The Çsnsdlsst Champion, Wod.. Sept. 9, 1981 /snew to soma dart mhU9 won new to tuffyOougl*3bwYlaI ou tb.M sy oti Mnairdy aSe slo ih dooeoeasd bo otf ton a akng Wd. ThefDIII dmonlstration as par Bt of anl Onario Agiculuralusun dislayandis ein wadudby Andre Deroches (front), oxIdatian . . b.c oidr i m on pt orrpao withOe dish sotorng bus Of aolr :i.d0 sdoooatoOrUcfyc dpao moo.soi, mx a ,gft coppof bottomdsn a tcam 11 cc + + + wrappts, etc. y labo -Polyutc i~f tbrooObtheObolesB= oSve, dont pitch out inup ttlor-on adc be fmt "z olro ero a ft woi'tUiheg"rbageclyor soori tl Wyoc4bave mord wtb a mixture ,++ zmtyootdrink car- toc for O000. osat and vinegir. loolcad of utlocctom. beobqulte . + . + eomcloth ll fra cdy arunthUe boue. Yo'- utgmooaod To boop warncr bouquet garni, rY ulo itoy cci ccnvrtcd cryoCl k ks >l 11 fronolooogsoo blo amoIi esbal.Te tes toto o boldoli for d!modlyoaddth ooasblorUocuotr- yal loytflllacidit carrylng cloooiog 1Bille ammonl o Uc topobl rllogdoob l1 bo enustrouble atoopl rmn o 10oslr obolwaubng fo s " piccrotda .onmeu 1 fiasb It ot f tUic roo m usret ooofor Ithen th nwxpaprnilI PEN HOUSE"., et" in place. Plstic bottlmig REALTYW0AI.O osadles wicb bave few "Coo& in mmnohbo gat@r litarolllogon a flet maMc, .g. a table aï 'natte la0a frac1181109 09 P1.AYES AIION cnsg eectsvàla oc sal Waê.ma, Stogala .m - The onsuly greapaica=e li i.rooms- 159J pt«t go bd W Ihg11m Otar iscl. OIy it~l-tomgit 1r ficmelidrama EgdI uaus barsasusceus- Cobmuoal Manr audItorum. Men uteolasgaaula tils ecin.simu oec 1yaJo Nlecs fer ."Dml" f be jf AUCION SALE uritias am Md baadha teib t heoffice Satrday, Sept.ila-AtBe ct Ie Ciammps. lit 1Mist0. E., r Utelld C2rcb, a ucai. sale a ualmed tea etBoDeM 7mtlam. LT conmmence at 11.3 sm. and w011in 419. Thefatal drilledsbate llSIy t i clads an excelent sélection cdband p... Nealsous fr 'DateMll" nU b crafted qutte, antiquead soitcllect. acceptait iy tpham. ables. lIbre 011 aieba a flac er kel, baboit gonds snd rofroubonont WINE AND CI5EEE PARITY booh. Tborsitay, Sept. 10 train S o11 I p.m.-Tbo Universiy Wameno Club flOU SHOW RE"I of Mton Je bstng tie anooal wne SotrdàyandolStdmy Sep. 12 col adlchass u~thebaI11*1cm 13- Oasie an cd Dismtrct KXe" RagezMumen Par&.Ne1w Club Iponsurs Re somnai champion- mombeco aen mt oslcome. F«r hobwmsolndobediac btiahs, a mors informaton ocilt D75.UtO;. i.oSports Cantr, Léarer Ave GIRILGUIDE IEOITIIATION Th1fis;yor"Gociten Aunivoemry" Threy m rka nd sown-_ l dy "bo lhut tladm" il mm7 n pm.andSe. - ju" toth dop e~t op...m ieonlc 2 tram t0 *.m n,3p.m. - gîforacios5 et.FrIfr Md"ofcao.i micaldià ou dun33"162. blit rogWWilrc i atoMa u 1.1fr nlooIlDICur3240 grcqsix and up. aPminm aa GtI.cA OfDALL DAY =elacoBrowOhO. lolds.Patb- " ' ep. 3. Te, ane inders, IRangers or (eea ss. o( ciftbllmocsaso 