Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Aug 1981, p. 19

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The Casaden ChamaponWed.,Aug. 10,1001 B9 Lové of the work keeps garden gorgeous Prize accepted, Her McDonald's coloring contest entry won Jessica Rid a Ronald McDonald writwatch preaented to bier bySwi'ng Manager Chria Tanker last week. Les Feero, (eft) Chmpion circulation Manager waa on hand to congratuate the young wlnner. The weelly colorng contat and monthiy draw for a watch are jointly aponaored by Thse Champion and McDonaid'. sheep show, wi purebred eesuand avibable lot sale rames and commercial privaliy. awswo bebo aitaed. For Oioue inlereoled la lna ddition, tbe top tOir aica barbequed judged tbes oc wre bamb, tbere wre smc auctiascd wbibe Oie marktlIamba ottercd ather flouces ere for saie. Ontario on attrday, et Oie Fair GraUndeaitHlgb- ..y b in Ancater, Zonee 3 aoe Ontaro Beep Auultin beld i& J noîshowamd saIe.a Zone 3 eacampaseo0u Oe Niagara Poninsula, te Re;gion o Hatenaund Banat and Oxford cties. lb. sbecp iere as Oe gro ada rly la Oe ma ata nd Oe pare- brada, mally Daraeta and Bdotoîboere ibora and jsdged string nt 11.0.m. Ibeewaa aten a judggfut leecon cub- mfltdy membera ai Oe zoec AI approolateil100 planning - audition Mie Mil1tan Playe, for local lire Ibatre graup will stage sud- f oe for a Navosaher production at Haltan Cetnnial Mhlsron. Ptentiel PIsyam are invted toauadiion at 8 po. Aug. 26 andl Sept. . Oae ot tio playo bolng cfouldered frtarhe ft! sbowrle "Tunnel o Laeve' wicb oas resd by troupe momborsais the Mama Augut 5. Aother play rediag rl bo beld tanlgt (Wednodsyi ai tbe Maor, rbea everyone wil aves acc tatry a ptt la screraI sket- cbes and ane-at plays. If tarto t O p.. Play readingo pro vide an appetuaity for actera if "bamn il p" and become more coistor- table wifb tbe audit ions, sald membr Jus Si erres. Miltniani ao sup- por Te Mitn Playera ai Oeis taniser' marke boof b every falunday morniog. Mate inor- matien s asilable tram Mr. fteevcsai 8 7-M.5 OPEN IIOUSE On SUN~DAY, AUGO 23 1.30p- 5:0P.. TIRItD 0F TfOSE HIGt C TY PRO Cf ' icy Joue mener 1%ebc icne la one wut- .ald Oortby Hila, m îhods tar bat wrt. Nar Fred cas bc ec hs bbaylsaad bomc. Tie buildiigsamare ouaed by tbe many moue=anga=deerace Raaed ou a fana sear masaiag tbc ridiaeg Watt la juI a 15 prtecty prouave Oic somram istera lue Uicte 19605 a olton, Dorotiiy camc ta marer at thc munesm mint aul rait tram Ui tarse appsp-ttely BlI alan ý Miasm Eacb eps-lau she Motie li 146.toanad lendisa ta gcaerab white trame bous macedbut 1Ilàltice t Kla C nea-vlonmbWou rtartag Uic watt ai Ms. Jacoba' mainenance au bc bas wbrc Oie couple ralaed gardons, captsrlag Oie Aes andthe lady beahid blb ad m la ic cl sore nar Rels. ooafor 1l yeasa 5w. The twa daugltera togefber. ilaely culpswed art Oe grand flraldlqla maygrdon beds wbdlcb aller bat marc sbc met bousecbcy buiît is 1962 la Dorothy ouplalas watt ad living clera ai bas badia lot of practice front Oie mum bat ture hbmbaad just astsidc thc galas out rring toficUier