Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Sep 1981, p. 30

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C10 The. Canadieni Chaonpiwo, We., Sain. Z 1981 Eggs with fl Dont watt fero *gtE =.00forapttrig e re -odtolt0.'E bd ot,'ted. . o p.uotrlin dlot '.îrrow..e .tlow one' pookod g od o.ott. m1.0e . tmand 10 I'prepars ot o. oand oen wrappd in fot. grIt an;ty ime oi 0he SCOTCH EGG8 day. 12 br.-ooked eue, W,' kow the 'goodos peeteli of.gsood whe ser.ed Il .cPOur00' in be.wy t. o t. 2 lb.. k1n. SooBge os suitelte thIl'.brook- '.0.0 6fast table a to.y re' 1..ittop. sage tb,' dnner tobte. Use 1 t tp.sait mnatt eW. for snocko 'o4top. pepper ond to.oo'.band lrge 1 e00 eusfordtotoor ntre.'1ttbop wter .ed'110cgtbtu 2-3 .op. fie br,'od or Blad. rtombs or .eaooed lare ooeU.g Mis RoB eggota.flour Co..bb.e 'to sot '.ith ou oIa.d p=p .erWith flor.d N ood aer eocb .gg P e g'.r o 'ssIiby c= e.b g e asnd '.ater. Dtp oaob saouag,.eo.orod eg in sooband re in. crumb. '1006aloocrumb b. dry. Deep fry In.011 (350 dogrool F.)t onlt godenB broson. If preferrod, scoch oggs o.oy Se cook.d b. sb.llow où or b.ked in modectovon.(350 degre.. F10.001 sotsoge 0.080 1. thor.ogldy PICKLED EGGS3 12 hard-coke0 888 0(10 o.p. ,t..egor 1/o cup Wate 1 top. sait 2 tp. pkltng SPice Pel egg and place in large jer. Place reooo1.tog ingredieo.to 1in.otcep'., brin.g b ot, 0th., ceduco eat and oto.mer for 5 mintes1.ou r lbrngb a stroier onr hard-coMebd .ggs. Cove andl rfrgerate. Lt beforo uob.g. A c'.mb1.atio oo y of the follewtng ..oy 1e ob.tted for pb.kttOtg lev. Igr ront, o,'tery n.ed, gari.. Ue wbole pico., as gr'.tod opico. 0.811dtocototr eggs Soga o 60ste60my b. odded il deslred. CREDUT VALLEY ARTISANS COURSES OFFERED DooAeadr Goo Bail Toy B,., nw 130-330 7:093100-:Dp. Sopt. .1421, 28. O0,, 19 Sept. lOOc 21(Mon.)*Sept.. 2 1 oi.)onedey ony (Mon,">)$41,46 $046 $25.00 Emm.Otlttg Cs.,to....o c'Ot& Ch0lren.,Pte 00lli ,1Hath Wrkho.p Cntn1.,.t.Psson, 700930 Gad Stne 6:3D-7:30 Sp.$4546 2 Tur. 00-:0p. Sp. 1-01..20 Tues.) $4.0.,t.5 No.. 14 St. oedeonl $20.00 G,,,e,,,Dey $10.00 Clsoe1.,' 1:30460P.- Momprt Work"t'p HarodOlsn O c 0. 29-Nov..19 (Thon I 6046.1...... $3.06 O,,1.hen Do, $22,46 130330 p-, *n ." Oct. 07 No,,25 (46,1.1 Os.coursesto be o1t0t04 Tsbo,'1Deyg $4006Bo.,nn'.00o0.0 C,..1lo'.Okin one dey.0 .o,kn.op) RBgititratto Infor'mation Pintng0on Glatis Sai.0000. th from0 ao.tt2p.mtt 0t0 .1= 1%, ffll- o.k ond frot 7p.