POU lUMai Saat Mles Op" Mndy.FtIdy. S ami p1m. 8714M 1 1E CANADIA?4 CMION. MILPON, ONTAIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2M 1t81 SECOND SECTION s^Ar*IcUR m C Tm £ 08. effila th lite ANESTY Moofh EDADJUSTABLW ANu CARi .extra " * 'We* CAREER OPPORTUNITY ccoaoetf t 4oo *lîrete BgERY....RD .rUin wo dhne f ir ..imai PfobYeON t MNFCTAN LN tw sreh Oesf t ieZite o AgiltSitI EA MARKET nh0W%. .1rh n : In Hentege or MANUFACTmINIt.IPNT .4 ilis o oarfe i h:~VCtma!~ Cuîtt: i Wme aomd dmouet tiotaii o f ietst.typeoiNeNrt Amriaiei ta doR Ot .8C r0 baCaiipF& cc. 0hr S 000 1000 - - . ~ePaUbfl . it hI hfi o rfl d hOe ClettOoOois = 16 lof ein dm tMrativae NiagaabscatOP000 OPNtaYcN" TL. afaio.At o VICEo it l 80 0 .i*'*tt,00fOfr and ~~ .-- ~ gu~te liti d oti aef.l. iirrt CAL /811 2 R Et M Houei Shttnfi Servic sou ChISITINS CtàPUO No ip tlipin h t ebd millo omsy lo i ld ppliit et. at--y *i CiOfldlU7 rO. Mt Io F S: it. n. LIN3K. 1- MITON avaimble. RoXUL COMPANY ___________-_ FIRUWOOD ý m P ik-uEt bG<anY 877-7M32 povItae commst. iee boatteand ot- allumait Milton. 03 petttteo rorferoioto e t ooiyabe di s î Arria rdli13 làcud.mosSM,% ,«coe877-7976 uoOtty nifoea ppleuoieto iithe positonl: oA"PHrm. Cipen M or ____ B____ t~ FOREPERSON-PRODUCTION Oum ~ ~~ ~ îm.LtuesilSrFIREWOD ,bIrch hspsto eure nidvdeth boeAMRRl N itU AE RNH rtand 'opl .Seit nd PICK VOUR OWN AT ipoIo oeîeaiodif1oh elle i YR L FENH Pr . CI' dm10004 10 f0, Ixamssatop lederhp siilIt toglet otit FMMARKU ANTMIE ~~~~dithOroetsit*. 88Ceor Poste. 11-1151. CHARLES GREIG FARM riiuto w 9msrflsr xeinei 33.iolttWEDOOIN G om-am- eprodutinplant t riroit. ThPi Mî CoiAtdays.9-iU. Sun. Auqul w om oofs îl A Auru, il re hvn 0 t Smd1misuauliaTaalarRd,2n i ll oa goo ott ut heo logaiet Com -l-Cua, Uaid a a... teSa P.m. CoCUIIET& mt"ot2" tad, u-wtt oder alffr Fait lttSdia.1tI mttImagiR. 2O3place, bfmmthrMdrgOfoiteand A.îtulnetafo ttarOrsernst.ro ur Curn .liard- ettetetingisO riei.A oei met, o 5Cure§W A WA ffl 01&oetai WIè« 0 umP crrntstck Vlu Tomatoia "the ob t'raminiad comiptottfety P.tO- chare (cieu180)0, botanilOqai, iift. fo» $100 - " t inos. Att saais ao nta ouai ltlttami aictlai SERVICE GARAGE DCT0 x0'C r o uduced f0 $130., 9tt0. Cucimbere tomesa mut> Cndesbos rdig id Oie, Mii m ot-* odaicotto.Ii8407.Tt 0Potatoei ~ tj~tr eute ti ttt0tedilf *%y wf, tabilai.. ed te it l u 0 hrdae Ittot"exa. tcllent rooP, onattmn itr oehWt etecsadslf are M d o a10 fhki bm aI no. edsf-utol iaah O.b u.88.76 itr e% urfoa mi, Grain Pappri expecatitoe inrtcopts onfetidanceuto Par centdcount -pra5itom. la tmii 80f ovu4eu . m, GE ERAfiL OtatttAnelat" Sir mr Mr. Bob Robierts mo2.55 *0 ,..l Cndtilon, $7. Meit FaOtRi0, Tho 8014,1 BOB MABEL DEVOLIN Operatona Manager. or iN pTx@d00uryoeet $2.M00 AE 5 Sel .9mtt. Wor lt MhmiV! 