The Canadiec Champion, Wed, Sept. B,1981 n Milton District-,High Sohool announCOs 3W Ontario Scholars MA~N DVI OG BUE JOHN DAN BILL KA11MRYN KEVIN JOHN KELLY DAVID MATI D-- C nfl AESa DEENIK DOWN5 DRYDEN FREEMAN GRANT HEARD CMIRMPMPBER E JULIA TEPIIEN MICHELLE DONNA RUT NISINNES KEAMNS ENOWLES eHRO RODE IERAFINI UPALDIN 8'lRINGER TYIRBT WTO i. Tim Tyhurst tops at Tien 1ynrt son ni D ne, etiRRB Chartes and Iris Hanter Morgan,809EtCren. Peter Schnmidt, 291, T nne sdSylvis Ty- a n rs Ù ates, BR 3, of 28 Steees Ave. Hanile Oleson, Bell S. passed the year inorst, BRN2, Gergeo Caseltvlle, sod Gom and *Julia daugiter et Shela witin 84.6 pr cent. He ns inut of tn ita 843 urcet. Insu more-Une double 0ofen t5=3 Hmy. 25, the smn ofPeter and Eva Ontaro seissars 98toslnsnM98id nirprcupased the year mth 87.6 Schmidt. r0885d ni 90kbY ndRia ee2i , tlam and IrsI ens eleoifit rinSerattel, 211 Wn tsDitrict 85111 Norvat mitin a score f 26 Pine s. Jatia cred Gt r saaRR5,EmenCr.,sct Scisotl. 82.5pr tn. ighst, 88 per cent, Milten, cred 8.8 pr RuSty and Detoe8 Sera- Ties scord 06 par cent liehrynces n he her brther cred cent. She na the daagtter fini, cred 83 per cent et te top the field of 36 agtnryof Doymand 86.3 per cent et John and Carat the year. bl ooe ytedangiterat Rap 8 SeenKan s 39 Ornava. Mark Spaldin, E4.1 per semant. Hghisde Dr., acheved cmmerciat St.:crd oi hW cn, iBthe satdtBari NOTE: Phonios mre 8.6 prer t. 84 per cent. Hem Unte smn daaghter et Grden and ccd B arr pldno nt availals nGtaio Kevin Dryen 8 o Dan and Margaret Dena et 33 lartec S., RH 3, Mitton. Scinnars David Ed- tiaCtcrda:. Kern scared se per cent. Kare Striager, 8.1 mrd, Peter Schmeid isperct.,Ne te Ue nec.e Michele Kneto luia Ptatemy pasced per cent, in the daaghter and ChsWtilem. Dparcdt. enDrde sn. passed mth 80.1 per the yesr mth 81.6 per ef Glen and Jean Alsoon he lst ere:Dou andGwe Dryen.cent. ShithUe daagtter cent. Ne 18 Ue smn et Stringer, 30 Ridge Dr. Aia n n tl er: Dsvtd Edmards, a et William and Marcelle Deag and Anc Ptetemy, Clea Van Gemerden, MatnBarstow, sonno ersofet88.3 pr cent. NeH ets24Eme nd28 atI Ave. 25-741 Wodtward Ave. Alan anid Mary 8aatw, lu the son etRtc and Cro. Kathy Rtdtng, 8.1 pr cred ' t pr cent. She 56 jsnes St., Miton, 12. Beryt Edmard, 368 Donna McPiersen, cent, ta the daaghter et in e ulter Cees par eit. Mapemnod Dr. daaghter of Jackn and Jehnnand Eteacer Rtdng and Annerte Van Davdllrewer, 95.3 par John Freemon, 52-81 Diane of RR 2, George- et 7813 Appteby Lice. Gemerden. cMt, second higiat neo 01Milisde Dr., scored 84.0 town, paseed tine year Peter Rade, cen et Brant Watson, sncoe Ue li athe sUne of Cltt seccent. Hetsa Ue sntif etUn 82 pr cent. Herber and Uruta Jim n cd Ldtla Watson, andi Jean Bremer. BRN 3, a a n cd ,a Tracey Mrgan, 80.1 Rade et RN t. Nrvat, RN 2, Campineiltle, Mlon. Sreena. " Y par cent, t te danajter scred88peocnt on the passed 118e final year in Dm y, W par oef ratmalesa- tWilliam acd Moreen yer'a mark.c higin scineet mitt 81 pr cent, sntoi n dseGrantoma y Doroliny BroptIy, 334 etseamen and Helon 0W PEN SURUNOTON OAKVILLE MacNaininCes. prend netUn a in % tn1 Bruce Clment, son ot grade oftel per ceît The KESHORE PARAM EDICAL Williamen d Bty rce ttve aIRH 3. &H Clemient. 