Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Sep 1981, Classified & Real Estate, B2

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92 The Canadie Champion, Wed.. SOpt 9, 11 PART-TIME STAFF TIMES: Ragoter Faday and Sate da dah Reate mcanigta Rtogular oealdYa orragajar wled days lrrcgilo deys or sina OUALIFICA- Maturae, reap«ona aPem-naSu r18 y-e TIONS: oi âge, ftarated ln oang for auc otnt handlcaaope rcidnta end "t ndcpcndcn# taitMeaM cccN-plftanaW bc i ot crct ta penente, Sheridan atudenta Mid affurasa ho t, yworldng wtttopcatlc- A-i hccltrcqulred, SENEFITS: Good wagc rates od 0-ducta opPOr tuntica et te Centra a copafue Plana contact Supaear Per60nn, OaktandaRegonatOantra 53 Banal Straci.OatmMl, Onta.Lo6J 5B4 Tel: 844-7004 ACCOUNTING MANAGER As unoatual growtlt apportunlsy has arseat for un aoprmncad pamson woh caot assuma accounting alarment racpaa- sibillft. Reporiiag o tha Preucs. ita h manager ii be tiapaîtaibte for cff accauasiag fuaictoos, praparation ai fin- uscial repotts and iaorfaciag witlt ln- hause computer aystenma for accouafing. RIlA or CGA asli heana asset. and pt-avais worlc otpariatca iii ha aaocaaay. The cotpay oa a high sicitaology. groonsit moussas anal maufacturera sophisoîccaal paaomratic, eecfronic. anal digital cantaI systoama lu ail sagmenstOa Canaaien iaalusty. Tht haaal offica anal plant ia loogoaiona o90 acta tutai site overiaakiag te Creait Rvrrscilat, aer Gergetownt prtticllng a unique worklng envirasmeat far ts 8069 mpiayeea. Fuy puio campant, basafita incluote OHIP, aetai, lie isuranco anal pnsion pa. For appoisomet phane: HMM, DUNSMORE 467-9M3 MOORE INSTRUMENTS LTDLTEE. INSTRUMENT MECHANIC indtustrel instrument manufacturer has as opasîso inthe aoambly deparltieas. The succasoful opplicasO ahaulci fua Grale 12 or equivaues, plua 1-2 yaars as- parianca un relteal intruments. -git sechaicai inersat and aptitude ara alo usential. Excellent campant benefits isclutie com- pan painl OH IP, cdental, lite issurasce anal pensio plan. Fat appitmaot phase: H. DUNSMORE 457-9038 MOORE INSTRUMVENTS LTDJILTEE MILTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Par-tm Job Opportunitiles AOUATIC DIRECTOR -P.. îaaY 5WIMMtNG IN0TOUCrORS (1) ConmallOe atogrant (2Red CraoLasuss *TABLE TENNIS (MlAdut Ptoram, Applcatons aeaalaletthe Toms StaM Patk#oado iuussllaa DepI. PO. Bac 1005 251 Main St. . MILTON. O0a1. LIT 486 ot funtthrisioatou.peueoecil 8707211. .t. 49 acktiu Date fau appliaosa luMon- dey, Septutber 21, ltai. ideHouse ta-t the oloMispostilons: FURS DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR Cadidotesu hoaid lacs talacont rtail andsuspaI- asa-tv opasasca asd asatsbla atocud. toma weeerx ad esti ussomole tqitat FURNITURE SALESPERSONS Caddte ulhmave tocs sam ccastlsialsa epriecanusat behigly tiattlOld. Pîlmait mnOk..a-d ati