877-7484 __ ROXUL COMPANY, pplit o.BILIGbI008 Rdyoat.u.OlSlftSaatbaIkt iSna vta 551 Harrop Drive, R0o CiEPtent cn Il, hr "Imokl gBramDioo Rd. èe@ve.Vc.00 uaMMMCat AEIL ît n? Gtîaeil tIWINCHESTER modalMILTON, Ontario. SMN.V- Vis- eapaf. ase lSCe MToERIAfa ffr. tnpVI=;..70 371hM & H magnoum. -6tiShOrLdao CmmSC went r deaOttrd lgsthon ean40 GANIJUPUSLT 3H3 Coltaon-Brdn ,m MTIN5 ACTN. Oi-o $8d re iti ri otGANbUPULT. _______ inalgla ore . M85oflRI 3-2900 LAKEWOO 0f corsm noS$f12 cran, ffibricE aff f0 18y, 12 reofliari.SW tettaoooM n g r 0800 'iei'. 530 ____________ homr. A grIe em n haai Afali-hay - e ot bClamsl110 o o m .r d . 18 - 1 Md . b__ _ _ ___r__ _ _c uem oot 15 Rynceser7O-2a2d. ÂCoouftfrcoots»t""1 Asit. Managers IFMbI u> o $2. tt dumspng Fou io mta Grmn ButlIIgtOff. ~ ffr7o.m. Humbe A 1 In lie ofdda ffl toPooiid8at Menswear Store Shnpltard I Goldafn _____ SA__~ LE "Llyd'si os GARAGE SU? WladotOt Laob, Sitlai.MaIfStr,, At Am/ FM, WdeoOtare. 0f ne0 f 0Canaedfstlatgest natieol si.. arn.UND571. . $215GO 52.14 -2e3-040 siegietit and peftiormace ecord. W rigire *i~IZZjZB.E.SOUN 1 1.coNE 6calmant ~Aak for Du. r ak m-ried Stoe, Managers aid Asistant BOWLERS atiafefr TV. SALS b SEKOiCE boc, ens a h iuonomeUe . n Prîfainilgitîs. Fun 878-3249.Maager tat mi a lltengefano are i>igte ladLogié 761 , 3 m ooSmTEuNEW ZeanaifWhitet I Y LRO N actept ttthe aepetitlty end giriu t liti ueo OiLEaNIG.$8 . $3 Mkt o,. MA@ I MM M disrsit trnbref. m ithil . wanted, Woodw8r ~aid ecoive a FREE Ga- .Collecte a ans, tukrcodi mngmetcm tWlson ar". 876-1724. youre«a. 87fflSO. aaMM Sm@ dmmten.ed oritiutôtoteBoomtilliard ih WATf o îtn _ WMMING POOL PIANOS ait oraane, t bg lot al.lGti1tm2 T Apt bieemr th ocommiateiitonsill ente gls .bc Vito wir or M aiEo AE W rtzir, tam aofandeta av (lgo . y d .pa eiaeeeoiamerdietiit îitnut i modus. &a mfatur e mustcoein- Te e.Pet> 3raf .) tMIGUE FARM We ffet actractive eamingse, idvearteit vT è sli 021MTF Exchriangpiatso b Oreaitim ad helngn ftrewtha it fadb. s fooef»Ba nd "Wi aitt' _eafg. raiý . W Ciiius ultoeha y tBh Uni, îouth of 16 Sidiroad. & repp seitt e a s i oranli iai solti a PIANOSII otttofax, motetr, ptip , 7~t t- h batimiefo. 1 877-4784 ,a Tio.ttatfpameittLi eae 'nn Expansion Sali matk-aottd, patio aid 64SMO ________________ Mg,., at Miton Mai, 878-1220. mie300470lof ervi, Cami, Laag., Shalok-Mni- lattes. Ragularlv P.TAL -esSWETtCR87e2341Sat ltirte ui ontutoni.