Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Sep 1981, p. 10

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10 T'h Carldia Chimo, Wad,SOM. 9,1981 Sample a world of heritage in o-ne day Canadians W#l uncover cultural roots at festival to spawn better understanain Story anti Photos by Jane Muller Canada is as rich in cultural heritage as ila in naturai resources; even though the ides of Canadian culture la a litile cloudy it la anly because of the diverse cultural backgrounds f thase whomoite it up. An oppartunity ta better understand the smorgasborg of cultures cornes Saturdsy Sept. 19 when Miltanene Festival af Cauntrica apens the gatewny ta the world for globetratters wth 14 pavillons ta choase from. Organizers invite yaut t drink, taste and experience ail that each prospective pavillon han ta offer. "We are here ta display aur culture and ta understand esch ther better, nt ta moite maney" explains Festival chairman Rose Harrison. If the past two years' festivals are sny indication of nhat can be expected this year, il wili again receive averwheiming support tram the cammunity. Support measured by the number of "taurits" documents the curiosity in Conadians about tieir felane cauntrymren ho, despite their backgrounds refer ta themocîvea as "Canadians tirs. " CANADA Th nîsory o our country begnning alth pioseert flie wIl ho part of1the Canada Pavillon.,tescriheti b> rganîner Autrea Lsa, Catigan ai "The vriex c ot att the ehne pavilons." Locateti aI Town Hall. diîpiays hy VIA rail. Air Canada anti Gray Coach f bstfines wilI hlietere forvielingas elias earty E Caniadian rat temontratiunî anti perluti cotume modelling. Film anti site preseotatîonson taire visitrs rmm moail lu cmst arr mome ni the eterlaisment. A te- maie Royal Caatiîan Maiteti Police officer wil aise ho on bond. Les MeCNell anti Audrea Lear Cotigân Many may ho anter 1he impression Canada an non native danees, bul 1e Scotch 5Blok qures iii hoe there 10 diprone lin impression. Canadian1 square dances t10the monte ut MitonoSenior Citaena orchestra wmut ho pertormeti severaltimes dm10ng5 the aftecnosn anti eveniug. Pavîtion orgasîler Leo McNett aplogineti for1 what wll be a lackofCanaiancotumses-"we real-1 y dont have any. since "ere a] Canotions. ater MEXICO Lacy Rosants par- mmnl eperîcoce m110 rulocral enchange makeslOr a natrai ton orULzingle MesOtan oiuflet'anada tir- ha an exehange pro- graon i ytoni ag. An etementacy sehool eache inMexico at the tme sOc stayeil altO a Hrnby iamly foc a month t0 improve lber aI c Hnat knoletigeof English. hometanti thcough the Festival ni Contrien pavillon 10 te Union Hall. Martin St. -W'eadjoteth1e fotd andi matie il mlti tr Caaintates but the maie nIl ho spit>." sho contenda. Chitticen mîilho ankedt lu ake part in a Iaditînnat Meilan game whîch involves strikîog aopinata milO a stick onl il spîllîs outis cnents of simait pries anti eaniy. rom 1tlo 4p M.a pîmatamîtt he boken every hour. Dsplays wîilisetude native croftta.souvenirs, posters tradîîonoal dees. tîneos anti shati. To ex- hancer1e pavilons Mesîran tavor. 1cm., lostadan. retrieti trous anti Meian coffee are avaîtahie. frmno o1a ,Durîng thetiay MexicaO dantto will ie peforme w 0e ervening dance 311cm visitor a chane l 10e t isner aund dance ta PHILIPPINE TOceientty of Phlppue peuple is uten cootuseti wth thal nI the Chinese or Kreao peuple. accordi- îog 10 Jessica Lopea. 