*ZZZZ ~~AUCTION SALE ACIONSL hISfd O oOrflldg For The Etale 0f the Lote of Hsndmode Oulits, furniture. fCfOfliS ~? r' ~~ i cAiéer Mr. ClIfford Nicholson MeLaughiln cutter, dishes riaG d M C plus Inclusions of good entlque3 mise. donated litore. S -lil 1I paylng of. is 2 8«1e81 Fo MkUrOddu. from enotheir Heton Couny Fr' "e nie hrh IUO"2lft mii2,nMmen 87"S730 Home Set. Sept. 12th. et 11:30 A.M. aurî goCepsi2 .,--es <o.thrt Ille;sui ppiS-Arp Wedndey Evenlng, Location: On thc Trafagar Rd., X mile c~n mnb ries; c . a sept 10» et :30 P.M. north of Brtennle Rd. or 3 miles sootit of numra1l oeud Location: In Milton, et dis Figroundle, 401 HwY. S5uipmiifl. Noe In FOr CilflPBe ln te Agricutural Hal. Poieic et 1030 A.M. lhe 1huch Hll, of 15 R meslome ae m.utie lquitemode by ocmck nomers. Oean@ES L ankeoilis "efibor eOU Auction Service Contents of Sale: Empire cheset a irdui la atinlpi snon i MlICEFoSALEen Maneund Ri epeins ChriA n 5tdresr, et of six casnsd sestetVictorien ri m reomse such unClodon ploie. Dahia, indumic itic AUCil R chairs, et of four weinut opoonbeck Les Cabin, Omdm' Fanrte. Thot m oreaoo Tns, semalrged r0 5IufmiTnpu chaieinfii, otter et of igttOak tddtnn'c quitee thi wmuid moieipacet Clieno, roe. Cut 07-617. onm cpoonbeck chaeir, st of four Weinwight g llon am ol. oe Asta"skes chaire, cetofi12 round plant fasat Gon- Oc nt ecOIW efr e, ri.; cuteall ailned m ~I z 7e1.2576 stock chare, amotter est of four Gunetock WmimOnf. hbah, ielaso uniabele o, mroc DON COWNG RR-3,~,0- chaire whth originl e tecllng, hec good oea; ck tmdccbereocbrelibpk ne; earbpaeaeh AUCTIONEIR DOUG E. DONALOSON Boston rocker, cont Salemi rocker, id roei; p. of ntliaqe ayustPeoreb al AoTMIeSWi5 Amdoar fitbck cupticed (docre miaing on top), t.I;ligues pairocke m ner; pte cal udota liis ~ a odeoa typco.cnoliciopins dry ink reci good one), primitivetablé; idehat lio; P. pia iles ngbaride; pias 10 MOOLW. 784M ctopping bois, Hohton County pins cor- wardreke; lemc co oren@tcti; square mous oAN.m.Mooo p.~caie o ier cupbeced, Canadie pins higt back tabl tie isil I fftdla05lg glfronmt soeen illdmgiibcd, ires pins chiet f drewesreons 15 ecai, u n rokener for yen te o ilsb; 3 io.o dcoaci; Oakospicegl~l; Oakboeenggcpbeotd; ai- MARKET VALUE A CINSALE nef.), pins drop cisf table, pins bialnket oricio mp; wickoi uerig ioy; Chanderinlt, $11,111 bo, rImpie buffet, primnitive tend cred igiad; nid Pliiue r tons; iaio a ce rle,~ ioo For Cocrdon e Sorbers Rantk nureing rokeVictorien orgen tool. busouile; p. l te se; 2lanernma; 2 pr.ofbek Sun. Sept 131h ait 12:30 P.M. pins frnmsd niirrr, antique chnide higi th g uina;l dc douet; pmiiaterdbi mp;eiut5 prsep.f. dienih:d. Lare gane Location: At their property chair, pins hell table, pins opehuthft e lmp Ryl:iponcm &sin oya l mem, emi ei t anO ocnson e fopce, Iocated i h ilg fcupbcerd. Bele board, many other Nipponl cmo eekin dih; p. et Royal Nitppo maso t oneod poni sito yard,.eut-inkichen, Cheltenhem. apprax. 