2 'tisCanailes Cismios.Wod.. July 29,1991 James A. Shg A amesi bsec asd Rortscn tr avec 3 ralaod le Miltnfur 64 yaaadasuopit iliseplerd paeo aaay a a ahaise ssp se ai Mlice DistictMais St. samad Shape HospiltJuaSt, t96t. hrde sBisupt% ed dre-etaxisfor bisUsai Jimattonded Bruce Jim Scieesyl Street BaSsuol ced was s a pisrd. He wanavry membro tf resbytrles tatestad, hiss avousite Oseraisssà 8mamisa ut vas cabinetsimaisg asd LmesScots. He waasse clleda utcarpestay ofth lit ii-S thblp baUid mr. e a" heped lu tse QeesEizaboU eth cama of taeiret llsgisway. Hae teS ida nba Millesnat aarbed ai F L Asdy Murdoch. Heawu a Principals get more power Frisailaeasd vice- The cci stimi Uat prisim se altas it "tisa scaupier mcy sens heabche ta arresi arresi aitUtut warraet trespassere s onsaisuet sy persus hebe hlleves pruperty. an reassessistancd Educaturs were i- prbabegrounsa.au ha Srmed Ttisady ai a traspasiet. Halles Bard ut Edura- The urcuplar mut tins metieg that chaul tissa pramptty cail Sr heads sisaatd beofaticstty theassistance utsa plice desigsated ccupiere attfier'- le custsrm ta the The ibard sd- Trespase ta Praperty minitratars cassuttd Ac passei lIst yar isy Hatua Reissai tPolice abs Otario gsvramest. and hard latayrs Tisa 5w elsatcreased hatara maisa Ibir lh iene tra rsase u- racummeedations ta teste ta sit=utgave trusteess wivot ana peite ev pavrs ta ar- abs issue ai the ssci rani trespasuars offthie hard meeting in premmssAugust. Site F is m You con puy Metrolend bille et benks, offies spherd M»unb mr ftmdletan aiicis iopld it on ehu is a"go, i ce tetet thUt.Candian served Sr ysae umise lci Banofutheemmeras helped seysi eed. o t ddtOMM:lecnhapl iay0<IoSlse Rev. TeveA cweasofPrPias. 59 Wisa ltN., Actais, Knax Freebylos15 AJanWMby/PtÈS'lg Naes Adeertilse, 110Cent- Churh coduced (e serceal Ave., Ajcz; Aurea/Ptsamarest Banner, 5 service ai lise MceeYmsg t B, Asea; Bllme Bterprte., 3 Qums Fsaerat Hume su JUeseBlo; rmto Gada.30Vcoi st ast leermei ai CuBapo;BàgmPtI Wve Eveagrees CemetOeY.S. wnb;EdoeAvrir/uda,2 Fatiboarera vers Oga dbigon ereonIdpn isesteri-ta .aw UYddet3Mant.BGogow;mramb- Ramsayy episetaAnsold islillitsiislt &Bson,?72B MAin St.N., Marihami; MatdenS wcs-boiMUinCanadien Champion, lot Maie B., Miloes Oliver Hait sud Joe Mieaga Nias, 3145 Wlfodale Bu, fisules- Drew gradson aue; Nemireot Aucsa EBai, 30Churles Si., Michae etSapierd sud fatwmaebt; Nrtsh eS Mimeo, ta Tempo Ave., Chisl Cacsr Pro- VISosdak;o; akaUtsBosser, 467 pesaAv., dweeasud is hu tiret Osaa Tis eçs, M FaroeellAve., afa (Grece Basmo Osaai; Ptlaimd R5/IssruMnB userai, iUg 1>~a eteabtb&Yeuseo et.BlAlssmid HM;;BS aoooMime, 10l eick) lefaitiouw w " brother (Fredericcle L W, Bodheis, Woorl aga Jh) 2 gransdes, New57 Ar W lD NSs, 07A WodbrisgeAve, W s, tde; lanil Timty Beeter aed a o kPuisblegCc tJild RoetSiepierd.l Ha is Rarived by seondweed UsStsati Hubtian of Hamiton, a Univerictyof Guelphit u Churchaehu Doraty Cuisssesonm of those tudessis raaponsible fr ki:thae grounneat ithCOcha Ivan sud Brute