n--am-k. Kelly Services Ml Inturvlsw t 1111@m Pubic Llbary on Bruce OStf ons ?.Inpw" 5YaaWmm.0Savalal f« tyla Sas up nou for usalglssaa taa l lSae.00Calyforyluppafahat atlas gll a wu6eado vu-ariste Mid po, daNcrat utdque qalicn tt cf h aue itimes inl murksng as acas- sgmt bhal. ltetasîedopartieu dtould Call 003-1251 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERI( REQUIREO St, lcal mamfotaîs. cluda: Masitoring cetotit- Appiccasa tdh tal- Sacb bttktaii kaowetigo ptaviattd. Apthinil oitis o: F.0. BOX 168 ACTON, ON- TARIO L7J2M3 CASHIER PART-TIME 2 uvntfge plat tutus- dey. Applicaso atont ha mnatue mlilîo tabc- ,casa qaspuisst, ad attsalt n a-cualta mas tigare. App, ia pums oala Hadvmms PARTS DEPARTMENT SMG. Daulsalp ta- tuia a paon puisana mt sama o«paience, Hoiaoat.otm ould be Mtiig ta tatna o mit woot a aoom lu "m. phonia Passa Masagas MECHANIC CLASS A foluPWU uaadla assa Mtos Daarlasap. Rat niaat sp. Cati Dava Tloton M702365 MUJSCTEACHERS FOR OiGArdi& DUMa MILTON MUSIC 223Main St., ttoua HOST-HOSTESS Appyin5psas as Mr. i.Poor Ma a MohsauSlas GuelphiunUta6 401 UICONSED ORa APPRIENTICIE . MECI4AN§C for biluitphoplanMillaS. Siileti aI FIttatWh"a Tnuak tOp, Ou. 25, TOWN 0F HALTON HILLS RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT POSTON: Pool Masager. Gaotms istisu rPol GUAUFICATIONS: Curert RdoCmila.L.S.S. Ilsanacoa Cossai PisratAid Catlfiaa Kldeof d Idey0fr paatias oft amimig Poola Mnimum tex)naYmmdo UapWým atyetasaa SALARY RANGE.' 6480-fs.aolhour (3D ourelmama. qootisl luadasumamiw APPLY TO: Mat, Coffin, West Aaa feé saaetmons saisas 36 Main "etsSomuth, HHattol a.iOaoemai, Otario St, dda, Sapembat 18,1981, 4:30 p.m. 042pffM3? BUSY TRUCK STOP Raquirca fout ta rlrshafiafdlt aork ur. lia-0tt ffoo atuanataaasopaaatlas, tamaîrkane tCooks lJanitors *Dihroom Staff aWaftrcaacatWaitctg Wu - al, ooka sapaalaaaed i ahustoadut aaaklsg. but %vat glas as-aha-otaining ifO Satlaa sagale. Excellat oampaa bomaitt. N«aaaaonacat Johna Dunstaît ar Dava ODonnl 878-8441 1 40 chishoîm Dr., Milton, Ont. SALES PERSON NEEDED For Vol kawagata and Honda Daalctship. Excellent commission plus, free deosoaod workng casalias, campuot bartefito. Apply is poro. tona Kennedy Sales Manager Bt~ AZ MOTORS 199 Gualpit St SGeorgetowna Oigam3O SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED $325 ta $375 pet mastit 3-4 hauts dailît. Hamby. Miltas, Campbollsilla arasa. 21 yaara af aga at-star. Goctaldriviag racord. "B licnce raquiroal. Wa suppît, training. For mat-ainformation cal: TRAVELWAYS 877-4448 or 877-2251 GENERAL MINTENANCE MECHANIC istiastin Lmitati taqital annoxpaîlncati maisoasasco mchia-fottoa-t mutila staîptoosi asd cuaaiosg andstefingtasîplantaIetaeqa"atrt AabtonOtrio. The aaccesulacanddateaMil hmcaut km, 5 aoyu tlofepaiatc intheo abocaSfied usd0a aosti ktowiedge