Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Sep 1981, p. 21

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There w somen interested in the Aeros hockey team te~I~ -r~5 ~ '0 A ,lrmsaUsta ehi Ibe T tw srsirse cko in aY tm vi o sIWI* I t ot ce"Gu puillO't*uuauiUstIl lImI, Ii odeta ucasue rvor ouvsmcOwma4.I'tbaitomini tuis otahbsy Sle is tuon go 17EIUSmt wuIbA«R -essecm nso Lmusin *leauvuk wonIos out à tla-uyouom thst eerl vuekeai, Atoabhissasouldalt ilualsueuattttns is veva, yen cetbt Mlomm la doing la ahiobg ZIZ mraIy enspuf l ibu lue Tb. =i ihovolisI gai: par- tlb 'sprisobom folkwlfalltletr pmbaonthepuan et lue totem, on coudc! ebtter pr- :20==outrohorons, in toitmclu kii okso. ul TMiso Rsl irsmiviivo Wuin nceeAsm , în-ht lorsuys vich vus hraltuiatheil club'. huM snes buglsalgtWon yasr ta o cisi, - a"agas and sminis unthe Tue iowsy oui sly ap 900 theba loa us er.luhm viii o delstio ploy or ahast- Sbetrtouns u bosiutovAS a Pohrial, Kolbrde, Mtoahi er- moiata OABA tesandostpaitle Cl- bcks ODEA hans villl hooppecacho fttl$lOenrY te adthe - forlu Tue gamnsabvllhoployedai tat wlese, nsmiiog amecasitit g vell htutal neoo.Tutaans wlll bo ai- svo lud"ram 17playra vIb luheoly sipulatobg lui ns ployer ho reglUetoritniter a Seelr Auor Seuior B OT9e drav viii ho ldtlu pecaudI 'rldy ght. Oe dihi«W75th mg of thlu rins ibetrea-y outhlu other aitens e umplapoit. TeHlton Mbanc Hockey Asociatin totin dporte suit ut coaches tr iti ier Twou asote bmcuMng 110l Tue Ter Tics teons, torcnsecy set- erloitwich houe boas spgraiei th Ie Onaro Mtor Hockey Asocation lu Uic secoud rep-team tevai, startIftegii pfay ai tlu edsitSeptember ani, o0 fr, lut a ftesave boumcaches. Auponeitercteit i cachlsg tlu toms, lu skei tluomit dai application forrns lutlu MMHA or bnd a 10cm ta ony execullue member aI MMHA. If al aisetfoi&, geli toch vIb Houe Sean- sel ai 8713M0. AM, bouse-eogue touaneo vlll ho tuoklng oc o feu coachesan hIe ua-lue- distnt futire fer Ibm tarI ut playi Octor. fiîmlatbe a gnd idea ta bond innapplication fo-mo-glcnotice ut cuachig ttecensto talMotAa nouet ragletraion vloh ulrteitltit g and gou agalenoit Tumuay. nie Consul, thuesu- sibsane t or Htus lgmajor ml torp hocey hian, vOIbo fou tIi rtouns le uway- The club vUObohldioglisl liral layaifer au Mun . htereutu =lap otmaerov siglat tluredey) 4rm-7.110ai Uuril A--sa AUl playecin le M alàer 14 YOar ot «g% asetofaaoc. t, 185, vha araile tereewte ta e uadudes COa. ibm teasa eaIsehou kty oSpt.9 ftra Io-11l . unit Sept. 1etramntO-1t lhtallvileas ofhio mes tor fry- eots fr u theorep testai HA it us huitaiMet relAra.a an . 13 "aou'ttrmslBp u.. ni Sept. 13ra M &4 Pm Miser Am: UL ut12tram 020.10 Pal asnd Sept 13 trns 42-pm- MM sPscvOs Sept. 12 Bons 20-010 Pal asnd Sept. 13 tram " pns &cmtram0.10 Pa Mhar osonsSupt. 12 tram9.»0 joo .m. unit80 e efroua9-0 -Pi arle;elt=am -7 pns. Misur Mlu":Sept. gtrme90 p.m. 'ait Sept. 10 tram 90 - es isusule: lSept. Sfrtra10.11 p. asMd sept. 10 tram 10.11 p.. Ilopm yoebhaita Bls ieunwtth the quis lest wask. HIt era Ucasavrs. t, Theetest timMlonUsaprticlpatiit lu Ontario Baselisll Associaaion play vou lut year vhm Ibme club tout le Ibm firnt oud lueligeravllle. Camspbell- Ville lait ployadInh OBA play le 1M7 whes Uaeytout, as eiree gansas, lu Wbitby Marchante. 