10 miles chaire, fseveasipcs. cf reai gond nesdie-nopa Et sunion; 3 Ornei plaietofReol Nppon; lfolatdnngoc, nwliceadieon ,ougount. ponecletround cherry butter bowni- 0Porit v;O eu;ePled JoPe &le once north-west of Bramptoni. Teke cdock ~ si hdidrawsr, mentali dock, clg"ou . AL m 5 Hwy. No. 10 north ta Victora, turfl mirror oni tonic. Primit v a tn.A W' wood lathcaith moir chioais; 7 XO8ri. oceoi sa d oa d demr; nid chadodo ingli. ehiido gnMA lit tai 3rd Une, thon north for ep- oteil oc yck, brate propsler, birent boo irat cons, botte, hbook; hoxnlietoc. prox. %n mile - or toits Misiseauge reste, ebony & brailabbayi on kette. etc. Cnte andadnnlo eiepn a oeel Cot G" & eCine- I3.5 Icipi. Trono ponmoty ccck, y COssoil ecoolo. Wa mAlii loi ie c asocri Rd. north t1027 Side Rd., turn right sR«wonccieni, butino.neim iti reegh-mguMaket b saleonia e ceeS e RuI«Mrket for epprox. 1 mile, thon noth on *averipuo f Oprsuionn ou. aeonri pot. et end luch ocem. P A ES L C o iM4dinegrep csa"lo li ed;Pa- Cilsoli e.rdOr AaCtiotnest ropette" i InnTE AL 3rd Une right into the villge, met optitP.. opfor le pd hurt bottai dlbmndM Salsdey acrose the roed f rom the Country gaicna, i.rRonal Nippon Cranm, mia TERMIS: CASH OR CHEOUEWIiTt I .D. Store. figeurie,pie. of Nippon la Notaie, .S.10. te o Nttute. ddetsocoi &saerniS. Joht's Da. licn.iB, Auctioncer: Werd Brownridge Sele Conslstîng 0f: (Ref.) Anti- pate, Beaigton boemin.ode, s choie. obtor Cutom buiih 3 bodroom rancher que furniture, glessalà chine, brase rtad inbideslaskecht, un licnk, lfoir hll lit, N IU UC IO , cet1tilt w ah &copper, collectables, primitives, trn piu.o %acetedl. w bth mise. etc. Apprax. 260 Items. 5 0SkeCons:te73 .C.M.P. mmmii doeirt19M SALE Pio ToAttnd Th RakePientrotinitot, 1M Oel 197 pieeillk.ises; Mon. Sept. l4th et 6:30 P.M. roonon, fireplece wihh heetileher, Plan To Attend. The Ra rnbtialo f typa ut nilei acaoC t 5nt0Cpo 1921, Location: At the Junior Frmer. Hall 6 aî aiu nuain aiways put up e good offcring ofuta ts o edoi oka, Canadienrds lutUs.J.F.K. 6on ElliotaStmmn Brentptoi. gcn~~~~ OfMmetaklIu. Ceiodlienbooks Reliet Serc, M- 0 oncito. n Bet ose hene. tt Pooai ait omidaion dieeS.