TiseComnsChmiso, Wf..Sept. S.1901 il Pick-up recovered A YW 20ye ol 0fst mfourmdisty breU9. loto lebou mdesseand e=0o P" flwigbeencodOct.8. belme at0100HrrDr. My 1Il and o Ibliigce wu later recvered tinoaeeurby oemee ars, uidmotl DrIvor9 74, flned foOPrd.MW duf~dflW Pnoeg f t di«lente cout. teth aJan. 22 ccdm mtsIIIgI5 t QG0Ihh lies u thtkffl bd rikdvonr a J&ju 37,0f 9101m. Judg John RobnesogJeu,1fer. Woroel due mamum lcece suspeson for du 0ffmo-tteo yers, wit orcoma ou dbut buie ce sot ho ewed e u te re.eemlsed by Mnitrof rfnopetfce. Mr .ayeu wek"lei luteetl teheh eerved.crosteumod, to0 fluy àOamd hlm Mfr WoteeOt ho hmb uedrlvleg for te yeere, wuo emilel tdcrhmsdeodls t tbe 01 du f he d u gde,wIl dtckuLegudoWd o bsoarodt e glesesu tere loppreofor dolvleg set lho wet te hove dmckdfolloweg du e cci- dnt.- "Mr. Worsfold led se intettoe te do aoythleg Impoper. lbroughnon faut of hbu ow, ho es totally useoeote uproblem wlh to gluom," sold Mr. Weel. Toronoeoye oPeoilillt Scrtt Albgt 0e- amtsod 1Mr. Wwofld followleg du acldnt mdM theducout tdt hbu clent% glmu ho- ptd he vsoto teuotoetMr. Wordoiodwuo wertheduequivien0f bllskers. Crowo 'ttroey Brlen CluoeopohoOdot dutpour gto ewreeno excseeot toe "for oncomtejftraffic mdndt1fr Werds oe- lin e dvertentlye~.lgO Us costs $250 A 27-yarold tetseplyed HIfotto 19e msue Stworkerfsrestores Steam-Era trophy winr lite but teoiar'&W due but creis suife recogelsAtdet um0 Stmm.VtOreulu Suedy md Mo" Pust xi t Dun Porfilck ci Brasifls wuumsndwlnm 0( du Dore BOnMuorle m hedumembe dn u m ot gto mmd of t0 math tew otmd.@ wu OUMf Brownllesy Wz* i. le en tebo stoyed thse weekottdi jliteEmorsoDoues for tdu show. memorla t Wy toh o teb ___an t retotloo of a "teM =»w i hodfrdSh o -teo eJohn teu awss'd dte Pool the 192 Av me ton.ll Jut18 tuO e ta nie Putbu beonpd teth~ ereytomete club fi«e yer, teorbelIli ttotr ow"d voile mueorme e uwere sat tttwo1 show, and attesothe iuctseohyeor, ome for cbMe~ll. Tlidoysr ohl ufolt peler to = l'Myrf u ut Moeforsoteer Cffy" adspot à uheomoolmfu. ite "*py le sepsl u» hOPostqpte Goy lNU2llpof M mi frcIme le Iag«eutlson e lsm10 Guides appeal for leaders Woete: treole awmd ce hoIsvtol 0" s toder. mutiego' te prot 1110wesddhoeeunm tdY-tavve»mu ~tiutytobOoth m Urnethhceu ope" om" bole qelfltoeae lve somseGce ooal 0f&U-. chl:mm fese me Poa*der Go buncro0fspeembachnd omeCad«Cm- WO*. puy. Maiti odu Leadiers oarst = ted Dmuse st 1e te attend duthe ky Osidomd me trowseb meolog h thd essie uwesk or chldm eh cisie for SEprlt 3 mm100 f ru memad 0110f bure, 90ads ltt sle ai wel -, - DitictCteiiduetdtoo emeso mutna hidmeAMS a revoit f fZ tto lé m. As tfi ed. o oW Mal ltteudy, hoercShwt ara eteStee10i7te spm* qsrdt Sgdfomad Pila, ltt7 teo f otit meet .Y - p tuiday, il todois-ee9 sutoSepttla.m.tolpet as mach 0 110fépremGtididl epe mteo at dume a0s w telhe liObIMxyeoisold and Guldle gnisaletion. over(m luet ct. t Tohoeaimed, n o- Mutre amocsrrely0, vIe lVlVolr4Dst t It tremuiêtered au due GIde mevesmet le lesrs-10 more re ieqelred, emd aonm m. ov d en f 17 cao Cootot ihrDlstilc = Laders Me t Comestleoer if yeoi e tete every-m' oit«OIW:ed MIton Nor- lhleg, amdeopcilek oI ft: Beadr Semp ule oi =ssOU MH- 7373; MR.tn ='t Perte locefn I aU11Stetor, 573444 lwishes toannounce that a ffectiv Sept. 1, 1981 j I k. 81mwKÉ inolonger assacieted wixh him in the practise of hW. 13 Ch. st, Mmm HUTTON NURSERIESL. Fui = Aounoo R! Haort PorrT ehlt 1 oppeorsd et everait chowa. Tis te w frohyi wuO 1seffplod for Davdt Garbutt and Evertt Dore ette of Cero-i btildlewon tdu clou ;for1 pontl tractera, wttbo td45ltmsmpolto MQUMe whtch ho ittt flelehed restorilg "tIh, doy before tdu show 9ptmed". 1Il wu moe ofq two tricterohoeehtblted tdmI per. by ft*ésr.eoeMM anEdwineleMepitrd 09 Brantford wm jsdled hole due wadner. 1 e Acteo reveduBeiBonPorer trWy.. Trophy for larmee900 W41M en et te olleou tedd 0fci10e for r n Muuh.eymw for samener gao m tslwu el weon by Moan Curts of Artlosrwtlh ao1. hp. Gray ht-oodmlu eone bvpNu wsere pe -oé dwn odnW. mg wgl brert New Quee: Loti Persn, 1, Irigot>teews nmeasest Milton Fair Queon et the Optiist Centre. Outgl4 or ue Laine White preoenfo a bouquet of roses ta M1000 Poroano. lie ather contestats la the campetition were Kaen Isoor, Loti Lariche and Julie Hou. ut &W d damsin e o Oct 34. 14E CORPORATION OFTHE TOWN 0F MILTON PROPOSALS INVITED RE: Rftail Gasoine Station The Tromi of Mitonr bu ovelablo for lasue, a matil service gesolloso autiotIoc-sted on thse esmtaide offthe GueltphLino adjacenit to thse Noith kntechaosgof H~igwOy No. 401, Miton. Thhe m woold ho for thse saleof a" ecine onty, rio mechenicat, gteiessr ORal chngbn. Aplbcants oaie rquoofed ta, provlde fuît particulere roquired in miv lusagreement including rental pernent. term end hours of opmiolf. Thse propeety la evoilfae bIy pproimately October tis. 109. h Itauld ho nvatetie. sl el ono isauo.ng accommoation peernlttes on the proporty. Furtiser Infarmoatlon con ho obteinod by contocting tho undor- WlWnd. Propaos wll behosvevd ta September 23rd, 1991 up untâ 2:00Op.m. et the Cle*ks Offico. Town Hall, Milton. Mmsehkgioor ny propaoul net noeceesocy ccepted. R. Main, ClrkCo-ordilotor Town of Miton 251 Moto Stroo E. moln, Ontailo BUY 1, CET 1 FOR HALF PRICE Large Fruit Traee, Pyrondd Ju nipers, PyranddVes. Ftowelng Sirube, Mte Ihem or mtch lh ise our reguter 10w prce. Suyony fthree - chooo e r oiwsrub of equal relue FREE. Denture Therapy Clînîc 878 1100 1 ýY) %l'Ji[! miltori 1