Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Sep 1981, p. 18

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a~ffrIr~J citiloren eu aveboy.um.madng diver leave. .u0 ol dr ldlve.. Firot have h.. collIct boit a dom perfect lease om dlfeat tre. and abrubho Place tb.m in a rccva a table wvhs the .IomiW. ,l o a ise l anethoi nlgroualy nuis yor fleger tpe uctl tbo oullneofo ecis08, vain and tem in re=a'dlifdOth1e foi. TroO.b, thon ginsetise edgeseol th fol le c trtp 80 cardhoard for db#ply. Carfuloy write the ame of ewhcIs lafiti a 1.10 00ppedpeu under e.cis leef for ide- ligelaai0 ui pToject tobeep tise ny on0a ralny or Mod day. A bondy clohis.ccddy fr tise leundry room or.a clotis.copisord c e oesely cootruted .mg808 aselistandlard and iracbat. sMount c short tengis 80 standard on0 at! n oer thi rmoig board, abot W loche. bah e l . 0.Use.a 12-loch ebelf bracbt ubîcis nOS bold t 1" a adome rooed cit. or iStoas. A standard and brochet eai..m ho Ootated n a clotis closet 10 botd sires, etc. Letover cyrop froin canssed fru00 e. b. used for mablng osusuat taatOng fru00 drnks. Freene th yr.p Oc an ce-citho tray.Aed ite coube ouose.tened emonade when required. Veryfrubeead leoeierleslOlce ifit la chied Om ie ncéslrcO". iea u veaaain l"1"le e opi, tivcand .101 To top an avocado mixture from dOcolorng, pot the stosi h.b len and cee 10 nlth cling fili, bt remamisar 10 remove cteo isoeaervlng. Wh.emoin aepaagusroils, rol the aice obraad oc i 04100 ccttng pn be. bottlgthem. lido mabsec 10 e.y teroll h. bread round the aspiragusa, 0410out Ot breolmgor plttleg. Mabe a tasty instan milkshstue by inlbof a omal carton 80 fruit flaoe.d yMÎTl .g=iofocildmnlc. Sisen straleOsg frmit 10 Oc bette 1 onsea nylon menh cOr. han a vfra one vhlch mlgistteintor edicolor 1Ue fruit. Keip a iutleobota novwer frecb ail day by slngelg the end otb.stem w040a matche flgter fDame .1e standing it icnter onernigt. Pante dont 11e toiacco aoue,gon * . ,,,therl frm th .oom If oo'cc ex- pccttcg a pci5 of .moblmmg gaula. nID une boa, lis. dlffccsoce. z;zý- Hoes go t hîs goat + + r - -M M l ro uy - A-'eiderfeh oked corn and ponodemonstratirn are a patýr Caýpers, fanpora t MoomsborWild- ife Centre until Sept. 27. Andreme Wernaart, 10 holds a goat A.E in from the demonstration ite available for yotmg viitors ta pt.P G Andren lves at the wildllte contre whie is father Martin 1i .E.L s'hi a n o o oed ALLPA- "Datasse" Oc o fraelstng of cosingtevoncs, valoN.leolcal coe.e.slty grousote asist in promo- tlcg terfutuaie evacs. Oly cari- toble or soc-proft coe.e.acty groupa M.ay e.e tbOc service, ccd c rom- moeraeSorgansationse vIllb. oflcved ta adoartisein tblc sconli.. Ntcics fr 'Dateine" shoald ho omble. out and badmiai thlie ofice ofTh htmspico. l9tMaln 00. E..,oe mcled te se at Bo M40Milo, LeT 45t5, lie m lissai cale I.Frldoy ai 5 p.. NeIemsc for "Dstellce" cOIS ho accpted by ~eapose. OLD FAIlIONED DAYS Weda.edy, Sep. 2 - it Chamnisr 80 Commerce vIl ho Judglng tisa rtai bonlococoPrtici- ptng in h10 years Od Fashlooad Doascelaisrtio, Oc tiese ot wnou, bisetoreaod bhut cotume claise. bersday. Sept. 3 - Costume contet and jodgleg ot Victora Park, statisgoat7.30 p.m. ITisre viiiaIse ho enterts.meut itorunsd out tise even.ng. prie