~ Cli*EmiIrIniW. mP. eimnby, lomitore. pimitives & cefoctbllao, pies drp frnt daak; pn le Ioiht bot; 2 mh chase of prmix aen. Tocbme.;piai kcilo. ock tack cupbocrd, Houerncophoird. de- doon;om5ooalplitlebtteuotrnt , mold, p.t ~ ~ rssioniend ei olhetc.oetc. FOR MORE INFORMATION ueas; raki ni s alrcheoa doot, aluu«nokis, Icksfhaettcoi, railma tn- TERwos; CASH OR coocouE WITH PROPSOCL 8632 bakig cbint - op 29 Shek$e 'a uml utit o lna nrloise l, qaetittpof et c Od Onario; hM. spiacdbacitrocker; exceilen large capent ehdtoi, lem & gardon toule, b PtsWD. CAL86M pies hlinet box - 1 damrsrn bSttoni - cr. 192; eidai C clampcs br ciemrp, rteitor, mia gond RVE:4WPM pies oeon mooteid, moralatop;n etf4 &W sear womed latr unir cisunoise etrercy Auctoneer: Don CoIing ______ a-t eutir; eae-itabme;acoeaichoi; rite ice- liords Op itTm"ide, pua ot. rhouhloitom,Phone: 978,31985 c tdcca ~ ul ieg cpliocd; 5 A 1. pis, 2 un lamusttabl; lo FotsyCMuiresonbo , ýpuetsdOOe, ILO-tbMSoo mime muitetad; blimeout iii chir;; lncnihallSanley No. 6pans. M.Nblo d lxFnneRdIetAdstie aotoheOnoe, rock; cuhdl ng rme. table; pç-d "' ut QNOTE; Lmdlai letiiOen. NcosnaI-Ae RneCwd EraLak Home ooni elt oi reka; Piaden;blu e onhu idpla ecedonttcumit t ieln o s lae tho tailt PARTMENT ionrCaictiolly lotad nim roi. M3, Me Oud; mtcin rerchacir cit. 1M Dlag utai-dmticcen ing lio parienladyoght ocut etom Nus mitret, nddcpirmon,cr id mledem. cit. 180);Pia lakkdoo&tlmoie iet carlor h rm Tis ela. éryitauetro g 87Et1. lcludîro tllîln, quit oeriotn Milton. PrivcOlO. 1B11M702. iesd. 878-91m88sm e u btciteaocre- RO2HOS msiero r re, airN atuel cireerogliit. Oin, u Se. RnalOeeo ba bre;2p. andoiauioe. meniglt fnHeHeen Ceerly. peoanc ster& reeer, T .3 bedrocice. Il/ btis, touasentinitdN; lag iektaon tchin TsRMs CASH 00cbEOUE lWrrliPsOPESsI O odocespose. ,Ilingode oldu Fenchbgre, excllentîm plna;chcarr i.bmklsai mes,. HO bardoe Acoftarmoraie. EfirD li. tho. Coîl Tîte. sic78-dccc.. Rocenilp condtice$.8,0e0 cvnolt2p. u Raal oi atfo k ltebli udookla. 0. deioted. fecOti. mrtgagi il 10 iii Puagm îW M l;p -pitACTNae Al, -cntleg smes. EIH pic.laS.; niivl gtt Iio. ilA ud Auctioneer: Don Collna Ctrottait i rin, APARTMENT nie Fo ppdoinet teo ne oteemoliui,90 . 78.AN 1to . Ca192lis iatmn cluc edromplute phone 678-uM7 1 tin cr6p.nc. LUTHERAN Medclinn. OcalWvummcesleitaro; oltet ron nPhone:87815 coe, cllocation. Neo éIndeco eîî,otedtto.CHR ecppi; "allliieiePcai goidet;moase c _________ ----- ---$75c.00.Bo curer; i.ent itetcdiu; aplmio e AUCTION SALE 003 Sltter8.OOr.m. ONE IoditeccO = Co- t<t1,.,,,,,bli n!Tittol nrriehm tie llat, o ec. ike rOF 11,310nd 3BEDROOM WscAcctn, enllObli INDUSTRÏAL UNITS 1De WlsocîF Or ptedpu . ert. copmuitt ln2 Secpihlae stands,, lira- tolp; Qebac pi. gArin; lra-sTRUCKS, iT 5000F.. FARM 50111.. GARAGE o..v.nîs ThomalesoprmPr ocFORRE tuat bx;brus lntpan lt o sttu; Jbils 837 oUIP. lOFFICE OUIP., ETC. slao.yi.mlpoialttIlldrai. Csireices. O RN87-5 1W lobrus aPc;utats;bcscMJi. tophn ra oooioommooio..