The C4nadian Champion, Wad. Sept. 2, 1901 C3 Miftowne, Lowville sent packing from fastball play M lusn-Ralty a lavLm lle tuguthur tiare nas na the fiffa ta Wilson baltsad a trtple off the fence. walked and Skap McTraca ftnaohed off Eondoibcamehif R tesa ci em he i.aargin of vtctory. After But Wilson aotaaed tqaclaang second the inntng wathasangle. plyaf ctontatIs itto Fe= af orne rian aa scored un an enr, baue andt alter an appelai play icas Miltoicue trieait iwtl succeesive Logu olaa anh nee llnletatWayne Rà ietnagledbhome tice more calledout. singles by Gien McClure, han fromfuia= play byloatl Mouday nana wit a ltnedulant te centre ta lack The finit gouie of ther serlen Preston, George Trenca and Mike nlgtatBlletP ttup. featureat an action-packed content Leolte in the ueveuth. Mc4Clure and ta theunerien apene, Colalhck hurler ila 21 lata and MeDoffe prevatltog Leslie paceat Mtltaaueus 10-bit attaca îledCeihucl Realty Wand Don Martiaaun e Luavtlle =iat oawtth a aevent-taotng winntog rau for aila tco apiece. aonôeel e E Pabigdaatr 2- it as the cub Won20 L aneil 8-7 wta. Conttootag wtthelb close scores in e aid -O lunta ontat-lamn starter Wayne Seuit pitahet ami McDantfe lhreateaed ta, walk away quarter-final play, hilers camncteat noto Watew M- izland un MI teata tuae latta lau - vtctlmtzed wtthe l game buatlding a 6-0 tend ta for just twa btt off Gary Bertinon fer id Ilaue -7Ni i~ t tkêtiai tytaaerura the tlatrd timng. Mtltawne chiptted a l-Owin over The RacernR dge. butt.e- f isarm e aIn t t la c acivi tbeir first nauta ln e aay att u s canat the fourlla andt Oîtera sorred tIheir loue rua athta suthgamin- fiflia ahon Martin ucared vrlen larry, aflter the neveata MrDaffe rani tha luObt On Rager Johnson roucaed on a Tino noenat gmin ta Aie ta re- mtlala ie on anerrur. fourta, Miltaune tled tt up wita tua fielderas raotce, Bill Branla walkad naatalng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Th fln-au ot. inuo- Taclubhmade t2-0 in theusith th more ta the flft a nd tlueeina tha and Norco Mawlaray kaacaed ithela rae UErav hnRceuRg i Tony Canlencomtaglhome on thefrot aeventa. wtooiag run wit a sacrifice fly. PM fdWhn a nu hrauway ifuffler were end of a double utoul attampa nida AI Hasuaier, thuar luela oudeat ee n t e oi nc sertca everyoae thoigat plnyid laut niglat lwaear permtît- Fenton. Doug McCutchelaa it a hantealoudeat aould h.e close, Fif ah Wlaeel erupted tiag) abica au tonlats ta h. cuvered I t h. auher norton wrnp-up Mouday graunder wlatc ncored Raudy for 16 bits en routa ta a 12-4 decisian it edition et dan peper. Otlers aid niglat, Miltasene gave the gamne away Couluon alta dan wirmtag rua. Pete over Tlaroaay in thc baitle h.twcca PMftlWheel won thelMut gaines. by alamng a pair of annarneat rn nt McDuffe pacid lits cl" iil darce thae fanarluand fiftia-ptaced clubsn. AI Fonton Ibria a une-bitter and McDuffe. Rob Amosaent the distance bita abile Couillon cbippnd iu wtl Jet f Heggte pacid Fifta Obent ailla fatrucl ont il battis u Coîtecla put onuthaemonta claarn ssecond wtuof tua, darne tatas abilc Gien Gardon, Ray bacla a determtnid eallenge tram the ptayof. McDuffn ucared six rudn thda Delegarde, Pete Hasebe, Dave Laseville t a ila dan quarter-final McDuffe scared oue unearaid rua dtrat. Keata McKlouaun artit it off DeCafre, Kevin Smith aid Pui Mc- nrserwtd aa3-0 cftacbing wi. riglat off dan bat I thUi fini timing. wlda a single, L«n MePhatl utaglid, Ceuin caca rappid utl a pair of Th lmsploai!dfirug four Miltasene came bacai t detr half of Day. Nortan dtublid, Peta Mcfluff e afetces. Deoulo Gleed Ied Tlaroaay secorelona isaing befame Colacncl oth danit wh.n tond-off batter Les andt Coulon utagtad, Pul Lorimer aida twa bits. HoIy Rosay snaps Baptists string 1981 Haly Ronary ntapped ptayid Satarday at Anglican ad 11-10 aver The lielgule ban Emmanuel Baptiotus Haraby bail