for hbut family, cisdd, siagle etc. Prlday, Sept. 4 - Commumty talent show, taho ield atie Seam-Ero ramfalo. thtie groodstaod ai tise fir grondc. tarting nt 7 p.m. Entrieo accapted non y Milton Chomber of Commerce, col 078-3179 for lnoe- matin. Admision free. St.rday, Sept. 5 - GId achisîned opple pie isking content ot Milton 3t.tt. 2 p.n. STEAM-ERA 1001 Friday, sturday, Suodoy ood Monday, Sept. 4, 5, , 7 - ie 21et annua1 Steor-Ero reuioo 043ho held Oc Milton Fair Grounds. Antique steoco engine, 808 troctors, vintoge crs ,od trucks, modela, arly agi- culturalI MpOment, fond and souveir iootlt, contents open 10.11], tbresltiog bee, etc. Higlitglto of tise progron iolde: Friday, Sept. 4- Groundo open t .m., ntvitien begin 1Il m. tiresing ill a.m., 0000 olectlen 12 nos., contets atie grandtaod 1.30 p.m., tirmsing contest 2.30 pin., grand parade 4 pn. pusu evei.g variety niglt talent contet at 7 p.m. Sturday, Sept. 4- Activites as lited for Friday, pu. a traceor pull 9 a.m., grand parade tirouglo Milon at il a.m., officiat opinogai012 0000 iy Henry Sanley, Agricultoral Repre- senletive, aulsted y MissuoConada tUt1, Dominique Dufour; country- wesen tatlent content at . Snday, Sept. 5 - Grounde open at it, biltdngs at 12 program 801.30, contnte at2, tireshleg content a002.30, paradeoai. CGopel Hur featemof tise Stryker fomily. 8 p.m. ràonday. Sept. 5 - Actîvitie. as lited for Frlday, plus mini trocler pul and antique traceor pull, 9 &sM. ta 12 noon. prenento the acout "Corn Cois Copero" pogrcm. featuriog oppla cider pressig, corn mulciOo, cors on the coi, paocaisnand ieverogec, troctor and borse'drono wagon rdci snObhe nooded treile, ond aducaticital demontrations Incllding brd ban ding exhibitons, ld tome flddling and pappetshtons. Admission la$3 par car. Tise progrsm also rune one Monday, Sept. 7, Labor Day. HOCKEY REGIS11RATIONS Tuasday, Sept. 8 fccm 60o10 pam. - Milton Mocr Hcbey iolda li'612 regstrations for girls age 7 and over and boyo age ô and oer, a0ilatou MemorlArdmia, lisca0psBd. le. fa $65 par ployer (e.cept ieginnero ot 40; omil rate t.$150for 10e lrst tno; cbidrna frat ni S alteono cbtld. Rtepteam plers nOS poau additi=nfl$25, ier tvo tommo Sto etra, and late registrations vi! h ossoened a. extra $15. MIUSIC FOR COILDREN nedae.day, Sept. 9 froin 10 oi.m. 10 2 p.m. - 'Tise Music Mokers", a pro- gressive group course for ciildren aged 3to 9, and based onthe",Orff" metbod using zylopisooes, recardaro, tympani, drum, etc., Ocaiholdng an open bouse atie Optùiolt Centre, Commercial Si., Milton. COMMUNITY THEATRE Wedaendoy, Sept. 9 - ie Milton Playero tietre group 0411 old audit- ions for the oext play, mtartOg at 8 pt. in HOlato, Cntennil Mot auditorium, GOtario S. S. Anyene interented Oc plays, actng, e or ring in an amatur tietre groop la Oc vited. GIRL GUIDE REGISTRATION Tbusday and Friday, Sept. 10 and 1t from 7 ta9p.m. and Stedap, Sept. t2 fron 10 am. tu 3 p.m. - Girl Guiden of Canada, Mlt.. Ditrict 0411 hold registrations a Miltn Malt for girls agen six and op. Opeming rs nafable in Bronnien, Guide, Path- finder, Rangers or Cadet.. PLOWING MATCH SOON Sterdoy, Sept. 121 - Tie annul Halto Ploning Match 0411 held os the tarin of H Craig Reid, Bel Scisool Line, Belngton. Ille