- 2 ineR. itn Sunday, Sept. 13/81 1007~~'a lia-p2trohme.W,, cl tol/8FO Lasocc Law1hlen Uppir Comdc - Oockac.153 C. SMYTHIE FOR SAND LTD. . Setead 1310.00 ONE & lie bedrocic 9 AlaceR. Mlo ucmo Cidli dlape*. ioa; arocoia CONN SMYTHE FARMSI ecoithin Plos etîlîNîro irntmsrts. ccOllO. ceg; coiepnonsut;ecellent *0gb bord; crenk; front 1,ngW sq. fil.> enpets Aelt:3nei. Ne imoot.ocn.qit.atoto tcrenl bar; meidai moidies plan.- uoiieoll - Etmi. Oroacot. oit-tocs. lotenden, Dplermec 100 *cellino boiglit, loedlng dock edrvîn, e. Litr, ce"Thr Leihecon oias;bus lcdi up;eceln " N A oae Pa -monts, 235 *Conrarlai nmolcoon prmcla..Iuo cedp ettoi; ima cdde amp acnooiSl.llmd at CR OnagDtarle S. N., Mîllor. e.o n ChO nS plats" ta.pot, cire. 13D0; rdmcm coc; oSciasi $~dey, Sept iZlait51eti11.00cam. ctencti n.neoagt. io.80 .. C15 picure & ranés;ambr fnge lup; om solnts m seIalle Inn TWO tadnocmn plceehi; aefr2âidas; elor atik:TRUCKS: 3-Ford %itton pickopo orkslop,emrefixing apancmc.eî,ecnîIc TOSSY LIMITED 123 pci -CHINct1W Ima- oussho.stand; Cothnmtcb 2 mmli (201974 B tu10977), ag ig- Ford F700 domp u enant ciee ided. het. Adoîts.87-010u. 125 Cccii and GDccci Wc oaniocl d;tolbx;hrouem-'bn-tuc » 8;Ampr parknles. 11.1',3 ch;rgcuioarde; *0 lie; icia cbtslon rok<spou. s150.00mentîy. Fînt 11RssîlbsTORONTO 1-2754M34 t IIT - ch;culmioeingrpan;impet. IT EQUIPMENT: Cet loader No. 944 aid tat morac. Cali MILTON 878-1131TRNY TRSCAHOR oomouS me sertiOPsE 0i1i7 1o6tr.m URNIHEO rode.onic BAPTIST CHURCH 1.0. cut McKe snow biocer. gos. attahehd; FOR rnt îCamp-usofei ktce, leeidnPr DUT ~4272 Appence cci Not rapon.iblefor cciOdents 809dey. bucket seperotte; Pettilicie Loeder No. telînîlîe r OnO-p5 acilillco, iakng.W.Pon NOTE A Sapt 1ila Teri m pure eiSt os 2500; 2 amallscaics; ifter. t&Crus16-itof ttt. 543551.srqurd ND SRALU 1SR.W E an ieadeOf til Mfa-mmo WBobc haol tdte eFARM EQUIPMENT: Ford 4000 gos trac- Funday, SeptE. er13/8FORREN O a nlPul to, Ford 3400 gas tractnn, MF No. 35Iges Omimhoueor In ilotetrocm-Twoc94 ..Bb.Sh. Auctloneiler: Chrs A. Sohouten trector. MH tractor; Int. No. 383 furrow Çen I riess.82 mîîmsgorîlomnant, lariicovecca;c Phon:87-256 pu. .memic..,oroc oittnt 4,r nemiBîed9Omilsgemn , o, roqoîr.. Alrmstrong Ave. fta î oOtîlOioci M a eccete __________________........OiilO t,.ttbox.