para. Rata Georgetowen daple recivid tnqutrton froan S EL string of for cannera- aid seet grouaida peuit- Ave. Baptist Cuarcb. claurclaes in Miantanauga tive Inter-Charcla Saft- paned th dastart 0f the Emmauel Baptint and Camplinllitlle. Wida bats titlon, utapptag dan lougue taurnamnt for 90 nattclaid over ta Uic aIt neveu tea in- Baptista en routa ta, dae minutces aller tta 10 a.m. consolation ade and dtmtting thitr ltlaeltlaoud claampaanalatp gamne nclaedd start. beat St. Panl'n United ta, returu, the league abica UJiny seau over la adaer action, Kuait Claurca 14-8 aid may fiteld as maay an Rox Proubytertan. rouclaid th. final itd Htllcrestl1i-10 tuataac Uic aine clota for Uic 1M ilu marks th. firut amus of "- over Grâce consotation trapay. neanon. tesa, outatde Of Em aulBatst 1981 ZEPHYR S.E. WAGON a no daubt ta Un al; h UneuMplre giVea Une onU hin Milton in thae ICSL titie ta the aee n a loaueen fîve-year M ilton M ai aiheiap d Stock No. 114 3.3 ltre 6 cvi., cloth & vinyl tit wùmng note and mavid te Une senm-fnala, olers and FîfUn Wheel were favored to bislt7 cayhnie .SW ratie, rrat, l miora, AM.%r ,edia ed Uneir aeraes lat tilgbt waUn seeam-fmnal action Slated to get tnnderway early next thl RB a ry 1 bndld WS i, ran w in ac.defotil, Hawnat dauv la. eatlug Rnox 13-11 an UitheRAoé . final. Att gae-car in~ A uf rora~J! series MSL PRICE BS 10J2U8 Don Hourn coanected for dacee bata nsi annang wlta baca to-baca triples YOU PAY ONLY*8,094.OO S ui e n t b a t s i n a idli,%r tta nuppartthe four-tut pitalatg of Rd for Aurora's only rua ahich hriefly EXPIRES SEPT. 8. 198 INCLUDCn eEGu4T For muca of dan yesar, Miltao tmt Lautyear, Hagerevilln laaoclad the tonm Saturday ai 4:45 p.m. at Gandas aida the over Aurora an Brut-rouad Ontario Is the Mdlton hait of tise aantli BilMlYOENCEILEEL RayaIs rlid an dacir bittag ait&taclauat outaof the nuntng. tbird gante, if neroary, nlnted for Sua- Amateur Softbail Asociation Inter- Bruaa snaglid and came uroanat ta their ulasce of ganes. Stalfed by n ouaf Rayale uoa rallume playoff action an Uic day at 2 p.m. at Bria Seat Para mediate 'A' action Thuacoday nglat at score ahen Norna Moalaray lait a the loes' tut latttace. Rayataloa an Rdaton Couty Longue plaYofn and Thae tlaree surviviag Haltas Couaty Brian Beat Para, triple. outofth G ATIG E a team abic coudd breua open a cloue curreutty held at1-o lead tn abet-af Iaren tea atil ment ta a ruand-robin playaff Thae victary gave Milton Mats a 1-0l Milton Malt jtampedou utheE IM laL 1 a gan at any tîme. uemi-ftaaln norion astb Guadee. nerlen ta Camptielville the aneelnd of Icad ta the heat-of-tlaree playoff nerlon. starting blocks in a hurry tar a 1-0 tend _____________ Hoanever, il a daetr bittera fiat let th. The second game of thc serico gocu Sept. 12-13. The second garne a sclaedulid for li he ttam of Uic tinit aises Hearna teana dose s oa rassit. tenynl' taiteront tn taut Frtday niglat ta Aurora bot aao hit a tipIe and scorid onta sacrifice i O O S L D danOntrtaSanbal Asacltlo plynia * . . 1 , m e pmtpaaed hecane of rata. Il hbu h uant by forts Faggtaa. amt .raricl8i" ta fiant t epaara, rchedoleat ta ibis Frtday. If a third Steve Gervaio and Brunh addid tao winle idtel tmlu t of Rayas . l Im r e" gamdela neconaary, it a ieh ptayid lata aplece ta Milton MalIns 1it yaa ='Mp bteren Icl 1 brde . IUIaste ga e Monday at Erlan Sonit Pera. attaca abile Donag Nayler Garvy JWA amON Ta mm 11 filaTNmCN RidaI n b. - ~j t-af-th-e &*n-at.W Dan sutruca out 12inapatug a Nayter, Larry Scott and Moabray Mu MAIN ST', MILTON 878-2M1 copegm intoy h a n d surraa- addid anc lait apiere. Nelier en paaon1ltajaatataeiglu~ectnIL tu ilneO x c tv el dered twoof Aurora's four bûita t e c ncaittad utn errer. *Ie, lid oanemupty feeling," ad Klrd Merchuanta' chance ai eveaîag and anunce that Uic fume tO forfetted ta RayaIs' manager Wayn