-1 1 p.m. là.â ^ " ll p.- - ai fflIl Sept. 1Z Set., 10-2 p.m.. '.0-9- un-cm04 NAND POOLS.90 D eal Diretif giti tihe Ounera Cà tau puk-B-8t toy... F1Ami Pam ste wu* d».'s ' ~ 4440551 Pool Ch.micuIB LROUX end 8,0111.5 1710 undas St. E. UIBIOBIOgS494 KER$T. 624-4101 OAKVILLE THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F HALTON PUBUC NOTICE TO RMCOMSTUCT AND ALUM ND00 81018%»'» A-oa fia... M0ms. '.ooof f l d'..tW240 m «M Of Tho.upooo Ro. MMOan Ntce i'.. my go.uo,,1..the R. Oon,,l Munckmof Ha tlto.. '.1.,g dcsrno1. pn..o.t t, Sctins 443 end 446 otTheMnicipal At, b.tt.s Date24 of 8the46 0.,6.1. Satu$of noOtario1970, the Co.,,ilof the. 0091.001 M..,tipaotky ot Oloo,.ai i,'metngto.s.frod ithe0805".0.100.d,'.00'.BO ingO, 111t5 te 0oo,00, 0kvl, tari.'.oti 130 p.m.. o. 46.0,0.00v. 0.pto..bw 9181 '.Oipus a sy-1.. t, site,. polen,,nd.1. O cOt00BtoI.. Aene o t38'.m'.00.of Hro','Divefo 240 m @ButoflA.'.p..,'Rn, Milo... A pa owing the lande ,quired for ths pron000ad the prpo0ltOylOtot0y a. s0o.lin tA. 0ego.,l Public 46oko Op.,'et.o.Ofices, 1t51 Bot,.. 0,1.Oakille. 46,460 Co-mt m. w0.01.'.,i, psn or tty hsCoutool. ..y prsn ,'.s.0laime tha hie lands '.N*be ptj,1i,..lly aonostoobtes1oid b1y o pplA. to be 1.'.t1. A,1y uo1. pron o 10 .,s..to bes.o.rd co,.ld. es ooo, es posible, make applctot Rogional Clark. Tfh. Rog1.0.IMs,'1.tpolky of HONon 111 B,neRond Ookott1.. Onario LOJ 4Z3 00000et 0.ko00. .1.1. 100. 1.yof Aoooo'.1981. 00*.,. ltit, > 8.-2151 Het.n Hill Milono0 Cia SENIORS. ONTAROPROPERTYTAX GRANT AP1PUCAIONS. Lut] yr Ont0,7i., placed is systet. o Tx, Coedits for senos vîtO Oal1,w pSgr00iof Pop..ly and Sles Tx Ganits to help offset municipal, scho.d r4ta411sales taxe. The Proprty Tx Gant o up to 51. per houoohtld i.. provtded in Iwo stallments nually The Sls Tox Gantl s a. uomo1,c $50 pool eo1h y.a o (ooItOntario ..sidels 65 aoud oer, APPLICTINS Thte 190 Propery Tox Gant] 4660pool Io recipleolo in1,00 popmenl. In M81,th Grn] te bolng poldiIwis taln1s. The 11.0 poy.oo 'sent 01 uto'.,îlcollv n he t.sprtng. w'. ,qool Io on-hol! th 0000,01of111.101980 Goant. Tlb qoolly for te finlol 4tîllnet ou must8 subhit an applicalltnIo he Minisolr1f Revenue. Il ou rcelvo th todrol 0101 Age Scuroy pesio,.an.d are eligîble. ou .1111.046(1.0 (Is wfllI recerve then appications early in11982. soolo witon so ot ble for fodorl Old dgt. s.O3001y paymts, .bt