1he omao bhhndtisi pavîios Shc hapes lo quett thol contusion ftfe os who venture to the old ire hall on Main St. during 1e testivat Thc dilterencei s oh, os i the saive desn o the ladies aiicti usmttly hase iply na-- cd haiieefly steeves. Thc tasted ini 1he rîrd ues pia. paui. emanada anti native cakes. Prom thsecorner ot the woctd souvenrs wil leholnd So trovetters con take home a piete oth1e Phl- ippues mth t10cm The musical sourdts nfthe Jessica Laueu nIants and the daoees they inspire itI hoe dem- onsîcaeti y he tc iipiiana PolO Dance Gcvap ut Hamltonoin .ir aternoono. precedeti hy Aileno Sabanat vho ouIlperfores Hawaîîan danees. Wooiearvings. sheteatland emhroitered liners ar camus te Ortems t e oler eot e. Shoppers wihe rdl Phijpp o ntheir native o sfsatisfaction oui of paci cîpatîng ini the Festial of Contines tont yearc organigihotb Jamaicas pavilons aI the Optlesst Centre. Mrs. Wood,.bler mother Etina Mon- treifie laho pepres the baketi gooht anti Mary Long srete hlW UWsatifplay of Joaz"can calireairno t in1- hysehotiWood OC . ebolousis 10h t bbwuntSb de" m "I ant people tao now mhat heY Cas expet i hey guIbere." esplilnMn. Wod. Curteti gt asti chices. beef patIlondt deserts 11e cocout tdropsanastispicet bansa ii give visiturs as ides ufth1e fonod Jameaica la poçolar for andi ciaopunch miliho floing front 0000 ta The cetortul islond cultre ai came to110 ifew1h lionho anti reggae dancing asti a steel handiram Trnto tuentertain ticing the evening dance. Accorting ogu a local travel agesey Mns. wtid'i effors la promule Iurtsm 1in Jamaîca lat yeac pait f iutlh mreti hunhoings o, tIbacounry. ITALY Represesting the largest ethnie gouapiw Miltn, the italian cnmmonity promiues as etertalning day at her pavilonnaiPine St. Union Hall. mhe ion familles hlonging luOe local talian- Canadian club are proatiofuthIeir heciage, accor- dingthe acting presitient Atemiaflorsni. "We ave 10 accept Ibal the country (Canada) ih stronger ecamre the different nationalities are itresg here," M. Bhroni smit. He cemsiters the festival a positive 101031 anti an nppronily 10 expse mme ofth1e variona cultures in Italy itseît. me contrys gesgcaphy cunstato about 75 pr cent montaioas reglon conîaiteti hy the cmîsta labnda mhich inspires ditteceol cultural varations, Mr. Sorsul enpîaims. mhe povitîun tislpays andth1e cotumes of 10uie paricipalin in 10il wiII hetp 10 tel the iîory ot 10 land. Mr. Biucsuîaamures ipecial Italian s'lnes mli ho serveti aîong m110 Iaditional Iballon fod. A lca yon10handi will eterlais m110 selctions of Italian mutcasti an Italianchorus wmut ho aI 1he pavillon tuinig the atereoo Accuctilunita will bc un bandt 1rougouat the day anti a greasetiple lles blng event wiîl aise ho pari t fthefestîvities. Cratta anti atifacta represenîing masy regloos ut Italy ml hoon diipay. Miss Itaian Casadilas club alrie Citon sti Artemîn Boeuni JAPAN tapanZdenecing anti martial arits iuplayn itI ho dapea h1egenter sitie ut Japanese culure, înclutiîug the ata nI paper foiluf anti brus wriing. Native flumer or- rangement, trats anti tutu mîtI also Octp pr lray thîn coutry S Soc Eguclii ania o be sue thosemho visit the Japanese pavillon go amay unticrnantiisl t.i a 1 1coantry io nique lu itucît anti nul lu ho con- tuai mîlO Chna or Kucea, SOc hupes lin dîtteceuce itI Oc * reintorcai bY Pcîseex Se Eguchi andivitestapes Chicken erîyakîi, O h alls anti chowm