S Ta Canadien Charapion.'Wed.. Juty 29,1961 Halton exchange program in lob fourth year yai eniug peupe wth then newy 1w mL e r etrJThecet leoJ~t tti prlla~vte, a iPaue have opeaed heir dors eqle rnc anrm ich ctdea lii.la Halte.'. thi tudant'. patentasta'in . tltah nt paM.4PtI tig i e tu hbeir Qseec aelg-FriFne. ch trensperl ati andiyaar la thi.e chaenge change are net eteneta wie egaei sp ninaW eZhaSh6 hons. Lnt loay, te huâa t enenc a h wgauwta uwa hhslte~ti c rgthecdtegetiuer ta Farty-teur aludentthe unreiny veetier thie aeee ihiev vhaie tan ti 11 bord ta dote,- itchanta agaeegtTIOt i pc aged 13 1e 17 tra errabstdents gel legeher at $0. province ferrlthe put mine lUn level of ha- gelng itt Grade 9. recepttoai ai tyhe Italton are playtag bont Lord ElinHihSchoh Federat granet, elgt yeers. prevesanat (ta 1h. thi weekcand ext in44 for aoseativitlea daY pravincial nehehty, a Whiln maay of th. nlsdent'n pintg p the studenle tram Queees ptayiiig hesiieti. garage snlead mefiag A - stesianta necond tanguage) btIt M tto r French-Engliah exch- together tair ovin miel- nmaey ls e eped le engle in Onta esnea tahuhug .I. the con- cag pegei eem eedflvpaper. make lii. seidhie iem. ls-ty,'nt iiy =aHla Bade Dlly tripn ccv preercinhapp"en, ne ith heir 1.11 ' lnthe Hetier Sit," a ete ergy reb t Educaîin plaimed fr the eledeala Heahe" Smitih, c eveatag lin1h.t hom fret age cenfidence ta a Th Racton studeets 10 loca l uiaI spots concilor onatle, ea- theste nt e u heo0Speak hig thtag eapeclaly ta Cenadan tederel gev- Iltehoueght thea fret lef t fr QueterJene 30 eech ce Nagera FaIla r chaege and a French h. het laagcage 10 learnteg a agiae" erainst sidh d e t1h10 wee nethleg h. Aneher puseltam1h. inetit 10 h.tu erv ml of h. country pregrein eeide fotra h. n dt a iceme venled," Jeltaek snid ta epperhmlity of ,hetag ctltau, heing hart hy a te=haeInterview =tve-nlrt tanc e evriareing eaergy train heOtawa office. etast'ageiientdis l pr;ies. , ccerdta eticbuhdget, vhich etdaee uee1 e lalit tt e aien. iieaad th. ettrie entirely m tiae Jelineli recently nied0<aaette y 1n rentsae witfrdftrent teeda, en the fdorai oen-geehcmel pIe custmàaendt vay of if, ment ta latroduce an tieeeis Whtete ita Io h.e nty a uI cnieagln tentr eciemer ecage l 1h.one p- pRreTradu 10 h. =WU~n ' h IaIe iin then nber<1h Oerd <Educatien 1I7O hudget fret led 1 0tasoa le 0<er, imlar pregreinethlie fect of thi.e a ine meatti aeece. thrnegheetle year. n verament of Juse. rdn o iue hileai0<eltetneElripro~ih y J iek Tks off that dtl cosumera pay up to August month =. pnd- a cenIt0thies et cloit many hetag hart for sport s hurt ' The menao iltit an ee get ergeninndsprs "t l oein leeiia~1OIBI< tah. tar meli, thal Ccnadtens cre loigfrad t th e Kmnti -isecen eally canceraed weekend - fer Angunt ta lest yeer. nte Ih.atue "he t sanid. 'a &ae çin -sports shit camapeign, tie-weerera ns e rmdt a j month'in Milon, e were -tined',ad lie rame faily or fermer wtale monfr when praceede vint tea itehe hcs le de lnd an cketsancd lien cre Terry Fee cancer tend. enorgy and yen Il gel c eC d coonTherine vent h. any ins qick onever aboet hew, Mach ta cosamon. Brdrig nbength es (f rins hersHporty shirlc cre in 110e year, snid c msch i11la hurting.' Bodein esi 1nksý 1tf hiton, Vogue Ciiemher officiai, jus a c Jelineii cdded fret (left) and Sarah BoucIsard, 13 of St. Fielicien, Quebec, (right) are among 8t tudents Ptle hihre lot otcoler people asn eleei s perienta Priia inin a French-English student oummer