Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 1981, p. 3

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Johnobinson ws o tld. Tins tire cas stotos tram a parheil veicle bektenlg teutins station manager te replace a flatontheyostis'car. Raiter who pleaded gilty te tise charge et thet, boitte a previons crimhnel record te- cladisg brook, enter and tbet; tiet under 8Mi and publiesalscilef. AUlotinr tiss-syoutha tevolved ien e incident wer found gulty and fied. GufIty of impaired driving A 2-ear-od Bramapton ean tosd guity et cruser te panauit et Uns cor, ht Hamson pro- tmpatred drlvtsg and refnsisg te preide a ceeded more Uhnna quarter mils on lins bretinsapis es-,IfeInt0e asild mes nbulderof theread., itdvieglcefo otnremehIl woaa mty cinnosecond cruteer putisil in Halto e tonsal Polce poied Dtosglae Han- frontof Hamson It ho stoppsd, tise court has sons et 12 CiesineesCr.,,Baomptes avec ons ld. Higinway 7 last Foh, etltee recivteg informa- Botin polie oticrs sid Uns ccaid oas tion from anActon podestrian. umsteady on Ha tfeel, gtansy-eyed anddornetisd Constable Tom Rodnsck testiftsd tins vecleo fetace. cronssiltUneceetre lines ofUns teinsyy hoore Allbougbdmcnthod hy Unte ticersoas titlly rehiriagieetie estionusltee. c-opeative, Homosn later retssi teprovide a He said lho achivated Unhe reoligita etsteebreath sasaplo. Left accident'scene AlO.-yoir-od Boton yth woUnhailed tane- guilty oI leaing lise scese asi ndtaliebadl mate an Ue sceseofe a cr occident te givnchse tethat car. GeorgetownltaIMarris oas issil $3W in Ho oas cautleaed hy oticers sot te coroct a MditnProvincial Coorttlut Wedisesday. mo- soy lecudli hre ihpbi Ho aisea mes ltsa driving licence trnsiexmes storor. b te cn t ho cheargil oln epohc the. sible fr leaving t-o accidest, Ue corl bars- Andre Mlleger lait lino accident scene in- d volveg Ures veiles, ater catsing os estimated $3,Mtedamage in a pick-up truck,. Ue Metegers balda a record et previusa drtvisg cortwas teid. chares isclsding cerelona dring, fadling te oelenurlater liereportsd tiseaccidest ta stp ala stopligbt andhaving more tan the Gergtown police bel sid asothr car oas egal eemat etoflcabelisnis blotti. Assault sentencing set A 27-year-old assemplnyod Acton man nl ho nctedteg asseulling police, oas decrshod by etesced Augot 17 in Miltn Provncial Court Jedge Rbinson as snol havng a very eniablo tolloing cosviction on Imeemute et brek and record eter, a charge efthUet, and o charge et tailisg Theo mml receo eteson tcladet reatesg te appear in court oo an enier dato toc Ue inIa 10e Main S. aparîmensein Actas tant charges Match and stoaling a digital clos and credit Joilge John Rbinsonsordoreil e pre-sotesce carda tram ao neeaparhanens. report onSteves Gordon et Actes aller isding The cort was tetd Grdon pancbed a police tom guitrothie ahave ottesces. criser oîsdo otle hing placet ondar or- Gerdos wo basea lesgthy itory o violence cmlt forea separateîincident ateoin Mercis. Fast food frenzy A »yoer-old Georgetiown man wo etonS e- teece te.marks mode hy a emiorer itlng imside ofa Mr. aabmarin suop let Manc, andl proeeeded to smas Ureeof ettee oU, oas fis- ed $3W nsMilton Provncial Conrt. Robert Fendley, woepleded gilty le Une cbarge, structu Lawresce Cokas e oas Innv ing Ueatoodasuttet, Fesdisy gve cise la M. Cooks oho sught refuge in Ue mens nsheOute, line chot mas tld. Ho proreedetolepunch hiesin the tacs, roaing lbnee 100h and caoing a swoalen nsm o teMr.Conk. Feodley hldsao provinse record for broak and enter, commun assait, eiscieet and pmssession at e sencutin tac the purponesoe traticking. il I Traffio survey on area roads Mtrinto aiag Halton rendort roadside rnportatin ystems ho bref -prehahty ltom area rooa d rlog eortgin-desiain wihntep onoe. han a minte The Augut may hoe u- erveyes the Mitten, Advanco signe and driver witt ho asheil the Jcted te a nasahro f ArIen, Erin, Frges a. evcentret measures tip engin and desti questions. Georgeon and Geph witt indicate the strvey natien, prpose f the l'ho Onareo Minostry areas t setecteil sites fr dtin ers an MTC tip, their herne ase et Trnsportatien and locatien, te ebtaîn data pebeesan sat and ho freqaentty the Communcatosasvdt iteo sanstin pannng