aI-day compe' tition nOît ho foltsned by a banquet for the wnneors snd a Furcon Qucen competîtion. POLICE AUCTION Satitrdap. Sept. 12 a 10 ai. Halton Regiooat Poc c i1te Halto Hill-Mittn ditrict nilI old an auction sale ai 217 Gulphs S., George- tonn, 0410 over 2D item lcladiof corne bicycle. Oc excelent siape. DOG SHOW HERE Saturday and Sa.day, Sept. 12 and 13 - OabeiSae and District Kennel Cub ponsors it. annuat champon- ship sowson and obedienca trials, a Miton Spors Centre, Lurier Ate 4 BRDmOOMs - DOoessevPARK A8A TOWnim-OIIU5OM ailAN eD M usaloUTSAOUnMTiLI SiuMdo ton ex"iioul.ot e0nd 00.40 pngcoos 3 bdoosn, hoo. ten-ko M wmOtot u F10POvt 415008 ronm, l0incpliving oon. 4 liing end 00 d 0n nomino oo alnlO on ol Oio. ciPOcîs 400>00 ooon, âMhcd Oglae, bsdonc. 2 wmhooac, csuooonbhait M Ot. eut ig of theoOoying oniouofy. As0n $800. hta n n p-top condton, mnetso mo. At.og LlMDW&t134,M0.PtlCaacaOO iel. PIcicicou Stnem Hon. 44900. Plea ouc01ca i .. 1110%MORTOAMEUnLIM 1 4 b.donms, raenooomOS ss poo Obptuo, lorge 3 bdnon lot. Lstod et*85,900. PW@smconl 09l Cen.i. aci. Lite 8AcauNtmlmnO TACMHiOPOmI nwalOis 6 scibabn on 10 Sond§stocgood on.to be m cie poioed qw. Pwu un Bl curn .01,81 MO. 0.0oorgaos end epoivlot.. 00Dutccltoc. Pom ell Sh511dbPayne. 4 EDWOOM ie BU*GnmO'TNAD5OOletUAgmdMC fuI -elseoelcTaLEA, 6379000. 24 boxn MaisO % »c Oikko m k0:t.4 eicd oog cns on ost Faue,.osvbokotpnektcen wboOOU0lk0ak, m hmsuodiO4boý 1ocon to A snOotoonude0agoa,Ol 000 O2dsekc.2 celo , uooc.oe.0i401000h- m nideOcitkmhlbnon .lmtaco ctnwaphseft 01Maofesfi nirmp out. plmCaeOUJoa MCy oCercle StoOhâl. Mhw. uecl oz arne pcbolssanthan o ckudcd. Puon cati 1_1_______ Lnp !YWonte. &a-L L- 0107.000 - NillOd nen 00000Mofýpbci. oan Mnmpeisun. l(Board &b OMIon) toMeos! large bdrooon. 3 bthmtin.cM lin bE dining 0odo iirs M0 8cetontUto. 0,nI( w100 fiospISCO & dantPitrffle 6 aoO tOo nstab l(Bod &Battant) oldosor iogmarne Onsuifi o PeupaOwnrtns ocood. Pion.i lm eONTAM OUINIe î19Oe. oct on004 1 0 ra,m eondoliioupond, thisaiu. rOW lnoucuteas: TdiionalI centre hall, ond limn n, duo.1819s mpnonl. 415(00 ,on. .inuy oosn 000 0,irei mie. Origina pies osc, tiOn S aiSC.uing thououts. pooso«e oo. i tearniso. Venido, 010»" aciOco 00 Otavoko. Pu"ccas lvga WlelieosJoso MoCoy. O O.dooo un Ot#tnY nnOmta 0i,p5te, eci-lekitcn, frl nG & 4001 moan.3 boohm. ono>t>, etc. Super $.0w let Mou. , 110;aOi »Apil 196 0 ceor May .0000 w00 SeonodayfIlounon. Ast.,. 8035.900 ploowcall Lindsay J. McLaO. $130.00 - olsd on 00vbonred lot 0110 avinoe 1.4 pond bSomesninning pool iu ConpciolOc anscthi wnoS brio hon. off coo- go.ud 4 dbednocs, living oosn. 0010 atoe fiopWS i.o..40000oon nOb hpoio doo Etbourg fem0ly oomnwi10 poio 40000s. Excellentlocatio. Pusecsu! tnge W ne. 3 0.dnun nbucepi is cal-ink bOhon. nih.d ets: Uge me non 00th srplaos, eonfuoabls tivnn, nmopace end dOckog 0000, ecoca 410 ane si omnent, flly ons. 2-cco l.nosd lot. Rodacad tos $3,9W. Pluciend sali Done UduyJ. Mo.rsn. etiltri Society, sponsor% "iNMiltonî judgngnoohdaysat6 pm. Admission PolI Fair, nUl lold a dance athes f or adult, youtho 16 and onder and Optomlt centre, Comercal se nior citiomn 50 cents. For ilor- Mtn, to crovo tae 181 Maton Fat! oinm il er 312 Far Quse. Btria e. aWbelng