-a.Fordtacntallp locaeot ýlmqi. pa ci hpSýc rocpo...,lla...n.,.cî,î.,..,100Acton.t fonr plae en od . 5Runsecrîce Fminformatoncuit:li Scc AUCTIO SALE rotary moce; MF rotary mcwer; soocer 1 mo placn bot. -Ja-----bck Laol700 p c. -E.ficieWe AUcO S L ith 2 gels motoro; Gretom Holme, Anllben Oclot LADY peniolnrr87-93 hc Seccien m ttth. S. Coui t-O9. qelcar eite877dcn ForGergeVa Bok W-reqirs nurlihd 8onmi Wîdnîcday ForGeoge an ock cutivator; el cutter bcad (usid once); 6ates. c i. nonc ettklchen iip iPae, Meeing/ Se.Set 16 e l .. 30 boy levtor t hp; Ford LOST 100 it on MILTON dareasant îllîSiElcnibi.inlen Location: At lis for.n n Ookil. Right lacemrouver 10 hp; Msercraft it on AnllbleI lmoalo partneit ln pivais~h :00Scd ft8 lir 3 Oudriem bhcs'heme. 52-t7t7. ST. PAULS on the Ocodas Higlittay No. 5 On th@ lawi mower 10 tp; cemot mixer, electrît ou ch acre lot. double soct ade of tte tlghwoy naît of Tro- motor- garage, 5 minuces 0F THE UNITED inem deome __ .. ejCHURCH 0F taller Rd. Bececi the ildi Lino B GARAGE EOUIPMENT-DriIl press; air ssno.ce mormnpthlywe~ c binston Chrcttlll Bird. jcst baside tte compresoo;tire c>renger; extra. 878- Shi danI mCANADA trchne;4Mc el llO85m20. isMac i nI tJacme St ncw No. 403 Highciay. 10n20 tires eit rion; Goodyer 10c20 6FFl E paî-tni-c - UI.T Jak Bt Sais Consitin of;E Nscrly et. Faron front ire; gas cylie; Wiccîîsin reboilt locaion, fls t. or c l> I - - t0 tonjack;q.steelma nrn--1131 Sunday. Sept. 13/81 (no glssornchinla). cabines; 2 propane tanks; eouorhed ehop SINGLE fllhatc'HeEo.is, Maehiccorn AFhom oN. t400 Ne o Hard sut-too lEparts; l& memy ottRr ricles ton feron,lInoto, cloer eavy OEquSidj.me 10.-Mm otci McîceWec poplles mbie it l4Ot. gairheuat, col ritr ltOîte 0O, 3 bIntinoun _ .reSneCiIe i air e*0ditieren.grai liii bide 110 beau t-I Wnumerocst etion. bungalom, 43 mnet. b ClOOInc SosrCu ionac oengis.) Note; Thomineaha o ccli cemen. 83OFFICE EOUIPMENT: 5 wcoennIncletîtnqsinsehah c mn teeSc;;ce hm. oftmctdudo, ho nnmbl*0cwhost, mirero c- dek - 1 itli glaso top; S cood lbnei rg e 793Icl esp 10n.i ChecîSehe dig eils, cpalod by Omin. enîp.wun preun chair.; 6 matai chair.; 3 socrctery chir.; SPACIOUS 2 i Oroonc Student accommodation requîrnid for the fali Al We.ei ew. 4M4Jhn Oe*ooilmlmto.mwitheclil& t typevitars (manuel); siechric type- hates, ailactotuseyaille it eondilli e nin 1910 he.; ho. MW 0- 18 roi - ngaaen 11h store .semooter. If youhave rooms or rooms andi board N CcoFi;ic John oer0 gicle trill; 2 - t8oit.huev mte ton citer; dictaphone complte; National poce, lagonypon ANGLICAN