exchange prngra Miommechcs erofe -dogdesdys toef cd 1rchneh Commercebastoncesummer errive. ýnt " , lien hy the goveremenl. CeATII A nete frient. Stee Br left and bis mother, Olive, cf Milton pravide a e l=oe hug ]Fernh exclifnge atudent LouisBer- riere from St. Jeatn, Quebec. QueÀbec-Ontarivo exchange Àbrinrgs studeint together DnydIai.Krby trmam ctve-veek e«- Ontarioe Science Centre. When iS-year-ald ceralon in St. Jenta An evtd dovuihil Steve Sergtn of Milton Qnh.ec wlfr eechaage aiter, Louis sasupted tan hennit ahout a Frencht ntdent Louis Sariere, tiret gane of<sqansh e abident exchange and alhou e may ot lthe ilton pins avalabe b toaly fuen heunCentre viiera h. wu lanh Na nnhoel, h.e nv carry e. ahort tavttd1 ty eeee declded il vos 1h. conversattins wlftah . is e. = hn = tI epporint 10Frnci-nPeahlsg friend. 'ie-e taeeaisen hean eaea Trnh. Lais aise 15,*" trips 10 Kelse, Onarie lb. Grade te Ea la eheel belt h Pisteand the local 10 Er lt . letaceena. AcHpinIigli Sctio luhats11epracttte ~Louis vl tatainMilton seelhndrae o s sing the lagu.gle. fer enetiser veek and one day heroning an He ch... 10 par- vOl)tale sse assci cirline pilot ced a licipate in lthe pregram pointaetofinlereal ce mielin a i of lweoas=ed y theNiagara Faits. The lengeegen 'a necenery. cndin Cooncil et Bergia tamily aise pleins HIe recently retarsed Chrinîlan cand Jevn. le tae.hlm on severcl havesa btler handllng Of< th. Englisis longuaeah expleined. Steve teund his tiret trip teQeehec on ex- dItng cdventcre, ta naid, and remenked spon th triendleen ai the peeple h. met. le tait h.atece throeghly npied hy Lots' mottier vhsIMde tam fateM oh.eeOf th. family. Excursions ta Qsehec inelodeadtrW ta h Montreal, ac eàveasc visite to istoecsite. cnd camesement centres. Louis has denigns en e careerilathie sciences, sn oe of th. tiraI trips 1h. pair et teenegers made spe feir arrive] in days of camping in nortrern Ontario. nie pragrein vhtch 1a open 10 stisiente ecrenc th. countrylisa esot ien, accerding 10 Olive Sergin, motiser of Sleve. ii. boys ere ai on cge viiere liey cen atsk care o<fremnilves a greet dm," se noted, cdding ahe enjeyed enlertcising the Quetac student intafetr home. Louis cainen frein a tassa targer fren Miilton, biutth as futll ofrt nov tike in, retusa 10 Qsehec fer c visit and cdmite freta s ov hasee defisile inleresn t h. French leeguage viiere es hefere ht ates nIt overly enthcastic MOTWS 12 PR"C SUPER SUEDE S FA8R/CLAMDTPRICEAFTERAUG 30< SEC. PRICE FAYRCiADDS RcAÇrERAUC 30< 10 oo"îso, OFISIEE$ 38 ."GABA DIN FAIRICIAMD'SPR0CEAFeRAGJr 6 98 o ARICIAO.SSPiCEAtEAG3< amTON -MNLSE y $!_98, ELMR$ UPH/socmSOFrUEE 3. 80"IN1SHRam NDS $3. FABRICIAND'SPRIC'EAFTER AU. d $698M FABRICIANOVSPSICEA~FTRAIC 3014 DPRYN R AY S 5-9 FELT 55 45-/1150 m ni,, a 4CTTNAPERY LNG $2.98 M » WO CR$71. FAIRICIAA<D'SPRCAFTERAYC 30< '3.49 o FAIRICLADD'SPRWCEAFrERAUG 3,d '6 C HOM ERE SUTINO 's- 1298 m S FIN G R E DS . , FARRICIAND'SPRICEAFTER AU 3 '.98 m FABRICLAMD'SPRICEAFl'ER AOC.id . FLANELElHOT ENDSh 1.4 9 M OIILT BATI$5A.8 FASRICLANDSPRiCEAFTFRAUG 3< 11-98m )FA#RICIAMD0'SPRICEAFtERAOC 3rd '.' CCic ellCse - PA -?CId GRP INAM $2.69M WINTEANO3TPES)$116 ABRICIAMODSPRICEAFFRAUG 30< '2 49on FARRICiAMO'SPRICEAFTFRAUG J3rd*1 O-/ 150cm.,, IMRTr ABRICIAND S PRICEAI4TFR AOC.J3W'2l 98 M ABRII'SP R VIAà- Y!' B6-uycm "N ow & SD78ý'0" RIIave.& I Srvyou. Al Si /Car t)xefrtheseitesand m genviepci'is . 433gev0 Speciai s w e>' - 878-2i62(lýdA# Dy- rbd Moa-Fc.-i6c'ni:3 9.99 Fr9:0 t X~5rad t . t