2. In Uic Canada Cap questois, Canada wonstIbm Brat evant, lu t076. when Demiyt ittlo eor eaithallay halut hisovajla Ivo games lu Dune lu Uh i"la.TueUSSR wvnstlu 1981 wocldbhockey chmplasMPbin hiSvmdes andith Ucundut-catai Unltitd tae- toans, mademup of masy co11ugl10%, Sûr- primd luhe rlit ly wvleng tlu guli modalai tlm100 ister Olympie§ ai Labe Plai. Miltes Memorw lArae illbchoative & f¶îu" aset hunMa ilton Geria h wois oueamsllMUuPtar oaul = e nt lct as St d svean TerryuPr then menbiosothato ohoprset a ln Bui p Roto ystNuailta df eterle luoer. thecelt onu playfortercams i hiltgansPas r iegGran.tcoSknateB P.mlaceMos-n dea'sctinlteiur 21antapes. Aldnshawlunas une allr taittta wlthcbllin adfdeitioceopaheitban aeiotu t. ae iib rst ttnsaes hockey ls.to ndce- detriSiatae olapoboTa on itbcro Ationlugerly regraisnasester telstagdbriatut hockey.- thMn Brus ctiondss tefretloal Seotut RAtersionaIcoeudolarothr socos foh lenfree.Cf. cury ahient onit Nadtioshockey Legueottreo- tyritos tglaFltandgl bicb as ut L eihia]iy 19 ecahe asutaUie ahntr tasit ah anttofllhoke. l atn UiceNH reternampoatar Ibiso Reemsos ociddanterthc» Smrtisirentignmer. sl Naionl Hoky -- fi" ine ai 1 meicoynigstN ichscti Aftlsoa.ersycao f them Nov- thece vorefeheu cmen ani thAs- rions. Toe Intsnig nauerb on thvo e t by ark P7amr. o as e lu i nuta lu eron taniegCa l.ynadiOLtiomn- Vanguard tourne y brings out the best Milou thuowebeuduas MYS hu UtecNrhilea ranBs t 0pn Vanguc Inttecoational Bercer Tenca- Guilitwond ogatot St. Ctharines aI E.C. ment. 11cm-y aI1:40 ans. and Downuulcw Strntaonus. ruit Mtulmsuga Socar agalnt ChlngoaeiSmy ai Bras Bes tl3:t10 Cub, Mlaaaaa Creatt, Okvllteand p. udymrig b i M QIO1OCDUi l.dIitIoe. usesaly agohatMluousCroola et oeuoftvert il rbe the hoU icecByse ait10:40 a. fim &ran cisckRaad Bys Club, Bth sml-ftnais vl hoploydail Bron SpleglultVIW&tloOUtuoate& ram Bot ail 2.m usd 4 p-ai.1%e &flaait "tu elsbacs ppsred le tolW asho aClrben Lgosdy attp.m. M"Mgsta ois U i mgOpru eron- bho fihtsupWd olethouerbg their @BUiS. chmas dmsIbomipany, vsamotVary Si. Wgboltaons Qui«.a, vii«Iaid aimegoc. cluithaIUs ttry bol aessnsehdng et an Pay sisals at 9 ans. Satocday vifo ohaaqusailty as are oth tram m n golsg onMfielads, BrIa But, NeroMIoMkalUgo. DM"r, Bldwin a- fou Boysu The Tus hbut tom, Caboett 1 100mb vl W uuaset &*SeliBu edMuatsu 11 Colbeck evens ORSA series on drame tic ninth-inning Win Mvin of ellmioen, OmaO>gb-ltok RélyWWboinsasibaab vito a sth- inalsg 44 winover O55do Frlday taeuas Oudr Msorio Rutail IboilAsocationa a.cmost-aiitplayotf "s etaI1-t. Dol aleor ri - lthramalls et BrioanBout Park. Frlday by drlvlsg borneaLos JOtaciviflut iasla u a vith nue out ithlubattoalofllushifo Tus late-lesing ie4lctutyvisnory- maatr w iaa1wie"s Wfl 'pm 10Iierd ma ga.etonorriv (Th.a day) t =émi, o vol Ce 5um Wlfonltrereaig a b h ake tumn and any aitWettotCin luhlugnsa et 570104 o u lieI t 879100 aesom selgboiood of le. Isoject otsiaglo e na ccv e- mat ecne-rons-bubleoffettfrl tCal- bock. JM&lrd atateitthu eslsg vl th a slegle andt moveusp shes Tony Colns nsdcwou mm ed to naraer ertth.estrodle Ibmtplate and del- ivrait a Oit dshat lte aoutrllfflAI- Mouhard w o as ilte y a Shmdimu shs, h me irtaop mo&& It home lenplenty outime Ketth meIlluon vont the dltasae te mam the vlo on the muai. Intoroutlenf eouagbi, Mctnm ddtslra e Wa andt struck ot iaIt to i he icgainse. struck tor Il sodiens MeKinnon scorai theUictrat rus in Uic ganse seorig taons thrd boue en a passeit hall aller renchig on us errer Bhmdito jlon e ait 2-t vlIb a lico- con fourtlbefoe Ctbacb evescd Ibm