tacon malones ith renkse leommal; ho. 154 John cash accoonting machine; 5-4 drawer fil- "$aemmntrond Outc avalable, please contact the Mlton Campus at CI-URCH Omro0be.oiroPud 'iltHomma kn i g Cabinets; 3 ypemitr tables tc. AneemenGeorgetown 8783577 or 82&W398 ORAECURC nccmo3 PH.. .T.O.; N. 146 John pers 5cmcm Visuini Time-Friday 10.00 ar. mil 4.00 ont GO Trarion o 0F 0GRCANADAC hydralin plie 18" leisem; 12 . Konskill ot- onothir pIes clîllîlon ar; MeuyNot. 5M double 0plat@bytccîlic diam p. i.E Sale Moning .00a. m. apllaicm .FIrsc oibn,36 37 Main St., Mlcn wîdu elictor; N. 3M0 Ne o alccd hep beac; Atoe Ressort for Sale; FARM SOLO ai testont nett __________ Secday, Sept. 13/81 bo socoke,; Boedle 3 PH., P.T.O. frtflie Ocier. B Actiones not rn.ponsiblo for T HREE bodnom c co Ol. d lf~ïoco 8ttc c eii pc*0oc.: hi-corei eJchnDraoocooniona; N. 230 eny accidents day of saIe. teme ho nt, 53O95 11=1éePp«80 ..-Hl om A. C. elcic lci f, baie elevat chte;eh e; TeTrms; Cash or kncwn cheui day et -nttlyplusînt clitlIiO. nF îl A.Crîecc mo;ecoduox w25halmiionr hicdec7 /î Xaîi e cer lutc HOLIDAY IN FbRIDA ODR J1030 m MidI// is A-a .bmt , i, Brmpton LvsokEchng Ic. ost hert r ln 010 LïC(U4 stm,. teciteblle AM.-.M. adu; coiltbe aIl Snegroves, Ont. Calodon LUc. No.iunr lase.M rcHM 2 mcira ond tabls; pIus oie eritere not Brc Mloiedot a n OconoiimfrM Ym fThucsday laid. 4014400~~Mllele, d78.74 ni6L8 e .titcuo Fnid Ot.1. $47,0CI0 000tO;ni o id cici: 1010 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3-4W P HapiltomoA n e onite et tMeir a &,Foide, uida. t ccl.ho Me.2ne tn24 PtoeoHomtelaer mtb omelesletdl Dycotoio f Hbootm Rogion.l Sourd fmn.oL Manag e. ttre mon of areenabait owof . intesonMiteo, 2 ST.Mon TEMb:ASHa. O C HEQESWomI R ERCotMMMWaowe of Foie TOWNHOUSE tonrlitdroec. RimaieletNaagocirpe IGueIph Lne, 1.0. C lOieSU5~ RFS PUC UCIN ntr, 5435 pnmoth. For Roassnsao ar moigge $38a,0 tm ite~ Lnch aelaimlabl(irctNo. t -Hhor HIIIoedMiton) u-e&M.0190. trinformeation Cam tOitpar cent ifo3 9:301 a.o. -Ho Ceccit Owee.Plons., 0" U Saturday. iSepteanber 12dm 1981, TUOOR-3 bOrson C21.0360r4g7Uol pes.hoô OtmoraiAionoi tet rmsposmllale r cO hmle Mîmi, aene ModuFdeB713 odesiebdey. 10.00 f.m. hme IlMi li. 598957744. -W*v021 Cterch Sebocî __ Strest.Gaorgpist8544n« ort8774MST. GEORGES NOE ENLEIN Mr Vlart ia he et217 Gep ttsibGoreon forsa.' lnces 9io".o alonn0e PN0 ensolrLoeI Oip I.o aoe aquilpet oue n udu hes meurstIlauIl Over 2M80 tere. lncluidbg excellnt ee lt ' V06ocE- nD3ORsorn co~iLdo mUe Gulpd LnsI bicycleute tenmltiiesaparcimonm. trioldeo & îteco. -mMiode Ra-so orsale. ownen