MT@. Cassdian Charipion, Wsd., Aug. 12,1981 *~~IzzEŽ~ZZI AUCTION SALE OSd GARAGE EQUIP.: TOOLS: Par OFFICE EQUIP.: & PARTS ple FORle FREDERICKS AUTOM011VE ON UMITEDPa 77Safford 0.1v. epli& Brmpon14 Tueeday Bivln. Aog. 18, lI1 OI et 8.0 P.M. se LIST: Bisas iNo.SM0.air Offl d baancer; Foiseri wu No. Sm asit. opiyoae tth ahast 50.190; =ah H -nit-be-A-N. slgsoiso rock 0011110 dllase 08E ~aomtplosadiveaontiltameti; FM-S"til 10 pont flachitt;SEngns frisa tkaspartiSmyls);- ObP& sutassa N. 810 pata cisais; Stlp-on cvalvea-I, pts fmcacttplt f th 000.10gida enttideaa.Pns; to F.M.C. dtto rter ltoath N. tNadiPtima(2 vamae AP' aid; Robiait A/C chargtg cykds t 0hulr; Onh5 C mawta-ot facumptc, ath bol intmatiold ITm Om« inbg E a hWaatrktfr1-0-2»-- 4040 chattrs"; ttlgso-Ritd ecota, 5 p jaBlephas20 voit vt mtagnsborttcact; Y. hp Mols Falis bettotgiadat; Stop-oneroll aabintt (4 d gi.; ,1 Ps;Sasp-at aise cabitt43 casiesa; 4car battabsatoad talt Morali tap; 8 pal abrioa;t rc0 g4rom, ibh; 3 cOli ciculsatias, 3 b",saisrtiaeped; bttaI pumips; 1 staaxy-atylsts ttlditg tatches; 225 ep F AC waids; 2 bstafrvillas; t1 %ton Bek Hsck tflc, 0ok; 111% aon Hit Wsotatflac, lobk; 2 ton Hi - Waner flotjack; e xai standso; 2 bstty hatata; RaI gatsgs datsoater ith tattots cottailfo 12' kl dam at; ss>sb.liton; N&aotmetftalcIosd NEtamot- foc djderted pattaEN sotta te« ac sndamsonttcsO f Ri obap aos EN sqopttstt. OFFICE FURNITi2RE: u Shato No ER 3200cas oistr(3 yolta o); pito a. cpetr;s«ig maanes;desarChats.; Ntother f- G visaig TiOta Motcloc Aog. 17, 191 front 1000 ar AM..fil400 .M. Tesdac, Ao. 18, 1981 frot CI* 10W0A.M. tg saettbttir CamasN&Aoctiotss tOsponsibe fotataOc- 87 cdnts itncottactionO#t th tltale. Tets: Casborknetacchaouedoe Of8818 AcailoaSi oald W. 5sitdti. OF Bampto a cssak Exchsangelm.. lc Ssalgt-005 Ont. 1 8a3. W Fe fonfts . P-1 GIIEflOIjSU BACIIELO sport-t los tont in Cstpbtiicllet. r Ti-rs .litsarge0,n Oc11lalbitSaptatabai- se Issasis bdy sqs11p. lai.Rtfti-5ces, II - of l lm by mrss 0108 9769. WO Irsoh. Fatrb5t555ti- LARGE 2 badt-oam 1-Mf-7M dmom> 88-90 H mime titans.40 ACTN-3 badi-ast qui £stl@ crdomilta, ss a nz zz t1al omsp. lt fermec, ~ ai6 p.m. 877-053. OWNER MUS 3 BEDROM Siltbei- . $105 pia", ta pbi ias tiltes. 2 aftat- ssta-daocbhelh si-5tinco oitad. bstatt. m,2 Iocisa oma Wi-litpliy. 878 basetarge gardons biclitis cpst-k. TV fois.,, car- poi. tatai Caiei 8- sshd. hudgandt$lea, i-saéi-f ontata fc. $685 mottfy. Noptsi = r t or,,bt.MORTGAGE; tqhamWas. Rapy Thea CaadiesnChamapint @as No 8%,19Mit 3 BEDROOCM raisaios.It Acha BRIGHIT piaos 4 DiPartk,.ntar Go, *fflo5ti ta 120 f50lai, eal a r c.Ia l> atabished atm co WO abi-alooam, tchooasad Taonbsa att aIt-sos $7055 par Stikbcgalow, 3 hatttotc M aB rfotb- O aidiotto t htoottFul> 1 7i62rec7- 69S f. Il n ihs p.m. cîpttd cealatdm caella CAMPBOLLVILLE dntcith mn actue tOtttae msse-2 bdi-actt asrtcodtccat .Fora aoint0 sqoI pd Ita 25 ai-a Wadsi lad. 410-769. RETAIL Soi-e mth mai-sa spisa. Dotattt nGaci-t own. $W00mtotthly. SALE 0F LAND - Icfrdethast. 