M The. Caad<inapipon, Wed.Aug. 26 9lU22=== AppU.ju enailt la. ha aunny kitciln provdea plentet of rooa fo fdpraeparait kionad otseajcetd"igrol--Linda irby, pictureaque lotnrtmWJ~f~bdon ~ lihlS 8 npêawt cefboar e orth sesecalOC8 IOS M ifon 6y faturlnip, ift-In gUpç nfian n sd flnlhed ^7ar=home la ahltre Sn o seia ccson.MitnChampion. man atreilve bircis Tisafrot yard la en-aumit Esc rpm flthom cidebyanlron finas an la enbaaced by an i- N ,,s cou ntry retreat IIIIIII1II lis nbeligto-trfylayOIgmb8library, hil e ieother idl A E L;P AGCr o m ensgtlb oey and IldZe t lgh 0 an mverslned pendrra be = ,.Sîatdon a Prime-Cf-Itry The frmaI slalrcaaeleade ta h'C lai higb on the ecarPmnent, it eabuono bedroom reanilere four brlgtE L lange concree tmground Pol en- marna are I - onabd th D 111 contr kibhen con- gat oer e baba o an eX elolpped wlabut-m appliances and leey l r erlnig e t h r g e t h . ' fo c aer u l l f l e J î e ro- 1c l e d u t e sp e cib e dto n n e tenna in nhtse a re » . v a lCom mD oua boa Ctc luettefethti. b- o obiepVrdur Anime bg getelbetbe one 7 a igfoanx . a Don oous M ^oeouttlied 2boebooodot 2 W oar P 0 id g otsuret Pfoo ocehaaln acto 'n " 565 -k3oB odreettho m ofW1laalo beno att e , Pl 9ealC ana breakfnasti none Coonn Dfebeaa 4 Lfl8LKW TiiînM 4 b pi e e nc td oo IW t , p o n 3Feec un ao oto h ns an h p a ta e x la ntu e tto nsypae t no s nnA b - w.9 mainPlcoet, 3 l JootM don, hCel Sem lot pla l nell U gidd nn aiOlod aiane nn m n t2ulbln o g n .d ooe, A M cilW OO lntd contelue on pieletcB exl e . AsitnatJc OtM la a o o n n5e n a G S t n e o L a bd int o ntn e es t h ib o l o t p l a" dah om e f n4 d o m an o orP " » Cmao ten tt a fflOmhm mlre tPOOtforhebi no s ai Cr @U buI f rn Iva mmy lo t < Yios botfu o!rdc nef Otu Ceoold onoftebihetl ti orbdo-h mao.psiecn ue110 14 Von n d e F ou C8 ntote et 7% o windows Ovelookethel.lPloeeed ltlandotrlnLyartePoo. or tise fniueaanfy uly Ath groh wlk turn ouo , dtofiban favorite 4EforSOeveringua ar2odcksth #BWroMlgfflordd brie fmaicn pîaednasajcn t n or star tanrmvethf Neae lrg . awcndtinlyadd ononoly nDaetPrk nietutemM '" tto t.Plse N U eC 3 eed cl. ongoo e . pittlt e l b nbough054.50 pla c n bin m e flntif latn a n i 0 0410 an li ae la tnl u ty S t c o seto i boi on.oP Y. finot e d yoleard, -n the tn a 1 l18. fitoetntee.4 intga bedonne. 2101 latla2 bath- 1 0 0 tu ePl m C li J a m C V o o e l t o nn r o ,fg J o c e a rdT . W a. t o GE U O M <Stati o ng o n n a e p o e n a a t d n n o oanîtlthouotneittîOîPoHO,0W e et ednn ,efb4oraktt onl i.ot ieîtonlttnttp0aS et pla e & waSon t . ffron O Sd tin. t le aotO a d cg ro n.f u ot min lut to c o l n Pa i~o Co t ,l n s f mly r o ih fr Pa doc t ien o y ntes a o n me g Cfa o O o n n a st e mHl l .ng t ad t nd m o r t. h ld l r oe nt o l aa . 01 0, 4 te.si c il Sa17ao at et g md aitla Cetoutbitatt ooo datofavdorayoiteno8for0104. ebîe n f . cr ant uoono niSpeea oat. coeett lnetobrCite qiailateFMLRA MAMtonA818-8101 39 MainmSt. maTorntotLonoOn26-921 fflro 'n aav Cal . i thwold a Te r m ate vn&daeo i US a FR 611C i E 81 eHa u:4l arnge bdWhit hot b80 ela rgef Shafla payoso Joan M10oY.% ni l Awrao l 194.Seata 011*5 o nn yn. Cri Soiro o m tatW oe rpace Eocelln- $2i Z "flft(Y14.AR