wito bte pn.Ioooy ..todt.iod o tgltllfor th Propety'lbo Gnt Won du 0 r..oel. n opplctoeot % tsMlStry ofRemBuen,.a '.011.apOlollon ady ID tlb... enlor.wion toogh tu b. ,llgtble. f pou do noo recel. an opplitono by EXCEPTINS Sepobe,21o.dfloquollp0.0cooîoct liyu te" lnha orag bc», a hm ferthe uur lot-lt.. Infomotion Centre. spi!odobih 11.bzaflaa ypeu .0*.Ile for th. Poprly 'bu Gros] otd.., ou pop for EUCIDSflY the hW lcoul o our cr. and thotiostttonpays If polo". OB or ao n o t..or reo pour hume uroclipal o.d sool toues. ou'..elIgble for tho Poprlà a.Gro u up îu M. fou r'.ide in.a ooeoo'.pl properly ou am If pou rend our gros] tll Utotal 20% o our Hot e,1.OCi resbo $5001, shcitver ta los, ee,9 po moeintooaloo-ooo'.pproprty or a nusing home one for thb. odr similr If po.o..pu prloclpl 'oect purgr ns tiotuiondurlog 191. ou aon eliblo fora .111 » opolfh Y.00.11 prpcpy toe Pro.pertp 'Mo Gron s .od unour ocrupon. su, .wbihelalmts . I..cool. Phu tu o or oost If yo'.au m »nboad resde thpourospouse 0 poS moved prnBesytpluOntariodSr1.g or ou aso ccomod.Sioo '.1110amusons0 1M,0our Prpofly 'lT. Grontolabboel olte over6. oyoegMont.lflhopoad par househuiolm& eno..rotde 60 Onorio. Ifpoy.enp or ome tosoyos over 85 other tha ow ou oouoe, the go..]t Hb. pporionol acco odtg 0roolor popery lau pal. tl'h Wles1.dao rancoques10 i 06 1t001 d1.0.0010'.. c4 o ROnaTn enu in ctbe T..ita o ew extraomiuutes t iLii puryooin. MetroTuronc ol t 6-840 sppftioos; andttll.check il a00for 60 Ara Cooe87, asoitheb.Opraor for aracp TOtto Mm it O '. RoWb fS . zoJlit8-20W1 lb. Mldot.rplotel0008yotofom sol la0 o»olb.r am& ds. 1-NO.6-288-7121 lolorotf060im o Tmsi.1.yî 6.'. Sikà TOWN 0F MILTON *1981MORNING "aSPECIAL" BUS ROUTES BUS NO. 1 7.46 &.m..ImomMai omtetBn.... Div. ...Nonh.m.Wils o riet on o.,..50'. Otao0.dward Au.. 60on Woodwar.d Aal...taJoce. Bolevard. Acun.1.JoS .Boulvdtao Wilson4Drve. 01.Sou1t n V o. 10..0 1 , o. M oo Drive. £m m ..M.6.,'te ...Io.Cos.it T,.O" A'..'.d Cbo.T.oO t.Wosodward AornS.Wu m.o. dward604Anue s MailleAvene or..th.Wm..M.pt.Aenue te T1..'p.io.. ftd. Sout o..Ts.o.,'.o. 5 Ro. Mto n.. WM'.o Main Bn.. IoCooot'.t1i;..In.So.th.Cooo'..iWSn0oMO.o 0isait: 010.Sohoot. iA,'1.ot.S....t TO.W.L DMCEOBIO 8.30..l.I. t n .Sreto.d lo n Drive'.:04 'Notn s.O. . o . t Lnto.s.Dive.0.1.W«.'..Let o m Drive.01..to Wodwardd Ae. .. mto.Woodwd ..Aenue. teJoce. Bolvr Wlon,.1 Dr"46 . S ou t.0.. m Wils.on.e eM'.tloo. 01.... 