877- 7177. Tha Mai- ctryofGcttctt TIIOEBE 5850000' lltcg tht llletattO tailr tatathattse 30 Otalat. actac et Ttctalc.Augo 4 sppllstaaa , 2/à 2p.. petits s, ae. 500 taatthic flas tlitias. The ptprtysa ctant Contasct LiodO Maat- cctsd of7.670 (octa affe .1178-85711. - ttptcavd land. Aceaat TCWNMCUSE-3 ociilaî hegtta4.8 art beiot-ata. cenrl> lcadconîhe ahaideae loction Gasoatml trasotlcd dt lai- short tai- lte 155 fTrflar55dad s Reosat-atsa. AduI15 pt et Lt I, Ccmcaa tt-sfei-t-d. s77-0131 dato.bad as PFît-t1 oncPlan mfoactt ltnns. Miltn, Rgocol Mnicptl TCWNHOOSE 3 sktch eowdc ssci-acta. M Itt avalliible Nacsltbt 1. Applmcct inlcicO. î½ ,bath ttennscoutt bP.ol S460 plot Calilas CIclla1 459 1358 alter 5 TUDOR 3 ta 4 0.0-aorn. oadat- hale. (sargeladacspeO lot, sut-lntcfhot Closta 00.795 lft. Foi TWO foot-mm hse, ai- tisa.0i-sllibla Il".2407. IAtti preettc7 ote Mt 20 l981, tc nwrrltn 2 MILO WEST 1tp.eonthetdateofthetAu 0FIOAFALGARO A. att ptpe Tm 2bdtaasot- 10 TERMS ANDOCOI metea$380 toclt plusa 1Adafeltl50007 - 252 726 2 awsubac o a ese, COUNTRY Apsittaat 3. Tfra Mscastty gocas ce ast-I-5t1.t, osai- ispiid as te tha pot = wi¶ iam- ptuy lter bha s.Z f0050. m, ita f it-pcai infomtitontmers ha 5s4f .098. Sif 4. Na smplymsofNtheOa mO a- pstfiaipes caPga5ab. AatiblO acfhonaonifrolthall a lo - OTiait bai kf @W«or c/ oxv. i5. Sa. fa si. t te npex abi#VOTE, For 50mBiail 4 oOn 50003. Mr AI~, inies of(li lasse. 0sua. 15» -- -iiasor pami. le Oa fldo lidi-at mattotas.li55 )E bsdt-oac, péot,. 21 M IiSf. sot. n A &tas. taible )E & f595osOt-atta pa-Itmaffifav sait&- 1.Adulte Orly. NO fis. Co>Otospoti- trdeaf, Diptf Wrfalsi St. N.. Mitas WO b54i-aalt 8t-cst 78-337a. SENIOR ROOM et BOARD CetralAcflat Rasmtsbia Ram Cali (19) WS3-1=2 200' ta let, uoSf- alltiita stkIs GENTLEMAN ut-- a'lt ne00. fot-tiased or ottfot-lsiid i-act, ose ta dcmhta, sot '87074. OFFICE SPOCa-idait lcationt50sq. 1,00 sa fit 1275-68U. WAREI400SE sfio Milton Waoshao -t 18,61,cellilta fright. die-In, saciateil serices to a fit Wili dilIelO Eacellent lcation, 295 Wlhab-stai Wsy, Hwi- 25,(I/i4talla f-olt 011). 1-275-6834. ST SELL $950 h m. 4 bedroom, 1 i.s=it khchat. fll nsos. ocad la 0Mitn. -1938 ip. Askng $74900. m.Att ai 097arage Abacttot. Nfflkit )or W1k-oitlre , tking Oa cldad get- qand ahrubs.Ceal -itnn MIolUN cll st Sateivicwll be iptcperty by publte lus 27. 1981 ontsitetet 010a aped pate taes (18.56actas mtt<lh-teotoceatasy of ameltte Rcad aat si e> tha OitlOLtttflit tn 20R4-0200, . - ofe tîttOy of Hltt. Sao cn TO toto Augus qutonot. nsttdttottt SNDITIONS rosa flot mOicht ha 1Zmttgand 5lai-d ose Rebflsittid s t. N itroGooaattan oyt at e toutprior rmdta Os DpOfy Mintiumior filas TwAtsa. 1. -Mal asllaam Saao mmSerda". atom i18)01470 vd N>17. OumY 0F momm I. 1