TONT Tnllir forsoe.iOfiidBi slN W~ z pj r bosem, honses lAseIforteR ItIN5 groumbua trophat Seat, 1 bp Mas-M au plants, 90.bu13. Horniy anse..For EX-AMWAY farîhen Infor- 00-&w diteflte m os nmnttnasi 2lbaidf 3%ior1 esse bmisvMitten j Biim nosfSe inpy P.0, au 1em03,t. ien 58, la- Siateeem pueOgmutai s teCaILtsb Tluay mdiv. ipalm tO; o fia nsitani if Club Hom, kbtd*MS 2 iii*s0-bi osma. i iqahontdmiWiaadMMbduP l-D. ui, iiteiailieii"hf rOI ins W Mi obiasina fis silofice if lia A~iitiuaptaliv- mnt f $1NONREoFUNDABLE -nit-nidalitewaoualatedav hitii Of the muaiif % fslIMIat tPdUA Pefaonau boni if 5W% if diih@ natentmant due Ibs t- oued inte lsitipuded Pi. Sbaoalt niesiOn igmoint te bonci if i bnii mtnv tsaaaa dhia ci MoemampmlSemmtce bond teufdeilideaiof fl pmijeut. A ensaetmIoith$eflhlsd 130Won aihftietcn& in * aot isaint toteiPf totaisosbni mmdie pavabli othfe MinaTenni Cuub aaoet"l. The ky«it ony tmsnt uniisaostYuniPti SifdiSv*" osKsvemi, Achitecte a2SbNdSeflSR.i P..o s'a3 aintoa, Onta, L7e3YM The Re#" malM Sdity HMiN TENDER: WO-201 WINTER CONTROL SANDINO TRUCK RENTAL tadid tadun otisly maeied os te ontent aU tbe eoteli by n"Realasai Ctrk, M. G~etD.isBrownm, at 2:00 P.M La ta 70 Tceicisy,sptmmhsnim, 19i1. Tender tomp ty e oiaid fina tieeofieiof me,.Pucn eOpeiiset, i15iiettsRosi Tandeosmi 55 ie ai eet 2:15 P.M. Local Tkao Teday eteishe ete liai, C Ine Regb" iHosiqatn, Cantolme naNo2 tedes laîsco ta BaOttend ti.ia.alt toes eny fndrBoitit eu â cetd eaWJ Mor, P. ttgehi HtinlnPP,CPPO Dnettuof Putlle Wotlii flglndPueatnoslg Auction Sale Meiiowiea Aidtions THUaOOAYAUGUST 20H et7:25p.a. SaesdlnirSa-GouciJohntoni Rockwod-_866-4272 Gulph-8U6-5115 or-824-7S19 AUCTIONEER MIKE BRUBACHIR Alex FInnie D0Uà E. IIONALOSON 87MU00- Fi. u. 810 ILU. 4104174281 Wrd Brownrdgo For Complote Auodo Soer ____ FurntuoeSol s Ak FuAeiture Bie 4»"M - #AST"B Tel. 811-25 iBDON cOLLNO ii.e.rnc AUT1oU w AI Ck of lx ab Ju Qu lie un la se VA A Pl hl. c id tq' del' a Th. Canadien Champion, Wed., Aug. 19 1981 B3 Youth home faces closure for Iack of expected grant atlity swing:Satnna-a vounSia Ay aeqlei.biid airRgOnatCUIci7, duel Ad gr anj lutin t A -vetien md e ei - a Rea pat tcmtes year uld oer puitin fr l beran o ad d tldion prmedorthit th. r bu alu bttrerpositi.neorerly Misd b. = fa@e c i n . ectded i he I 190qusiitld efthtie ut et teenad of dia year__ itbudget estiutates, "tn-need' h. m»Id, eddiig fic "U"neOf fitoil I '-canideration." ttat wagee et thte tacillty nt bisons. "lUit wasad tuteaity anire srntyino 10w tiit tac Execotivencof the bcethe tittet hurit e ihlfitt for the ci Shw4dan Youlh Asocia- for us beileue by tht asocitin t tcetyp ion, wiiclt opert«a atint e unwOuaud hala thec perieoWc iid cmreau iome la Milton er td psitonifhlvln a ato mobori tttare needed. Ha by ntmberso Maln s et an arderiy d'aire Of "We cage iret year L hottitand tuis a e r - te aclllY,' Siteln i n'd cm orba laut cou vice comittee