50'.cri. to Cabo Tm. .Am. aot C.ai t,0 oowrd'.t Avenue. W'.on.Woodward A...ue. o. Wo.oward A...'..s.'.. Colio S .o. 61., mAen. .Noth o., 61..Anies. o. 01010..D01.0.o. WI 1. ik000. BUS NO: 3 7.46...St... mT o:Nr~t o.no.Mrtin 80..'.t. 66'.. CortIoK g6g.C.000..C.'.t~ t..Anu.. E.'.m.Bleues.An...'. Ontario. So.Southsm On taroot t' o.o0Drive1.. t.aMo o'.0." RIooPIooCs"s',oth o uts.1.piées Cm t Woodard .t.Ae..... 6.m.Wodward1.Aeu o....o Avenue. Sou0h o. Vin Aenuete.o.r.oge om.' 6. . E om St'.t OntarioSt. .S'oth m 0.1. Sut..' '0.0..S.... .'o. Main Sno'. t. Coo.oo.ooI BSo'..SouthS. Commerial.out it St'0 on..isrict.001che. Sout50t m C.ono6. ldSom. 10ooarierAnu..'. 0',.on.rerAnueteOtaro ,.StM...NotmOntario..St,«.to.N.. 010. 5Soo& 41'E. C.'.,'.l y*OWJ. DMCK CHOO 8.00.n à.. mNue. o'.s.Seoo0ai,6. C. 0'.:oth. M0Ontari0. S~1 0 ...MO.. Pts.. Trog..Pts.. On0.r'.oSn.. Noth.m.Ontario Sursn to. Mo,,,toview0Drive. W0. onMSo.oiet, Drive 01Io .El.,'Aenue..Nots.on.60, An..e.t'.0101 aideont0e.,W . OtotSohoot I(Arrivi e . 1.600. T& SLTON WTHN 0C00O C,.on... r.Soth m R1..pèce C.n..,0Io.Woodward1An... . Wcrio.Wodward .Anorso.et, artin S.. Soth on M.t. S. .MBsuis '.Wou.'on.Min Snart te Elizabeth St0. .S.os 0out mEizbehS»«00.eo.Moi ts. .. '..Main MllesS,'os..Eau.moMU S,'...to. B0St,... South m Bll..90IIt...o. 0.6.'1110d- E .. 0.60'B...onteC.omentecil Sm...outh1.,nCo,,on...6 treet'.., Milo.. 0istrict0101.Soont. (Ar1.ivaiet.36 ..i TO.W. I. DICbCOO S-35.m. tflMilto Distict 1.,01. 0,1.001Soth.o Con0..t.oSteet toLaurierAvnue. Wst aun.rAvnue t I.o. Drv. 0 South000on.,Famsted Drve t0eui,ond ,0 .o on De"0,01.,, Bo,'tsScré'.. Nots...iBot.,. 80..'., Vrier D0ive. Noth m Vanier Drive0,, M..1oo1..oS. ODri.ve.0honM.oudwrotDvoo1 ,.os1,' flood. 60.on 0.6.,' Mortn,St'.'. o.Woodward .Anu. ort m..Woodwar0d Amue to Ro .0p6.0 Coîn.ont.Nons...m RW'pWSo.Cn..o. o. M....t.viw".nO,..6to Mounaivi Oito H,'.0.*o1.0s0.Drive oW. 1. AkSchs.o At..B60 BUS NO. 4 TO: MLTON WMICT MM siHO 7.4 .,, 1,00 MoinStriaitend4WilsonDrie orth on Wilson ,Doe,,Lente..Scos Driv. W.'... o..Scots0Drive.'. WodwarddAenu. Wes60t - Woodward,1.An.ue.t, Oario trict.South cri Ontario St..'.Io Moi t S,...W'O. mMo" Stur! oeCommecil Su.ISouth 00,onoCommini om... 0..te Milon Di06.ct.00 0101i. (1Arivai .,.08.'..i TO.1098HM$OHSC M0ATL C.DIJY 8046a.-n ImmMilto District H101.046001Soon oCommteialS,'.'