$239., nomeo slefor .'n m efaime a SeCnyat esrrh W lit te wriîtpalemp. Oer 40 iam eid uad1,49 hiea t*stIppl mti trait romi. $7. foGaierbsmanDMtJed hI~t. - A K F AS von uil fiai.t otie of Clue off e.l O fotîni, 078bt-x Taalogr Rd.I t1I.i. Co afm C DOQ tA Disio fGratmo-Fiaf lotI VanOset Mus.0f fatOU 4oim »&M70 -_CI. ARAàt i*ALE of Stblas,,taitaid of -o HlmaeUtooafewutwdotcllhntfloi btaor SLI.2 od ut= Ojnnn! casm ~ a.m. 12tnoon 878-3787 OPPORTUNITY OatYtlpit.ClsdSeta Uiv t ycaaniètm Toucità b km $.u 74Ctulait Ae. Frexperionced Fegraphic press per- .a e ayoityl raftOlo lahble, RitE roo, uprgttitr,. ~sonnel. Ty o in 1 macine81tela, 0/O u, i, iteTOPSOIL.metao -, SHIFT SUPERVISOR $400., MosilaitWs titoeo itofh pa 1r215.stýeS e.67 liEs GURu teuriSM .otel lattis, otode .sehc pati.f& 15.fO.$PRESS OPERATOR bond, 34" becktaui l boî41/2 FEqdprat '~. APPRENTICE TRAINEES Weddïng * J.,swln- 0. 8 t- FAM OLIVTO tTep riages pi, bonus progreet, Bluet 02t261126 AZAR coor HOME FR UTVTR3PH Imitations TV. Pramotaf ait ANTIQUE __________ dt'o' m-Pofesions os ru el asaddntlpa.Fu Nail Extenalons earrta373. . is3198 Stisiai Ave. LITTLE oieit oosaf geoinnmy hme .y day work weeb. -23»,p3.-u aPloateaepply 50: air rit by Cathsy RIW Yte us lml e t o mto> leolr, 32 ft , 1 Pr.tEt pAresAs îloe t f1tid, leooetOr se i, $600. Cal> dolwaOy it Miton. Mr. G. Stonaham pomi 957 ir7taf, Bat. EtSun. 877-0469. LINDAMcPIIEE 467-6130 celoarf it1730n NapkinS NturllioSking nei SILVOr 1ONE 2,,11-- 11. -6 P.M1. 44 MASSEY tarris 292 otoaplat.Cree. AEMSR LD 878-15o celor TV e arforl otIetabiteront! Tracter. Eceetm 878ABLASER4LD ,orew ;rlTVeenofile.faitea. oofdiilot. $11W.0teorGeorgetown dwork.....Vtaoun.Itsterir. 852 26701. e2,tf N>Ce caiet ar>, .000,part Lab, viar .....toO 'd fcabliit,$.0.OPhtone MOVINGOALE., S Ltauock ot cî fmrat,tès te h.R . FIREWOOD b'"51î 417 WOODWAOD ....... hom.- edirt. Cal aftr 4 BUSY TRUCK STOP Miachies AttfadOd Ii5tT~i LY u 5,000 AVE. /4 ARABIAN mrrop.e.ete-2e27 Requîtes osîseler.aima air toi BAT AO2 0 el. 0 EALEon e OOOi full time stafftfor sittmworinitbui 15-868t. FIEE i10 er.Ramitbl4.P.M. isposition, gre t, i ocel, ti FREE DEUVEOY 871 717. iAM. . rnady f00r tainig. hit ihsoparf. hall 24h-oeastawa.t opivattee te merk as:abt te876-1711 SOD For SesNo. i Sc1 reeraplaot yarscOldf infeite hsktioly. Locîi llfn. cCooks end , .....lt-Nriery ud & orieo 21_MCall 86eeings. 