HERB CROWTHER Pubbwie RODWSLEB PUCRO MIM55HALL NmMM" o e m lus P. - (410 M& s5I puasuhev.ay w.deosithv in hhaaoidPmetga ublihuint .eg at 191 Man sa.aiEut Milin, Onaiot5t'T4N9. T.phone878-2341. SubscatpltaasSigOs copne 250.auh $12.0 par Yeur ln Caaita, 0.00 Oi Ncoui tahie *M00 "Th Mitas Champonis one af the M..euaâditPntins & Plubilia Lti. sroPfsue slisha nes.eaps shah iasSdsl'h Adas Fs. Pi. At.s/WhOlbyIPiCteatin Nm Adv.ai.e, Aront BaMa/N.asa*ahliEs, Arots.Bas/N.ss*ah.i Oas WWwnd 0001*, Th. Bahlon npit. Brampa.onua, 1h BriagtaPos. lTh.BOuligian WM.h.nd PUt, l'h. EtaoekuAitu./ Guwie, hse .EaobsaS. CnsumerTlh G.agmmIsa ndp.ndai, Ma*hara/l'h.ah05 Ecse.ui end Sms, Th. Misefa No. lTh. MOmahema.NM. W..Iad Editas. lh. Nrth Yoh Cosas.,, Th. Nrth Yrk Miror. akai. Baasr, 0.100. FPicduy Bamn. Oches Tihis W05., Ohwaias 't.W..tanti.P..tCnuear, Tlh. Rhsoad i/lhaahlt Utenl, lTh. Ssabsmgh Caa.s55. l'Th.Ssahaagh Misa,. Th. StasiflltaTiunel'h. Wssdh.d55 h&Vaghan Nm." ,a,..oS.,s.ies. b.aiis O 5~ .s.asa.. ~ haa. 5i5 O utl5d5ut h TooeuPne2Ml Home must W. bave probablY bored aur readers to tears wth complainte about the say the Province of On- tario givea aut funds and then withdrawa them, but it is happen- ing again. »Île trying flot ta sound 1k the boy wha cried soIf tan many timo, se note with extreme diapleasure the situation in which the Sheridan Yauth Home and ite attendent association bave been placed. The Sheridan Yauth Home housesa yung offenders in a con- troiled setting using a building on the grouinda of the Halton Manor otblishment. Here the yaung people are supervised and counselled prior ta and after malt- ing court appesrancea for wbat tend ta be seriaus crimse. Yet inalal cases, the paat 2% yeara of the operatian af the home for young offenders from Haltan and Peel bas been one of succesa. In fact it wBB a Pel family court judge who said lie bas came ta faor the Sheridan Youth Home over l ther detention facilittes. In short, the record of the Sheridan Yauth home ia an of succes sand we are pleased that someone bas found s way of treating yaung people in trouble with the correct measure of dscipline and understanding. But sucli a service does not came cheaply. The home almot cloaed n March because the Ministry af Cammunity and Social Services wauld not gve enougli maney, even thaugli it bad on- couraged and funded the start. The home knass it cannot mot the service it bas ta caver with the money it bas; sa Uic only option is ta turn ta the regional municipaliticso f Peel and Haltan for the extra $20000 needed between nos and next Mardi, it te impossible ta setsa value an a human lie, but the recont sentence handed dasn ta Walter Valente by Hilon Caunty Court Judge Thomas Quinlan is nting Ions tban mockery of justice and an insult ta those sha respect the tas and ite koopers. Valente is the t9-year-ald Hurlingtan man sho sas found re- sponsile for the deatha of three Hamilton somen cycliste and in- juiesta twa othors, lsst July. Judge Quinlan fined the youth $200 and scopendod bis licence for one yer. Nting the yauth's age, Judge Quinlan asid he felt a jail sentence sauld bo inapprapriate snd a fine sas suiteble. yautbful ho is, but in the tbree years he han held a drivers licencp, Valente hOa.s been con- specding, plusias r..antug a yeIses liglt and bas twice hsd bis licence su -'ndd Thie iecond