BShep- OntariAgrictltural Museuln. Site teaisomanagln o catch aàflylun. coenil ouon isrd 3dagsirs a.. tiful tan. Gel att is le, Margaret Dave absKissu (Ed Cannant, Ms. bea iopiatbl la Maras. Mrise re ks out, flot jin Fie olemnes a Klvesit 15 grand- hine ciildi-en. Aies aving An t-year-od Milona heved smehady au dens atdplice tmg PrmbyeEDa steptather ut Doaglas. yesUtbau bomi cbargedisdeseUetaer ayeM si-yt ii-saIhacsdfr buerie, Gsgs it"seiigatl ls stgrsgalaa 3m8Marten Bt, waceai-- iseldays ulO A a10 Grant Cutese sud 12 acectissaltU te Use laines Btoule- rested i is rmildescs aises lion m M eiep gaadcilidree. uS $425 tassaMilite, ime July O and tseon atj..higediisaadaY. ain ct.sdsscits u Dms betier aS Mas. Greenosses a28Maienlteceedeesd le thaer Ilataa.m. Fred (Boss) Johnson S. lataweais msay ater tae sora Halea dise t leia in W .s heais ltea and Ms. Marjria Dyer Hatise legianat aas ctsued. MUisnProvincal Ciasat l am rsWilcis ald ut Mloe. Polisce saîd tsy ha-. Tiscahbad bessid- Msnday, Asgusutle. tamly acveryihappy and cale bltdcyWfer t msut ut Asusa !nned as dumnD... pûtIie (Cotlced eem Pg. 1) tanda can take ptace Mr. Raed sid hae Ttraugttaut Madayn satuntter as Enviras- ympthieed withth ie Miltas anueil dscas- mental Hearief Bard mambers ut causcil aed ion, ttera tasa an t- han cnnsiderad tha issue. said ie hie permet tampt ta attacis ridera Mr. Kats said lha pnian, iterteresce iy sud canditions ta taetwa vantail ta assure taethe regian in Mitons Miltan hyawes ticit casacit lis graap hsd pannisg pracadures have created te nata ued isassuoiationuasan uwarrasted and regias dump site. wit the tawa darnsa tae iadicaiad it vas asty ha- Despte saerat ieF stt btUacausea aSregianaiie ««festions, . mtu ruphareevd tea t UtatUis lied boss ie Ca-rdisctr Roy avc ttUests ualtswed tl aiseplace. Maieissd ta staha liaIton iltegat.- "Westae taw ta su La giro MIs su Hsaidithe actila ie s as, it reqiras teduty Id t IsaUthUe ndlgattemp t, ta p ampMlles ofthUtacitiems le oppose Usiytw aatitS Iegles ram ,psslMy tae tu," ie eatd. ni.rd et t1ais t tryteata cicumnt Wtle tatng e wau Otario Muiicipl euch a hearlag. This vas st cuteesuclef civil Board sud seUls ta tased n etamans tadisabediesce, haie ald inoaisiite talute ta set mada tan weebsafaisy tiera mit le imes asidd biwig aniBtors Mr. Peris. aisestae taamuai ie @@ =lOmille$ "We test Uta regias le chsuged tur it ta ad- AiisiOSgE Iýb idd teaetsd ut tiseBEviroa- vaste." dot Iiliis5ete ons abt mentat Assemasa At. Cimit was et seasi- actionebI -s paM a.r "We ase teestSite F moute lepaeaisg Ue tas Btin aS1501 ecousd sever materialize hyls an d BU] Johson petisish tis ge opnaI tsutaat," lha said. wsu aise ofUmtss ab palt l Ut arsaumit Aiseiste audience spuke stainst paceage, imedby titeusle yl fotr tae discus ase ayieg il "la agahust le aveUtOME"bsry Haltu-Burfisatos MPP eerr isa t stand tfor." ls Maich 5. t1%t rder Juian Resu visa bruugtt Os Taasday mreleg tise duseplb. passed itu seagnd nesau et a ad The Camplenslbo la alithtise oticiai plan