mcm are sonote traditionat toouts outhc menu aI St. Ponts Untai Church Hait. Main St Japanexe tes milI also bcamonf thetielicacien servai frontnoon 100 30p.m. Theoughuat thc allernuon anti evenîng. Japanese dancing nIt Oc presenlai. lumer arangiug demosralîns are al1.30Sand6.30 p.m. Ms. Eguchîîn romsone oftlmviapanesetfamitiex n Sillon Out tispîle theOc trisOcorganîzai the pavilion ner oms. a big event bai hoco provite for SOc un hoîng helpai hy Japanese trom Toronto anti abvlle wmOu îil h o mdlliug athculic japanese costumes during the day SCOTrISH ScottinOh eer anti malt whinkivs nil ho servai en- clusivey aI the Scottish pavilion atvng wth scotch eggs antimeut pies. lst KM"d Cam s oeuts, Vwntuwrs REGISTRATION NIGHT KLnïde Schoo PA RENTS ONL Y jcuba - .0.8 10 lmo~5Tu». SCOUts - ."a1113. meoutTharo. 7 pm. top0.m. F rM r nor maton Fond asti drink are only Ian of<the masy cutural 0ferlngs ai the pavillon desciheti by Barboa MacKay, ansorgaiser on providing an s,of0ge- uine cultureras oposed to comrnercial culture. Sho reteredt 10Scotiantias on e of<1hedancingest nations nthe1woIi." Tiai siatement ii ho jusl- ifcd hy neyeraI dancing exhiition# 1hcough the day ai Lanier Cetre arasa, a location hing shareti ih the Welsh. Anaccoction band, piping ant idtdi- isg astiannappaarancehby Milton PpeoBandimillatit 10 the cultural tiinplay. The ritoni of adtiraosing the haggis 0fers aitrue tate ni Scottish tradition. This portion of 11w enterainmnl ii hegin ail10 p.m.'Te Gael Force 4 Qatet antiThe Ciachan Band are ainp part of the wntertainrnt. Elizabeth Satier i dicoîe 1th hitory ai 11w kilt which wan olginally a huge plece of tartan. T'he material was pread the11wtinr on the mes oti le on itand wrap ilarount i tm. Secareti mh a bhou, il servedthe1wporpone aont11wkblt-bat 100e off the philaeg antIlthecoses a blanhet. Oher enauspies of tratitimeal Scottish costurnes anti importa ailho tislpiyedt 10ilutrate the roota of Scottish heritage. Ià ' Organîzenu Brbora MlacKay anti Margaret HIamilton CHINA "Mont areul familiar mitho ueculture." tontentis Peter Tam, aho 010031 mith his sister Grace have cu- ordinateti a numer u of ctrut evensanative te China. The Toconto Kong Fu Academy smO perfores 10ee Lion Douce but disptays ut Chisese Folk dancing andi mater cuoc rpainting are lu ho featareti. ilion- traliof the more tieticate arts ut that ctomy, Peler Tam hopex 10ese mure placîi atiiies wmdl heip dispel the imagentf violence ansouiateti miib China Ibrugh the martial aria. Tht Tamo' ft1ec ban heen involveti milk Torunlo's Caravau. o multicutoro festival helti an- nmtty lun tha1 cil>, anti gave thee s nee assistance on orgasizing the pavilonai Grace Anglican Chuch Hall. MiSt. Mont outh1e featarex huoever acre Ornaght together hy Peter anti Grace, libe dispioys ut na- tional costumes, literalcre, astiques anti embroiti- ery. Chîchen halls. fnîi rce, mon ton asti egg rois mutl heoune aspect ut Chinese toiture mont Cana- dians are tamiliar wîth ast i li ho part oi tOc mono tacomplomsientth rientlselllsg. Tise Barlington Chisese Folk Dansnwîilper- fores thc Speon Douce anti Plumer Doute ut certain times throughoul 11w day. With ailth1e bat omws ut diots anti hombîngu eumîog ontut ofIcetanti Bill Matherî. pavillon Festival ut Coontries provîdex on npportonily Iv show -ahat Irelan is reatlyailtabout."