce:il ism e uDid Lac- haad ulu payt hic lust osdetunce lut d pefer tpayonate attetk. nhe Puroitoniboys ga lin, every grse te de thir hast lut de nt have te preasure Mf maltailelg a lengue psiton or sacceca-itiitgry pael.Must parmisegave Up on tteslong agi ced te liop are ustelat toe ujey tier gise. Oter tijt1I stlced le te getwrdo occcilutteei... flq quet imatimums cipaclty ai Olympi Statiues leMontreal, fr sacrer, la 58,ite. fin un 58eM et te Mul HASL qearter- isai ganis agait Chicago Stleg and te Mule reed il acIoste ithte irst gase oethte titrs- ffameseris -Ai te eehem, te Rnedopdthesecoed gane le Ciicagoancd go agalust te Stleg agate ti s eek in te declder. fie Cnaditen sqiscd ram steci te Wenld Clip teasm il ha citees wsu cseunced ltes uie.The Wakly tcmily VIII behiappy t e - T yletm l aotg fouror ive g&Z . gong t p.Tiera sereccecouple of surpiss amongal te Blizzsard playens citecen ce Gordon Sueee cedSas Leairducci foleed Chrs» cend Bruce Wisn. I wsc urprised te is ltindy Iagatesltled ail tougiti ha had les plcylag nery miii fan a lisleg teas. Heven, Raedy wsoan aie ljured ltai lent repet aed I havnt dlcavered il ais lus any- hilng le douwtai hi omslsion. fie Ecghicb Leges cuit apioadslitQueen's Park iRangers pinlg on an articel surface l- a e ya St. Catains cam- pany. Il ciemo a lotoMpeoleane satcheng te estcto es -fiIt M ielp tes le vereasleg te pro- iticus casid iy te Englit meater. Mayha they mIl disover te domsa ldisnaeday. 0ne ie 5day tel I1 read aboeulte antificlel tant Mf QPR, I heard a turf expertt ram Rhade l- lied tellng about te nos hardy turf toit nr devlaptng do com-' pate it te ariticiel srace. t OUF i ildepind ia ae. turf as« tl etten ai iisjfait tian te aimao-turf talscen. Jeal tata aIdras tickt h uuld hi adeti teck leo Cieryl Wakeiy assoon ai possible. Alto, te sacrer dance gas a ueek Fiday (1itti ai te OpimisI Centre. Tiikele con ha pochasd ram ail toccer coaclus ced Sarsa Bifaai 854-224t. "Me C Minorbugs stopped in te inet luegarnis Sm up a on aie geamier..a atsi adrv it la ere Maue ieyn Milica e n hades..match teitCintcinnatil siich, te teg-nght corner for acl-O Milton tlnd. dntaleitqh a erre.e.leplcked Up t itri einl ia neleatue Depiltern fn - pecue tet te ilel ldecu heore goe ate s deee2: d fut et .d vaeete Areritate, iic t eu iovin semld-ieclOfMtitiVingtad ocas ite calth e.resainiag 20 minutes finrte one-goal toreyuierete Tetheeefed eteisa lyed c aetglOccreleaa ula cnd c spoti inte settelo. It inst poeite- iret hait iteagi te taibter h tui a fe osefete Wexfard club, uhîcit fore os e te defet Mluscccga I13-2 goal calledhback witsChitrs Hurrlason. ent pri0evialldwon Rtahiie teuraseete, and Clclti Gaurs -. Milton tee offide. Milon asu lediraugtothlteOntario Cup chaspieaailancd aorted advaeeed te te seed-flccsWet a-ecgise ity Harrison whe re ml acled ater teureey titIes proved tee mach for paueful Weafrd clubtellslnaled te club hfitee inte te grauid. te addition, geai- the Milte.. aide. liy a -iscure. keepen Philp Leacit ced Truswell had