oflddiesins.. Apply ia potuos or contact: M. Zut Sakac laduamt Limited Construction Materials Diviiono TELEPHONE:83-2230 FRE DEPARTIMENT DISPATCHER TTt, omsf-tMitas Fita Dpamttttaaaîtmes dicantchat Appcastomttoctsrpatutitoma-tic shift orktu tatittO dut-ofa-t Applh n s 01:15. The Pire Chif 0eiés luAe. Milta, Ost. L&b Otii antiaalE l Ajnal Cari Nl Fuiai lattapaa- t ta acasout gla laiaha'4 ntaaasaty and en"ti cIarO@ifor tIM UT~ aQRd.O& alftaatid. Uaour.- 4 oOpanhas cl or. FUnat 878-8891 turalisel INTERVIEWERS URGENTLY NEEDED f.,Nn a t. . vlla 0 ,.T l 800KE0PEH 14À: poaosa ado ahe ta phSwi CO"OP o.WANTED Maaa.lappalat- maet -ROLEUM DRIVER Maut SALESPERSON Curpebflla MILTON. CWMETOWN AISEA ---MbzL -GRADEOII EDIJCATII3N CHAM BER- El*aal ldoloa,aiea m paducts. gol SO.lsqd o p um*slsals 41ES77.lIOor 07M2911 4*0$vàbmelis)l824S-M4 SaMpbu - SALESIDELIVE" PERSON mama sild lla,- l dtuts, & - up ai marchandisat o om ndurl». Tiscs io lt- *% ol a m.dammo.hOt ata ons 4our ulit. tuçty auissia. 90,Tha Canaden Champion 191 Malt St., Misasn. T 4N9 *usv WANTEDPoFiI AUTOM0T1VE Gardas Cfa ora- DEALE trater ork. DELR Trafalgar - & Rasquircal Classe 'A' Mlsalasuaa locatonas. mahaniesa, OplmonDos U. r.fe at. NurseryL.iior Otua and dates plnsn-277-1651. ciadati CovumOaul p- plieai Apply to: EXPoabn"e Jack NiaI, I Scas.Masacss 'MATUN NOUS-' Gaaasigalos o mmi IE'l a oa N. aatom 0*5k. 3iay .ai o 7aal watyou ---M- a--a----aM i9d STANDARD p IIIIIIIII AUTO GLASS mg"ikel fl LTD. 3843. Eopssacad Autoluia ciestiftaiai fr Glesse, Cafeteria AppTnsmtts. HeIp Miltn, L 30 Wanted _ _ _90 a. CO~pare EXPEAtENCEO .Diahvtauala 'FLORAL DESIGNER Aupis.: PIJLLTIME Stabla Aaaa Khaheal Aasplt Mahawk iaaotast 2M ManS0tMihus SUPERINTEN- aaal DENT Miatuse couplaeseqimýd tor 58 uitbuilditgoin AVON-Kidi backIn sActas Phosa botiosus school?tas tour trast90am 50PM lime tasa. "' at.notOps dollara 8 77=a d1-416-278-7569 pi aassl Lllt ..m ao Br-ows. PART.TIME haiS BAVAOIAN In iss nsiaitdfor service loakisu for a casE 10 ssailu 10do ail mark part lima chansosiat lb strsins, CMndat a ar.P f sa6-2079. Satardat tours t. a " wsT Ofo ali saOatiaf.d.tomas ,bahaa-ad famls of 2 sot satatuart as s dois ad ho rata.itdtar mii trais 878.20t tu - tis for a tua data Inttriew. par mastit latta CH ILS cars wsrkurs ossar a amat. reaaiird tuli time position coid isteraut mais ta start Sa-fobit-, ader, retiradit ait Wo 3aiarta$1,00-515,000. litsan imal$ end Part lime morkesîfor vmtld IlK Il, s Obsarvatians Il. piament Iscoma. Détestion toma. Senti 79%. Y ta Hohris acQUlap Imma, Vott lm, ilsdatair 2 parttlima Ostaria St-, South' tsisra 'for Thuirsdatt ..Mutas LOT 20.'9 used FridatS. Pumla O 2. Appiicatlia tts an ak COU LO tu spare 20or af Masîrsai. 