- - Memeofnithe local Iiîsh Canatian Assoc- iation, the group bhhnti the cultIcot dîîplay ai the gronp Otrilu onep Ir - irsh culture guîug Ou tabr hroughsociltgaîher- BilMtes ings. Pinuegan trish Daucers mutl perfores thcoughost the day anti Walertord cryntai ant I rish lmeus wmut ho amng tOc dsptayn. Jng ut Punch mitI pruvitie the aiteramun entertain- meut milO sclcctions oflrationa Irish sangs hoing ployedi Tht éccuivg psu I 1a.m. îli Icalre Smeet Olarncy, a lac mou enlertaiuîug tramtrum SBet- rislofe hgini 1 flinw at noon andtihtecglass is inletutitnIhe drink prîce. Irish 51cm anti hakai gonds utîl adt 101e tasteutf tretovd. Thc siug-along Iish pub stylai pavillon is meant lu lobe native Irish home. Why travel ta find low ring prices? Our wodding bands start as 10w as M2.SS (for aise 5%) Sm ouwidu #&*cMlolof d»amond dm dsngs it MM-, ,. m Oleoys Bâte, JoyelOayword Thse apron is an Important part oi a We10h woman'n dreu so onucotiti serve an a poucl and odi enSeet thoir hosanda' pay, ouggested Joyce Hay- macti, sho along wl1h Gleusys Saine S-rtioaltiOdie We10h Pavillon. Tratitional costumeso are onlyoneo< the rnethoda throagh which tira. Hayward hopes 10 illustrate, We1ln imtary. A horpint gcnup mlfi permorn anti Weinhnmale voice choir, The Queemn wlflaiseb arnong entertainers appeacing ta point the cati- niry'sitiscalpicturo. Dinplays mili inlaide a neoe se year in the wedding of<the prince of Wales.This exhibition mil tahe lin place along wl1h dlsplay of0<motieval bas- sers, Walsh tRoyaltythcsagh the agesandcrata. lThe pavillon, ta ahare Laurier 5,050 wlih he Scottis1à, wil! have a portion deticatet 10a Welsh marketmwhere souvenairsl hc olti. Rev. Trevor Lewis wlll recite Welsb ratingn hegl- insing ati 1130andi Wetah samp.breada, chmome anti tarts wifll hsoldtit3 p.m. "lWe hope people mili camne away wl1h a bide more hometige of Wales, becoune mont jont group iltinwith England, " Mm. Hayward atdei. This along with the Scottinh pavillon mill have Il- qoor prtviegwo ntil t a.m. UKRAINE NîcO Cbachmacb, mhose parensacamr 10, North Amerîca as chiltiren saîid famîly ronta go bath 10 the Uk- raine asti even bis grondonrealizes bis calituenetage. Owner of the Chartes Ototel, where the pavillon ana locateti, Mr. Cbceaboîi 1sprng 10me 1haI a lot i1 se people aho are 1hfrti anti otch genecatinsn al]have 'We bnpe we've been able 10 contribsote In Cana- tuas calture because without a5l theeCiltures He andtità amly are"caiLan isMr Chachmacb.-e1ptpigbat Uiey soli4ye otbicmota 10 ho anesl1titbcough tilsplays of native costames, tîteratore, crota anti monic. Si Macys Pacish anti Youtb Club mUtl provitie the singing asti dancing. The mess inciaties sacb traditionaî tietigbta as scct, Hatapisi. Perobe, Shishahob and tapusta. Mr. Cbncbmack saidti Iere arr many familles ni Ukrainian descent in Milton anti thal bis mas osentf the font 10o live in Milton about 20years ago. 'lree s nu Ukcainian Canatian orgonloation in Milton, mOicO Mc. Cbnebmacb saiti coalti belp sponsoc the event In enahie more aspectsaoft1he culture tu bc dis- playeti. The Chnehmach tamiîy are 1he smie organicecsofu Ibis eshihil "Tbe tOmme milI bc Chcistmas Day, laid ouI in Laîvian style." accor- ding 10 organiser Ir- manda Zamînvskîn. The teant mili inclatie sauerhraul mith ham. hacnn bons, blndti mon age,ir atmchmore. Heie o oOof the disSes mîlI ho available o vistors can laite home mmore eisas sai Mr. Zamînvsh n. He promises pîenty nf Irmandi Zamînnîkîs