1101Miracle#, Eastern present 'Disney Your World' show v,*-harstars lahl«"-«ie C:E: hs, -t.Th (dtiui 1. e drii tSC, aa .eht tE- a &WI Iail y5tiidOelhliCaMa t t 1 l m~Vddae b lu ' s pelsi e st u ih !"lidRbn Mr sd l rMWretu ae Ali ________________________ dmrvitea mtaTa«".puta Z" Dmoy irlma.la»n. e) laai Wrd"Wui AbuilO fr liiIsvrn il Asd iuc eiW.a ~ç Cub leaders :,. isd eurgent Z W=*àe _me AUGUST 2th Mue ha beaitluit = 'eloadte=daatu bKgWiesasdald tl! h iWd' tr o fw e la atassd AeIs c * a la halsaiiial isst. a"la i a Nrn," dhereisêlaDas imOfice~iP' ~ ~ sd Ifw, duiha datai " m mai sd. "Worv 1wM a Wda Mil N à ..W" n additin tader KAAt5NF R E NNALLEN Sol phaeru a s Waid, b " have - Y W ~,1 ERS OFTHE etse a thlull noelaa mte a it cance Sta âme Kt" A&«ld MoiW Y= il LOST ARI( witm lnaur res uatvla a aW"T tn aDW ae aYai IlmléIerk"aha m il dania KIM] mContactsia vllfanondtt Wrid 5Mow tili ha "ha oli a M . da.lit Iil ja rn i _____________________du___ e dpiin M i. lot S in milta seIL itral iod at Bth Annual Celebration FIDAY. SEYT. 11 to SUNDAY, SEPT. 13 Fentivities begin Frlday, Sept. 1 lth ts8 p.m. - wlth nie Wormhlp, Mayor Glord Krantz on band to offlclally get thinga underway. Lots ai Live Ertertainmeflt, Dancing, Door Prizes andi a Speclai Oltoberfest Menu l Join Us for the Weekend - rîday, 8 p.m., Saturday, 7 pm. and Sunday, 5p.m. ADMISSION 03.OO/persan - N10 RESERVATIOM'S NELDED B5ANQUET hNALL et RESTAURANT '24 STEELES AVE.. MILTON4 878-1110 IKiddies*CoUfler 1,FCEUN C SEPT. lst to 4th AIl rualidetsta aba ttrutaîthe bordera of the ton ktrac Mtonaaarrt qeacalata Jatrthe Par end aburve thear deys by dreaasttgtIn the tytesoftornfatitoatthe 1t70os. tedn. sept. 2 - Jadlnsa f atatit Sualceal f ait uWIndsas, bet Ittrtar, Seat Caosmes TSar. saPa. à- Cstumenu Cutai- JIgle atVicorta Parh, 730 par Pd.ie ir- tsi. Los Fac fr ttthetIIOtA Pminty. MRu ADPIaaMarl Pte, taecter yortf or yaar fastty IntibAuela COSTUMESCONTES? " fleit Cilntrant i ail datitinta c aatSftottmmt ta aster. CaJItheB Mimes Cbember et Cmiaces ai a11a11-317. RMOY AND FRIDAY il Mamlo8 Csnmit27vUMaisRL vmloo BOOTS MEISLt CLEA*OUT AT 24m9 IASSOR ! 0 SPECIALS FIFTrH WHEEL TRUCK STOP 961100Won etO Worid ahio ffeld Anmau Candielighit ceremtoaySharont mersma naarriad James TardfftIis aurons? ai Kntox Preabytorian Chtrch. (Photo bY Wm. Stuckay>. Wedding Tardiff-McPhaiI Shtaron MePitai, Crie Mrtii tewu dsalitti f niMr.and natron oi houranad ibe Mrc. Neil H. MePitai, birde'$ 1dateur nda wed James Tardiff iti Jarvia wax attrîdeetaid ni Mr. and Ma. Edwin airaonteit friad of Ibm Tardff rarantly ai Knx bride Catity Soutit. Iti Presciytet'lsn Ctareit. bride# alias Tara Tht doble-rlag Jarvis ifGulphwpithteIb esndlelltt ccresaony i~ot irl. wus conutteuiby 11ev. au"esry ntbe r T .J. Le w is. S oy a if te gr -a n tW U Vaaeotia wac the sali gnot anad stâcesa accosocaaled ity org- frlasd Steve imith s"la Brlan Su. and L« M&PiMl, tai tridi' brter. Miesai Ite bride& Cousin Mctfil, taehe ide'm ncrbew wuaring boar. lite dner aid dances lollowlsi estesaaémnY ai. ttac DoliliCoctre V R wau atteidid hy lit pisTh ie weddlag cake waxmodeas iy tas ivitaivo taiot v a fnebrides inothr asni Utc. nul in uique srtunoud-Cales nGervai. vtingvepttly tirvedan td Miscll5nciite mit fiotil jin igvhi twererce itaid ity tac btride'&mcuniasa Mrta.R, MePitafiaid Mms. . SMîkily acd Mns. K. Glervaia atd Mn., C. Martiai, lin sides' 4 ýs ý attsndent&and Siveiy ~ efissin aid Mrs. aurdmalo. U itoweci for tac bride. 10&111 Itsocuple have rat- red frisa a Caihitan sm svUa nAvLhISi enatîm a d a s lin g inl Ttis W.k's JACKPOT ei1cev pomefflui 40 MMMM M 1