CO ni CuwAdian Chwnipln, Wed., Aug. 19, 1991 U i .. ... ... .. I::ui;::~iFil h 19t ugui We'B double-th&-differenoe Sour guarantee of Loblaws low prioes! To coewnce you of LoDblaws comnmitmnent to bow prices, we're making tus offer: If you cari find bower pnices overail this week at any other supemiarket, Loblaws wiI pay you double the diffrence. Just shop Loblaws, buy 25 different items worth 120 or more, comnpare pices on the same items at any other major supermarket in Ontarlo. If thir tot a lower brung r temlzed Loblaws recelpt and the allie malces pices Io Loaw and wve'Il pay double thue différence In cash Loblaws ... lew plego youmbshw n. *3.6 litre Javex liquid bleach price effective vVuu., ~ ~ ~ b .hi. ~.dî Aug. , ý, 21 and 222, 1981