licence suspension, for failure ta pay fines, sas hond- ed doed two montha ago, bos thon a year after tihe tragedy tht cl.med thie s.of Elizabeth Sar- rasin, 25, Mariyn JeaSOP, 17, and Lorraie Robetsaon, 24 ldoS evldeos absowed Vaent. Wenterid a curte Ian on Plates M te as vulscetin frot of 4ast emilesparbhour (06kin/b) continue Why, se sondrgottegrt expens eofaisetnguaprec Mn baeit Mnoucaflyan thon turn a deaf ear when they very existence of the project ta in jeapardy? In jut too many intances, as money dwindlea fram ana project, the money "saved" goes to set up something new and then the pro- cona repeats. This go.. on at the same tme as the province mre and mare expecta the regianal municipalities aometing the pro- vince again set up despite initial and cantinuisig miagivinga, ta foot the shortfall. But just bow long can a regian like Hatan keep asking for a 25 per cent levy hike year after yoar until there is a ratepayer revoIt and the curront gavernment ta tossed out an its earl' The Sheridan Yauth Home needs the $20000 or swi bave ta close the doors. Haltan and Peel have been aaked ta came up wth Uic maney, but why? The service was set up by the province for the apeclfic aim af aiding the province thraugh the judicial proceaa. If regiona are ta pay, ahauld Uiey nt bave a say in the judicial proceas? 0f course not, as far as the Davis Government.te concerned. Its "you pey the bills and se'll make the decisians. " Sucli flagrant action ahauld nt be allowed ta continue. It te nt the mere $20000, it is the shole prablem aof terminating something that worka weHi n the corne f alleged budgtry con- traIs, If the province cars about young people in trouble, as it dlaims, then it te time ta back up the sards with dolars. as ho r-entered the pasing lase. The spoed limit an Plains Rd. te 35 mph. It seerns asobviaos atho tomb- tones that mark the graves ai those three somon, that Valente bad aheolutely no respect for the laws governing the roada, nr bad ho lesrned his lonaan during pro- viaus court appearanis. Hatan Crown Attorney James -Treleaven, she has stace sppeal- oct tua sentence, said ho bas roceived mare calUs and letters than ho can caunt, framn angry citizens. Msny bave askod bas tho> per- aonally can assist with sending Valente ta jail. The case bas cor- teinly arauaed the srsth af the public. Any sentence is supposedly de- signed to act as a deterrent tOsthc Whto nîgý"tt ntttepatchi crime. This sentence sas nothing more thon a verbal reprtmand, a bal- hearted ilap on the stt We eargerly assit the outcome of the appeal, scbeduled for thia faIl before a provincial court Mr. Treleaven hod prevloSsly a"ke for a jafi setence anti ths madmun fins ofIM 00for tise of- fonce of caeleis ifling and inl tilI prmain.g for tst penalty. WS w--"- ýýchool systemý * IEýOL Net seek marks the retors ta ichasl for ahaut all elemestary, seconda'> asti pst-secoadary stsdensnth a0e province. Bebools wliOh sers damant al sacomer wtttb once agsin filted iwtOi tanned, rasteti students. I osess wtb att bs presest cancers fr avino s'ose> and tOe, perbapo sas On as gond a time as an> ta, recacider y.ar- round tesrning. Ortgtsally, the ssumor vaesttan sas meant for Ouhe hiltiren of farmun ta help with tesding te fartas asti hetping wtO h. faO liarvest. Hasever, as ose tloos tth. reisen- tisa apesse nvolvedti Oihilding