Some oIdfashioned fun. 1 Championi Whon Milinsiana <locide ta tors back dis bandet men, haifthte tosen gous old sebui dis Olamber o om c'sa annal Old iamloned Days ckbmradcstiW osut te bu ons of dis but pst, 10 terma Mf dpla acetiaiundctinpoddo W= ta . M cam lded local Str nd% oroldu5ahlooed widOi diaa, ineriorl, csWniSuad thons dSiplap, and dshe mm onwaa gon aff, u.ra priais se rs 10Onubaes"dis moonularbmliSaicopc I'hs DiieLte Chlch5iand Ssood abop et Lauier Cuntrs, a nase bisinsasIntosen, ciainssd te s i09 hanMrisersu, leld a tirut for wùiaduse apa, Second for staff cosumus, and honorablemntin for ln- toodiwnpp Costums: MonManoeroffice ntaft Frd mnn1 hoorble mnton. =lwlw= Hoi SBpectacle. Forthor det"laon l"lacontst 1inlihe stry on Pg.S.1 Ibenlisoraday nlgt an otitoor1 wsul ranesd in Bdishduled tl e b. ld in1 Vitoria Park, twao moved toleSt. Pansin Chrch Rail by incleoent wseon.i Deepilethscain, it isUa (unaigt for aU i Dcms ofindividul, grepand id feies CO.ePOsedfor cauh Primesin a varstyMofSntactu. Wnnr includsd; BMu fanihy; ~A t sin for dis Gordi Erin and Todd; dis Merus family se-i cond; and Mfr. and Mms. Pal Brown undt un Ktduhir4L But auitlcatiebue:JoMcDuffe and t RaItbwcS, iret, Joan Browses- dileriamdid - dird. But rotait group: Bank of Nova Scotia tiret; Dlxi.Les ecod; Audrey Mrefilh Bisonlof Dancing (Joan Brown)tIhird. Judges lnctuded Coiasclllor Des Klgt., fflltorlca ocety President Val Grlm- shai., Unda KWfrTheis Champion and Bus Bo* of lb. TriRune. Emes sea Marin PesaofdtheChainher, organizer wan chamber secretary M-1gBurgess. Aller the contact, theScotch Block BquarsDancoco utertuinsi thlb.crowd. Hallen WoDI55s PaceJBrUcipatxd by faahonodprlce. Frldy nlgt thse Old Fanhioned DaYn evnla conctoded, iil a variety niajt t lhe fair grunndn on part Molb.teai-Era B. everat local euterlainorn wero is now 300 Thse Canadian Champion 10W coula 30 conta a week, if purchauet lrough storea or dealers. Rialng distribution coula have forc- et! tise increaun. Home deliveret! copies of The Champion wif remain at 25 centa a week. Tise increase is on- Iv nn ovet.,,iouneales. A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Mis uts.t Ba,*u hte t fiondosh01 s . Nova Sela second. Internr Sa hld ri rggleswortli tint, e.Bugauoulrnlom suy MnJu,.- "-'.- -- lsspserf.à a es5on lte 0k5 4 m 91 0tefW àiiupy, B"nof Nova SButin int. 'ia- Rebecca McDffle meod; Todd WrlUles-- sa ainger uces dia r tban ever a Md bscos U i 1al e iS l I. mMesS B-iaphotS 6 os» hgDjim eL«s tiet, Audrey Mredih seorlthird. before, Ihanha lereneseed participation Qrke &ibiau Ir AOUEt5 UBR1 MILTON, ONTARIIO, WEDNEBDAY, BEPTEMBER 9, t5 , Raid four homes Poachers charged By Lind It Crby Deer poaching chargea have hees lait! by tise Onario Ministry of Natural Reaourcea agninat a local hunter, tolowing a serion of raids on two Milton homea, an Acton residence and! an Erin home over tIse weekend. Minitry officers also conflocatet! o car and! aeizet! two high poweret! rifles ant! at!titional hunting equipment. A whole deer ant! partta tf a oe- cond were also laken. Furiber charges ar exspectoni 1010 laid, ali Hrry Olngr[oh, ficheriez manage- met sticerswthe didiin*lntP Mfr. Gingrici refune to le raal dis idun- tityaofdte offendiesovnslthse tact dhe catrita til onder invesigtion unidit'd itial chargsuarepending. 7h. serchu conducteit by as ixoficeri frein the biitry'i oice in Heopeer began 10 tie erty moning bours Mf Bn- day, tolowlog a complaint frein a citioens dat adeer baitbeen hot ohofMMtat. IW. beallo t 5 a.mi. unit srapped iltop by 7 pi.m dat iiglst' it M. Gingricis. lb. cargs are for ponsesionofc Our top acholara MiltoDitrict Higi S Bront basn360On- tario gchotucoaod their acbievClOoots arc listed in denstory osPg. 3 Hlatory r.cognlzed everal hitorie Milto buildings wiii 1 recogized widi plaqus frein Milton itorical Society. Se.Pg. 5 Old faahloned fun Retaitero and offices in tome met itd wtis OId Fashioned Days cotumes and dotisplas lstweb. Photos, story Pg. B. venionodorlngua closedlnting asofl. Ibosprmofnpoach« tu Nsediialhui in ntneand m»TeeclndtIou rP« tdons, adontteddtheminliry oficiai. "'Ns bave a erota piobleanhors aggavutsd by die fartt durs areloinofM duer and must 10 sxpasive," aald Mr. Gingrch. "Nisu you lock at die price oM hufa t n2 10*$3 apouod, 50oar 75 poundsofM vnisno1 agooddeal." "And t din ier. are thu. wbu snjoy bnnting for the snakof huntng.' hadded. 