8_11-5975_litStaf ICYCLES Lady'$ 3 dellosOit aid o n . ~BLACKSM Ttt Stfif FREE 10 oeuf hori,. Dishroom Staff wdigstSiSflGfy BCCOmds OOS opuf, $.0;Ma's 2 îîalitd. New rlireOf CARPORTSALE Ciîretiormatanlo bleale pu > a,îresseziWaiters "Im*etpfl a;Maoi 10 lot and coda' rails. emeJoe lod. cor st vel ofl e ge ois six7 0 iii eb eaieedosiotro avh i illab l Miat l ïa____ SU 17t- 9e, Cen Ttra,'i lt25,1-1Se.Aog.2a 416877611. GERMAN Stapittotc ccRtoe. bt wo» ltoe otha-Iob trainingi if M" i maOB ~ S~ tiar 2 712Cies South f oY25-/2 A.M. .3P.M. QUARTER lots pu ebrit.twiitte, Ilmoeit 19 ai un oMiton 4 5URi4ER sîsorît oCai 53248 iectele Branibitai, mra is, > yii. 0,fm, iai, 4 moi. $155. Saladies ometabto. Excelaent OmPOi coifton, $1001. 70- OI-Zdalt fioI t rormr odr k ite Polte, oI>i f. î 9Sf afirtà. 104roori tabe, Exent (itt tra> hctrihoof- Engit01 or " eti7'7 LHtASA APSO, 7 Plasacotact . ~ a CALCtLATORS, 0,0.Cai OM-31or fu l15.00 at a r.01 itri , ml ~lypamnt." _85__-_670. _ R COS T EE 0 >aiililM. Dave O'DOoel .19.62 PhMarr78 SOLI Oa0kEtable 4 t. GARAGE SALE 'Appt" 10 voeu a$7061 25a0atêr 6 el. ____________ >0 mleng uitcairs, 2 SATF. AUG. 29 a.dtto. Shvry Sae SIX c0000 11710 kttet 88-4 9AW,MATDENeEQUJIPMEN(TG"7rE CNAIAn, sfca.i og . .e.M. i prove itwore 15 niufa hoeri. 77-1390. 00555t,,00traa oasietoo, O 84 a rfmNof uOs.55.c X $2031 9AM 1.M . .Pn 4 h h 5tYer thaîitot klt fdr10, U-3670. egr o esO, i ternf>0 o Ele,f htîeîe JOH DEtfEteeriaeitLtESa SiciSLÏEmrss vao at-ort-t, 5PANISH 4dInIgOOOiplcefcesoeret, Pusit M00o r otîsti or wati.. ________ RACTOSTILER&LWN MMR&CAIN AWS r«t loi pois or suite, weti ltgihatb leorint-i ,houeod 53s5oif lotrte r Mwý mît>ETwe OJ I P eueSAL& fECoEiPATSt ferma, areyOchalia en octogonal ttooora. R tTEE hll -O-lsttM roimso agief.1.25 par hay. table. Slable loritmEtmcmoe GITRD hl ' -b fW nom fot a,7Le4 ret fl O aa. 371 BRON E ST. Arab MaiOrge ross, Càm daaittc8 0a»M $821 CBeai liti 2stofsi. alifIle. UNITZ MILTON got tOieret ir3 11a.a~: 40 Chisholm Dr., Milton, Ont. tooMl i1111 pot-r iupptt, 1-10 SPEEO bItta,dia teSmael for .fO..ir 00a dgtlrenfouf, 3127011A hes, GR sEAE gt. augiter of - ou SA LES OIÎDER DESK dîgliai 4'« stan0ard os N . G RA ESL ort. raIlihr t~~ , M anfcuerorecmtlP'dcsreursa in ACTON PREWCAS OCEE stati, tenter ot: slafaify, Aug 8 er AmioilC ateofre h. m itd? mils, mbl tto, 2401 / 8igooà,1 - o.n p.fO. ChamipionT. on. m.c .l > LIMITED CO& cible, P/A, Stadarfd g 5 Is k, 24 Set. Aug.29 Surbhari e854-210A- eý» in memtara tder dock parte,.tef o trtt ttoma srVl t sp~b V..teakr. 81725 eys-.01 / Botits, tiot a8 . m. -i5p.m. OCIISTEREO qgeai, on.petoe c eprilsrred bu ot tesenitfiîelfr aepatett FACI ri.cr ET CIESTERFIELD &e Spiîtri8OHP Giss& Onai o StN. er orfse . eln of woei la-ivated. Typtt3g otuttîtorte, ero- Feuo.uum "m car, Frnc P ratt t SotsO inm. Cail> 211-Mti leUoUre 4 itemow SALES eotii osquirfd. Pasmaîeord re t, eet- 0fi0,$225. 