eut- Deepite the -I score, Milte.. waaa't dia- te te@ opuse agaleat Yrkves Saler- staedleg affecte. grec ed.Aixcellent effort fres keepen dey mera.leg, MWtae7esedte ecrlg nl e fehecic paeMfte int hait di't Philp Lechtpreventodtai em coretmgo- te tliret alt ib J Trucu einlg a stop mt te brauatetetesa cor, eg mach hgitor. Patrickt Pennan cmes pasx. tlnoed a gs fat ain.lete letton hait. Harrisnîscred ter MilteansIit futa Yorhveu ied thescore eariy le aie ai..- Miltns Stvun Wels picked ap a pas tes minaies resaining ram aie 15-yard ced hait and ten Truseseil sotcited hic ram Pua.. ustinlaide te Cncinnati lineuhich copped a streng perormace le secoed M te gnse te restorete lad, haIt and it tue detenders sîit ith ail aie terass ter te piysr. Yrkveu tred te equaileori te 15- theuway, crrled aie hall te mihle 20 yards sinute mark andd ais wonten gise ui scord o a S-Z ek whic culed Milte.. elvedieemajor îles tercer lante second haIt, Miloe cotileued te roe aed itotet it fut 10 sin- repu tssnd tiemselvs lust seekund play seIlbtl ori ririrke treug thlie aies leit te give Mteon c 3- sic n M pteylg ai te prutigleus Vangeard lins fteir secoed geai. Their ahird geai Mcaloauga L Soccer Turaeta i Maien. coma ram a acramitle t ront ofteetel lissn iti bge had apeited te iscig MItnsit girse sas agalinsaite hard and they addedt heir tanath roa chlgit sitca Grieve crner kick uhicit sas etlegcand elhouleg ltea res Yorirew. bout, lut atmn tise durlng te hall dld aie hmistee te gea ity Atdrs Kirkwoed ThetorwdUcnlet fStase Heaiey, llohhy Milte..qead gne hp and aie 4- loe cr- Aller c Mimslaaugc gea, Milice sent Mltaad, Ian flahe, Mie Mdllrde, Kevneteinly wstne Ioaentfthelr effanas. aheid 2-1 witit Ray Wark s5'ri g Mottufait, Mark Harrison aed Sean Faggcn The atterneno gise ftssd Millens Ciris Harriscce, st puIalexcelenilt ptantepreusurecand demiratod thini opeposition te haMalten,. o tusnatel had gase, had crrled te hall Up field on aie hait Mf the game. plagued Malte..aie pust yean uwitne- rigitt aide. Mille.. had aevinci chancs te scoen letaadlng deteate. Malte.. haasted le ad- Mtnhbadlcevealgoed chances ec nlye haiton hs itoued siteplayed an nance te Millentana l us udd lua salit- te seoed hait uith Steme..Dcl fit mlea- aggneslnve gaeas aucrded a Pnalty aven lut sean dlsovered there er.. tee lag sn c ceoefa effors and lan LaId do-kckt inhla lsîl mark. Minoies liter playenti they seald have te cilmi aven te lng camne ire hall sort Misisuptid Huley heted a perfect crner kilt te gel taguelie Sean Wchely, usPecilly thescorecaltell-inute mark - ttgte Trakeulu ieaded tebl] te aie net lut Mltnts defunce lnes Mf Steve Britune, stagefor Grieven s nuing galftecSr- agal e e prevsnted tram ncrlng. York- Danel Beivedere, Blly MInlyre, Iref n. nhe cerner reculled ft r cuel- ies galeed teir as» geaI Maite hait on O Vilun aed Sean terCulis. lent preaure res te Milnaffesse. baout ram intee tanide Moite net. Mloa pîayed an evenly malched game a againot Malte.. and gealie Sean Wakely ai npent le net making