14 cort s. Georg màomii.i N88 pr cent Davtd Heard, secnetof 3666 Lakeehore Rd. Wst 'o Crisc, sonof Robier ccd Jean H--rd Surlosin Dr827-2902 Vtncent and Marte et 391 Bell St., nared GN Crtnc, 195 Bronte S., 61.5 par cent. Umsommes..i wiUn a marksin tpr Ctnclutpher Hanter, 8 He2 tgWidsM...Prce cent. pr cent, la ti.n o fet Bttres - Lowest Prices F-aaî. lins Oueascdlcnmonm Phofol Dcace, T.V.- tower onl town U e ur r dut e DM. Clarke: Msring Atd Spectaist MLenHnter CaMle Thne 200 test temer mll Tetevtsino el ph ccta Une cd, rees = ceestrilct a mtcremave ram the eoutîno sn tomer on thinottn aide foteeinc sigHal ofet Tn iUn, notUnhtlles Ceined yaTV se ohiectin ram Ue GRiylenbeimTV. e in Twn ofmek=ton i n lyoehm ai h Tnnibai ee pn ing. ares, mti n eha t, qanter mle otherUo nr Ction ftinre t aidse of- ptaccer' nreport 8asfri tlone.m ne u e itin met earntiY peîn i umam *A THERUS OM E NW ;TEG ETEETII *.,om nstn e tCh e is um ee d ~ c n -. n . * e.~en.esn-liea -'2 I TNACEY BANNE GAIL ROIN IAN KATRI MORGAN oLESEN ORSAVA PHIS LIPS PTOI EMV RIDING MNegotiations still A htd hy inurtîngeon eacher bord canract iitcfrv eteet trustee Cam Jacksnin n egscia a ans publ ic Hedidca v anti o ok ineep the state ai teacher immedietety. Negeia- as ifeiher sde wae contra7ttltis tram te lan crams ce memiter ooin g fta ympathy ic KRYN CLEO JO5ONATIOAN press nntit Septemiter 17 Jacksoexprap eed talkitshe cegta aans .EY VAN GEMERDEN WOLLASTON mas accepted hy alter mere net quer edY ta Eteine Riehm. ai S memherc efthlie Haltn beceme puiei. Barltîn itad ltis Board et Edecatisc. To go pubhic ai ltiis shaatd lbe camplted as Trustees more enhed lime. Jachson seid, qucnty as possihle, ccd eo paen a matasn Thurs- weeld mesh ie press a if an impasse s reacited M D H S mich meet'J have meite now. he slated. ttie teaciiers' tederatien cas da iinfmtion o tc atttgn os op-goRub hclia:tc. s Katryn Whatey, RR Crenc. scered 85.6 per 2, Narval, recerded a cent. mark ot 91.6 per centlen the year. She is the Johathn Wollaston, dauginter ot Kennetn and sncof Rey and Anne Ann Whaley. Wollaston et RN 1, Chrin Wâhetm, snnoe Acten, recorded a mark Maurce and Nancy Wtt- et 88.3 per cent. REGISTRATION Girl Guides of Canada Milton District oegistrations for: BrowniOB Aga 6-9 Guides Aga 9-12 Pathflnders Aga 12-16 r Rangers Age 15-17 Date: Thurs. Spt. 10, 7-9 p. M. r Fri. Sept. 11, 7-9 p.m. Set. Sept. 12, 10 a. m.-3p. M. Place: Milton Mail WANTED! «onasinle meeta b. lende. aForII,Infomatc ion le 15CU Heather Samnpsofl 878-8757 Gail Stelter 878-3441 Poolsmo POOL SALE PIONEER POOLS LTD. - Since 1965 SAVE OVER Bp inslalling pour pool nom pou gel8the llanos Marchandise plan yoe anoidth ie 1902 price ncrease. You'I nover poy tosfor e top quacity pool - ~ instalaion. I I I I I I I I I '-----M JACK FRASER Travelling Suit Clearance A gather up of suits from area stores greatly reduced for quick sale! * Outstanding Selection tabrios * Values... Very Exceptional * 10Odays only * Discontinued styles * Ail popular sizes avalable Shop tomogTow for top selactiofi, boat value! JACK FRASER mesa SQUARE ONE - MISSISSAUGA meeîroard MILTON MALL - MILTON AQMI