8 The Canadien Champion, Wad., Aug. 19, 1991 t "6.o\casaMe Houa money te spent aitishe Manier. This chart shos nthe brçakdowa of the $3,279,983 aperntmng budget at Halton Cehtenxttnl Manor. Manor review Hallon Regional Council will tos!ay reviec a series of policico unit recomotens!atioons regarsing tise level f ervice ai Hatan Ceotenosal Monor. Discusion on lise tevel of service cas isett Auf. 10utia meeting otise Heallis ans! Social Services Commtlee. Baically tise meeting ioises!ai progrena ta date ans! planof tse Mono, sith regard toaa nomhar af alieges! defiejencies fond in an Ontario Mintry of Commumity ans! Social Serviees review eled two yeors ago. Among tties pndiseuased cere: flo ser- vices. mantenance, ioseieeping, laundry, ad!mintration, nurins, socal services, per- onne], ans! future tendn. CAO's hoUper Haltan Ciie[ Adminitralor Denoto Perlin ion annootces! Ue appontment of tao new Ad- mintrative Asitant. Joanne Browen, 26, wsan electas! from more than 150 applications. Tisu election mnvolved an initial list, a sor t it ans! lian chat Mr. Perlio descriies! q4a Siort-sort bt' leading op tatae final interviesndi selertion of Miss Blrown." A fraduata of Ue Unversity ut Maioa in iota Arts ans! Education, uta sau a taachar for Ico pearo iefore joîing n management con- sultingfitem in Torontaocisici shnis e aut finl jota Halles. 'I haiseve yoo setS fins! Juanne a very aisle pernon, Iieaiste ans! wiling tolan, a gotnd organiseroans!a food comnicatar. -Joanne niartes!lier cors cils tise region on Aug. 4 ans! if taere are ony paricalar proislemu or ises or information Uai yon reqaire, in- clialing thealownse on auy item froot myoef or from avy departrnar, ptwegOefssact Joenne4 ans! toamsure isise ill gelUthe formation for you quicbly, "Mr. Perîti aaîs Fox Parkway suggested again Hallen Cotocîl ban receives! a lette, froua Milles resident Chartes Wilton asiaf tac region t0 comîider renaming Ue James Snw Psrkway, Ue Terry Fox Parbcay. In is lette,, Me. Wleon sais! Use ijertive is le namne Use propones!porisway in hoBo fItis gallantyosng mn na mot of ose tiotes-seouls! forever reotîns Onlariana ans! indees! ail 'those wiso clii ravel tUso parissay jostl chai Terry Fo accamplisises!ans! seicsalB toos!for "I pernonally hlieve Uai Ue constant refer- raI le Ue Terry Fox Parireay sel ever give riue for Canadiaco 10 as wha cas Terry Fox, and itwosldhbcamagnifien estmoe onthe part f lise Onaro Governmenl 10 rememiser xucisa iero among Canas!iana in this cay.'- Wiile Ue region places! Ue lette, in Ue infor- mation secio of one onitil standotg comsmit- tees, Mlon Counci! la foing aisots!on o imilar roquent ans! ix expertes! le name ote of ils future parksoalter Terry Fox. North Hafton Volunteer Ceéntrw centralizes operations for fait , M ffl m'O> @ PL, BMof ftiUme agenclua bau isson compildan d non the nemnscficilting volonteero troaMittan, Actonanmd Georgetown are requires!. "lIsore are moine agonle teacusadequata voluetae iseipbut eome are Ie duperalesn»e4' Meereen «Vfpaine. Volonlears wlt ha tatevewed in thieta 0C tawno tiniscover wtacis type of votonleer maris woldt oa suit tisemInt Miltoo, iterviecwsdIt ha condgctad ai specifiei timn ai Tise Centre on Mata S. Tisere are a great variaty of positions wchsroquire velue- teers, and some Meurees hersif found quitte s-19Mne in looking ai thse