Tuee- loard Chian Bryan me cent ittratt he mt day tlsta epontiied Clark. tld coiitttttteuperlenced peuplaetltetfun putot o 1,000 Mdlnot menthuw, "becaiÇte weneed," b. ald. vis benteney w ae Jutit jotetCos, Enectitive cu lhe group k.d ttn lt" Direcar of teeasocie- benlooiid it M1r. Clark. ieid aion, eeld ita purpoie blu a ntony bydat in e ra et front dlltn wui provide ciatodial cire Un dii ea povde tatone of everl financiaer ctirn b~ig reg Peet gIOIaI Ctouc lbplng lundi' titit cesed throeg 'Z heti È pa àpedlapovde woudd k. neededla k.ep corts lui liii .the cdity golttg. lne fecllty csrrattly cjl Pbf.mU AND OTHUS mghty swng inadsenir girl' eoftball mera, a acty for410r « Ne. I ýg& 1 NEMAY cto lt ee.cent cf wich ccimefront W, fl5B,,m~ CAMBIIC AI INeiTWE awarded Miss Can ANOHI "lI d vv- .I. bursaries coming b B 7111 MTM ofet Naaeill, Dsaisi, tialont Ditrict Brbar lus da- teIslotet.0if h. dii on 0a *bout WomeWgan' ttilte ferrýed itr m- Min CeCanada 1981, Doit AIL LA Meas- teS1» dey if May Scblarnhip ad ceptena lio a& Q, la comilg toMiltonionise tONALO HAROILL. tie, un senbnofflBSisry walanrs for lasguaes and Sihl lame la tparti ImueaToseeli l, IsntBi prdcuhe of 190 luve beanIn ternatinal Rat- pmnde teogbed tlacinjur nslaiiof SIRes. , e ir lies ttt é caiaeted ations course a e i 'iSte -r rsaon ai Biae.dossL eimioan arh.- lise Os- Ethel Unvernity cf admi miiparticipaiseilutdia tii petunson luvine fate ield dec -i- CiapananScitolar- Torono, 'atil 1I0-83 ntonieetsoin ditdoy. iiniitmsdtetbe r81ohm sitesaliai bip if $Mt. asa stae ba en er ippearance lu spatal if ILLA Mac- dte iisiostei mli h. ariei te Sriara nifecldas a eRoary hpon i8-d. al5 dii tatOrilos eaios itiedidagiter if erhri Deomirit ahere site Hlienry Santley, Mallan abotsthéi 3rd div ncd se- Ias n read oand EbiiohadTrev- iIliehaittendlag snnaive snae 1964, lu theno lites, 19, unM nl hy te alnos of ele os oret f R. 2, cbooltor theaccmiitg file pear. Mis Dufour mil quiii tOeni iPir- ahi hdud ainiiiiGeoretm. pair. oclocit opendog cremony. E *ndi if iBi) thfe uOisten hâvelad Barrira hon cita- Wlacer f tdia dia gala parade dironglu h ucierag on ota ie a-notie. plehai l5 4H one- Wcnten's lntilute MNQTEUORslartottîa ta fie 25"h &Y if DATEO au Gaivthii tM aiinig cubseand drsiry f $0Ila i DMNQEDFU laptiabt, l049i-ttite 1h dey if itogit beem active lu br Noau tuoErnd1 let, fi siti Ai he l. 10.comnilty onidauha fKr u 11V05b1 sdtatt - FSANCES utoitT, Ad- citarcit. She la a "'Wiln' cf H R u d e n ts p a ss in i poidtoaii5. miolsclori, hy hir graitate f George- t,.Norvif. NICHOLS fil, Siban, solcitor, tanme &twnlime strict Higàh Active îun ier 27 Mrysrait: bachinn,13 Geoge schalmiera siaeciturcb aud commun- Thte fllomleg aluients Chiihohn; PUo, clamihaturs, Leursa 8«a249, St., Oakin9o, Ontai. pleye d i ha bni, ity, Norma hou cota- hava Panaid Royal Jouepldna Mule. Chritnai Grinkordi, MItLTONi, Orieeta, LiT LJ4Zu itio a iter outhte pletadil 