coîortnl costumes rpce- senîing the many cegions of Laîvia anti meaving demonstraîlons. Stranda ofthtbcati are woven ta' gether lu mnahe hannecs ohîch are attachet ocloth- ing. The Latvtam mwilI kcep cbîltiren amoneti agaîn Ibis year ai1the chîltirens' corner, a fealuce ubich way 10 tabe omorne0< hi country home tronm Fmt- ivalOf Couguri10o Folk dancing and inglsg perfermnances lobe = vry tsm baour, trtng ai Il arn. ai Knox byeinCburch, Main St. Te fnnl perfOOlO- ance by the Dindancis groiiptrom Toronla 9 np.O Crftta will heono dinplay, including woodicacvlog andembroidery. Mr. Zarlnohs 1a sure visote 1th1e Lavian pavilion siIont ho able ta help10ut corne awaY titti enriched idem abouttblOholseland. EI1GLAND Motypole doocors, an Eoglinh Lohby and an op- tains mad il ho bvia gvayn that theKer- nigban hume hanshon de Inei 0Britain oggin ib10 yeac. 1l:e pavion solrer'ement an ov«aalplct England anti matie people asare of the meny dit- feront aras;10n Kgland.There ara diffecent ho-lt- agw wlhnch rnint eves wtlm" Llidsitel, ehere 1 arn froc," oaggwsta Anse Lander, pavillon À Punchiand ,iony show la0ome of theaf lac- noon evonta along wl1h broon coblng and stain- o d loao dem- EnglinOah s wlU ho erv- Io a.n. to 6p.n. withthe added featoce of<tes cslp reading. The teas wllI ho Are vissaIimpzeslon 0f Engeland eli ho givrn through pholographo. a li- alide show and British Anne L@mior prodtits. The oldostone Kernighan honSe on t1hebSof hs 1 Mii Pond providws a hoastifal setting for h10 pavillon, moronded by mature Unesn. From 5 p.m. ta I1 0w. a British Pub will ho in opecation offerlng beer tram Britain. Anti at puh would ho complete without a bight-bearted sing- along which will ho par ifhe evening's ion. DUTCII Some samples of Dutch heriage wll ho Part Of the pavillon representing ibis country ai the Cana- dian LegonHlli, CharlesnSt. il1la tbis heritage tbwse of DoîcOhchgeOUnd ilihe 10 beep live ees though they are Canadians, expiainet ill111Wynen, pavillon organîner. Descentiants of Dsteli people in Canada are ar- iog lu bcointerested once ogais in helc roos. ,itls tarting 10 tome harO over pool years shes thoy unedt 1bch ashameti. Now il la getting sasier. The chiltiren want 10 werrthe traditional cugt- 0mws," otideti Mr. Wysen. He feelo a lot of people are interestet in1 Dutrh culture, evitient hy the attendance ai lest year'n tisplay. Coninama monsic. singing anti dancing, mondes thon dasce dipinys anti more ara in store for visitons 10 t1w Dstch pavillon. Dispinys of Delft Blue, Dsilch copper, windinills, dalis anti native costumes will help convey somornf ibis counrys cultorai hertSage. I1cadtitwal daimh fond lhe Pa sosp. croquettes, herrisg, chenesanti pastries ml otmtfy appetites ant i iqor servetiola.m.ail> dampes tissa d ' Bill Wyoes STE VEN P. KEIR BARRISTER & SOLICITOR la pleased to announce thse opening ot bis office for lihe praclice of lane ai 13 Charles Street Milton, Ontario L9T 2c..5 HOURS: 9-5 OR BYAPPOINTMENT IANDPOOLSI POOLS FROM $4995. - Quality and Dependahility ïp do i à àf- .î iè 'ii l id a iîJehnc î4)'m i $ Cal for an appointaient teday.. Andi put us te waek doigning a puo i for voue bacyad. 844-6665 IIOIdoor Showroom DEiI HA% Pool Chomicals LEROUX and Sapplino 1710 Bandas St. E. wiala.oga 494 KERR ST. 624-4101 OAKVILL 45MULe- Pu# à %PM lu-sim- ACIM làmumowr, L4

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