10 The Canadias Champion, Wed., Sept. Z 151 M@umukM9 onwards--upwal'ds Dy On Dy"r Rgh t off tri tnp, t wuld ki t. hail toUe vib ave nfred condoleorra over the uortulsti ciorllititn nf trieSilera etri tOInvs' tr Aaiveroacy PMentr. t woudd itou 111e teackaowledgi tri mny hlpfs susggetionso abou viat te do itr tri raviar and thon- & g5-incldng terather tacity tip fromMaMr 0.(Sae o yubuddy!) tii,folkb ha Ibal b ehiîd unv. Ahoud toc me, oavibole nlach o lant pages. thicit mmmnd menofthtit ag vhirh bing on tri vialI f my office vison Iviol cratihi direclar of au idvirining ageory. It mead titere vire yu whenthepagevas blakh') titereinlded. Pro stoctng ail toi a pae nov. And itos s ciallengief tbis tImi onasil's evir ein. A rnadir athid me, ns! long ago: "Hon do yo go abotowvriting yor columu? ' ve follovrd It for yearo novi andI nevr hnovi seuil b expet. Oui vient yssre bact tn Torontoin te TIicira, Titi ne! yo're citoing o baby robbitl roound your bonie on Mont Nens. Level titne, Don did treoe trtogu really appin?' Rost asocid. Titry ail did. titen lmstsriclly digging for yooc toanybn, un I did viten I quoted reporte fron the non-entistent "Craguvievi Ciroicîr tI lviayn gave titi appropriate neadir viucing. Perbapo, aune of te expiriencen t hav itredvitr yos sere not ail trt domueil lonny aI te ime. uI if vie tint loogh i Ioselve nrttirtopect, hie con becone prelly tedions. Gad. There is enougit junit aroud te bc dpr ase but. ocoplte My anoier te te roudr. I ry le vrile vel ahrad of dadisn, whlch l auottr masos I1 avold rorret avoto. DidflM eecone coouplcluuly soattraCtîve attr a wie. O.K. Changlus gora lnerdu teu riant th top o e l II lvi vritten nyseff onte. let's more along. Occasioually lu titspire, 1 bave itee inytilg bt sweetnsuanmd igit. l'n tot about la apologtizefor thrae rare orcurreucos doupite thse persoual usandte 1 otahllabeil for "Betrein tise Wiow" flou yeara ago-wicit vas tlapreat materil thî vin ont controverioll tlaeoter- tain, and lu mahe readero anSie an tiley wire remluded et smilOir ivenl lu their ovin livr. Wen yn tii aitout i, we aO bhave a cluassatl write. Lite yo, thire are tilouratitr tupidity and arrogance, in hl¶h aud not su hogit plamas ire s fau nug flagrant, 1ct lt iltgo uncitlleuged. Heure te udd ltehy rolmnu. Vith. Give it te Ibm Don." Le's wted tiup on o positive note. Il's hein a gond sommer, s son- miro go (ad they do sa inmre, at an lurredible rate). If you are a riglar meadir of thiltnpici, YOu hnse Ial it vas a spicial ime fr titi Byero wittiti postai srike rmanîveilfoc no, lvi benuvingiug letton lau Vin- couver, and lonhiug forviard la reciiving in retorn titietlait ne"E rom Mr. and Mns. Rlck OYira. Autumu lu movlug laviardo centre stage. tinter t is iin utise viugo. And anytime now pre-Chrlolatis adverlliug %vil!O hnitop in atî is bnac. Gond grief! Titanho for listening. Sec ynou t Violators unnamned Historical Society tourto holp rnstorstlon'ý pari I opeetâdtnn iala otLois u ol na co aid burl r" d o . id lt~el Society otres bc b al, ~~iihdC 6Axin Soity hm shaw sviidot aid de 0d u m- a.Ola baques in Ouaumîy alituorcl is t fan hiCliomelO tedicancW=bauicenlatre lun i l minasTe CarMrr.ADO-O house tour villI hheid on the tour. lu aeang an0. Ir-l eo e r s Sitordiy, Oct.,3. ln addltion, ruIlau- attos Work domeou thte IHawthorne Lodge on fUn-IL OUgini00fMac- HEAT PIJMP 'fletourotlOlociomurent bae a" to fve nId buttaIgrounds, Tminh5iRd, nw th rhur Dlr'î Id A Prictical Answer To Soaing