ami mainteanO choots andthiee ct of teachers, il cas> hais Oe bust nterust of att cascerseti ta bee.p nebastaopen 12 montha of the year. Somesnersiteos ve apteti for a sac- cessfst t2-msath seisester aytem in whtcti statienta anti teachers adept Ober teaching asti tearniiig chedutestOs the schast, rather than vice versa. That came systes' cautti ho adepteti ta îecandery clias. As thinga standisow, seconder> chaos sre open for just ssder 200 days a esr. itOi ls for unmverstes anti stighltt mare for etmentar> sehasîs. A fut 2-msth semester systata ieporateti b> Chrtmhas, an est-af-April bresb andt h. astiof Agst, wOithasne wesî breaks On hooseesn ould esable the achocla ta b. fMyt>opertolualfor ali 12 s'onths. tasteati of five yearo needeti for a grade t3 tipoma, hat caaild b.ebangeti ta 12 or t3 semesters enaalitg smme studenta, if h.> sasteti, ta comptete tle slat hOei tssthas four yars. The stivantagesa.soh a systata ot wetgh Ole dsaivantages. For starters, the obvious a atantage nosttihoe cast. 'tOere noutd't lie an> nemi ta bltd mss> more achaos. isce the schast wotti b speratiosat for al 12 mosOis, more tudenta mata ho accommadateti. Secontil>, tasteati ai throwing att ats- tirm, they wastd he released, a0Other convenesce, for "sumiser" jobs. Oe af the btggest demande for shrt-term sork scus'.nh.th tse eadig Up h. Christ mes and yet h..'. are ns studensa who wostd fit h bOll perf.ctty) availtabe. Thrdly, teachera cautit b. maved arasand fram .cl in ta *l in a monoa ar caunty ta slow. theyre n..ded. 10 wSootisae, put a dunand on thon ta b. versatile. Snmething wadbhavetnbae rked out financialty far Ohe tescliera, somethtag sta n thOe 13 emesterseqsatttag fiv. years of pay. Alss, stadensacamptats, rightty sa, haie difficslttil ta inawsnk ta bot weatlier. The bassictdes for nucl s t2mastli schoot pa wastd o t keep schots n operation an a year'rsusd hasts, teep studenta in scbsat for mrs tOme and finatt>, ta resese studenta an a stag- gered nytem ot tathe wnrk frce whes they'.'. needed. t~UBWBB Osca, Oie buver cases... a peso deat FLYING HGHER Whea O cam. ime recestt> ta reias Otassony e> utg spent as coventions b> eoscittars. Mltns BllItJohnso sas testiosa the was> Accordng ta a repart, Mr. Johinson spast $479.38 et the American Publtc Works Asscation Convention. ibis sas îabstantiatty imore han Actnns Dave Witing wbo spent $40 ta attend the samne convention. 10 sas soteti maso of ltassmoe> spent b> Mr. Johnson wasnfor the fligb. "t waîbedti Oere" Mr Whttng chackied. Mr Johnson also spent $000 for the Foarth Gaernmestt insota> Cas- terenc e. 'ne ont> ntbers soted in the M8538 ipent ta date frmth Oe s$so9Wfbudget sers Hattan Csrmaa Jacb HafOOn asti Halton Hits Coascittor RusMille.' abs bandeti in o joint bit of $2W for ther attendance t the Asociation of MuniiPaities Of Ontario Convention. SLUDGE 18 BEBT A qitts a eniong on witb taldthOe test Os provng .uccesafs tht the sheat astis bust fildt of cors pradoc- iag ai eqsst or abave average grasili ta fields treateti siOi non"atfertlttaer. Hattans stsdge czar Vie Lensteki sati the farmers abs osne Oesbt fields are pteaneti aith tb. ressttn (o date ant ibe ýadhe- (cIs ertin this n.tt do noseh to TRY DEAvER Se yoo tis tisaMMo f beef int b mseb for youl.'baiP tII r hapa yms Bue . ucllae it, sidltenâsge- mu.t offtcorfor tOu Cambridge OUÏrct ci0wthesOifn> .1 NattWU" Rousrces, bae thout 35,ao5SsUOlietbunver met hyOu eCabrdge6Mes In iffl the lad tOlD& pr.nscatl- vey s.BO U* W~Ugli&S? by trappun The seitg ot beanr pelleta ta car-i riedti cahOroagb the Ontario Trapoun( Assciaton For Asttos shere ail ftam are cotectet asti auctioaeti for sale.