Of ag in Inos Buord esebr, for exampie, ara often volantéerut tisiiftjuat on fsutionta volunteer migisi ve- form. on volunteer poation wiich muait a lesW SOMs lucististe co- ordineting agency iteaf. Maureasu saids ie isops ai toast 10 votonteme Win apply for position aa volumlear lu- terviecêrs for the centre. A brief course concerslsg intervewiog rsquiremmnt fer Umsea Whe volunteer for lis oeil" lMW. e luaedditione, ita mt aenden, lise cuirea cUl manlty ta lta.ase nues. Thse Northa Mata Volunteer cntres, t locales! et 42MW ISt., Aciosu, iseinstisa police station. VoieteorsAnd! ai 653-310 iegtnsng lng th Wedsa!y, Sept 2. m 1 By Jaees?41u« Ilisevatuebîs nom- muisty recoure of volonteerswllt eon ha co-ordinaied wcitisose wiso needtS!Uen wisen the Nortis Italien voutnee Centre opens lesdomc lhise fen. Ibua agesecy cilserve MtanGeorgetocneand Acton, chiere ita Offce wil ha tocates!. Ia re- spone ta previous tusies îidssslfying tise nees fur scti a co- ordinatlng bod!y, R bac hen intise planning tages for severet montiso. limiter votonteer centres are aireas!y estebttises in olise, arean of tion and! bave peovidetl modela opon seiicis tha new centre cUl ha baud. Votunteer co-ordiniator Maureen McCattum stresastisai atisogi lise centre will ha iases! in Acono, votuntaen llcilI deinitely ha gettlng satisfac ion io tiseir 0Cm areaa.! The volunteer centre witl atempit t matais tise needs ofn volunteers ta tie needo of agencien icis reqofre tisem. Tiseougisties nmmer, a Actions y a Pro- vincial F#mlly Cort Jutge> are canaing budget ieadecisnfor Maltas Region. Members of Use Ait- minshtratiot ans! Finance ans! Heaithaunit Social Services Com- mitteon agreed lest ceeb to sans! lettare ta Judge James Fuler ans! a Mlnitry of Communaty ans! Social Services officiai expnpltisg lseir preblem. ITe probîem, ces- mutteemombeara mre talit, tain Use budiget foc juvenle commlftoal, froua ccs altas psysi for ciidresi cumidtla ta observation and! itentionshumes cisilei thay ar being procaaaad By tise coaria. Secaune 0f Use1 onaaally iigis nomber1 Seniors' ident cards could help save tax Identification carda piom uapply or do ot Dr. Cote aIne arguas! may ta iuoedtle dsi- hlieve Uai a Persan in agaimi a sgestiion ta ables! itizns in HalIonsdinaistes. state tise exact isiabiiiy 10 enoore liey get al ut - Tiere are 12 o13 dit- on tise eues! becanae lise sales ian enemptions fereni definiliona of dis- cisen itlnt oisvioon Uey are estittei tot. abtes!, isetlis commit- mome peope may ot Memiors of tbe tee memharn. sant it to ha identtfteit" regions Honîtisans! Soc-, Wesont ave ose for tisairs Col pen.ig al SevcsCmiteorevs" tiat people go ino thie appooveil Use proposai Wisen ases! oil0 store ans! pay tan on an isv Medical Officer nofcostit decides! cho ge item becasue Uey dont eiontis. Dr. Peter Cote tise carda, Cote nais! tise isxo thaltu sexempt ast week. opnion of individuel ans!tise salesman pob* Dr. Cote sais!tise pro- doctals ix tise refion ets Use ian. vincial governmesi is su isots! a sficient. Mfoe or tma people allowsesveral types of "One cay ns to reîy on dont puy tan on some- discounts for handicap- tise deciniox of an ix- Ihinf tisey ohoulit it eUt pes! citinena iuying spe- dividual piyscian balance Uingu oi, ise cial ty itamn but there ieeanae itu halete, to erv sais! mien s aues!iosetise are ofien proilems witis on tiseais!e of gtvtng th use of carda isy otaor retalleru ciso are 001 eard t o t many family memberu rouIs! awae tat h antan- w,,e.1 ha otices!. 