ragsfrom regoscy pirticipate hy featlotog rngotproint of cf vhomeobon , raud Mn .belville lana beau uellfalnTh EegyTi cttagsuto modern polsOr-typ lbncitiuis l h itr eee ry Larry Jolnston, ta ih :dt r . iai - u odm e onnt.Yarn The EoryTlh m h htd ttbe libr",onBrote St befide t le849itou onevilctrdfonl aanYeaAhd arcieyctid nther-lt Od litaton on P L RobirtumanuMina- hu"M infrSn lsou wl n ded acreas, ORDERNOWANDGETUPTO nilung homs of hltor- "A MIir Walk' facturtog plant wbere orgnal One nd a haIt httig a trace of Ver- irai, retoratlon or prouced by Jü i s otI nt of Multons earllet store"a teo s prescrit day mont. A regeucy cottage on Choose new fair quee 0'6M'-, u I' schul u in . lIa aito included o au da' at udance this baturaay l diin ntu Wh b c vOlh ie Quos of MiltonealFaFir tis acraltOplant bauger. on artcle utmatrone chou visO bc auked ite year otIer than a plant hangir, au individual sine quiche, doe m tl The nevi Quein vill bc crowued a adance l is e o amil porton hice ithCh accoua MItem sabavtoioevi Milon Optillist Cnre ahliStldy ving. Enry foroun must be sent by Sept. 1 la etber the ltrlars and taIk ta Organser report tey bave aireraI esntramsnMn. Red at RR 2 Georgetewn of Mns. Oouaietd ai church blustorlui non, but nore viould bc velcone. You eau atil' Rlt4 Milton. T! ~'t 00 OK reffiter toc tre corapetitbun by rallOug Ruth Bous- MCMU M yg" o TtiisaOhesSui Entrants mut bi Canadian reudouts for two rot on Ta Dccci yearn and a roudint ofthlie Milton dstrct foc ix 01 #e hemtand mntls, aged 8teil23,asigle, and ofgond cbacacter. - hotS ithe tpospint Pose, persoaltyand chirin Wbcltjudged. S fYh. Only thon. atteudtog Milten lagh srhol; or serv- Add cone i »~,0or ed b b = Io, Acton, GeorgetowinCacopheOville !g -'sutocscî,ai,uaoo o~r bniroutes; orparticitiug in any4-H W aaa eoueoiteia ocouutge club vock tinIalten are erhgible to nter. Previous &do omnn m wnners are not eOgible. c-ai' SainV cnocaOrnegn They nmut give a short speech (under two "WI-oý mm otoeougland appa aprivate iterviewi. . Mtrs aof 35ilprses avoIable for te vin- Ca/utuaodayl WEIi5n m-o oual eoraesa su. About12 to tres baveMHo insdhî docnatednem hndse foril.etioi'0 rawui Aiat n e Thedance sla piperon includes a lte but- fergthe It fpafaira vces ilfl bi chonate Prluress and Quen. fThc19800Milton FarReiertn .occonpany thti Quien. This contrat lu open only te Princess WBB Patti Hajt, 16, of Hornby Orgrto .mnibera of te 4-H bomeusing clubs lu Hlton, whllc thcQueen was Etaine White, 19, of mi Ca oltng and they mot bc 12 te 17 yeran d have conpleted Cmblvlc(ih)-TonwQen sa.n.n the last tio 4-H projects. .will belnal di (ighSturdy Thenwdance n etn TIbePricsa ilO ho choura on titinumber of W ' bmat en htr a thcadnc n l d1S.E 710 points accurllated in ratrirsaiathetcfalc. fltey muso hentUic tCnr adtePinmwU66 i tE m 1compte inoti lot tree classes of tour offrred - a1>0 choBOn at thc fait fair Sept. 25-27. NEC givos approva - Thte Niagra Esrarp- O O a à% notiîed Milton Cunril q eof anuniter et approvoîn t or building ap-. y eplications.M )f131CER I SL received approvil fo .W arntoc ba A ET M t 'single taily dweitg : C. Orch bau received approvil foc a single taily dvielling, accoua, :ewigedipouailsysten 'dte Otario Jockey Club bu mcelved ip- t pruval for an addiion to &0%&qui oan existing office ~ building.Li r eceived opprovol for ao j' on oingle dvellig. ort. »u.Ddv»ir'AA MISSISSAUBA CUSTOMERS RCAUGLEI1EV, 827-6980 jeaaa~uaujcaa1,59 Oiaanade - I. [ FIEWAR BEEF Si