lanou nature wblcb draw Oie Irve alwaya llbed buldngs. lb. rouat>Fred, Ibes aa emplayec KeloaConervaton Arcs praldm aail a b rse cy forclasat Inspection.s-wrttag wlithOie sali' reflecta Oie pride abe ai Milles Brick Yard. rlocb mark thc location and ber hmsbasd, wba Students are important in Bronte Park plans Dcy icima Uocbbela Sprletendont. stuenta la worting ai ias and lsndsapiag arc the piasee farm rite, in Oit arcs af tbe part. Wanled-smebody ten Pd. Msradlan bac Oie recreatias complea. requred ta do anyOhing sod a psai r ater biag Viilor services la "ýmstber" blot ced baby spread Oe tudicil a l For are assistant 11e- ram plaaliag treco andl hsuled ram tbe bra to racelvlng assistanre animnais, ied let every aresa oe Part. guarda, and Orec ot maltaiaing Oic tb. bose is nat un fram two studonta, and cbldrea, ps-vide infor- and Oey bave beon tldaIdcter gisseaia malalet- grounds, le "riding ebot- unasul slgbt! Oe gesatlairfie ad- matin ta visitora, inter- ta dreu a aosrdtagly. oue-sweeplag Oie gs' aso i te Orec A lot of supervision lu minsmtrationaslaiaded by ps-leoa atara-ai oi-Bme are wearing multl-purpoce courta wagons drawn by s blingdune by tbec Once tour tbers--twaoto rcy a t ou , admin-Miaitry ut Natural Re- and leedaoaplag. traceor, cuplains Moor- tudenfsasllocsled taOichewham are diag s ram- tain Oie goaea sources 'grounse". Anslber six studeals adian. Branle t'bildraaus preltemive part laves- ,00-cre patw ioOer came le, watt la bave bemi bred as The interpretive pro- Fsrm-atcbiug Oic try ut ail ita quipmcot pool! tarmers overabla, and cecurlty and parting bt gram ut fprace uane bundreds ot cildten snd tacilition. Tbis big job nececit- tara-tOe catary atlendans. Fana la smlaled by two wba plsy in tbe big ted cied Oie blring ai came plour tachion. fic Oihrec studeata tsideota, boOi wcaring bra dsly-and loabing rstntt O usmmer, Ibe largot group ot wortlag la transperts- Oie traditioal dres ufatter tbe smaîl tsrm pesHRST Oie Magot cni anOn il.e Vite Exp r-REAL EST utea taOircbOe M nstry ai ataly Rt r6 i Re699 w acenîre a e sorcesous ouanc at 24 bdor rc particlpstlng miistriesbdot rc ome are ceoprating ... îwth wood barr wiOi lcal cammunlty grousd pool, poi frgsniantiaas, ta aBer W.vlrw caIt 070-20f, 102 isdvdsal prograas pravldlng wr or erabout ioO sta Oila rserIt99aacres, goot la provided tbrusgb Oic close to tien. Ontario Youtb ecretar- Experleace «81 at lireale Creet Provincial S.fouey JWLEN UPER MORTGAGE AT 10% C Part, a day-mse A bsoutlc liem, 2,000 eqft witep I-arated la P1JBLINCH, tOifapraperty IndludesC rersiae uditr- ~ r a-eutb . d>" aver parquet tibled .9 Ac, 3-aR bricb home, 5 hox tall barns Yvonnie Chrii pretive eritage taility,/ ea amr 'o. a litp. wO ari e nnclu 9,0.bU Shirley Zani is msnsged by Pau ioîfitlanclag til Dcc. 82. Cli for appoint- BELL' Cal MARDI KEYES 032-0000rft e. Moradian, asslatant ment Gabrele 84-8M or 335-2M7. 