% "Must af ou s arer.boug, b> fareigebayera ibe Tt>, 'West Ger'- mss a nti apa. 500 me ai Oie morejth sontosrsavýoed in tOie bidtag, fac pries' in thOn cuntry aret quite bg," sii Backtanti.f "In the aistar Oie trapper atilies enerythisgfo rtheObeaver," he caiti. "The tata gs inta making sboes, ami Oie te.tb are stes s'adelointa Wbiit Os ueO tsoved b> tasa> Casati's r~1 iJonqgLoge IF AL - TEASI 00;)OPAS1AI WATNED ---'SIGN 800Ya WfITE a APPLY NEFR wis.i sit? Some of tise rond-a- board siga-makera arounti tosn bave hoon compettng 1.0e )y ta sS sho con put up tihe cramiest ulgnThis coolt be thse sinner. of damage shersîtt a at astei. I10 an tara a dlean calti risadog streSs', wbere f lo isaeti ttaa bo> marsb. A dam nil Oittail> attrast ater- font, "bat sel> for a short penid of tume," saiasBuclanti. "After a Wh"l the mater mUt becamestgnat eveu for satel'fOW." A ROUGH SINTER Expertsareare cingsa nom etisn usoat aister shesti. Thie bireb trees bave a pile ai extra seedeiis fai; tOu sqwir.ats appear ta ho staring more aus; andthOe 'nonile> bear", caterpiltam appear ta have a tonger, thieer esat than usuel. Anti sbo can doabt "experta" ibe that? ARE THEY CHARL5EOl' The.hasebatt ba ai ARC Industries, Hsroby, lisa a uniquesnarme. They cuit Oes'setves the ARC Angets. (ARC stands for adstt rehabltetios Cestre, t'sa ashetereti aortasp shere adltt retrtiedceatsaradbttofi utatheir casomnul.) COMMUNICATIONS Wbes Ministr> oi Natarat Itosoarces Cambritige Dstrict Manager Bob Catton atitt'd (the miniat.'> sas a poor cnntnanicalosteveratleof(h.' Ares reprte.'. sere nvte t talunch b> the mOnnit> aithOe Cambridge Hjoiday las tbraagb a phonse mil tO neeOcaago. Thes, aifes deys prier ta the meeting, a ltter sas receiveit giviso iirections ta the minsOtrys Pualtaeh praeerty svea mile. eas of the Hliday Ins. As.sosm the correspondance. ndicateti a Of plan aenoral reporters, OcluingThs e Champtasis J.n Mlter, wus famit wlih nthig bt eacb ther athOe sitte. Bealtain th Ou foli> i uto spthe soblera bheadeit forOtheHéllday las mlsre theywern pecfOW by a = b= su ami lunch. One year ego Frein t. lapSugborS.0060Imm BOum-m s o asoh m .th.ir- fbetndthémitittis ia mse w..b.nd rlait.os in Mifto, and sont bilttsy ah.d int nusluw-mut-g540 sy.ise ralleditdune ihg dtsta'trufis. Ille s tai saseus gain do.rb.d sas qualffld sienca, frot 20 conts SCb=otetartiftionlseby 560*6 patlie or, architecural una ta devs. a mrse .of ecm.eUo~i hoicsvnnfa ta W = liofsaO tonta'&elemostary me"eo teabers sIt vote Friday on Ille tomof O e w tentative mitrs.0aisoe et. Dotoo the p 7= i att untit sftor bot.toaae attitI. Tise Ontariotaènlof.6Phsictansawtt locht ittacopltetiss an OsOinI dact..' rafetta treat a patient inthe Mâta.Dstrtct Hoptal. Dr. Mchal Dsas r.gtstrrf thducmitige mathe O compiat Ocoanmtes. Winlook tata sllegtis.Onteu gysogtat "te t dWa wth Oue lunule pattant beas. abe maynsnet mbeau Inasittionlih. pay for Oue dsctr.sorvtces. 