4H Agri- Ccnsrvary of Muic Grade 5 paiou flrt Kelly Helana Pottai,1 4049- yeer booadt titek culturat Clus.A exshelirecentl inlucie o iouru MHaudier Colleta Pters, Jasoit T. ioiatc In i-~JuuOitm an active part in tdiagradueita f MMil iltonBaer Chitle otoi; h ir, tiftaietoa --w. -------poductlitf te Disttrict Higit Sciioct, Grade 9 piaoitcHughes; hcuours, Shely celle SON£ berioa nt cbal miciale. siae plîyed lindiae ioucrs Saon E' rltini . Kiye Lova,,Ta= 117ioJetan aBit SiMiiiut.Concert Rond and Deoii. ' -Fntl eo e thadCoi CPhip, baba iO~tavl no .Es te t~ookprir th fer Grade 8 piaou tinet Letitia Lyon Bridgman, deirClenCre poooceeai eierees. iolitivilias. ceu aours, Elizaehd utnTiatas; Scott Hanry Martin, Gm 1Piettr a umi plns lNAncGrrivadipaisJannifer Aoc PomerS, orncliIPita OaE bidriona R ii50î inche, 10 ittreai pasrtt AnnYolad Boit. 'a",George Fndiay. Anme Gormn, Lynca balielinapiaitts. ban.C&IIiaallr 6-00University in le Grade 7 pinftret Grada 4 pianoot, Wimi CAiiseta",iMSPark-ing aniaop-. No A(519) utm Iti etS aons-rs, Michael tanins-s, Kelly Elizabiedith -ni mass-. It~I~ mlusme. tS- - an Liire Studlan. Phllpe; itonmtrn, Schoyter, Jetitier Roei, Gee2pan u topo, REDUCEDT&SELL , î Citryl redga, CarotliWillia Bnt Crrie,cio hnonLi O eN! bulinsa hon tla imcuvn Iue s îm Galiot, Tira Aine Bru Gage, Blair initls, Bil Mottaat p a n apremntdonton oass hcin0mte uter, Llua Taitahasi. icharison, Ravin Lae Nahan Andrec Mo; pseatst, iditetrab. iliageof Kliil, ocST. CATHARINES IGrade 6 piano, Cris; Page. Anit Watt- touor Cnfia AL-fotanini - 1etSPIYs5132 no.Fmiw-Lag e crcv itarw oount, Crlyn Lela lafer. Fautege, Toi doines, béiuti its t5ii &less urnan-o ou cuiâcn n io ouns moa ,Crpenter, Yvonne Grain 3 Fac 1r1SraitMeagin icou, tllo titis-adsents. -aatciilieom cons Otepce, acelot ncm, G.t.W. Eh thd . i~ bis. Adalteais-. No hrwo lOs iyTast 1itomièlsuM rOImtarrpets Caii superinu- oui fosmiyast et. 1178-40110. tnet, cumat penv y fichîdei p otniel O I % I 4 BIDROOM Aprtaontîs, 2M35 easet for sondmiontaoaui$45,00 0A a k l s i qinlity Os-IPi& 47960O bdrana Pion piton) atnoinue, do-t06332s so vuus OIpllmnitei, ant r ttchee, sitae er taceii2 arngargeSp Marsngt on as Sc oui tntbas wmien troogi peusion DULEX niai M cvi plte. or Ini8- aivmcci Ias ou-3 hsinovtocivhnun., A fnninitlobbhy group atitolaigaidteia i nta auratorin; basse S bidrSis, lii. tarlrEtn bnars-v a>-nsChilis Dico en. c.formai ncentyiny pola nice ot diiitype ut Marriogeasutau equat Ive est.&aiii ai IUn W mm omý, laavnt wcuitHlton gives areaites-vice, tendicg diculi eccimuic on social reIrai or sey - SMALL DOtoN PAu'tcc$48,0,00 mtn oo c m an arîal ai etnut marnied cople. . BtsDc rols nMENT vEsOoaWLL rerns rungitg front rape tiatntdi.per daeta rate, Acceon la affuniaitla, pu t mtt, IntltuB smes iain ta O TAKt OACK FianT 3 edocin ipaunonvi.and ahorlicu la Induen WHAIs argues. qualily chili cane, t2M 5-titI, inontry eute Mi- MORTGAGE AT15 PtRO1l'A btt.i acd,V omnen's iglls. "ton mre vary Impruvai seueol FAtMMOUsE ft a iv bitanmTenreno ato lasd wt teasul As rat, Disrn eRd. àiGorgetowna,Bame- CT. r oin 1$47,00. lt cat fdlatpaa ii daati qu Banlee, 10i reets, toInnd Miten, 25 mie. imodicrePossession. Action Movetaant esoene fron thdi Sociul Ahortion onsoatauttes- fride, 1i31t1se. 3 frite rears. 