'tie at egal seasoo for boninfi dssr wsanin November of 10, be sald. iteplis lockhautthe progruo lineitup for l- tosneFeotival ofContrluson Sep. 19, ses Pgi. 10 Workera wlnneUrg Tebeut restraton sor and the peupl isha coolibutei thdi.mot t10 tii. seuhnd Stonn-Era renonoroceived asearitn for tisir effortso. SBuPg. il Steam-Era pictorlal Tier, as tan foi ait aglesutiSteam-Ero 100, sSuthe photo slread onlPg. B6 Fsta l co-m-l- . - Date/Ina column Festial co'ngise clampio*so oew "Dateline" column Reporter tn Mler preseris an io- itsalal tie coosil events Of comiinlty iteresAnsd Heiptol liarry, or nest ýcotoisoiot, is already gadioriog a faidiful tottowsng. Rodi are on Pg. B9 Out for kicks Mîtons rep srrer teumi tînsalisthdi easn by partlcipatmng n die Voguard occer Toucîameat over die see.bcd miithîomne oncouragmng ronuts. Bu athte mlestand Joins Morgan'& Boccr TuBs cotumn intheosportssectionl, CIlleCS FIRSTOECTION Randell' Eth wm.dimg ......... Edtoniali, coloos.a .........3 tetter, Wttosos .... .. . .. ..5 SECOND SECTION Canofieds ......BItInB3 WboDo«Ïtt Bd *-*- .... I BaEsiate ......... B InBto TBIBDSECTION Entertumment ..........Cs, GO Ol faliond cstfue .......CIO seial uppemes:o Wolco, Oakvlle Place, KMart Na pslain d ahy s 1.JaIlon Wb a1*0 th. pe, IILO5f0heE heu ggte le h a bg pinceot Modish e dt arsPtiub MisWk Lseli ie la10a contsut Mills lb. psrfsct rsmaity tor due isio say dis mal wmngpebetug o 10Mm.n di mvn o M i tePs f M.G. Br.wd ofR.R ,Mlbu - iret Ad steameit up. Milton went wUt! over thse goot! tlt! dmyo last wcek, os of Dixie Lee Utiscieln adeaîoo>u, Barbi 1> oaas an ýý Odît Fauhnet Doys combinet! with Steam-Era 10 give thse town a of Haton Manor office staff, and "engincer" Carnie Boudreau of Dixie notalgIc look from Wet!neot!aY 10 Monday. Some of the winoieru in the Lee. This wcek's Champion carrnes more coverage of thse two cele- Chumg:r oCmnrce'o Old PaMdDay. celebrmtioti took time bo brotioiso, sec thse inide pagea and thse Steano-Ero photo-otory on Pg. visit Steam-Ero for a close-up look at one of thee trois monsters of B6. yetcryelit. Picturet! from eft are Diane Michel and Leainc Provenu Charges follow 'body search isy lisSa lIrhy utfrsu, dimollraci two hiltfti. %lin fomdno traceofany body. uroun thedi. vert uttail, dion drainsit MeTontle Police have iat dreeSeBgtMontrus nuithdisinvestigation1010 lise soman inaitei hoter oy seantruc.e diiater f rom td is pnd itcolvert 10 chargs ofpuW blicminciaagainat a 24 mrpor o Mamojrdsrarsdbeing invesi issa la iupoiepotcin attr ciitle a agond nearw year-olit Torono soman shostones gatdPolice havenet "clit the door" funr se may hahanit ti.houm s e nitAt-fi tnnlwan aeeit and &botaansbody inua olvertadjacent in on thepoaabgtydiher has eu a mrdur, aller the protection wsea rppeits a lire snleditleo n avait Whu police clsit Kelao Lake in Milton pronsptsit a truilesa henait wbe mgonaties homeisisrediheinlforant dosnen iscesdy nsarcb eperadion to $5,tta.uaahafewwUe ug. _ Bock 10 Maya Torosto soinan had lld sa tya, ntmnsanasti eesaugo, diey nid disy seesmmrstht-e lie hage vs &le la s Teiay olioamshd bM e..idand bu boe wieglafetisenalposds uobudy. attmsos, -090501 on- d=sned.ia Z Mtlogculvort duro oiM y adrosei Thrnac frB e maullySeffort, sehlcb lestIo lrsaaidiMsio " D ite frein a tarin posd ofMglasay 491,. bodydup, ranop a5MMOtbil. sesnanbuaim he cargd idi andr Buth se ay and esspties i1010tBu $3dy a funilelaearch wsumouted. . eValosti, allez Lainey Davi*uala fecerylaitset K"elaourvatlOAm. Ibostory Crama trou lton Reglon Cosorvndon ochWlulin leappear on Collg Park Cul Jireia tlais'Valu", o Oued pron.ptMed anibti a rdib okindver, Audoity buli a readay and cafter <lam tdyinhavsalrlaidateset. - ý -- -A rtnrh iRichardson and Carm Cardillo d Po LO is rt