20 years ago FrotemOuAsugst31.101susle. George 1oms'wod of Guelphl Jusetion, a second wsr net, iraiethtialong Warrtscs' Day Walst teCNEsaube tua dems every year s.. th190 Hmmtay renerueit Oseif Oui we.k ias Bsrlngtas Bard of Educatise ordorei t astonea-roam achoot, Deis Se"s.!on Bell Seioot Une, @aid ta, Mrs, Georgt.a Bell, gret-grasitiasgbter 5ciOuhs'as sha sotittOu se" ite ate te Oad Nelson Tosnship sebaot board in IM. Aisol.m Bel, on. of6 Halto'a early aettlom, bâti .odtheOusten for 12 pounit, 10 uiliso. Uadar h ternisof6the sale,tOu board nas. bllgated ta off.. u dis aMoi tahO bei.'. shes il became uele.s Jack Prie, a briLllant forwant star wt00Mâota Merchans hocktey club fa.' Oue past three years, bas beu .tgsed ta set as. paytag cmach .60whetals 0fer Ou 1961-e2 semeter, A record 310 pinta of blond seracoase.- ted yesterdey at Oue Redt Craaa blod dosa.' eiaile. The hspttetatatxiMa' s'embu'., sho sp.sred thecltslc, wre oveshelmed it wtheOuruponue. Tise cantract bas haen lot for Ouhes provincial sehaai for the dea in Milita, and at sesrty ball a milion.dette.'. ssder the e.ttmt.d euet. i.rtit Cnstructlio f Htamiltan won tOu job wth a.03.8 million Wilamy Vu anr.vs1nO m aat weot af tasa, hus grosnleta srecord hetght af avec 10 feetl 50 years ago Prons the 5.ptember 3.1931s ha.. Thrssgh the depr.detiossof a stray deg, J. Bariesdeb, Trafagar. blst a number of tork.ys. Bogu flfty-ceet places are reporteditao bie crcslation. Tise cons are a clever imitaton ami ring fstrly gond nhen raiat!edosa caustor. Localiate. are lsvestigating reparts af fruit theft, mmains htelsbas tes csmimitted by yats, wbile mer chadrsa have also bet uas 000of1strP' ping tries. At the matins. bm ars matBramp- tas os Weneuday aoftest web, Jeas Gasot. owsed by Dr. C. H. Heulopof MIitO., came second i. Oue 2.04-218 class. Tih. heft of.55 choice. hrds ras' htas ebleben hosse ta r.ported b> Jacob Callilso.Lamille, soit Provncial Cn stable Casàmn,oa ilMota.la isvestt- gating. Nsw that tOu eleetrie railsa> bas e.as.d lta apecate tO gond sites may b. availale for Gorgetaw'% sespust affice.,Inta fct ilObas been ssgg.ated tisat the presant salistanttal>hutpoe basse,' sith certain alteratis, sd mabe a gond office, and the sitsatios ta Idmil. stray dags are agsandetsg mach demage Os Trafalgar Townshtp. Mss> chiceenshave been ilted an thie fsrmaif E. Hfall and flaclis ai turboys have beu depteted, bat althssgh the dng lias heen seen is the very oct af destruction, hie manages tai escape. 75 years ago Frntishe Sept. . lIssue The Cbampion bas received tOe ampte copies of the New Idea Woman'n Magazine. Il has everat attractive cota of dresses (hanse and watiagt for ysssg girlsanad matdann. There are s.mes gond motres and other resading materil as bRu Maggte Armtrong was taeesta the Guetph flenerat Hspital an Maadey morsiso,sffering tram sppeadtciti.As operrstion a's e rformed and shne hahn prevaient in the neigt.bnurhostt st pre- sent. Wesley Brochas, an attendant ta mo f the stebes t Tronta Exhilbiton, wha sas stiptg tn a loft, had a ireantstâtat hoe wu ats grohbed. e.prang from Is hedl ad f641 Orouglithe opeSitg inthe floor, fostee fes.t taOu grousit be- neath, reeetns eer. spiral tnjsrit. Hoesws trested i Unt Ou msY The Hote BrantmWussoitueir ma- .as . aTiis bbaseum o .6he bhWs.au tforOthe otel itOhNO17tOfy Ibo rate on Outh e onont four ma-* Oit.year 5111bhoNI5rmilsu ouledlla. Titishosaoaa t i i iaalsemt e e a atl si, Ou iare snhr dm dewl Justice mocked