878-TH-RE ra.ms f fie GARAGE SALE SER9 2 VICE ttetin o. STSI0EWOALiOANDOPATIO BIAS frotir 10paa LOREiSCOTSOR.THrca ostai.25. r3 0 IAI-I.Campbel CUOsING, IIKE STANDS SPANISH POVERS CIe-MÉSTrERFI1E L 11>.e>rtnroomettS5 plats SAY. AUG. 28 862. --q.ied-Paeffl ih, T IN-CEE LTD. -0.04.0,ri. O2 m o asotbiléo t-. 0000 IIin am rrao 9A.M.-2 P.M. TWO SuffolkR yearling d cItV ioietem (12- qod ondtin, 125or i __I Maniymoto artile, raton rgisiafe. lot otto',, tttiFoe70- 20 Armtrong AAos. COPEN MON-FOI-. ýQ- nr,Incflli 12 i f T . i '..f - Fi.i eoo .0 GA ~ ~ GARAE SaleFirth O 37RPi7t ie 1 i, Ont. L7G 4FI9 OK COLONIAL 7 pla~ cé7-2teu lietenLise, hamigaafl, WESTERN si .Ieetot.Mle.877-5125 ,M livig room IntluceIfC.Ult. et ern hIIf,. aidd Act aimi.Ex sofa, chaHUE ~ eir, a. OO& TOPOGRAPH'ICAL n 2 h Sîfreuf, $100.. lunelns, $10.; ellevt eiittts. Saort- S L ST AN two enFLOtaNbles,3 2 orupt&tvYdreovaptlo Satr1day. Atîot2i labhr. e e i ed pfrtottoflCOme S LEfRAN -'-t' -'r-2Mt. chrts. Eloo e - ç h7o >~52 .,.,,~.o~~ F At FIM A iF FI, is f-kt? Lle s iotOO1r'Oan X5, 1 0 Garge Se, 30 .<ouNG LDost it & 0 si pilote eti 95952 ean by C paien s UPIGHT Pianto &J S26t= Sfa.A gt, 2. 1-nh it o- e , itph,,te,./tuOt Ite hoo 7O t i auSfI Es lorleo e t 10 4 95982 ttoi v atfli tct M25; ElmtIle12 cis tti u i. oiSoit, _ayha i. 451-7444 icrto i euse Of $200»attalt/g O otoLtoel. 64Citt Chmpo polir a oomr, 43, Auotioeiah ol rtie Il aminé t IS ei.57. slr omsin o sàfl opn ceste L fi tift Pp - E0iaCodtx commehfO0 1if 17 iod eor ~ fi~ at. o28'3 eneot eiî erts&tl ett 21.Q.t b ck whIteO" X7"diti17" l-.m AutonlOtiveengt ralig .153con /Littaalft. Iiiao $2.25; hiacb & X 2l oa3 >St totflt. iseiWhteFol> e a... N o at s ntal.vu ottofpaestbîleI'X 10" mi Ca h-t d 1r ,,84t- M chnit bot tohsdollin eeaO Orii«nghtPoeti mtepiapl..Startitg FIREVvOOD FOR $2.Splahave Ploerasn Hom* Boan MaEthninsi tolfi e040etyo oot emri atgOcotneln@lft. cSALE RINEx OR que- at , ASOTs oW rEnis0o SALE .7$3-IT 01 0 a'xnatta eois l urt-inaUe o t b 00In.1 Rîbuilder AUTOMOTIVE MACHIRE15T Ma.Pl*51 acmoyNOUai' 10"1 Sica 7.0 plutex. ao inso re Pra. It,'.1 famigtoocht, ida fdaisteetutttOlnt qfl pfbt AatomsfVO J~ba nAllasYii/2 MiosI dmtd oMm.re Reidelatt e end/otpei. M« Olf inim3,- Ex- bu tploq--oa -abuWkg- t-TAM «» alon eas4- i35.O/facs toider.CEqui#rO traiCocei..501eupmusa.oist Asl: sensble- tllO, hii> Chari bai, lin Maie Bâtis &aRay Longfailo. Lame SeNa3a St.eiOAVOI., Mlton 551 $91. . ia0- !~m l RU- SElO 1 ber 2 X' 4 e.Ca2bmita Cimploee a 8.00p.m. usf Sildts tDo yo af caoneli XS2 i m 118ni864I-Us-At- m.o 12J. . fý Pè oetu. CilI "02md menut ni w liti p-