BOt(a,351. anccg fr th opeiion, by AIORITISCAMPAIGN BH"l Red a80074m andisuScBoae-Moday t. Frldy, Iqbt. 14 ta18 - "ed atclV7402.'ite wloceUr O* nlg n u an.pelg,îhsbusdcfor' the aMr Mille. FaIr(Sept. 25,325 And 27) ArtirilloSoclety in000510 eo wl ho c80COIj00bn ui ysr'oCNEcarrled mgin eMitlo ytheis.oY 09 FaolireSCO.080.oi'Oc10 .apCbrch Knlgbta of Cohmu, A" Icleesaf-9. »& MIL M SitP ~a cieet .rededcilii a bWUS-MiL IAuhela amodby a dWc ub . foie oai 45to ml5E0T 1 >ML te 1 -McU% =- ,omm. 14, 10. UW «ber- MMdMberg Wd111dm 10 acre ot, t is, 0051105 cuntry homo large 0090 10400,02 fultati 00. large m. fimIleceleoud ,.cdil o 0 l a hony noc m ons «reSplace. iscesoet 8O bostlo uM i o.0eddiog mm. enFcodt W& & sPaddocks. CuSl nge Wkotiee Milton 878-101 1 a 8784M Se C seely M myVI Eooy.tvohoItto offering 4 bdoe,, beakfast $849W. toM aseql 541 Cta., oor ith lage bey wndow o 00000 mOgIINDIIIIIINO LOT - $4,1 igmnd pool, mine lon f&mnky ooon o 11glo ,rmreto adoenwr" ad fopIso., et lmpl.tMacbodonMIOSSO om Acnon oogoodroonde. SIOhOol b$ tromghoot. plefflueo.0..01ia. midnutes p.00t5joSbs PeaCO Cmady and buldyou oonoOy h-OO8MUon. Pu» uonlIJouitMCovof Cele Stonhili. S.cdudcd aoc, ,enoy nooded nl0h scocn. 10 mj.. nh of 401 etMiMon. AsIin *125.00. PIeacd lDonnaSon,. 89MlfntnE.Toronto Line 826-92181 Milton4U 111 7514 - ote .0mb DonneSwO C-h Senh l D &ug V«y UndceY OUM ~7.10 7312 8 43475 S-M47 878M3 + + + . . . AsbuesaalbrOllO'bl>yIcWrle IlVbth ily 11h. grany os lima main me, moter Wli1mhave amein,. c- pete le "10.bot mst Jsmc. Swlcb 10 frmation aisecee-a& 10 cod out tiacbyoss UM a aq, toeeai ary.w. ldo bledof notes.pag" nil not osoty behispless. but a&W carved decoratl Nosu ctlWe wbh + +. + m eiuualy difficllta dstIte Msa~WBY A daab or no oflitant cotise grahn l rec ho cteaoed Ihorceghby s200.a s olt- toes y.. l4bt coled gravy loi.a darb brletieeh tbaldpecsat Mo n goïdec coler. lise collee. wo't uf.thlb a aiatton cocleleor llled ltlqddn- tee nttri polleh.+ + + + + + If ysubhmener wocdeed whatte do Tryio te d a cccluded Spot ai lise wllh oalai.0ovw ocrtyuel buehor pîoc ground for a ch808e ro- Z.ccc inc.»Vocfordt=1é'U1.leYwl1- L:v = . v tclela belbllg votisoftw it.1 1 dlfliclt. If yoen taecalarge umiree, .1+. + + th bnd carrted isy golfes, and a Isoar 8.1.1 .&~..roishr bis.Bai ed o cortle hennt ome ooqote0eeach for l" odccont hooks or nse' pnet ocanlniù,tand oa0elees y , te rolén f clolis. lau hebbooks, e. r. havlng a ciacig rom in OI oVO& uohtly blge. in00e matoilO.liey cao Juil lliope lb itheuiirellE 8Md hang 10 b.eaily paloted tlis cme celer aseOhe upslde dlovn by hocbleg the bande cm a d« tre. branch HOOblthe OO1el Ohe aboer . . . ceStabe over tise tpe 8oflise ombra aod yen have your owo prvateisamffigingroom. Frequectoy lcig isoard cees sot a lTe camies, dan c 00 hoa camping ter or b.d seorcis isur gst lbcctwOlise trip. mateial. lhisOcou ssed le diecatrd he + + +damaged conar and boy aosnercme, try reparihgit finirotla penolflroc-oc tape tOas t tme yoo runout of 4macaroni for a ortrciacorjttci. Jlutfiro5I 100on d yen iIl macarool-cbece dis, cseotte' comae orhaisy Dthe repuT paleb vil cot1sât medim is Oe coudtes locad. 1liii loY lb. matarlal I10h orlglin coSa

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