1a. Catilaitenaiticaiit dc- ClMrk MalieiIi88-t IWIAMI lomdai aIhdiaPlanning end Dnvelop- ut privata cinscienca; banmtrfèe niai'i iitlp Or $10 dsiiv. 7411 7488, 030-4400, en f Jaitonny, 1961, nmont Committen (for Eqaal rigitlifor native $MB pirntti, i-783. R 60 609Main Geiantv Tonst CcO.Hmiltonv Pnnpntvfllumlng u faîl meeting Haloen Regiont' La wmenn t, i..001 Goreens-,. enn Maaemevt LA. iltte home f Bev La Frascolu reports. 'ltaIt Mraemumnnelacted cetelybof I n.LGSG,. ......RuO Frncuis in Dakinill. aveneetraidthe taitter 10 public positions. A~otesi Io4luE R -MaTied iluwmiditdia testaff andgotoi ak on basis end oral Il PC. OWNER MUST SELL Naional Action Co-ta-heltahle. lutte lu fre pur- La Fracci is are alit in disieMbr. , PIMALO caudet tmiice ounte Statu of poe o a lubby group.' if dia criticlata taevellie liras kttdi5, fr"li fifi etin s-mires Peivai ,500o Wumu, MAC) a Ahotion lu unodior aI iaemontns mcve- aally mnts-notie -am tas-1lie soan trqgpiata sétasfer Ie Milton as-i, 2 Btwy e iee one.4baoom.1 vltary femnlisltajor cincern if WlifM Imeuntfit labae il a aontelv, t ltmii bbi .88167b -m2 iigrun itnitîcn, fll organization idi 70and MAC mitu viem the ananY unly die eta. An;loei« 6tOndi. biosinst large-asrodeapan,. loontal la diffrent nonor uhncrs-ont rigitt-mlug piviaegai claises can ~13la 0t-ll EcLMA os-- nstry. minuteOsie to Million. gpoupe, WHAM deailureiction l inte Uiediaffr. lia sm 5-50 in ale ettv nis ftanibsi idi isoeson te loa tSates, idiaMartn. rmnam era made, she bafri aiSe or nt or fnlshIted nana, asabusfrget. mydte alto foranarnmCai 878-193U provincial m an n eaI "Congresu lu cnly glviognunahtsifgte. $2O- 1motiv ar.nn lmiter. ow-oo levaI. mcney fr ahortiuuu te Bt iae pelats oul fraI THREE-BERO 7849. Seme metaharu, n- wineit Who are iyiog," aven in affluenotcentres me houii-a30 OM BRii0Mii0i~ AisD sec Miitov cludiitg La Froncolu, La F'rnucois notes. 4 appoiances. naMtiti!tdi..-.- ,Mont! e-3 e3 unous, 2 wmitnualoonlthe NAC "10e dosI ltitlk tae biteB. ignre@.O ID -lsteuiro Movinnatioual eeuroiva, aI- mtanai oajorily luaditer Clem,6fl 0 e auetetv ris tiise- HOLIDAY IUNYFLORDA imedately 141/,pin Contact wad oore cent vse ustuio. n. adai taeAi Hoc taoralor a majonity. Il lu ~6.11781153. SPI ML u-Auine 750l)t. Pone Confreora on thea a very slruug, Kuperînuce '81 ai tde THi!z-BEDROOM, SUMMER DISC OUNT PRICES 1i8n1.6095or 1.73-2766.Costitution 10 Otaaoroganluai, muneye Malten Hagicu Conser- 1n er oh tunaulw, MILTON Townhou»cm, ou Fev. 14. Bp senuing lobbhy groap." vallon Audiorily iu temaiibasse bas ns- uca l'roo 1/2 lats, No. 401, & day. 25,.Bean ee cndnium foras Mt tti amuit Orngaragenorne 10 par telegamd leter u te la Cnada, La approimately hait uver sumetIs-. 