4 Tht Canadien Chain. d,Sept SW, 1981 MERS CROWTHER Pufaise uOYDOWM aLUS FIERO MM EHALL OntaLuPT 49.Tut00' ota0M2341, Canada muaI~0sonu Th Mdtae Chaponv acmof t* h Mtmltsnd Pasdaa b &Puhagid. Ogt41 ai ofuthats nuwaepatt hhoitt«Jdto Tht Acte. Fut Poa, Aa/Whty/Pkk«tlg hNom Advrtlhe, tAut Banmetfha ket Etstt. Arore a/NeothatEs Waittsd ditie., Thte Botoan Ett.tpdtt. Batpo Gototo,, Tht Bffinton PPut, Th u4ton ~ttththed Pott, Tht Etahctita Adwthtl Go,ditc. Th EtohioatitCouote.. Tht Gotgetowntt ledpedatt.MorhtarnThStthtl tottmust and Sun, Th Msiugtoa to, Tht Msiuotge News Wttittvd tota, Tht Noth.Yosk Coesureto.Th Noth Yok Mitst, OthllitBm atet. Ohttffle tamsaa ThittTs tWa, Ohawa Ths Weked.Pl Cosumer,. Tht Rchmontd HiIIThethfil Ibami Tht ufSthtoh CnutootatTh hrotouooh Mirrr. Th StothilTbue, ThyWadhsdet han News. PhoneM782561 For your future Like many oUer youtls organiz- ations, Ue air cadet movement has heen sut fering in reent mon- ts trom a slump in memberasip that s starting 10 worrY sten leaders. Wiile it is undertandable tisat terne parents may feel uncom- fortable allowiog Ueir citdren to become involved with a qusai-mil- itary organization, tisere are many good points to conider in connection with tis movement. It bas oten ieen argued tisat vandalism and tise otiser social ils tisat are connected with restiesa teenagers could be corrected if tise youtha could bu given a stiff dose of pride. Certainly that la oomething tisat cao bu gained only tlrougls accomplisisment and accomp- liahinent requires discipline, a quality that is readily available trom tis movement Locally, tise 820 Optimist Squadron la aponsorednot by thse Armsed Forces, but by thse local Optitsist Club-a group that bas beeas dedicated for years to tise service cf youti. Tise feeling of accomplishsmenlt that is expertenced during thse for- mative teen yesrs ia importat to1 tise future developntt of tise itsd- ividua-it contributea 10 wisetlser or flot thse person feels competoot and able to, wsdertake tise chal- lenges of lfe. Tise sooner a person cao be ex- Poaed 10 these feelings aod can develop willio bimseif tise feeling tist aoy challenge can be faced and overcome, tise bettar tisat per- son'a chsances for future succes wilbe. The local cadets wil hold s special registration aod pro- motion day Sept. 19 at tise Nilton Mail. Tisae wiso eoquire could find sometiing tisat will have a profound effect on tieir future. Street name question "Whatever happeoed to Barbor Green?" Counciltor Brian Pen- man asked as a report to name a street ater a nese indutry in toien was let out of tise hag in a report to tewn councillors. Planner Bob Zsandanyi, who was not present at tise time, had asked ceuncil te name a treet behind tise McDonald's Restaurant Canfor Drive in honor of Canadian Forest Producte Limited (Condor Limited) spiicis is going te locate its estero Canada offices in Milton. Neyer mind tise tact Use namne of a major new industry ia noie bloien, se we can torget Ue hoopla which should have been associated wiUs Ue anneunce- ment attise proper time; Ue ques- tion one sisould bu asking ia whiether streets should bu named tor business or for oUer entities. If anther newspaper firm decided te corne te Milton and tound it would bu etting up ahtip on Tise Canadiana Champion Parkway we doubt it would locate here. Simiarly, one could not ex- pect a major multi-national to locate on a street named atter anoUser major multi-national. Cant you just picture a Ford plant