0pnucle CORNCODCAPEII8 frm1 yfoml a 1 piysycro011 = 'pragrao, lcUtoq sg copin10 eb Of te tracilooo Ato on rpralg. c nblgcrnnm, mm tgito at noonanid rustrougi thUi oltera ac as nd ieeaoday. Ir acrnid b=wran rides ~AftTBRMSCAOtPAIGN o the woadmd trai, molndoctt lMday to Friilcy. Sept. 14 te ta - dmentrationt Theu f5 mlannl campagn for ftuodofor the tot0XM M0 ubbto nd 1110fl andt olArhitis Seciety in Ontario oui ba rpwqtaom. Ao iun $3areV. carrlcd out in Matoncmby the 110W POLICE AUCTION Rury citrchi Ialgtla of Colmbs. smtrday, sept. l aet 10 &.m. - Paul Coola in remldmtl cancuses 1011m lgklonalPolice in0the H10*11cm ctana. HOWe-IOI ditrit t 0111 an SENIOR CITIZENSMEET acti ale ai 217<Guelph It t9~ Weditmeay, Sept. 16, I p.m. - town, w111 Ovsr 200Utlol*bolMalon SeniorCitineon Clubt No. 88 wil 00010 bcycles in excellant diapo. boI s 110 on-pening atoal HIOSPITAL LAWN PARITY metlag aol banquet et the Lglon Saturdoy Sept. 12, 130 p.m In 4 Hl, ailsion $5 plu membcrsblp p.m.-ittofl District HIti ldues. Atolllry ouIlbold l1s anool on SKATE. CO-TUME SALE prty ai the Jobn Martin proaety, wcitnmoty sol Tbtadiy, Sept. 1 Itargart St, Sutho f te MarIt tins. amn17trom àta p.Ma-tton Figure rcllrced trollO. <(8150bnaonmuskatcgClub il b ittg c two-tY Kormigiuse) - .SOms11bg for Sl ai Mtn Mmoral Are-a on eoeryons. Come out aol support ycr Th le d. If yos ave saites or bopitli. cstumes tesell, brog thellItm lte h CEAI-rM-E sme arons Storitay, Sept. 12 bel- CRAFT SUE eem9 &cm. aol 12 Mon. fTic Club e- PraibslorlpnrCceotcof LadSaleon boldng sae 0 crfla bcg cl SaATE, EQUIPMENT SALE bouemolegotai i OieFirmrS hiray, Sep. 17,06t10 11p.m. - Market. Mlon 110r Hocckey Mous 0111 boIt SUN FEED tber anta"msatea nt squipmcml sale Sturday, Sept. 12-billIon 1110r ai làUs M,11.M-orlelArina Scoobail Aoicaticm 0111 bo boldlng REGIOTER FOR Y COURSES thecannuel Cbmpioiad onBus aton1cmY, located ail Wila Dabo Fend Day et Rotry Pr, serling ai Pacu, 327 Branla S., w01mm usono 90a.01. AMl cbireflregisterod in Minor ifs MaIprogram o courses for aft, BazatlI 111rocolvo c froe mut l d cbldren aid tseaagera. For infor- trn in1 addition tu Ibir leam photo, mation snt reglotaion, vioit the Y or muesa tccli 78.1 bust e bausgodas ne,. +ýu + + BE PAID OFF? con yos puy off yoor motgag 1 acoooln 01 dap.d thebotype oolsgage o ohave. Telt olass I you have a c InA itoge Iag co otpopry lt. oi. thoa ontnin tCooUi ioci. Ite NHA oortgmae fode ciot ftoic anapptoved lide 15 OCMN.C.aendite ooclluot lc d.foltithebotocmcbh» JOCIIEVBVIIMU tae ptvle of ni ayltsg unaddidottal am.ot noficoiu, nti Inxcuso10% f thetorigin l aot o it orcto0son iitseond,o td an- sle.raety or ocy menti ato' ithethrd oscclematy. Ins csc. imetroom iocteIbo' Ictn sota p.pld m addidonalIntbostm. VENDOIt PAYDOWN 6% IMMEDIATE POSSEMDON Y" theVendco wOttO sell tOisbsOtlOl 3 itdo, lrot-o n tkcitilobso.tome- 4 tediCom bugoonwthoa lag fence I1CousC taskout to ptio 5,00,dii yadCll o vo 0, 0nn0e7805611or 0100 icoodes 5 pplilcec. Ailfor jackmw55.