02-46.1 otten aeed ta belp eacb 5otier. She loots ast troou ander a straw cowboy bat witb a large turquoise plume at the front, bar darb brmw cyes are aoftened ln Oie gbade of the wlde laina. Bh bc oa i ber baioln and complais mildly about the aappysub- stance tram the petanla seicibecs trimmisg whlcb bas made bar ifmngertipc thc colar of Ui che u-lb hitaclf. 1 A beavy raja had tait same of Uie dclicatc flowcrs damaged and ussuitable tur s place in thc gardeas wbich caald tmarnsyuimb green wlic nvy. E& WOODS rATE LII5ITED rkers RY HOME es, brautîtul oIne, 4 homer, famlly mont mIng tlrrplacr. ln- ol, horse-bara. To 95. Id agrîcultural landl, rai lotie 878-2095 ltta 878-7081 pub rofessional Bayley Mac:Leari Real Estate Team 826-93U REALESTATELTD. 350 Main St E., Milton 878-0565 Toronto Line hotimalvanter con malce loto buvthe» kug«d of Foisiliensskip anas sasatat nsideatatls of aihebamjoalsorso banas etahlag micas ..hanrally gabbdilhem. The lus o y beca chasming fOectane, aa lmasaus lgbag ica scac, a garage dois ucanes. ousenonàdogmood la blo. YIeldns tsu epmfclal at sofins Inon moue con rsuft fn ous tiaify mladloa up wmf à ibasouabir mouheble hbasc. Bcousin mnd tbal hana cama nltasoinfaca secuailiy b. nideil io enatherhseet a f aatitasly malt cas osMiiesathe cicuosi of theoercl'onhcic. Pi ES5iUJOTINUUsJ Tison s a teîd os t 6mnuteou ofa cao bin ta envsssatbktasartir. tomon11/ clh asu3 3000s a th-nO Te anveis oais 150sos anch sa, plou saesc ofas nah aWiohi ecovpoay asaei fabisu ihe cbance. nodaftofa Th iingfocusoes wih Thay havea a$53500 rosisaso aet10% aaihedaciain,uisspiacada aibo maSsaS fcntu osa 005 Oeamn, fa ia/. osto iaarg ros sond dac. Taiaaibahi fffaatd ona 1acrecountrylot. Cai issosaeca Jim eorasckieVedu JaiaeMMaseraet 87-f05%or 8M-2042 Mna 07-fie 0 19F:NANCNTO TAcs vo. romanid a f/ly fonced yand vaoitbe cois. .ceetacmssdeapicf and ihe &radaosoundro o icavaffithae ownaeviiiiholagefoins fsanfasOst noias Irha, sacati 5foa n omati aos. leuiisrernt uro t; i jînKess or Wed amt7&1 rlA . Jaobla Vofduvnonet0700. EafMORTGE sAT1% w *70etbr ndwalot rewo Vcdok ilasivst ihoasy dioal dotck. h a ma yatt iho ro, i n g,,i'00Ias a, h fcuit asc ntcunrlc,, atin sahad c immeiyae poIIes yCn. $$129 90. onse S ella ah aamctc878 I.omg amiv 'm 11 rey avig $200 m as g ae t 117/%. hi LARGE MTGE AT 11 % DUE 1985 $83500 - 3-bdoons- 3-bahose lavin f g raoo ifschaique atkoFP.-sec. dningsoouti-f fhni. liss ar ed - impeccablef eaor. Cii heticia ifoafa845-5070/1842-i9a0. cm*ia PoiuolTuNt Cg.mnyfmsabt 361 CheechgSt, Oaeb - AIOiATILT., ALITOR ."To'ttlwtomesafeathebesl homieco 0 A&K ABOUT OUR aARANTE5 TRADE-ta oPLsN CONTEMPORARY HOME ON 2 ACRES! $192,500. Veodor nIl cosiden tatas burt mac- Igage. Tratfic Barw is eaay and inttenaltag. Ex- clusive areas riOicmparabe homes. Passive soar bou. Excellent nter ssppby. Guelpb Line (Milton). A pleasune ta, shor! Cai obo Btlery ai1844-2950 or Res- 44-0011. Sunday, August 23rd 2-4 p.m. ORA Vour hast salît be MIKE MORGAN of Realty World Colbeck, 876-1133 R dyW W ld C elsacRedE, -ita. Lai 24 M u6n SUts-879 gSO: .f f.t Ut, t os., i a o 5 aCIo j1,a Sf flA t],and moosotL,11 u& go,40 e ,na- 24 att - h BAIUklPicT BLtY, li Il

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