21 Miii 3 atasisogs a masS tt Streat, Actas. ea 200. and Op ' sophln mss commissiots and Seaprimc ad Osd $700.50 m orts afIrosaatiindtasota Prams taasn eimllarytot a tramins ona mssraend tispiat firaes. ampîcaî 8761r,8.asLtd.077.012f. EXCELLENT Dits-TAXI Dritera mastad ortuntcorNdait lafulltimeaIL maakans: dis5 taat-a drItisu ex Pasî . ltos770M. pariesca, uaad d ritlis MA_______ln __ recard, 145 Niaploins MASltCaladal a Rd.,tait 10, Milton, rsoitali clésisa astrlîa servce, taqaIta ttlp fotd.tspertek. WAITEO/ WAITR- Ca7tia7t 351. ESSES. Appit la Mot~ iIRestaurant, 324 Stee10s Ace., Miltas. DAt-CAsE asailabia 070-1110. Myitr aar2 tsarO, ti fll ot par't'lma.- OTO ofaI tal Rsssiiath /Laarlet-r abMiTisH aaiai -- insMy toms. Masdun EXCELLENT chiid ta Pridat for 3 tai 5 cars unailubla la mntar aida. Witt aisa homs. Timbarisa tukiCa ildrirs for aitesr oe.Pro scoatiora sttttl ta scpper hou-. patio for mt fart ssalatas al. ow ttaRes rsablo ate8 tarcar s rciai ilmntosMcal par'bO 142. 1 007. MOtsml MsOTEPoftNtseOLP, EpaRiana m CitE ta railla peot-sas bubailtre oes rn int-adhmla bablu lMy DomeaPak8a1aaissCcasiasaisaOldga l 0lc 00.RtOaldne orsal Pafrea. Cati a cIlOal. O h . I ma-ioNS The. Milton Junior 'y' Day Carma Nursery School Et Chldren's Centra Wih"eil kaPt.u M S BroseSt No. 9 878-711 P.IDatCasa*.-lI-"Part *»aCai Guetter Chott Casabnaa Oagasaalli dtè-hua ba.s "Min ppolofa095~lla M Wee Cars Daycare Centre ( Sd4 n i. -Coamoawaï MOuds Fail nusarttoo s ulprogsam iAgs 2-5. tls -t1a-ca-s ndm551 apls 2 satritîîaa. octN81) tupoct .i F ta citp tcatm . t Fat tua-Se. tum ta- TIM IY LYMN mmmi osatutdd CFFER: ostn O Ot6O sMsa maSfts- a ym.u t Wotii k. la o tosd* talat Patotan- maitttuasi cNWren'a nou~ Sofa 011117 clotes, 510 me ntion a m.-e P.m.At "OW tio loots. Cao Sali .euI 4-Ml et088-4. HADMN mita ou Pick-up TraCSF. avatiaSte amai ri.Cait at-og. et SMl Ontario Manageifatl Accountlngervtloe Mawnwmet Aocasasain a lte Ket, ta Yoar utce ConaPtat e Sarclu lnhAoaoouthtg end bSootckeeplm. Home sarvta, If reqateetes 876-2243 TRAFALGAI Seaeseata PER8GNEL EpWed Mtl Lita-la attîhar's talhiafot 57plt Hlprs & blousa- haokkaaplta etc. PIck- Itiapers. Mainly front up and olffl. e th BriishIs llas& Alqet persttaily craaaad V7 by mysali. For placa- mens egnnng an EPEIENCRD tB. rairalcea ha 2 hall CALL MARNA daysauaaa.ala771, MAITUI: pOR ALL YOUR 87 04 curnera aparb--arsa ail Mokas ai LADY asallahla f.pfo olorushlEqalp- hou aaabl y t he ..t m ad det 1-26. friandît oserice. Coti niEasîs, îagaî Rchrdi4t61 86-74. acrtarli or ord ,. 