ituated on Chylar Court? Wisat that does is eliminate, off Use but, a large numbor of tirma which may bu tooking our way at a time when we need Use jobs and itsdutrial asesament. Wiatever happened 10 Barber Green indeed, and what about tise propoaed Terry Fox Parkway? Barber Green, for Use uni- tormed, waa an industrial plant on a treet oamed Barber Green Rd. Tise han left town and Ue plant waa teld to Wieelabrator Corp. Then Ue road namne was changed to: (you guesaed it) Wieelabrator Way!). Commenting Brie fly Who's at fault? Two Derry Rd. residents report their welts have dried up, since tise Timbrlea ubdivision was bujt acrass Ue road from tisem. Noie Halton Region is refusing to allow them regional water ser- vice, even thougis Ue water ine runs pat their homes, as Ue houses are outside Ue develop- ment ares. Why doesn't someone go back te the subdivision builders and let them aupply Ue homeowners wiUs Ue water? The new name receotly goI a esson io pronun- ciation, during a street-long block party. People Uere had buen pro- nouoing tise naine GOW-land (risymes wlti noie) instesd cf GO- land trisymes witisnon). Historical Socety pat presidmnt Jins Dils had pointed ot tise improper prooniato, and tise reeldets dld eins reemrc i lto thenin bobind thsfr crescent. Tby lest- d ties urmt was nammed inhemor cf Ihm Gowlaad fsnde, Dr. M. E. Qmlaa wbo wue an «ony docker on! atve comutnshty weSfo; his wite who was alte a cem- munity supporter; and his son Gordon who was a merchant, scisonl trustee, mayor and Rotary Club worker. Right at home Recently imbrlea residents asked police to dlock speeders on Ue oubdivision treets and Use police put on ptrols 10 keep an eye on tise district. This resulîed in 17 charges bing laid, four et whicls were for speeding. Tise police report Use speeding pro- btem does not seem unusual there. But heres tise ruis - tise police also laid 10 narking otbo break ftic parkig lassare juat as guilty as tise drivers teho break speed lawa! A fine showing Congratulations. 10 ail thse peo- pie wiso particlpated n Mte'. 1*81 Old Faehomd Day. cala brtta.. Tisarmia renmwmd hbt in titis week CE d* tyns.funuaso evidsnced by Ibm beeiuland INm" àmmg uai* e -in ss~d.b LEusNL SameIhere te hertoooooosl (P an organso tef schooPA, tennisoclubs, oo foger fot he ra ootofoi7r y Fox but for Lettes fOýno ThsY Fox anyonoe son ogatoo t oIut Ptoicial th Mathon o Hope Let os do tesaome Otobet 15f 1979 iy Fox office fo anappholono iuhhto Wthout hei, the druaotvolldie Hepoae Fotler Ttyhe horting i pêtol wf oaohalenge l inotlocationoand detis of oo sot Upon that liseoantahtyIl othleotaoy who sossot il wos a sooxph A vsnoire sopirit d ooepoooe ofte applicaon. you wieceva hef p fesoelves. Ogaoloe totospoosor Fr corageoButthe Marthon of Hope was more I0ffcoofooooOqeeytYflog o eed to otie Trry the pantw ovFortusthebattde t jsot thaofost the dtemin and doig of cre beguos exepioal man Il wathe tfoof loog stop to Te Irty Foxhon s ot a aoe fllosa ftodooo a oue fo cancer conotiutiono of tiee hoht agoontfcance aogit Septetoher1 s ef sOfot aabrry oFoxothe Maroof soHopetlegofl by TryFox.o Pus o thlIe Motatttnoof Hope Onfy ooctrti oafft log Ttalmas rmach oor s fittfile a o tooke ol onooxeotThosando of cancervtooton eed If o Vor oppottontryfIo telp liein Conodiso hospitfaI oTheo neeli yushefp «Iotos doesotietotei atait ItyStIli o tho yootseoth onotoottoooyour fheo lyl u i u hotcausOe Ioy Fox fuughOflotngOtnd otoatoox The Rn ottoostfof10Onn ourste