1047 inonfost fMoe le achFodlf a cen Ot00. 0251934 auts ky govarnstnnlpeopla, praucuis miii, mumen aidthe litei-t huallma W onrY1-4:Aih.cions f on eda______va O t $690.11-13.___ _ te dalou group plapai eeiig abrticta mutproutive one. 114,Ptmrsbur. aBlting mmieonhsicites«. TREOEPLO o rBna oIe lu gelin ite go itfre a hspilal liirly-fiva suodonte MP =MB s OAosstinn palenm isînvnl mequility amenîeut hori for approval. etapioped aItte alaun rani. 3 baedniaae, Infomaion Cmls hndrnin pantm. lto ta cinstitution. Froblemn ieteecanse agiou Conservmticn une -tm.lîia 2¶nrcolmmmc$1,200 mon "Soeaof ut mre lunulry une-tiid of Audicitytroogh iis snan ' tthamlCv,5 cinsni ttc Houaite dup the Cndian hinpitltehave Ontario oermu iftIlle Ititie ale 91ii .. a- 9Pa. BIsuies-- Fiiiv tiîStO78-O4Oov.titre. pas-lies agreai on to i ord systntufur pntoeai prograta, Aon. 44t it, 04M orPMI'f5Bsinesstetil thdiaCharter f igitt," pefrrnng abrîlutu have ieen etapbhup ila BACIuELOS @" siee9emOr eh5ndsTnaion Le Francolu sai inian and oidnse idi te vuai2nIofjobs cosat scelili itttn5i ~Hote. Anacut inerviewi recauUly. toc sptern impose qtas, ing f part minlan- tl .ea-niai- !Ml0tiiMM<'0u~iTBi pvformai feelinig tae niai LaFranrolu naym. ac c rnon cnr ..It. __ ___ _ _ x a 9 , . I n 23. 12 cccv in3 pC m. tlospeitlu issues mien "ltera are o > ho n u caping an d ro - BDROOM ipsains INIDUSTRIAL UNITS Cnnitnni a aris le" iouu it Mefctaland sîruclicu. o IIt flýcn-i - ne ten ,v. No.2. ISriegthe lot pro- and iniBritihCcouait BuOt on Monday JuIy «star eutra. e530561. Armstrong Ave. c otonnS 2 o s-m ine liriding vspiai bords. normaîîîi u n e , ,gaiî cooTa iilnlounte issueusmindaid H#vtug morked 1cr auiuliog in o Crash bedntina int, t2 i 400taq. li. putatiit plce, tlird rietin teir atamers peiliitai.fIlveypains ai a per Claun-uP Proramin Tn.etîan Of Fr inumcaitoCU: in amnt.tisang uRustly, ldiey lune coutaellor laan BC. Brllsgon. Trfana mat, $10 akmafl or, taiynou, 2 ' iiw l t dapo otmns centre, La lite Cty ut Buricgtou diil puemii.tS-~i in sinest, 2 finsbaivinciatn rgonipamcis etesetrngly cirries outnt ranul lt1fOUS Mdeitna tt OFICE $u s-heu ttcitnns, imoatocagovrmoente rlag aboiu paierisg a maintenance monta an CON Ott.ffilWmples-s-t in locatin 06M. f. an hiuc ne nsdo uler funding fer wmaans igitilamale muiipa la" nde mribd 2 ei5. ittei Warbosse UBOnI.t, -55-0, loointe inlews tranition boumifor dadillib i d ihbr cooperatmix! auaela AstilOaeBB rOMIt lu ta COBOq, WANTEO-nttc, lae oica' i l îco- b'aedwaun. ts-a dector. ale if dia dllasn taM- l». 8,11.0 f. 1i61,c met1eprs aBI I tblun tto urnc, o chioantetclosai domit AC'u goals, nsliled Raglan Coniervation m iitlv tliail léi aime& int ir oïl0. Duble canins. si~~~ ~~ omis etnec riei, s"eu ,dyar, Mapyextmis. 