Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Aug 1981, p. 4

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4 lsÇesd uhmo, Wed.,J. 9. 101i q lai,, s98 ROV DOWNd8 HERS CROWTHER P-jhhslse MMCI HALL UTOuLDORMfN htt.ti Roo mUett mn. MW" eu^ ttnKV,-ieei Publiheee ry Wedrieldey hy MespelnliPrmtttagfi PuS*dtltgLI. 81191 Mata 01101EetetM, oti. Ontito L9TOTa Tlphin7M2341. Subeaieti os inl.coi e taeuh, 012.W0 pet veetintanCetde. hn O N etotnleites O ett "lehoCaaedenChtmpi o oteothes Metland Pabihitln 6P IntitsLtd. paeola.burntevaW peters hchnakidet The Antet, FePs,ee.Alt/VWWlh/PklkqNht' u«eAdvt.tier.The Autone- NemnetSotereteThe BottonEtetlt. Stepten Guetdts. Th ButttgtstPan11.4Thtie Ilats11101 Wseed Pst, Tht ttobholiae Adoeiee/Gaetdlttt The Etabkite Cane ,Thser.T, Gea<eset Indepetdatt.Me.hltettEmeetisti ed Set.lisMdseageNeam. NsmetstAutore Etp. Tht North, Yotk Conent,, Th thfYrk Mmtn. QeheatThsWeeketn,.Tht taah,,atd HI/Thotih% LbeaI, Theo Sooh Consmer Th Sethoomuot Mkmel, Tht StunttieTibue, Tht Woott- bidge& Vaughtan Otats Hospital and service Tise Champion has recoivod two complainte tiat on two aoparato occaaions, people seeklssg help for injuries wre ent aseay from tise Milhon hopital o 5sS dochors in- tead of being treated at tise boa- pitul. Tise reateon is, Use hoapital does not keep full-timo dochors la tise omergency doprtment. Lice ail tinsiaatiese daya Ue major reanon han 10 do tnUstise amotet of moaey it would tako 10 provido ouch a ervice. According 10 our calculationa tisat would ho in the neigisborhood of $300000 per year, far more Usais it can expect o receive as al ministries are attempting to cut hock. Wiile we can undrstand Use frustration of somoone in pain not hiag able 10 gel treatmont im- mediately, we are confident tisat if a person in to ho admitted tisere will bea "judgenent caii" on the prt of tUes taff. Siace tise national lois o Terry Fox, Tise Champion han been warmed at Ue wsy Ue residonte of Milton have decided o do tieir part to keep tise memory tof Uis brave young man snd tise Marathon of Hope goiag. We commented receatly in Ue editorial columa on tise sage deci- ion by Use Milton Towna Couacil o conider namning o park ad or a roadwsy ater Terry Fox. Note te are laokiag ho Ue reidonte f tise toten to do Usir part on Septemr t3 oison Use Hilton Chapter of Ue Csnadian Cancer Society conductes a20- -. kilometre "race" 10 rasae more funds for cancer researchs. Septemhor 13 in Terry Fox Day and 10 make sure Ue memory aad tise hope ore not forgotton, Milho- nians orll ho, in fsct, picking Up Neediesa 10 aay someono severely injsred wll be troatod. Someone with mnmor injuries, although wo realizo no injury over seems minor o thse persan who bas aufféed, easy have ho ho sont ho the office of an ares dactor who te "anceau". It lu ot a perfect aystom, but it sa the bett whicis can ho providod with tise amount of monoy involv- ed. We honetly believo Milton District Hopital providea more titan adoquate healtis protection ta thse residotst of tise town. In fSct, tise judicious management of staff and timo shines out when cam- parod ho ther facilities in tise Metro Toronto area. Yes, we roalizo thoro lsas pro- blom whon it coman ho troaing minor injturies, but again, wo are confident tise peopleof Milton con ho aaaured tiseir levol of hoaltis protection la seond ho nono. A non-nude Sno-show fiascoVA O MN Il wsatleset, i wsanmde. Sat ltsure teunni oude. Promoters of the Miss NUde Canada l96t pageant hooleti a spectacle tnaa Mtai camp ground tinady taut hon go dot n thUe books onste fiasco of Ue year. Sut Ihanho teluhUsmonta charmaif test yeunt tinter, ttoly . tube teouldo't gise ouf hen test namne) tht non-nude nudo contest ido't trt tata a riol. 