The qaestioning otît tip lsmode 1850 diary will be published Otario Hritage wo b hilt te Van Fmandatios as awardeil Nrmon-Brechan Heono Brltegtos Hitorient 0001 et the Applehy Lino Society a gat te carry an the Suls Service Rd on itb the pblishisa otis grlisgtas's Con Ctharise Bell Van lennial Business Park. Nrmass diary oet1tm. Feue generations oethIis Ite Society etîil as braoch eftho Von Nec- on importast pieceofetmens ave hoon living in Candiana. the Uied Saes. The Rrlinglon Hiter- Whes David Hilbrry cal Sociey acquireil Ue read the diary ho asd is diry ram Dvid Hil- oite corne le Ontario hrry, o descendant et roIndiana te seacch Wiliarn Van INorman fr therc cote bre oand tonîî uo.d d n> e " FREE Estimates " Custom Painting " Frame Straightening " Collision Repair ANCHOR AUTO COLUSION t4t loiiti m-naRg MM 87841424 find the places which terstsg bit of out past. ptayed such an ie- "We are very gratetat portant part in e the cemmittee fron Catharines lite. Ontario Heritage Foundation, chared by "We can ho very John Whie, oho choe thankfet that a yoeeg the Bringtosehmins- man oeld sho sch ion fr a grant,' sent cencero avd retre ta Michaet Hatl, President Ointro a cery it- et BHS ;THE CARRIER HEAT PUP: Fulsea praclîcet answsc le soaring Fulcots inte ensrgy-lighl ysare eheadU 3 ORDFRNOWANDGETUPTO: - E rc- P1 * --a miwE 844-7354 sun : Tise Canaies Cheespian Wed.,July29, 106 3 Guelph Lune danger study endorsed by council atsallag a tire anil ries fron a Camehlîville gaaohsne station test April, cosl a 2-year-old Wston rnss a $MtOfise in MitonsPrsvincial Curt Wednesday. His ature te appear ia court on a prvois date for tise charge netted tees e torthor $100 fines, atepnsi ter wone et font yestha wo dtiei ote sthe tire and ries ram the Pins stationein Guelph UnListeCamphotivtie, Judgo August 4th to Auguat 7th Niagara Fulsite bMatned bt11000 Fut, une due Bom ,ontnttnnievatuion bAe Ontio Place Bl ,sO tmi oisvn' ag and MeM.huel Getetev Cet ftripttoeiagua oFuite. Mainlnd & Ge Futtn a Tuedue.bunst4th 15.0nant,,td Cuue s dt aco OronpmknsratinAe Cont lotrittinMotte Trosto Zoo en Tunstion. August 26th - $010.00psar ti Pro-r.gittration is osqutresi. Milton YMCA 327 Bronte Street. Unit 9 Milton, Ontario 9T 4A4 Drop In, or ca118784711 for lnfonution qeesîtanel. Ceunctler Jim Watsen salil aoepreblees ares is the corne in eowvillo. beneral yoars aga il oas aoggestod the corse ho stcaightenot ulheb carnmusily eppaaed hy pelltas. -Thon, Mr.Watsen Laid, tIsera oaa an in- - 'ance a numhor of inentha aloei ohoro a cor missoil the cerne andl bit lte home nf ose porsen won ad signoil the poliltan. berne cauncillars Oece orrod 1h01 asbîng la book ai prebtees spots ould ondanger their position oîth regard lu an efîciol plan amend- ment ohich the ton cocestly passoti and the cogien te nan upposing. Casntei pproeoilthe oneof ettho Craword Lembor prupocly as a tlea marktioa nd nan Hallan is eppesing the hylawonsethe hasis the corne et the lornhocyard is ton dasgerons. Me. Juhnsan saîid ho elilI cents the regin o l lobket chat conbh o e frem highoay 5 as faceas Fden Mitîs. GR R.STAN OPTMETRIST 143 M9in St. E, 878-588 Resldence 87"-165 Thur.d@e 94 P.o F,etan 24 P-n *Ready-made drapes & spreads\ALWAYS.PRtICED *Drapery & upholstery yardage> WAY BELOW FABRIC & DRAPERY MILL OUTLET Corner Ksrr IAKVLE8536 & Rebecca eVL 436 Open delly 9:30 am 6p m.Thrs. & Fr1. tili 9 p.m. Tire and rimn costs hlm $200 Ceascit boaitondor aa motion te ceqoost Halteo Region tady mothedn * taking daogeoes par- tieonot oethUe Guelph line. Tbe motion oas npansored hy Coonecller Bi[f Johnon woeiathe Cbairmnan et theo ltoo Regional Planning and t Publie Worha Cemmilte. Me. Johnson said he wanted the reslituin te give im "a litt mere leverage,' te gel Hatten tact.viras a study doeodoring the Haltets Chcl eutn accident scono. Milton Contable Davo Eakins and a Haiton Regional Coeaty Doyas wich tTontifacat Il officor survey the damae aleeta motorcyclo accident in amp- cared a namhar et Polico ~reommendotiens ohicti beilvilie Iast weok. A 21-year-oid Milton mon ived aftor pisinging down a teep om- nom noever acted epaa. bankment and httsng a hyffro post. Mn. Johnso aatdhe latready han, mme I regienal