13/8pet in Ontaric testypain, La hp La Fraucois, lachsia: Autorlty, Experlonce ai ailirn erafor fr marutoos a . n: msFranos upelats ot, la Equai nay for mark if 'dl tudenla il carry - Wtiam m 0 in icia. cldt ctleatoolt sittadLaite, Oniia -'siLe tae mnbog apeubtiesa wî ll iiliitntmotMie an-t d tiKenra, aitdiaigSt , ps clsins fr ounelat ed ion J'a~is. f968v steto. theKIlusore oneims slace mantone mservie; prlvute lande, 1 Caitine.l=. 281, ta.îà/aMlel m e e-96bS3mum reapeneii. loimona serty for Tlb. ultae telh un Peel Raglon, k. woifd nt ha coitiudered Rid. tor support l in ay raie. IlWe ware foemed EdidiToliitd, Esecen- soea»ot ejack cf tive tirector ot the Oakt- cIite," 1fr. Cou naid, ville Uited Wiy noted ting fret betore hùi fret mont sucit groPs eillty opeued local laiete se tance that thfdren reqitrng ftha i gencties lui hprovide rpe of cere were beiog cultcdileeihouldd a on la Toronloandui lally tooded by dia lamilton. gcvriieitt railtha n Under'qtieetoniitg iy 9hyvtte volunlary ftatdi eSicULor, fMr. Clarke ccntritttted ity Uiteld id soir urces cf Wuy donons. andlag beeu in- tt mn cn that bal, etlgated, idiot nuc- uta 'aid, tluithde Ok- eu. ville Uniteld Wîy aoo 1telil cverturnt rejectod on ippeol for ave been made ltte fondst fronthelitegncy. Jnited Ways n l te Milon Coundillitr gln' k. sad, "but BraiClemonladte the hey wculdn' look t u motion reccmmendiitg ndte ntiddle cf their tlut dallaitreconflrint la peretlag yer.' sance fraI nocmcney Mfr. Cou ediat ils. till h. proided idicut md ite et by United spport frcnt Peel. ny oficiasin u anti- Cocitillcr Walter Mt bomicit (Burliitgto>) refonl atuylog dflion i ada '81 Z ah S decinluits. 4 s a '10it eemu omc ht :o to diathe eed 'hoalreaiy O IJ VI iean esteblished, ha said. niqtue Dufour cf Laval, '100 dont hava la k. atindny, Sett. 5. boud iy whet aithfer cipatte in dia dowittowu region dariden la do." uctiomi ia he2lt on- "10e shauli commu- ýMlion Fair Groumds, ielie la Peel tint in reunlou' opaitng cire- future frey shmdld cou- aider nltolderingtg diir cred hy Tite Conadicit ultre cf te rositen- siblity " heaidded. Counilor Fred Oliver l' agricuttirol rapte- (GibvIlla) tid ha iop- Iiciat openiog dgotary pcrted prcvldlagsotet a aoult tent midi dia 12 fmonciol assislance te Rohiof hrmwillride in te grop, bt only fr uw, miichi it uuate oHalliu resiientu mokiitg oue cf the uervice. '0f Peel itout prepored la uhauldor ila respoit- iiility frenit ilureideoli usIC -thadot ha b houead thora "ha uaid. Chitnte Mitchell, Aflr Mr. Clamant' Joesc Cronier, Tracy motion hadl heai paued, LyonGreoryKatrynMr. Mifkamich argued J. Love. eaither Aine HIltfln shoiirite hc TroDlope, Charles David Racc ouart te ist Saddicgtcn; pal 1 ino ut mhy te pont Bradley tonzni. had hean rejortai. Grade t Pino, firnt 'If me ont tc moall clan itoncors, Liui tae pont rooditional Egociti, Tit tfroctdia leaittme ron do Chitilpier, Shairont lk. mal lfored" ha Roe Ymmng; itaiori, sai. Ciritina Miftatt. 