Il Clasuifli 8 Ruai Estats e78lM1 11 MaInfBoimU eS. n Mond.y-Fddy.Y .pm. 88 TUE CANAI>IAN CHAMPION, MILION. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1901 SECOND SECTION GUNY-In 169168 Imanoryof60à duar baibloleBd DO, leas', Juif 30, îM 1 We 91140 a vata fi# i. Wbe ta1 die came. if broke 0My heurt 1 Itipplast deys. h*1 ashBcred 16 love, Th&=00 .myto9mrs. Tha .deur Ken. for tffgaeprbcoos 0 1 m 91091 7. IHAeILEY-In lbInc mir of a daur daau aSharon, end 998114&091VJuy 29 LoVa glysreetobaa Lîsan. botherws MORiSON-e la- alnanhumry tf Agus pasli 1919Jaît 26, 10,ia revuIt ofun Wa do at 0160 i ya ou 16 aur For thedeyswe do net tlnk of 786 Are Vary floadte 9160. If Il 016e taaa'd w ours toI08 W'd bh y" al atd Ta lute face of "Gaula" daar Cm mIl IlInthfl f TIASOIL-nloIng metrt af Reg. T0401119talla poRld = usAreot, 2, 1979. Manoraf the oner Meir gonfle gîte. To raceasr dits lui ANIts In aur heurt end toughts, 1 onfe Marguiriteed9 fan lI. Icoduit îaaals MILTON PUBLIC UBRARY 0 MOas-LISe Maie Outo FlmnShow Tutday, July 30 etC Glenn Cou OOf 7h. RecodalenncoCaLn Admission: Na Chargew2 ln the 11rentofanlcm L progroame %I IIIhedv ln ibry all M. s MILTON PUBLIC LIBRAR CHILORENS DEPARTMENT ' W0k4,2F.M. MON. 610 3 -Lboant CaoaI TUES. Aug 4, toSO. Aug. 56-LibtantFletri Cah0DeSots g o mrlaGa u Boes Or Crton 8Sr.M N up1_ THUR. Aog 6 - FsoG Psuppet- The'aitre tnasaotg "Pal« an"L" Tikt $1.00 4 Yr. EtUp cc Fni. Aug 7 - 'Walcon dC Aborî" Fils Shw Infrmatn 878-t M W LA LECHE Laeln 10 Mlton ffers sasthyt i maetngas for "mmnCa WFiOOiO5N.thl, 78 y SOMETHING fr., $ somnoeloafdaors. re samething 1prln Sammer Rsac Prgrim for 9ags8 -12 teIns. Opaclool sf111 - avallablR for the, 600001 3 -14h sessilon. TFiftatllaof pro-i1 vIdaI=$5Par taR9k. For Inormafion! 834227600'678.131. (kt clffmIs IL s10tem. Nu wi,1100 Il HOME HARDWARE OAK PAIIUE FLOUI 04"2 cm Cobotl 1,499 hile 0 uppit Mont. Cie tel fIa. foa mtde"il. B.E. SOUND T.V. SALES b SERVICE 53 m Man e E i mO on 88-7295 Und Col i.b- 8.arafNarrde o16100ai mm M 021M5 OITF POSTAL STRIKE Oustomos are aoked to puy toîir advertlaîng jaccounitu ut îhe daaUion £hampion loi Mwa .m onae Monday.Frly. en Spm TII! LUMBER YARD FLEA MARKET 8lSaa0 InCai.pb@Ilell. Geilo OPEN EVERY SUNDAY D.e. Weflntedî Cal IIEhnes Nm 410IM-274201 OUTFMT Custon talaîad Th. - g8096g Of rngestutenaenta, fon ytatr Snaecit baby vîba c _ad Oaa yo tatdo sonfaotrsade ta uaooa îtecl.. 7aut Spefications. -Il REDWGGD 10818 OOCIAID WOO OZORIS Fod S.nsstCahlvn.8 Servces înc. tslcta Hm o DOW fond O2t5lM.XPMa8 :w patiaes, eb ÎÏi, 81ou 878-OM ~ 00d..Oueroan 18e peialOPO In Sto 335-3717 mde taaadec 55L81T5N roducts. Wl tas. a 239£681081008RD. rlety of haluld, _ , EE 2.Npn.700009. Ydit, 1200 on 16 S. n Stlrdat & fh1~~ .00 onM Lcabel on R 0Vy 24 boltwo éOu convergent lprlage & Brucalile. COSTON. JtSout o6t f ledIt com m tar lnt (519) 836 wo. AIaa MilIsav & MOBILE Ilso. SERVICE . taIoft tyu, lob COTELE, 0o107 eel. litait. tles. reyth O llata OlaI, Cocmeat. Sac, 10. lT CatnpbulIailM MICMAEL'S SI0, male Norweolat BUILDING ite. EoacIttSs, ffl- MATERIALS 14. 