o foght hottllfor tn He wlnetttbe s tsummer? Illteclndrbo o oeleipu st s aepe*0,w ulhhap re redtaogmau*u ht t lIfe aea act bo oota le balover thee flothtI ueo stlitalot ice-pdd weethor h0ve madei l pailitiObvioo. Thea greter prt of the peur ia upet waitisg for te grgeau easouoclteti somnmer inaorrive, and pel weaseem to gel mu at tandesoIl every ear. Someitaw, witeu twau pouer lIe ba, bohop dapa uemad esdleua asd tommer slrelched tor as elerailp, or at teat lasteti four 10 ive maalha. t aever toileuderstooti miy peope toud il sato eeuily toschose te sas dowinlaFlorida durnse the wotser, bt te reasou la cleor. The wealter is cheatiofu. We hrtity hovete chance deymore 10 catch a tas, et atout a suburs, iefore it s ime 10 dlg ouIsarves anti mitast. lu May, me branely spart startsanast ligitweiglsl topa, tiespile the col, col wealter it as atampi 10 soavisce sur- selves il a sommer tuse in pal oway tommer clotiagbe- On teu grottat. caue Cauada apputdfly gelsanou lad- Ht didal quttamte l it aI top, per- lansuammer. llccuarly aincs haielaaolt li te oauwho I have pel ta aupernta at0. tbuvtismat- raltoer large drlvewap. For liommar dlappeara lto wltar wit my faIhte int llr brtags ap viions of te irst aaow flakes, hrely glvlag teu auci feactag, reatheom drlviag as ha leavaa a chance la bru cler ounddrap ballueu heelemotdata commalte ram Off. ou coutIry home tu, largor cIpy evary I ddal ase u, 0fuI ths atgry ohout or day. aud rsctug oher drlvam tfram sitorl-liveti aummams. ueerhy dilcitea. Mp fthor ws a lwopu tee o 0rm- 1 amucertain ltht iswtathor oea ha plaio asti hake is flotetai te auow. 1 lleroled. perhatseaveu eu.tytd, bel il ued tu telhti a 1h01euchauginof9teu dslaite a certain detartoluallon, par- teason ata ne 009*the hoal ideao 1 taew bopa trou wll. of. As mach aut1diâliteEuidea 9ofhutS- Attr aîl, ilbreaksitaphe monuonaysof gtp ft ea xaeven moths, t te per daul wlistla camplalu for teu usltae Bal th01 mou pearsoago, lbolau ho bfore menaSe etSer. 1Idrave. hoorelIgoveeoupeudlog dapu Prbpslsaolrusorllttditheu maiino ua agela, ant il wou alao la art of maitlgtaow aglagaor ltara the doasmhou 1 ejoped eyeraI hlaafu* agoat ite laps ofwild ltitoggan rdau, monts o ciool holidapa. Peritops t wttrealtp itacome wse an ad I to ,dltell my tther haomutleerala itot uouth. lIta soumaup ater amart ejop witoer, tlobe ap sporta, aud loaok peaple. ENERGY COSIN If pou ttunteu prlce o mUt t. higit, loaih at hanl iot ita ppeuing ou teu ferm iluteu lastI lew po, cul-wtue. A receut uarvep abousthalinla1977,te anerage taresia aearby New orkon Sýtte sent $7ý775 lor gaonte ntiff $2,159 for hydro. JUS? A UTILE bItte Forteu pat tut paara slaffwrttr Jae uJW Malte heen trttiagatelr. liWebu &iLers-=" anltgduri heu anuel playgrtatd pegeat. Buthboyswitlhahaoysand titapear Scot Chadwcit wud hava aalldag la ~slx montss ld td a sew dwthdu idu ofpitlttta Idhlon teu popcrn wtis ou. ur- cheeuhf Luslatt Uett klon lthltar ft*M tàwfor tmt plat. One year ego 9aulheqp eel*loleana lenyle ht thergtlgt serviceso Camlle a arejua t attaez, »V" MlawlrhW Who hava testI =ai d=feg. r. Geta Mi eh hiriadtalg.X ut hie pl9 atIonie ta ,have torn uoana vetbet itnamfulad which hava recantlty lut9teïr c cammadatiet. Aller tra yeoraai fplaning, iltawne Cntre telli home a taly hans tIhesuni of te >Y* r VOo et. o mach Meedtu= Do MtaIulanO dai ttlca l lunmalion. *apeviesAito MeAlliate, 18, hawntepe tuatoal Campe- titiste Festival Of Muniefer tap Tut igoPehurst tomtes=ra onu the aun falawiag tiir occupa tram o wrh gang l taIib oaamewteg.