'Tebacteground onbowte Uecontant came l Mflot pesiure ens appild tehen the esent wsau uppaied ta ho held aI ainamoon Freellan ire& nudst tise rua tehero Terry ef t off. Entrante dont have 10 ho Olym- pant, but jut nemi Ue desire o keep tise promiseof one day beatiag Uso icotirge of csncer. Thseo wiahissg o enter can walk, rua, jog or crawl if Uey wiah. At Usesasme timoe people are ontering Use race, Uey will ho looldisg to Uso peopleo f Use own o sponsor Uem. Wo hope gonroity flowi wiUs Use samne frvor ai wiich our hearta poured out o Trry Fax UaI trsgic day last Soptemhor whoa ho had to stop is rua aesr Thsunder Bay. Aayone wlahiag o enter Ue race or siu tp S pledgp Shot should contact Ue Milon Brancis. Do il o beat cancer, do il for Terry Fox! Need straight answers Wie Mayor Gord Krantz and tise Milton delegation oriicis tent to Quoen'u Park ast week o tait about gravol pits may feel tise meeting teent reasoaably seel, we still have rouervations. it nooma someoieicongruous that after Ue lettors senalo On- tario Transportation ad Communications Minister Jim Saow and Ntural Restîtrcea Minister Mosn Pope askiag for thtis uddenly oae meeting should produce ail swoohoues and lght. - As Use Mayor teila it, 1Mr. Pope weili hoaddreaelng ail thecon- cerna of Use toten and teil ho answering in detail a crucia ques- tion regardisg Usa rehablltatlon of woekesd ot gravai pite. hock ho aoiaetisng reseetbling a natural tebe. I- laoneo f te cot dpoltte ploya la Progressive CWI- mevaltiho Invte a trobla delan galion doten o meot ho Use big mliter's office and then liten iatentiy o that te hing said. Foilowlng on tisat you promse 10 "oak laho and gel backto you" or 'U ho eading you a respense ad- dreeiag thoae issue. " Such l"getting hock" and "ion- ding you" promises tometime tate montha ho yeara o return and Uen tisey can b-ysroudod la Provincialeoe dialecto only Mr. Pope and Mr. Snow have, howeer, made a protmiae and wo sbould, thia ime, try and givo tern the benefit of or dout Uey wil apn. Whan Il ores owever, tee sU e hoexressly looklisg for s no- PhîIosobits B dtSap Ita sen honey dont keep their mouth av you forgiven smoetdy shut, tat th flth get caught. + + + Somt are "wlo" and tome are "other- + + + tite. " A "vlolnlt" o tomeoe sho to up i to thetr tarsln music. 1 expect topaieo tilway but once, eny ++ + good thereore can do, or any kltdote1 con show to any fellose crettre, lt Ste We ail tumble and tati, oow and Uspj i do it note. Let me flot deer or neled t I. + + + For 1 s"ahnot pu a" way egal.' Titese tards e te. ensa metyeum Whatee gmetotaille, we eveetoaly get ag» hy Etheen De G"uI 'lMy Ne9I0 back. te retint eere bere an etti. ramp a couple of seteho ago)lta eaplataed la a sory elseshere ta taday's paier. Thtefactlai, i dld cmeta In ito, mui t ta tht chagrin ai taet lasn fathers and Use toaaipoice, Solta omention neerai nerytmeeebsald tey