ge -ie Cattadin Champion, Wed, Aug. 19 1981 A. Ee LePage nI~fijJ umm summnertime fun. Many a pleasant day can be spent sunning and taking advantage of a spacenuapoo in the back yard. Golden opportunity is worth viewing Brght and spacious. This reomy kitchen cornes wet a 9od sized breakfast area overlookng the rear patio and pool. Tomn lving t an afardbi prilo. TIsa pacious and gani rooma. Prlced at M,1007thia ubau a --Lida Krby, fou-bedroom ide aplit oitera family living at ins 13 114 par ent mortgage whlcb dmn not corne due --Lina Kiby, . Thi ome cornu complete with an i¶onduntl1985. Miton Champion pool, aeprate dack area, cament patio and amily AEPAGE renmm red ________ Ireco m n ,tANDARD SMO HOMEFAUN $W79,000. 24 bcc stalle, ll-weetht taiig teeck, new uwc. iti, 4 btceetes. Veedc wcoLdd cnsdetetesitig wth finectg. Clteto Mohawkt. Cale Oceol Laeccece. Cccl cff thswmeteten ethie e*ttol. cetttey .etd Auraetct loDtetepette air-ccftitleed hoecikeh eqtotd cc".This, 3 Sedtett te.. cthot" pettect tcct$t homte oih 10 % % iecing u ccad ft ttee.. On cheel bsru be yors wh fe ocueetoto 1 9t9.eMuet hone ettete lot, et cheet end eee*M. pIetcouSheitPaye. Bft Casdy. m Allgtt tltb(i eet feetie teee. 0,4 5 te Pie l eCa-eeStotttl oeJeet MeCet. $32,000. Vey pvte Et aeocded on a beatifOl ,tooded 1.70 ecra lot lAppleby Lite ated), thsI 2-tttty Tudor oftem 39W00sq. fS. etfetegcc coun try é%neith su cttt flet sas6 bedtcccc, 4 btittootte. formt l iig ,cet. ntiueto firepleOe. tetly rtccth efteplace and t- art mes derters. Plececa tiIge Wirthte ,00494 bdO,3Sbats.heliving tmot,9speric o c(Boartd Et 0,ttffl itett, 124900 --Colonalat pheet heughot con anfoft etit rom, en, lrge edoott, 3 SatSte Itc vig Et& 4 bdtcct, sceSabepctemit kit 0,9010 ,,, .. edt khect, moral etttte@, dlttbtg memt04. ot e mfipclte.fettiy tcct, elcd and tcttterrusbut te, lrge c t tOtttttghtot. Ltn ore 5' 5hfireflecee &don. PituqfflB6 ocette tetett tcettt otpen brick itelece & seto ccicct eand Steedicctt. Reegitgstaet ble ttt b fitBttoi)etdeet idtg vetst. domt, Pis eiencottdeg, opgtided Sece @Wo9t3,00. PWm iete$L J. Beautifll etpopmy,. Omtettt eeefetted. Peb. etc. L&W t te ttg. et 11% untd Sept. cdltgeWhntme. Mtbéeeet.n Coll ige Wiottte. elee*tl 3 bedtcttSte plet04lt .et-int, k ,teefite re on ittt fleeietcettteetetdbfe , E d inl g tecete, cett ttth Sed tcctt, 'n . et te t' Fully e tcredlt. Ahîte $96,900W.. oe Il Lnday J. MoUtet. FOR LUAS Lrge 5 Whdcct, one plus eppoxmâttîy etc ti. ot offtpce sRent i l al feor91,000 te ettth. Pleus, cil Dezl Lorence. ON THE ESCAM$NT - 28 ACM Large oeIl buit bungalo etctotnt 4 bedeectt, $tet 369,000, îete lttt cta, stOchOCa', 0" Ceet,,dy. M89main St. E. Torot io8691 Milton 878-101* Mitton otUn8Z91 M ONhU av Caealy & Mar V ' r" SandUwwm Manager. FBI. M r k 11.11Hall ng0<150 Quai ree un8717 M 7M 979-M-87840M4 8784M330 0031800 07840 uo ar.nnmolmi qmkýL - --, -- - - - . > patio 18% MORMAQE Fm TWO VU" edloom Thraa bgdmm bungalow on hall Bons. LIOW at leu. $m,900. plusé cou BRI Currie. Donmeym cwow emam D-M sowl- Uwbw me"- ~ 12 866M 8784M