scored vIb oa sngte rus n he Uic .1 luglebart's firslttfireemsuccessive sinlaes scoreit Oten MeCture. Colbeck regainci thU eaui]ches Tum Mrchmet's RBI single i the ith usceit MeKinsos. Aller Ibmddes tlod the score once aisi Uic sevusth, Cotback vonilit he icbottem uoftheUic nth. Frank Rtobinson, Marcbmest and it lord oddditwtishite apimcc hi Cuolks atence white Comtes anit Perry Cpuoaidd en Cotbacck ient lu Ibeddes vli hjustclb hallplayers and coch Winutt icas terceit l suitlup. Tues ploycas , George Trenseand McCture optai t luplayi ptaouttaction wtth the GeorgetuionF otb eauthon play wlth Cotheck. Sheddos jussped allouer Coback colllng uver starter AI Feston tr a Mi tend ater four complte isologo. Cotbeccb scrcd ticih i cxtb courteny outhUrec watbs and loftItho boaus oaded. In all, Bbddcs ot-it Cotbeck 04 asit icas aidcd by tour Cothock mrsinohei thirit andfit rcth iigo wicb ted lu four useanoci flus. êkam ionTIllE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO S p b rtsWEDNEBDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 SportsTHIRDSECTION Mohawks juumP to OBA In a seriestcyi= dt think thoy hai tetPay, CampbellvilleMoab downed Watlsghams two ga tol noue lu aitvaoce, tisally, lu the Onario Il baUAusociation'C' Dviion ckanPiunstp touraet neitweckendaet T=9unb Mohawksa defeateit Watnigti8i.-3Saturday night ins Walsingham and t!bn captared the src with a 6-2 win Mueitay night, Ln Oakville. The club dihcovereit Wednesitay ntght 11101 anther serieu wasnecessary. The locale for the second ganse was movei t l Oakvlte when the content was cascelled Sunitoy becausa o ram aet Cansphellvitto. The OBA stpleateit the sectes ho completedi bis week wluch msaut Mohawks were sent scurrying arossd the area trytsg ltoitd a park wttb tghtu, in gond condi- tonand that was available, wicb was by nu muons an eaayltuk. itho club coeitn't have founni a park, tho sertes icoli have probably reverted lu, Walinghams wherethoparkbOu llghti. Theltwo retatvety eouy wtnssmuthbave cume un a Walsnghamn. That club captureit the t~c ourrmaonlOver the sommer itetesttng cnpovle-alongtheway. Bal MoHawha recved a gond pitcbiog paru- mance frosi Bob Evans inotheuopeser anda gond pit- cbing job Irons Garny Mtchell ond mome gond lut- ting by Duug Ttmhors unit Rirbie Kngbl lu tube the Aller Gacney Mitchell succendered two unsol Walsingham nthUictop ofthUic irsI, he bore duwn und alluwed jont fue bita Uic centOthUicwuy lu eanthe .-jMoawks buncdac inthïr hal ofthe firt tc sore thcee runs and taloe a tend it dit't ccinquisb th Ue cet outhUicway. Ray Evans kbiseein toleue TaitIwtt the clubsfitrst rus anit Bill Dents tlluw- edittbia ctutch twu-run single. Desg Ttmhoru belpeit bis club up the tendiso 5-2 belng a twornsigite ificrth and ten bit a runscucing sigle in tle sistb lu prouite Muhawksu wththte macgtn ofviclury. To ao, Ttnsbers cllected tbcee ibsi ise Ray Evansa, Knigtoand Dennis hai twticbits aptece. le Uic upser, Mohawksa butît a 4-i ton ler utc iings andt thon palt1the contestentout rencb witb a fouo-cuu, sevontb tcing. Walsingau sceored twtc- inthe seventh tonarrow the gap. Bob Evans ptchedda omnplele ganse lu ocorth wis stctbtsg ot îtlandluwtng eigt hbtb. Mhawksu struck for t3bhits Dcnnissugaîn came tbruugb wtU a bey bit ulctving f in Uhe foot heo u cns in Uic ganseitU a first-ining dtouble. tinsRuberts bit a solo humer in Uic sixth and Bob Evans pcouccd an RBI-ulugle in Uic mame fimng foa4-1 