sere oftddhy telecoa domeoresu scinllly c ent a Iamily camp grtdnlissam. utaaCty aaptat chorcit seetpannng a big ravinai meeting Uera. Turowte talaatamelaie an anltan- ding warrant for Use promoters arret (on a ton-relaledbhetakintacharge) seicte retilled italbis errentland derture luIt hefora tat content nai lalud ta, begin; a couple of groupsofptople wseho tned ip hoping tlaselhe pagetnt make maitytso Uey could cotleet name outalandlng deta righl on tht spot, and tome contet- lanlaesho clulm Uey nhosed te ta enter a ikini tantent butseere forctd ta appear n nhlmpy lingerie and atked ta "baugle Inthe music" ta fUltinsomins dacein Ue pograin format. You watt more? Nase abut Use exhir- htanl enlryflue ($15ea pertin, plsa$15Ifl you bronghl yourcamers). Or the goyn ta Use back rase sho, aller a fese illegait linrs gai op enotgh terne ta, demetd nodlty sebu il wsaiqutitenlanaou Umm watnt gina ta ho any. Or Use ednerttaed bndseicit, MSte . udes, didel tshose. Or hoaebut Ue 60105 0-minute delayt helseten li-minute perfortnances, teicit angerd a largenbar among the 200or -u paytag spetatars. And Usesthora n're hall a daest lite chiddren r-ttgr- sh amed .;;rdy a t hs.cuna ranmd gol Ue gilsta nsigo autographe. It haed aIl tht mainga ai a ritI. For a seil, tht air seatltnte bcuue enery- ont bietIhat at tae iet a * o a huie yat-hnoot-shat, Use Naltan Reglostata teald lihsoone In ta arresl Use show- tlta, the organslera, aid God only butas seho aiea. ITht crand temtg on, many lutina farn nldity. lTue presscorps tetng on lia, ail toplag br tome action. SoUs grouae enedtaappoted. tehal calmd Ue lranlid waters? Naly , Uata seho. Stioseia an micte caho aid brais ai beuy, Me Naty sseet-talkeedber way ot of a opebuttally noatile siution, by taplatatag tht girls cnouldl dsroht or Uey, ans etS as the pramotera, seatddlie chrged. Tise 1 prioters bte epecled tomas troube, ilion a Fldoy meeting selUs tawn ofic- tain wtere Uey lot Ushe fartsabouet hose Mtons by-aw rusertag nide ap-1 pearancet ta publicesould htiesforcedi. They taongtt aty th organistlau dd lie chargebut il brnd ouI Ue tantes- latta watt fiable tha. Oily a couple of young mes taLtsej crowd holerai for te "reutl"ting.t ithre mecnOrs f ftoe fsdquartero So who won? Tue on loti, iecauoe it guI tome more hod pebficlty. IReottember Use Soyue?t The pramoteni tant maiay. Tise gis Who sereIt ta Use money lusthUanhso ia dubin u edglog synleco. Tise part owuer tatlda't have mede ey mo thonUs day. ITe b9u colleclo ra il o pnear ta have eaa- pitateUsir am, elUer. Tise crased lait - easeble atertate aid $1 ftr thse na-aeat. Wbitawon? SIlse niy ws e a sy seloftahUsaday. er ba hiy,~er nE*ers be ngaintnad tt n *e,*Mh d-t eme u s One yeor 8g0 Francthe Atueet 29. Ilne Tseao met eedoed adl a thIrd la te t tifl foowirg atwa-nebtle Rd. ta Mistan. Keldlp-SiagitChai, n, of SM* WitelY Dr. Mlen a n ad Delbar-~thTilla, 18ii335IChsSt., Torotoiwere p.tmSacd d.d on arirvl si Motnm m dta HosUpa.emyains.e li. icee eMinsdtacrltinai e- iienth Iebeed InjuritesatitHamiltan Geeal Hospital. Steitx MW lese tajured and.t eeta hoetu t y laSer atobiluance whlit ruspendsd ta lte b'.. l forcm mmwSkit SprsSËr ot cnuttuan sd es Spectal therlfs ite ebeau flig ti. fendrs i the Stitan camfoad cwslith orar te Térry Fez off ttlgleWey Wa.Comktae omesbein cocr e