centiss sanes. M iscoe Da»ta squirts He alosed only ase goal line inst hait, luit ram Ilul palet on mltilg siteld gel amn 4 feoôpet hlm. The gase ended iai Malte.. lilas h ueuarnauiig uinning Iit y 1-0, cetainly net 9 9sin ite walkt-over aiey enpected. MiwS Datea qiri secamr reps Picyed trang Deshasa tide 4-. Dostir Waliter Sondey, saisMtnt S einedens utn aresagmues nteir divislen af te pleyed af eeneaemnteadefenre, Gis mihtI msdd lu aieir lait gise af aie VgurSarrTernasunt anar te Mth lydf ad JeeZ Itne ge ol( ed nternasent and oethae oeeaa, and tey saeknd and managd teeordath inst aesdfel n laDeaeR n e aite oua intiamne againt Ottawa. ihaut Mai te sas... ODonnell and Mie Con sera t est u oti teise mre oitorena ictery la inte eint girs, te sqaad met ap it front. Dixie, te preceal tilleholderi ofaie uqurt Mlunoe sent harktoleDitte Sunday t miti oaid prove e bcluaan ciitg gama. -itbitechasnpimaalp. Dspite piayle a play Wst Range in. aie fleal garna of aie Theplay caniitued lucit and ot otha tentouir gise, Mscne wrunsmahe te nssnd-rontitlrney. Wst aeg sr ids tnougitout aie gasashirt re- gain te upper itand ad tnally sunt doua qearten-fiaaileteintel Robiie teurney bt a anai conleat antil laie te aie second ty a 5-O sarnl. llte hasupnisee afevenyoneasera iteld t..a hait. Evaryone o ta i..MIca.. riaitdecenveil icones dram stecit gave Mrs eic fint The wsnamanded a penalty muntice. Te ililgttfte gente, tram a stutulotheaie ont. itot and tnong tinter litas.. Healey mai Mltn anle, wsc testeppedhpealty hkitk lteam mamitara upiteld aie Milton eiected t tae.te ihal. Ha st esoelt op, St Mlesper Danlel rlusunbdcln siaiteapeforansu ram ail irai a sitltai ai iteitet tetare te a Dixde player et a gai ulit a gnout incîudieg a particuaaly aggneuive gealie had a chance te moeaedith1111e deflectiofait a rtit ni drivaavec aie dsplay ram SeaotWoods. tm at taatidt vnu h cr cross-bar. MleS nos, participaies in a taurnament btut Mltan meuld have ta part o Il and lna agalant dlcplay le aie atte-nn lBradfordd aile eekend lente iqeade triai tenrtego-aitsd, ibut teuwiiue Masw Satie.ay,. Milonn sut don te tefult te a lust tilg. aed Milten had te i-o icteny. ATtieM isit i0. Pmai Mtt tsoeaLà- tsbi eaely as Aanted. Beut Omeatteeta .i.. m tyA5tic t-i lý .iue lii .ay ld la.i eeo e d ssmg e t t.llt tet bylAt o hest..bAid l tti s 1vArIe ees td ttI-ieJoelionlttitttaet tielt.a . i li,.de f-Ira ..iet. A gad t-rs it ict cnatessos m l ae.sterM ed-t.d tdplay Li-atseltîGmtea»titettIta btes Lweu lI lbad St '.ti tiit th ie acta A tiha- t hOe. hm ,ctto.tstt.acsî EVERYONE'S WELCOME TO SHOP CO- OP L c -UNDoeFPMN I 28 BRONTE St., MILTON Canadien Champion. Wed., Sept. 9. 1981 CO pahy.mW.eso lita..marksfor you. Tore rlgh InuenopN ..STOthe rlgu p ie.-io you. r ALES ndp yEVItE.yuhv aiWian youdelwhammie of is ineouranokrceoiln ThrIn « Isurance Limrie attinsit e.. nsuratce bOer.teleM - ~.. ide House SPECTACULAR L.c r l c e t t rc SO whl a t itsWûdlegJeanis........29 t4 4. ~44Ctets v43# *1.95 i'ày tihaler _equally spectacutar