$441610.Ccc 10 oiicd scytitte. Jutcil Jatk8O-toitRejette 78-M 8or JicesO78-tOit. PINANCIAL REUEP Domte 3Y,% tO lAug 98 on Od lt a Sapis 3 badoo homesnvêti 0W9ngcorn, 4isentWske ap ani1look ai thiC 3 fitepiac. oiutofavi, $2,00. i eeaceo itohoo, 2 Dmoy soe hote, woit inOs a 11% ut o. n cThoo,878. oos.Fo oresiforatiOoncllOoni tUorm87"-767. 7-W rJc COUNTRY HOME Brick bunowbw ltItlarge ktcbîn, noparato dinin11 ocm. largolivng mat wth mastic fireplace. 3 badroams, 1-2 pc. cend 1-4 pc. domntaira camplotly flnlicd. wtroc raata, andry and work-raata.DoCuble car garage aCnd boatfutly hondacapeol % acrc lot. Nat for tram Mtoln, tiso hmc mli ba ftuanced ot a vandar taka-bock taartgogo t 16% for B yoansacnd open. Dame paytaet $35000 and aosig $124000. ddom ie Slit -CMintutoooaiyr vt i rcedtscci -V0ccdotoll assliit e eond Otanct -To io eil s Boes878-M or Jack IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BUYING A NEW HOME OR SELLING VOUR OLD ONE PLEASE CALL WENDY 878-1166 OR TERRY 878-5359 DONIT MISS Foietlo3IIVdoii 11h% laeneh00 soCtO t 5appias.a061e 000 orec pou ak or* 0cil 045. e sane 9788m 0, Js0 COo7&-000 DNJOY COtJr<Y PMIACY bu, e tonand 4in is ttchar- .,cha isi-ocyle hSCIes w0it catedra odlcs al otsiancclirfiacon. TrustI lo mir1 % acs. Aking g1249W. Cci JsenTomtao, 87-Mor 878-li0767. Ths 3 tsd,oo.e.3 tomsv 10,5hm a rtton llooîtcoci oom vatoh afitaplaooa walkwiom thielskthneto a olcok, 10ae ias and rtccOsCtrsO.FCctoes ,inomslatoe placto ou 050endy Mlîi o- Te" 07B-M3t NAKE TPOD TUR aou-r LET-THIS ONE GET ~O D uCOMPAU R MCSLABT MOVE AWAYI 14%% O y ou s s tvlu thiOaloly3 bed- Tere'plentV o ootfotheo0000c 3 becirooebuao Tht,thesoaverage iterrst rteOffeOd on ooci ccc os 15 eoo oooo .iiotîicîkîbO mesdts posession coslabîs. Coctesun cou toscIaool, hopng asd thoGO home.Cetre hall pan00 h formi liig pti"tpostds thOOevith me. ..CAROLFREE tan n ifigCm.Tr nofr Lrg ftC mtti ar akCloe t whol To sknosl$78,9Ws.0 0 061oJOi COMESEE THEM WITH MEa.. .CAROL FREE 87-11BnnO88-tô,Jc IF EISO ENVIE... WONdT A rbdoornisde$itMth 1060more I01lbchoo l -utaît es iml9ihI EMBARRASS YOU fnstddrd o oms aminfi- fmOOfo ou 30dromre O c oly do- Th- v- P, 101, t.ýId5 d.CbOtOi b.k.dI EXCELLENT FINANCINO pool. Fmc s»Ilse C0tC il . 10 J- tc o im Ker ts aktV e co u et87&t. Redaoo o O690.tllCO J I I o0r 10cho 1050,a om JackleVendre et 878 0565 . tmda tO±270±J t7, CARLMSEEXECUTIVE cutomn-bullt 2year-old home on %-acre. LwCtlIiOtls broadloom, 2 fireplaçes, ¶urmnt itchen w/bullt-ifl apDliSflCes, £rotndlevel amlly rut. & laundry rut., ÉRmasèr ha en suitbat,arge 12 mge ROYAL TRUS COP.OiA"1OlqOlP CANADA, REALTOR