tend. In Uic seventh, Mohawks cottected fiue tbi, ail singles, wtb ttick Mtcbell and Dents collectiug RBts with their bits and two usu coing home on a sacrificectty by Chaclie Currie. T o th e v icto rThe club icil participate in Tltoonbucg this To t e? v c to r icgo eam efeted on-wesbend toc Uic OBA tile.luntlulta Counnty pluy, Thats Miltons Pierre Pilote carrying nround the trophy nfter is Cài o em shOe of-suutd Muhawks auivunce paut Oubville, thoy iîll treul1-O ta take tise Original Six oldtimers hockey tournamnent Sunday ut Murkisnm. Tise players mont Leaside and Uiceiinser ofthUi Milton-Duudas on tise Wtnn'ngChicago teum each received a trip ta tise Caribbean. Tise tournumnent drew teumu sertes in o toursumeut Uth ottotuingebkeni t u tram ecci attis pr-expansion NHL clubs. Canspbettvtlte. Father Jim seeos officiais in 2 llght By Hlkm Boyleo in an aea ut qulck-wittuit, procticali jokers, une Mresestands out anSoo the 23 staff and 125 stadanta icho par- ticipateit in Bruce Hooaterataonoal chont ut Reecoetag lut veeb. 1 He la anssulu, paecuseith foa fantmsllc mcmury uhu iclUbone censembereit althluofficias'o nainsi ime fui- their icol ful mnttng. Anit he Be tubes part in the schoul, in toct be cus il in Bruce Huai's absenc, ide armuit and is a foil-fleitgitmbor uto the cIa. Foluer Jbo met Bruce Benitsai a stuitost ai Veco ButIys Reters Scheeiteearty'70s. Father Min vas looisg aia ossuible offisios case andtatteaduithe achent fer lbreeYmas WWUqitluWrld Hockey Aisoclohn was fdrnied inlu184, auffey jai luth oaelealur ate. M "H " Pralrie iblusb roamllder ' oihoitayatheifsel ocluo aast hmua s e ruaht&apoli vbre bue oaihu t ittre Off tus senso. telu ay-intuda lnppeningh Hoeoftheobococetout uoe t ut ingsit itHoo'CaanaCap at wibitlts ganses is ualadalChilehibitionergre.H Heeit in lu Koteco cey reogise reeue vo sin colae ontey biglae1 footbalas oisecllObag ea g luenà in tadtilu hockey.ndbaeaUgane Hnusditoneric hocksey ujhii i ..cmnuiv. hs islOiveet with proies- uas rdue asoapiest. Wth severi-uI NHL utichitsandt cfere-in-clucf Scoty Harrison o bond lu vloum Ho ordinatioun. orrlzae ukitFather Jban if ho votit MHâe ta bocome luheb"plain1 for the NHL oticlet. "Evory hockey ta onsba a chaplolo andit Ilminai overy ffooll hans va teling lueicutbi ohat valse a chaplei lmho heluon saoshluNHL alficiolu itecideit lut maybe ilwvosm hae y haidom"l aï aIber Jba. "I consq mod a tier A plu«tvhoWviU&lso o "TIdeismasoi*y viI U peoU lsaida vh heluofikcont cee ta Pitberl. SameuntheUspersoisal aieint lelera wfo IbarviSk, 1Mk.ail oft ~M adIllyi to dg nsy Mtesi ta hou ou"u the scbunt. His memucy la excettent andt bboso mifficutty remnemberlug euecy fficiatas namne. il is particutarty ef- fective oben glunisuconun ing a iileiltime un ice. Ho has euryuneis attention qulckty uni thUicsenu- gen ubeeditsmothty. He atuu given o semninar un the cote ut aulhuiity in tudoy'usuciety reflectiet gives tie sch(l aDradïo)I .r For mont of luhenc, rFuluer Jîns is a prmlaIasrbuabon prleb in Pitt- bub.t.EaBushUs. vib Ibhree arel sta cengre oin utf3,00 tollFthe Jba bas bis banse Ml ituriog Us. yeac oni, n , he omitu ranembor evecy ume col ailtlu WIth hic flve-yaoc sesion ai tlu ciumb camis opteor a c~osherhy, Fa h ar JmaWho le lsakleg hlo buins a Protatat scolJ5t0tSbUtaî, ns CahlicusIcersity hmlthesaulucleu saluaiho b le MW lahile 3902718041 tisoa*I iitu autau ig ml- t,,. t

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