21 Galaes mt traclui tîlar i-l IN zz OMZE Claaoaal pl tu i ermesk dol I saci t . al ss texalueina o eual 13 Va m* ak tilla -cousaaumsatsaataatttextam -nokw oaaaatpntaa49taas No ptualaous trainig r epatasa raqutuld - Pallop Intl M laton hu avallaMaeto quliflati gaduellau *casau wil bhotdlMas ouFotteiatuaundo clamashodules, pismu B 1 l pom Msic for oneu: on 23 t04 att ootato nlsain- M-sua sfru ng01 aasO 8situans a- rpmoy .ccoup aOm a tmuitau frccidroita- yasstan cilda-as ooua-mth ato Pian Oua mns c. ouarn us uE ogas", l fu wr.Cm erabu ou, t o t 801 ta11>1 23, t u83 mtDo r formrs i normatin oul MA SCLMHO 29-07 avu- ltIgIII- Phne usic-4917n tisno Anoing paniat.a Ponea Sydl 06r Cocr Balaist Taa DAlas Pa la ya STRUCTO heuctite r Mnpaalol ongton Laiiaahuitilavaito 876-243Z '- ý ISRUsaOR SlbhrMcauMn2 natr1<,y Mîlton Scho of aab--:î Enrollutg oucit 220 b"d St. E. Nlussaagap CONVIERSATIONAL Sp811101 CoU»Ot-o 0 fit-id et The Mlon tlat chool. from Ti Edocatias. Tîme fr055 10 *.m. ta 12 mons for 20 asallo. pas ta. Stulam cfobu lia, 1981. F or mur.ln- frolapaacati RenHoai,16 littoring 878-5m090 m PIANO LeUose for saîcedo alodeata. Cati thac-as SassI, 0M 2600. Remis 5An., asolascedo elame- oln chool tiallta asckmaihai prOs fr mwtltale andO Plaise Coilt MouN. Cook M1-225. Rfo MMISTUCTION Reg«Mt atero.au~kow ,- 1470 Steales Avé. music Lausuail, Plasa, 01,007 rfas. naCit & laMîraemail P60 airACCT caa oatrald àa26-tasr criais life PacaW obd masa. Haaco Wosmsa Placea1laen IIAVtNO A r*in;a ' 01410" POMLIM? naale for oahasa momas ado ftalr Dop Is chldras sn Hlo AlcafttAOOAOOaYtsOOs alita. AIelart Graca Chualt 0a1dîdaîaî,l Tua..20P.M. PE AT iteON M, aa hale. Cali Tltul..u0p.m. 2 62t. somak maflisl, cal 4MLI..ra-Pmpita14? 453-1661 or Actnfoen.0 sas. l .m.-f p.. Pm Yaaw ecs Gamlt Uaed Ce BEy SLESSOR SIISORMOTORS 17A Prirm litMatas Taa17aWl la vWM S 90 gft laOlia "-%.Î iad6aaek@aheLaotu Iý d edrsi «cem BRAV02W0 NOW $1,299 jja~j~L~o~ea ttED cars & truEks for sole. COUl Gît- Neillaon. 845-1640 ,Or 1f79 VOLVO 242GT, 4,000 mlaï, sunroof: att-uta, excellent codtion. S57. Dito, 878-2341, eoaiss 84-645. 1975 HONDA CISSIOT aooadcasdtion, 9nus amils, orA o. P neta 1979 KAWASAI KD125 boUahI nom la 1ais. Excellentcas- dtila s f. 77-2u00 1970 VAMAIliA ion. goot codtion, 8000 K.m $1 '150. Cual 87-4fflattîttt ligttmigotl, laopa4, ali I-c / propne5 refrigeauor, stata, lursaca, 10115, as- calI cndtion. 02000. 3. 08l46. TENT Illt ua Eauy10 ms.Egu, t- mutaa, asy siles à 10 6, 0usd c oLgleih lslamcar condtlnu$550. 854 tOgrusit, sBseopt cet ow srvic frnt te PRS. IBRE glass bout for Book ealy for outerTnlaîTam sala, 14, ils top ast Do'tgt agh n te aush. truiter, ta H.P. Mrcrt matat-, 5004 thAeR DN condiion, hast ofr 3 B 0O T6 E ST M I T O N 8 7 8 .4 2 i l I ausi taoOlltluràie OtnlOasasO uad so Laumltg Rocretali folckeeilIIg Businmes L. i Fmr la t. i alal s 00 i padeboatsltelacnt s W a.drtnter ad utt dse ra. aIbS Ealt Csailatas Inle saols sînsameuaty apataatl Ar RaUM m uMsdalae. BOAT 8420780 STORAGE CHILORENS usnali Book ois oiment lasiness l Sa.m leMalnStfreat '~ ado nw mltsudpont loutos Pt-ca v 70ae panai. Connplla ssis. ag $784Maa-3 BOAT CO. CREDIT e RIVER uio

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