1fr. Rattin replied fret rae a s-pette deciioincof poliicif Gtipre ôititi ante. itdies ara not almayt Grade 6 climat, eaýuondosad honcuru. Wally William 'eaoa o=iicb ody duter. maltes a dormino1 dont Grade 2 fle, itonomo, lhinh avycue co tnd SUtanoaJôohanPitker,14' tho iTct-ail -Won Monique Hodley. mode. -'1it a poliicif decioicu and thora coul d ha any nomiter ut rea- U "e s sonu hehndil,'k. oui. 1fr.Clark. and1fr. lik Okvllean Br-Con mado a aecon .hic Ootî n u-appeol lu Hiflt o i a- lintolat, nummoO ministratio ad inance kaown witre ibo milI k.cimmillea wednemlay, lamorvc. Te mumau agaio withoî tacceun. tuppored ity Oatman lu At thal metig, Mr. cite many amoy front Contee tliicimmittee mlfare, site dorlares. memiters thal "10 dia Home herueit 1cr t.4 haut cf my iterprala- yeart, La Froncoi ion,uleust titre era rejoins dia orittorca inpciiciî cimuiderotionu Augutmitait site iegonft a re idien aI te idi thte Mattculitan -. itiu pool Ciildre'u Aid Society. raqueultoc Peel had heenu Womait ueed 10 ive oe 'rejolelsimply itecaue onodier remendota n a ch ffne support, suha treses, He addad titlefforts aod they neai to eeap are colinuiitg 'te gel lalkito lune anocfrr te Minislry cf Coin- gel peut artificif moiy and Social lier- harriars. vices 10 omnup op 10 l WHAM resumes reuponiility,' and h01 regif or meetings 0l taelcsng cf the Sheri- Septemiter. Thny mort dan home mould drat- dia fourlt Thursdoy oi icoîîy iocreaue presure eacit rnnth lil Whte ovochier Hllon tocial Oali Lihrory aI Oak- uervtces, uit oustae villa. Chilrenus Aid Society. ý'Wfe are atready ~,6I1S warn -ha ucid, "1h01 Ra m s Haltîo t pathaticotly reupouihie for clearingl uder reuourced au far amay doiristha ltockis au uocial erviceu ire te normal flom of the cocernd.Ils almoul a crocha aitd terafore re- complela ceraiiot tcriug te noIurcIop- y . itaI mnont ha pearonca cf dia crenhu. oertiot hy lite oum- The creehu icludedin 0mercof 1982 mitout ome tic cleon-up proprain help." are nectious cf Hafer Coonillor Dove Criait, litac Creait, Whitlug Hallin Hilus) Hamito Crenit, Falconnoold taI iuce tera Crack, Applehy Creeh are unveral chldren ood Sitoreacres Crenit frot Porel ite home, Vprovidn tome support Fi rst mhau 'au ifforl 10 g'a dol wn tht. task t Weseerm y ceaght Ps-rinn une Adianistrative Aci- tant han beit given han lirul job. Mo soaner htat Jouann Brown tahan dia job prepare a report cn "iida»ifyhug irean cf onengpdaficlancy aud mnefroda if cirnacting dhise s itun" at aienn Baglaal Hdemi lb. reprtteladue by Septembier. tCouceillor Trry Man- oeIl arguedaiiu te original renclahion, tpiig supportlfor tdiaeonCY te a griot frontPelFaifmo "a gondi teveerage tinI. hut toen il gela la dtiii positin il gela tek. aitn- reenunabla." ",Ils ureiuoouhle for diii cotaminitp la BOY mena conly ilng la Pet necogniie a mintltr reapanublity,," k. mi. -,ï ha( wu sa liýý UN at ro m n's Off toN L L a