t t the nmber t trt e eliwm lnt eeMrtlof begit. ion ande ComamuIniain ta enatit dein ln dfrte ttio letiai 20 y 25 rs ago emer re, setheg=mesig. lui ata OffIiai l yleso Gi! Canse seeracotauitshe plasgnld plte ta tatitathoe mfor f ytrlit therta mrvren u ol Mr. w ai i e.So an otinuSaenocth saer non t itEicriitseda ni 20rteryli ers . aP tag la pere e ed ecol rit th raSetaceta Us e flti nitnrosldt $m=li couru.phenos.mr.Bd erC=e a .Us oletedsaintMeneorplyendite AI. pMr.eSifmtatn Cenytyn mtoi ara tom re teï it hwned it see a- eioyresientsfrhmery of Ottelille. W.eul avsgtoase4mothe Als peert f itetnre ais tade- tre ria ldn ne ne sein h oted hya tht b taen lit seest eb e.Itaid raof t buIling e llho u in eete or chaamaiersIntepply lcort e e A emt o nO qarie fnindus- trintgal ldigore Ttwugittpn oa Us th triîthi wO iin ht lonent.egt buig Mondbay seasefra aoolloru anatomSt. ive setbly hino fop akdm- retard aeousteek *The Cn t ediCao n haton cigat te t adolaip Candsetial teenlnesesp$,apr.ilsabtai-on Courtet Us e clllnbinotalfounsea receordeit$2, ta 3 crcaetaiin Caneda-erîde contait. 50 years ago FrntsUse Asgastt0, 1t1Itsssue Toronto Enhibition opesouneteek tram tamornose. We baven't neticed any boys or gils particutarly jubilant orer lte fat Ibat the sehool bolldayt have ooly elebet more doys ta enac. John Turner, 13-yeer-old son ofiMr. and SMr& John Turner, Sr., fait off bit bicycle on Mata Street aid crathod tata a lurge pane of glatinl "Sendy" Duffa house on tauda veig sble dellnerltg lte Toronta Star. Hesneltasnd geverai gotase on his laIt arm, ont of sebicb reqnired live stltahtsIntaloue. The lad ta very anlorbtl, e asti a ta t lt accident eritaite sebt faeyears every- one aiftebicit reqtslred a ninhtr of stil- ches ta clue the seound. This lait seeitmen have heen busy te"ingdosen tht former seurtean achool huildng.Ithlhad struc7tre ere tome bunvy thobersa aid raflers, not a fete betag hesen or nquared seIta Use hrood axe, an imortant haplement seventy-Iive yearn aglo. Thse reitorat of the formor schoal addn grmtly to theap- pearance ai Use nese tso-roomed ucitool of 5sold brick construcion. 75 years ago Front Use Aagust Z3. IM lune Josepht Mut of Torontoas.anumi the Notai McGlbbont litaeeteand has met a nimber of bit old Milton Irlendo. On Tumday enental W.A. Lawrmnce tote ihin b ie guest, ta the lub house nI tae Milton IFiaitand Game Club ner Camp- htllvle, ta remata antil today. J.E. Sain, contraclor for Useetraction oI lte nese stane and cement bridge on Main St. ta uatag verY lurge blorks of sone ta ils ronstruction and il promises la bc tolid ainougi to1 ant for ogen. The temporary bridge for tont pooteogero i placed Ut rosit eod ofit, tootsg it ess dangeroan aller dark. Wm. luilaIt of Eequeling had a uarroe sape frai deata an Salorday morning. Ne ame It taeton businessaad lait is seagonanditatin the drvng sittd of tae Nese Rayai Halai, ta letng tae shed ta j a ho "emade bun short a tata, Use 9t sbsaof Ita twegon stock so tait Il tant aldseys, end te hart.es tarting enddmly, Il wuseeet.Mr. Rot as titan out end flien ily on bie ed wblcb net beetyeut. Thse réer end iUse wag oxhontrett il aller be wsotee ta ane aDr. MaCulis deeieieniho enleedaller beiug un- coqnesetfor about baff a hour. Do -itifofrTerry

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