WQ olslitti. Tu tPmn i. 03W65 sioe cuitNurerendcitCbrch Secen AuctIonerChril A. Schoutan Cash, or paw hlwith fui r 1.5-9371. flal tic e 638.40. R.ChiMoct Phone: 878-2576kientifcaton I b iCoam i Hemilion FnP ni Raei, 078-4M Imcmm l-,1Oji i11il1 Monusmatt Ltt. 1 The Canadien Champion, Wed., Sept. 9, 1981 83 e-uMu Antique Tractor Pull SUNDAY, SEPT. 20i ALTRACTORS MUST BE 30 YEARS OLD OR OLDER Eolibitsr Foc Rtqdrod: *M1 MAIL EOY FEWITI NAME. ADDRESS b PHlONE MUMBER TO... Acton AgriCulturel Society Box 59, Acton. Ontaria THE HALTON ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD REGISTRATION of Elnmiitary School Childron for HEIITAIIE LANGUAGE CLAMSE wili hi tnld SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12.1981 10:00 a.om. te 1200nmoc am the lollecicg sccool TALlAS LANGUAGE -Hoir Ronari tehool. t41 Mari Street. J.V. Sheock , C.S. Byntc ChairmanDrecmeccof dci MýILTON GOSPEL THE HALL PRESBYTERIAN 30 trioSd.N. CHURCHIN 878-2022 CANADA CI,,oec îI,,i: KNOX, MILTON 1.The Nam.cOfThe 75Mo,,,Si.E .M078-i LcinoChcI ce rcevocJ. Lewic, Sceday, Sept. 13/81 cOranccd Chccc Dîrecer 0:00. -Bcok;îOBread l:45ha c. -SuccineSehee Senday, Sept. 13/81 7OOp.mciGosel eoice Wîdcîtdap 5:45 a.ci Senor cChuoc/ 730 pci -PîopicaandcBi-Seheil leuinrse Secvicos Adcîd Sopecviec tNe Thsi dhngs e 1 I iddn,,pîeo unoe pec hic e;ie he RALLY DAY n.eOfthe n ofi GoScO dhnd ea cme kece hoc ci Al Wiccii hoaneidiccal ldn ¶1Jehn l;('ecc, 5:13 EMMANUEL Lyc .Ie BAPTISI CHURCH Orc. J tAccsroecg BOSTON ssciae 3511toan 818-cn« PRESBYTERIAN CHUt CH ES Sunday, Sept. 13/81 Pie Ucicce A. Weh 1000.m. Sund.eS.hce; BOSTON ted Ad.Ic Bhle Clscis 30 Lne, H PonHlIcpî 1 100 î.. SecSeemn 5 :0a.mr CecehSehecl Poi,t Je .AccitîcgEre Dvine W,h,p Hec le Obta;,in a iw OMAGH 700 eciPm iceSermn 1 0'-i ciChcceh Sehel Eanemlcd Ken, CacipellEtDvinen Weccep "Thîci Shail c. Shencuof Be",.O" HIGHWAY Wîdcesdey GOSPEL 70 Pci. Meing;eccc CHURCH Preeicocnd BiblecStdy e Peîdecst; Asncmi0es Nursery ed ai Scînaer-c oeCana~da vicesCornrdoflWakeield CHRIST 0F tnd OntarioSt. CHRIST poccec 14l2 cc,acýeîRd. Westd tcc M.Chccd,înen MneOB Orie Ccc c7-2ff Seciode. Sept. 13/81 Scedcy, Sept. 13/81 10 00 a.-cibnle;îSehc 945-î.. Sueiae Schel Ci- For AA;;Ages 1100 i M.ccîco We, M :7 Thcccdmy shcp 70 p.c iblehîStede OnmWenisdeys TI Chrceh of Chcrit900 o.-Lades Prapol Soîte Ccc. Romane Meting le-ct 7:30Bp..n. - OBilSt MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH PaFetor; Kelvin F. Mtter 878-0035 lo >Seiday. Sept. 13/81 lOtioaýn. - Seetdaptiohii Locaton: Audtmoice, et The Haîten Cmeînia Ma seyier.ale ,p th lu- ,a, lu- ýnd Mr