memnbaru ut causait. witt vit asd ses it Mr. amerddes. H aieulieha hd bossle Nrton aill hll abhase- Tise tatas bai argaed tsuch wit Carole iag as pramisad, but lie tbat toloilg tae MB Vaugis e taExecutiva sid lha etalea saverat Marais 5 rder ta Asistanita o Environ- dubita abouttae p- redesignais taeland a ment Misissa Kalt mita made by M. garbaga dump, tisa tatasNrtn,ad sisa bau sid Nrtansu paitical aide. asutd ha in asie- tisa Miseer wat a Spauinstrsagty an travealisa ut thae aci- erieg ta ha hMd. the situation ta vhich miit tae aviros- 'tl have bees tatd t- Multasheas foud ile menit a ssamet At day hy Carole Vasajes itb regard ta taere- (BAA tree mitste UaMnistar itende the fias. tae 0MB,and tae lteur wheish, Miltas an- issue shail praceed casais, Cusualiss Riais lotded, oa155 a ser te Eviron- Day said "'t dentt est va caasea tblis states ns mentat Asesmesa wera aver ileonasimpt. redesigatias ut 55y Act.haleid. "Oaa respect tac soe No Campbellville GO GO Transit dues at CP Rail dam nt aUna postbîtty a stas plan a Campialtta GO tabtat passenters mîgtie ba uila smetime Statuonsis Uta immediais hayuad Mittan." anthe Sture but state il future, bt the GO ui, hau'aver. be ta anS part ai preset GO passiility lisu st baensastaift rm v r atsety ttatty rutad aut. ttbt ut ttraain pis r- Sac d entai ve Tam Henry, G Juchas nbt panting Sr stating tey ud ie sphsan,. mielstata.tha ue est aaertura of rail service ta ment by Cusuillr Btll sttian neas the preset tbe Hamtet. At use time Johnsntbt GO vsstd Emprium r urter a rail isa cussecteat pt tna s tationaia tbe wst neasa Guelph Campbllvitte wit near Sture s nSt Junctian. Hamiton and Guelphs passible becaune -aur Mr. Hry did st. bt il was acenlaally presesa agreemant vitb bawaver, asie at tis apbsed nu. 'I.. iara c 3.95,nam5$3295 9 LIV5OCATP5FOOsataz.uay ilaua,tly 6% CA ACUARIUMISTARTER tIlT lnddu filmek aissassel anopsssevthuýoenuae Or Rg. LaaPM1s44.95, ai$U0 PROS Mffy in store tpiwalu SPWLAI.S-JULy31 TILL Aue.g Dos« Nk Pk Moto SMIlS77 ut tise establisshmens, lha acetedhOilesn le sotaisly the 0MB, a cease tssdleg moneey b, boas seriosiaty ersded. Hatis Regise humedi- "TisaoMB ilesueppoed ataly. ta ha acingsg an suin- Miloe issu tet tisaas- partisal cout.*iakisg glas $t MUiin at 17pa tiblgu out oaiiUtapaiti- ceasd asalier amauat cal," liesald. mre recetly, atUtugis But M.Day sidhi ta tfigure wac et su- uesmng a tred visera heUtssnsed, at almiai 20 "0OMB l e osmisia mre pr cnt. peisicat' lt tie M. Johnsonsaid be OMB's ":onctionslha-tusgit Millenshebud aemlng san etensai nse absayleg Utae Oie peiticat pecee" ragises finsalal aoes Cosci- Brios Fen- and Ibal Oie teslofu1 man asked M. maie ifaitdalotheta ude lie taugisi Uers mouid aulil gins Mlon ha aeiy hpe ut apptyn giasai apreeotalle camea"lg tlima" bl- mueIont Istselnga Iiaff pscage nf Oie ieadest alOicldala- iyaas and tei- cming tanwasug lng ithO balefw test nalOice oledemnidlg ace hiviami- - perbaps holding off e-. menal ssa esemesl. actinuitiltere asa a lttaaCamimaSrJfimi date et