staff a'arbing Motorcyclist leaves hospital s onncammi bttee le * ah s ody bumtntet A 21-year-ald Milton mon escaped deatlt alter tas- Mr. Mcapadden was taises te Milton District trecsmmead te the f ull isg contrat et tee motercycte and slamming inIeo a Hospital and tiast aler lramtferred ta Hamilton conseil that a study bc hydre pot teot Taenday atteenoon. (leneral Hspital. commosced aaseaon as Edoard Mcbpaddon et 232 Parboay tDr. Milton H irelesdii Mcdy elai ie it npsil.Jha n an vias eathond oes5 iderondmmest fCamphottvitle ciia odto.iterest in revivesg the noen he sidded etf Ue rondoay, satd attan Les5tithon t eeoh aega, two Misetneooga yonthastaycm esrIdy Regiosat Pobre vnere teled atter the motarcycle thy mrenidng a meîawingal mater Regional Police. we~~~~ont att the rosi nd strecb apont. hywrrdiga flon amt- He lftI Ue rondt, plongiag dams a stoep embank- That accident ocerred saath et Camphollvilleons cycleYoangcisisn hic ment andl landeil near railrond troche. said police. a verve ta the rond tsyegMiesog residente ere thron 1,tra eirveuicle o - Tbere bave been Industrial park plan OP 7 sZ to ftal accidente avec the years and, accatrdiaig te Me. rS Jonon, many ia- presented to councillor stneofcs igof sntanctherngaing att A douetnt mre tha gisg te baneor i cocltors nere tld, Ibat Milton will onl ho home. one-iscb ticb mut cammilmnents. han been in cansslalian paying tee the servicisg Conitters endarsed conltituto the bteeprinl The cammîlmenta are sith a nomber aI ther and other Cota bt Unse the malien hat net alter for Ue crealien o ne ofns tareference toia a nria irms atso nery annioon itt he orhoe by te the cagueessofetthe the largalt indotrial aI boyots of hume- te tlonale in Miltoa. huiliers andl developors. reseletian oaa parha ever ta ho hiltinlaownrs olîhin the Mr. ughood saîd the This has amsed ns Hltea Rogian. hasedaries et the parb theory tram the tarI la prabtema. The boni, shon te Ailbave hoon completed O 9 Milles ceaincillers Mon ocept tac one pieceofa day ight by Clerb Ca- peaprty oned by the A n s y o o k U ardinater Roy Main, otîl Milton Congregattan OnIG ho ging ta the Haltes the Jehunah's Wt- Mlton Public Lîbrary due materiol, andl aIne ta Regional Planning and nsses . a holding an Amn ety try tel .ne wa.Y . On; Public Wrbs Cern- Thoy say thoy are still Month n Augeal. mach ovendue matorial * ite teeo dicussion saiisg ta ho haughl eut During Iis ime as posible beortor he Aug. Il and 12, and thon, by Ue giani Knfi verdueobooks, recards nom Atemated Cr-- hapstally, for passge Proportios inir ofetand magazinies ost cotation bynles a i i- .An xocelent seleSton * iég. 509 etitths ssci Misissaga. The graap ho chorged fines ohm astalled. Bonic rmth m rengobe meeting etoa is assoreil Mnday they are relerned. When the nom sytern dietenbt reginnal ceenicîl. IthaIanît oui caniply Tbe amnety pertad is is rutsig alItmfinesw - Open Tai Mr. Main said ho as and lhey con ho ssered hvtng hodt noncourage hoc clcelated and 167 Bondas St. W. haping tar soift adoption Milton nili process nu tho rolurn nI long novr- recerded by computer. 8 nf the dccmntalfse bat Kanetf building plan ho and Milton staff celd untîl the cnmmitment is cansider the gidelines honnrod. n place fr the hege bn tersof nIhop industriel parb In ho nn cesstîîg et appîca un.,.- plac yth oo. Dirctr ofFinance Dan highly lecbsical ban - Rab uad and blne hook ohicb sts donBo sdnitlcu theapciicatas accillars sevral cOCy bu eiidins, ong. aodlargo firms are niu buidins, ervngandtagot inie the parh and >ronda in ohal s sonspail generatly hsen aasson as posbe Officiai Plan Amend- In tact, il oas nted ment Nurnber 7. th onncant mnelfast OAPR The plan, ohich onis enuugh fr Iren sach t & RP Y serne sev05 yesrs la firmss o are tiniing ML UL campte, la nan 5seta t f ging elseoboro OR BS go asd ceonceil oasa tld ulesu the Milten-Higb US Manday that aitwaey 'set tadotriat Park dvelaprs in the 1,100 Cames un stroam son ocres et the parh are Mayor Grd Kaste, 1981l SAVE TIME! VSUMMER SAVE GAS! ADVENTURE SV MN TOURSSAEMN Tei sumea th Mlon " so ering mDVN UETUSfo hlrau ut6 to1 v.Fon 31da fth w pros xeoe a ca..if>-vial rm ,0am u':0p-i

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