.o.Leui, Avnue.6.. mL.o1.oA..o.'t.0000. B.10l.. fot,,. New.1.1. Shoo m E.C. O'..,'Noth.. Ontario St..'.'.e Chic.he1..... E'....Chllat Drive '.Cou0 Boulevard. Suth.on C,.ox Boevardte Lurn.rAnu.0Wst.on Lurier An.oo o. tSo lint5..'.'Pubft Bd'.I(Arivai'. TO. W.I. DOCCbOOOO 0.1580.0m.fronSam' 01..,,.0.Publi S1oo0,.01 o on LaurierAvnem O.ntario.,Sr«te Voilir Div... ,Nons...rt 0.6. Drive to M.doo1,,ook DOiv. Nons. onMeadooi, Dveto Sas,, Som..Not n... Beat.,.MM Sm«. Wu'.n Mm@ Mo'. Steet. Oon Main S,... o MnntriS..North.on'Mn'. S"«'.toWo,'owardAnu...au0'.n.Wodward.An.ue In El Avue,0to ,00040,.0000Drive6IoW k(Aroiva t 8.45 I..) THÉBRUO.ABTOWN TUAMUO B0YSTM '.160 BO 001 E1 TM NWU 7.5 O F lABo.Il.and00LU..&m Rouillai e o'.§0..'.b.6.las.in ~*Ume000.h.0'plai, mff §3 TOWN 0F MILTON *1981 AFTERNOON *SPECIAL BUS ROUTES BUS NO. 1 1.01. Sc1o0ol t E.C. Otn 3M te Wilson.N.Drive. NorthbtC- DWilsonD0Or"0Ue 10,,cosOr. «onLiié Scot0s1,0o46.00oodward00... 60100..Anu.0.a6t... 6oodward1.An.'.te.Joyoi, Bolevard. A, .. dJoce Boulevard IotWilson , Oo.. Soth1r.lon1Of"01....'. .0.6Driv0..ast0.n. 00006000D0ive t. Cabot 1,,11.O,1.o.t T,sl oodward0,1Avenue. W..,4on dwrdAnue o Mose Aven. 0Aod MpAnue Io Th1.000.0. 01.South. on Tt.,pn .. 001.. W .'odwadAnu..'.At thé6 pothebus.1, l t '.01 t W .04,te . 01. 0. Waal1,Hpo..de Drive o.Mmnrtinvo'.D0ive.te Wodward 1Anu...o460onWoodward dAn.ue te Marti. SreetSouth onMarti, 0iéo'..,oMil Steet460.0. Mi; Sfmt.c, izabethSaal.. Sout..m6Elizabeth St,. o Main.BStun'.EastonMo, Sreetla Bell Siont. South on0BellStet.. qlo ond0,1 40,0.. Wes on oo1 .oa M.d,'.s.tD". South0,46mMadow- BUS NO. 2 3.Up.oo frison. MBO.t N D.BHBSOOOW .U W B .oi.oO W I t46 101.SShol. 3M Opmnesse W. 00.0.S.h.to DaniertPUOo Wvoo1.'..,dA". East m ,0Woodward .A,.,,. t, Joye Boulevard. Ao...Joyc. Bolevard teWon O".0 .Sos. o. -Woodward. Anue o tMop. An.lu. A o.,, 0.01.Aenue t, T1opis o 0,0.. South.onTso'ploo0,.o. mWod- 410 p.ms. f.... u S h@g.,'. ttP.. NOTE. roglordri.n,1te610 01 .03 wdlII.av.,the Nev, O1.S.OOoltE.C.0,,fY t13.29 p.m thlatts os.,q,6Milton Transt bus And.Oll00o'.lsow WITH REFERENCE TO THE SPECIAL BUS SOINS WITMIN THE TOWN 0F MILTON, PLEAUE NOTE: Adufts: 41»* MMctrip or 0a0.0.008.fer*2Un Adil: 39800htolpor@00.0kmfo.126 STUDENTS. M».etlIlooIl 6 .0.10flai1$là C8.dr....la lu.htrIp orto OkWf M0ir ON-T r-GAI lhke camsta camplote >mr application for. accuntely! m-j m Lm 1

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