tua OieBniron- Wasnabosnadliehadid mental Hasang Bard le est wasul tseas nta Maeut. asaisI Uta Tremaine- M. maie seilihaan- Britamnia Ciitaam pstdtie islsas uld fcup$ aey anses, haa 1se by ath M o tsilg M. Rata "m sltety" ps r thraalit takhe tsMits' ipi.le tua_ yl apasseil bytataintahUt tedLeg te bytsle t Supreme Caurt ta ha w«&k. In a press e aaaaeru- C«ciafsr Bace c eived hyNTe Champion Binou asbad taftaetas Tusaly muaig aed catlddatpect lega] action elgned asly "taeTes- ta h lesectsded sner tse mis-Britassia Ciii- conirovesai Sectisonutfzess' Gcp' tere le ns tisa EAA sud tatat, mentionatise gousp al MayorGoued Ki-cz etahaguba afler Milon'$ casl usdy eay 't am 55ta iyata. sure Ibat fad cin asm- tead it pistout iag." lise grasp fesis "Oie Coeslur Johson Raglan ut Malima là seil atatt Uaves-s inmtatempting taas-olil s iramnt passage ut ful es-lammnlal the tan bytatas have Aunsmet erisg. heum aniause aed teid 'Tha rugies i teartut hae anuld ie ha atractiag o u eaisa haarleg, imota- tise Omiudamau's Office iiig (Utati ata a camn- as a at tape. pite anlaometat M. Johnson thea teid asiueest aeutd as- TeCarrierrADO-ON IEAT PUMP Is PrctcalAnserTo Soaring *Fuel CastsSIa The Energy-Tight YeoasAhoadl EORflFRNOWI lSAND)GET hP TO *800 Yes 14W IT WOAKU: Cat n -euserv1.te- Mon m 5Ime(&aof go . lts- Rumulgetion Coolng IMMÉIBLE 119MM Poa, te n--hoIiday Saaregisisal dsnsP site",,UdeGUIIII one le a Utate- WU a sdy ment, "1ifte.iyasAuglt3cCia h1 vare le remnale se- day, tse fIceofut Tisa cisalenged, Uts ois Caisadimanismplon seu add p tcm5leput boled atldy. aptim sbi rtau Nadseias's Cisimi- Utmie tende. pWis e l a aiad su "Blece as bliersie Wde s i ce sai, chsange le Uts offtiiiaovr ideerlilg plan l isegal, iît lise ro- deatiemi bave boss gise le de cep ufthmlisssaterod le accemiseodata lidnge i Uegal ais." tise isilday. Dlply As fr tsememise utof nol eleg dsle s l coiccil,toey bav n esl =da 84p.m.; nasal- July 31 le bas- te twolied dleplay Friday ai 4 byas todgod aliced, 1)m. - sud clasifed ada approea iy tise OMb.. \sesusuTamday, AUg. i4. onyourbooks. Or on accounts payable and recevablo. On ganoral ledgor and invontory. On ptanning, forocaating and record à keeplsg. Put an Appte persoal cormputorla waeta andl 1 yas'Il not only koep controi oftyour businesse-you'i gain 9 a buslnesapatnr. Let us show you isow. 11 DAIO MICROSYSTEMS LTD. 206 MAIN ST. E., MILTON, SUITE 103 REID FRANK &H oiPIIIl 878-122 aatco travel welcomes you to Georgetown'Travel Ltd.) amalgamated for world-wide personal travel service. profssonal service yncu cen trust 48\ O . n Georgetown - Acton 877-2 2 Milton - Oukvllle 876-1211 Brampton - TorontoR&840-4 HDMonMs.Tm.,Wad., Se.104 Tnsee Fn sa-a 8m5-177 à Mr A5 L J O D.D.8.. DOSURO. Oei id M dB.*faelistwgeOf VWtoeou nescthe Open i h$office for thse Practic of ORALOUROIRY an 310 MMI ST. E. SUMTE103 MLTON rDA M. *.So.. D.0.S. Poriodontint seisos ta annoimio thé Oponing of hieoffic for Utc Pasotica of PERIODONIlCO 3MAIMN ST. L s kumlsMmon km ff a a %W nm ý MW Imm ý 117 m