&- Ulyd Slavon. 20, of Torontaoad Gîta nVa- ierhuaah, 19,9of Own Stand madaetaeis bretakt eiortty belote 2.n9p.m. while wohtgo uCorractioaol Ceaiseas =aaota"=gor n aDert-y Rd uar Higltwop 25. 20 yewgrs ago Froesthe Spt. 7. 1*1 Issue Dtait.of9a $3.5 million hareauo racltg truckitta ha hait t Campeatvillaadtae vota ta ha itattien liqitar ottiata for Nasaogowaya Townsip, woratatlied tu aoot 125 township residentsa a obhr- bacue Mmsdop igitt. Tht "Vot Yaa Camaittet hald Ueu avantt aRton Contry Claub. HtttBertnhard, asicilar for teu tott gmp pttmotiag tan- tructian -.f l t a id il wold ho haitutn4W0 acresa taGuelpht Liat aorth- vust of teu lighwoy 401 terchaga. Wolatetstassmhowtera ta taificiaul for teventue. Aihall mile truch aad closi- ia graadatond (lieut 9oflIirind inl Cattada) ara plaaaad. Yaarlp taxatita ta te buildngs aad proparty weould eto *25,110 ta *$,000. Thorearoea1,2U9 votea aigibta ta vote a inte Sept. 23 piltCitt au alowhsg tiquer ta ha tata. A "Vota No" cammittta otbu a formant inlaNaegawepo, wth Jeck MePhoil cltalrma. Local minustera ar "a~19th tPtlt triuua aacttya fuIl flawtr show wera iMmr. Frak Chiaitatm, George Cladmora and Mma. Attan Clamauls. tMr. Cadmnora, ot 91, ta Etha hw'u otidnn utaicompa- t*10e. Tht 32 tlatroutm la MitattaW. . Dici, J. M. Deapta and Bruce Si. Scitaala opeatit Tttsaan td watcomad 1007 aludeula Eraottet tauap about 100 ovar ltat paar. 50 years ago Ftu te Stpteuhar l0, l93t Issue HloaCreamerp bacotrtbutad a ptte aActaufat"oi forapttow fightl au lit ral a atttf9litfa fis. Il wtt h $3 for tae firsul p.t.tand $2 for taetoad prlae. Ramorasayu CresnsorneCrtla Ultey ta have o golf coarue lante uer fatara. Ttdavta brakeinte lthelita Staavilla Crtamtry early Tuday morttag aad tle $125. Poice ara lavustlgallag. ta laoitg omer taeuty cotasei ataaaaimtton diffarent montelpoltitsao toao wog rearied h01 litty bod abnout omtld Nc.ssogaweao trtly. A raid wa mad oua o iaue ut fer fram Streelaevtlla Salarday ttghl. Il ta rtptrtdtomne iquor vat fauadL A 0court cote ta peudial. More ton ont mou ta tmpltcttd, we hliave. A uamhor of hoys, wito hava bient stlallag fruilt ad domagiag trace n d gropevietataIJohn Hritey' h-il form, wsl af Milots, are ta appear in police court. Wbmhboys waaltfrut itay shoota nait for i, 001 ultal il and domole te treandoadope vines. 110 married men and 130 single mea total of 246, haova igued te uTtnna plapad' regisatoa carda i lastIo and Myor Macl<e hu beasla i tae corda ta te goveramneal. 75 years ago Frau the Sept. 13, IttaIssue Brt. teu 19-yer-otd ton aI John W. Buck, tn lytag la SoasaoanHsptal datgorouat l l ram lyphotd fever. The fter hadoa meage ot Saaday tram the madical taperiteudeul of te ittaptal. saallg ha1 whle te allack wmou uvore, te yoaag man wa tleoadttymproelag. Bort waal wesl tant April and hulaau emplaped conYeytug stIlera tram Saskonitauotatda secionm. R. B.. Joyce bau erecled a oew hait house iu Ooitville, ant illtrouame te fitol isdustry there. Mr. Joyce s bees and aotslhs h e eorne se-oce aifthe bead of te laite, te witle flui uay writltis ayandted omre rauvetieul ta teu marit. Ex-Chietf Fetat, o Ooitville, waa itadl itttn ity ao dg yeslordap. lHe alleasPtt ta taparat totaragad antidata who vorae=gngad la o att attisoltewheu oneofteu a"taithi taettitdeep ltt is wrt and commentcti la citte. Mr. Peata «trictes!dblosat uiy, houtlite B" 90 ternilactem 9*a heine thde mltary prooions JuLqp% VAM vu URU EIÇVCLWM mm