Marchanud, '10 aheir quarter-fanal ptayotf nonces ait Burtaogtan. score 16 ruas n te cond gains aid aaty Burlingtas Cougaru au an thn bandeo0f the Tis snt Rallarade fsmaug. lmmedtataty score twace ta Uie dcctdtsg gaine. Inter-City Football Leagse enerotive. the club announeed it as gotaf ta proteat ,~ Noqbodyrualylatt the bell Sattarday. We lOitis Merchauta ledtag i-t tout Tueaday the raliug and arranged fer a meeting aith coualdut getS t biht." aftar ciglat lnlaga, Cosgacu decid ta, the leagse atach ws held tale tant nigist Rayata bad tua earty chauces ta gnt an protst the game becauue of anle limiting <Ttaesday) la Guelph. Sue board whea tlany Put tua runaners an Uic use 0f Uic rc-eutry ndle. Rilbridc management dtacovered Uic tuse tn acla of Sue Brut tua isaings bat The acene la nucb. ta tise lattam 0f Sue rule bau tuan cbaagid t ymar. lOben a came up empty, in dan tiret ahea Wade novealli, Ritbride pitcher Mac Curtis aitcluer la re-entaret, tise pirlaer ta ejected SBar and Gary Naylor fld ont, andt ta singles. After hiclacriaf ait somme rom Su at n h cnetalwdt thae second alam Greg Cranker, aba seent Burliugtao players, Rillaride decides ta usc continue. aeadtscocealadtaO n y u ow aera-for-five, flind out. Uic re-eniry rote for Cuartin. Thle rc-eotry Th orenigundafneKlieO w p r o n Rendat ersptid for an earty "- Iedin t rote altoas a player ta piach-bittor pînch-a ieporeda utdafn ilrd - thc bottam of Sue tint off Rayata' utartcr ru la an inaitg aitîî tise original player effort atecli ana the club on tise briala utf Tam Stueppard wlth titren utraiglat lata and retursiaf ta thue field and lise sane npot la elianination la dacir tut-f-Uiree series. oscrifice fly. the batting order atter Uheic ting. Burtanglan bâtd woo Uic opener 4-3i10c m s t fo f d the tlaird and fanartb, sndhg Blaupparal ta eiglaah Congar tead-off batter Lou Nintico R lhnidc came out tUke gangbuters and the nlaoaam and malatng ay for leftY talae s astlle and tbenawalksout 0f tbe ban muarcbed aheed aida a five-nan nocondS EU A OU f E K N Georgeniforeinthe foarth Moore alloaed baca to tlae beach. Burtangtan coaches inotng. Aller Brian Lamtala steettidhceEU AD U A E K N ais bIta but no non; Uic reet ofth danayý promptty aauouace ta Sheusmpure Suat ouaing ait a ongle, Rag Aubert raached AND SÂVE! Maure aa reapeoullale for hada Milton cuartin l al fotanwd baca uta Suee a n an ercar and Mara Csrtan dravn an une cane, laaacltg in Royale' tiret aida a accierdmng ta the rules and seant the gome rau ali a single. Gave Gatea tolloaid uauge inth eveuUi aidlattng a fly bat rtatdas a farteit with a ru-scorang sigle. Aller twuc - an the nanah for the equad efisaI ran. Tise smiparea finit rsle that Ciartin le ouI cessive outa, Russell Price reched au an PRE-IEVELOPNEIT PRICES FR% iTIc defet marins the second year tna o0f tise game but abet Burt ngtoo brmngs error ahich nleuratlanhr riaut aid Mitch$ rase Rayale seere cltmmnatid fmmi OBA out acule banla the twu san trerad over Laîcuaeuae capped Sue timing a ah a tua- (LIMITEG NUMBER AVAILABLE) play tn a threc-game, taraI rouad norie the notes ai e marcbing alang the tafteld rua triple.4 0 >.INSURANCE DIRECT@Y 1a plgh 4~ Dundalk, u ?W Moatai Sree E Milo av 'N is 2ie94 WHERE THE LIGHTS NEVER GO OUT ON HOSPITALITY. *LM T Et sOB- METROPOLE INSRANCE *LIMITED NUMIIIIEN 0F S&OI INI)ACEALNYLT)AGENCES (MILTON) LMD. , SITES AVAILAILE AUME1 Wllean Delveo- Butte 7 IESSIT FAGILITIES WILL INOLUDE <IRw iL') WEPCALZ FIEE WIUTEI STO111E &AM 0jig COMPLITEI WAMIIOOM PACIUrY 87-27PETER SHERRY IN SERVICE SPAGIOUS 3,000 F T. P U ,FILLY -mA- Pool. U. 0 '& si ER IED A PSITFlR AVALARIF Pvuc<oa-cvaaRUoND FOR OCCUPANCT IPRING 182 KNGTINSURANCE LOOATIS FITGERVDITIESNC Don Knight, A. I..C. "AU5~uuue an- .' :UN PicNICMN s~I ,ulhlE uuunsneca&m m IOeoIM * EIEA T R I YOiw Perso Aeft la Mways At YW tampigh Pak A 411o