0f ualiscommitiala is year Use budget la ovar- spent.1 To date, menises1 Comnlty a!Soia Servicosn a petwiice ' on mocis. "Gloiselly," cie(Adt- ministrative Office, Deonis Perlilo ois!, "oor budget it e haeneere are some accoonatis ai are onder budeget, buti Use judges continue ta make Uhse committala aia M1e Ut. Coqacillor Wlte -ebe (stUs ) iisali."TIbis ta crcl argue at tise ois f questilon 0ffuda sucb sneltlei Hss e onli t l~be bs ooceredtalaiy by the bas basaesce by the *W. isbave rgesi Usai cetiag fondeta ageneila itbe spaeteand ifwes«Y suds as the flallon Bt ottesn, mot*smaybs Cbildstss's Aid, w"IC *ise massage clU tai ta tonds ta an taccoee ge hog4'hao ad.lise -sember of yeiss C«Meg Davebofore lise conrts. LaCoonha larfilsgtan nt u as ot aae mandeas!if mambars quetion Me. Perlin sels ceron't,"putting thorm- Uai aà long as smsseco is'mout on a Bmb" by theaeccos in tahta criting tUejedge. budget coraunadir Ilsei 'Jodge Fuiler ts a aHlaimontsae aquat for maeiser of the court and! etra monay from lise ca ssosdnt bha yingta province wcasdd ont h influence Use const," ha grantas!. FmAdMe WU nchode.: A Modiaval Magicien;- An Archeey Deonaneton; Hars Ride; OUe Gasnesaoflise Ersi YOUJNG KNIGHTS &s FAIR MAIDENS - Ocosein Coalise .ta WIN A PAIZEI ai Eo Us N aM e n.stCM EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1901 THE RATE 0F RETURN ON AL I CANADA SAVINGS BONDS HAS BEEN INCREASED TO0 FOR NHE 3 MONTH PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 31,1981. The rate of rerurri payable beginning November 1, 1981 will be onnounced when the IGU FR EZE aFILEN VAL E!rerms of the new 1981/82 Series are mode public in Seprember 3G 1 to 6 Months to pay (Ciotad fohIoy onds I ARRYIMO CHARGES * NO INTEREST lCOOe,"05d CANAM SAVINU BONDM MMIUE AST10%%, DYEFUClVEaIwSIlwu 10OClOBfl5l W h 1hioc eosew,arenuo reurron o oeimatueed Canadoa Sacng Bonds forhe pearwh beoa * Noemher.1980Os 14,41%- neesr o herote of111/% for lhe ilot5 morha 13¾V% for=hen2 * months, 161/4%fo the flowing2 monisoand181/2% for rhe remnng3 manrfs I SERIES DATED DEFORE 1977 SERIES DATED 1977 TO i1980 INCWSIVE 5e res doedbeoe19 77haveonus paybeo r For hese 5eres hea oarofa14 4 1%wiappl a roiy Hodersof hese Seres o l eceve the hgher or he yo , hh begon Noaeobe, 980 seod of I ae en hrogh oniese in the i1oa his heae,,-rpa;,edoahe fcaies oeEoh $ 000D bnspayaient he nh onu ce uipe $00lond d -e1oe 1 naow op$144 17 ieeo ,fe ch Seessa 00 'Jw ov e .981 In aa odditon aoegulo 0000 inesoerarae Mo iyoe onussaed obve Copoua oIneresBodseoe m m ý5 mffr ot rMtrn omputctine, O ft he 3 ooohbeg 0989 mqsr 1 96869 Nov 1 1982 $1815 il981 or heraofIl33* a he 1977/78ad 9q70 71 Nov 981 $10.95 97Q805eiesond Il460 a Stei978/795eries Wt - 9756/ô Nov ,1984 $43 Vaueor ale of 97677 Nov. 1I,1985 Î$1871 enes Na 1 980 Na 1 98 M Boadhldersho reeem rheseBndurio Pao 197778 $1,29520 $1471.93M motariy-1 otabe eniredota he caho tonl a 1978/79 $122528 $139446 heoialrelutspayabe os pried on hetBod 1979/80 $1,12000 $1.27740M ciaor dhoders<0y continue taO cCI ners 1980/81 $1 000-0O $1,144.17M ouponseochyeo oandiseco lied ro tets ous.a .*79 '.9msh-- - --- - MVINSDOIID Helping offendors- is costlng Haiton