73 Corie9.vCmmia ST fteue Slanesi ACTON, Otaio 10C PCIt, I lttty ManrtlnC St.: 1153-290 1001l. a78 2f35. 021.ang11 CYCLE SCRAP R016 SPECIAL a METALS JULY ONLYI N bsy or e09vaet 8", RAI4DNIW t1.60. 0980w9yeV 1400 ENOGOO'S soieapalse 874 2D * 1495' 0 aNcO ROYAL CITY EMALEwa.ts sane shore t160016558lo CYCLE CENTRE tac. Cal(416) 876. Mey. 7-Oueiplr 09In 0004ph Auto RAGE sultable for Mal Itnablaebodytwork. 870 r 17e-7311. IlHt. TeFn- TCA L cstructionl St. 9-4 cPacy neud are& 1 8M-70M0 i0npf9 I Milton110 Utt89 striot. Ig32726. INTEO ChilIs "Big SWIMMING POOL n %." loy. 1 lO SALE i Swinning pool mmnn EOIP P 00F ra0. Free pick-uspuîtfaclturrsusI t iv n ro natal. 00.997 vantoies.. SavdImm 0prive for Scrap 1001 poala volao. s. 854-0307. __ thtîil. o".îv. 05-P or ï, Sma onkvî îdpat.vî-J:11 for ok iv, W, no SP bc lý' '2. Fr 9.0 Su 4.0 Hv os jus Be 964 Ka mi m CA erg flv on, es LO or Elb Wh 211 LO L114 VIC sch a W* m ai FÉE te MJ 1 GA but aise LOi con dur dis! WA Wh, ým W E Scr, $Cr top cari lm CONCRETE steot for sale ulth mllîtt. 878 DIS yau s.. tour Icture a ur piper 1%lstaek? Large glagst primcfsOf phoos takion bt Cacaie Chono phooar sloe $2.25 la $3.2plusta". Picuras, 7,si i coller $IlO-x 16" 1>0.687.20 plus lIa. ~. on. 0595 haveftI The Canaien C Irt 191 1> MOFFAT 24- stave, Wstnghoause 1255u. 0. frîlge, bth lnex celIent wrkleg cOnattIac, 101 white, 8100e hallastannaîls 1109SF. Essy chin 0050, l1.11 fam cottage ormstarter home, 130, fr 1010. or best 0916F. 878-7738. MOVINO wsat Fur. olfore Sale, avaro'10lc0 muet 0 vbt Asbviot3 rdý.1 0Fý NORTH felon Gale r c A s H c 1 A, YC Q 'Wedding Invitations Napkins Matches Lwedng steIonry accomdoesY Laaklsl.a0et TR01ACYON&0,5LO&WN 8009611.CHANu SAINE ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE LIMITED FACTORY OUTLET rSlIPS. IEWLAN AI AB CU KN,8E STANDS. SFARISH PAVERS OPEN MON.-FRI. -&C"-.00 P.n. O3taelg ste & dl-en"# lui. 1. 0U.P69 878.4W5. Raasoaabia. j5191 824-3619 A-1 SERVICE end end m.dois.a I n. Ta paîly air-Saed pins. etachine. Phone 878- 2" a 4" ax 6" iptuae S4SUI PaRFIsCastra for 009800k, V,'xiaar x aprompt ittention. Ail 1260,9400k. Fr. 1101en1or a btîno It 1990 Fabrio NOUJRS: Castra, 12 Matrtin St.,f p459459&1. -5, Milton. t SAT8J8OAVSSIII13 868Vcrib 540, carF TAXES ais.whi» p- sat 04»; ather babyf iseRa tans, uval coalition. * recordirs, brand citaj ma. o""aayî ln boxes. 8799 or $26 Tnosmfor1 onaaalthIlttl.87112373. For SM DININGROOM suite, 7 place. 1130 SF1, 90018 reflnhllg, SM;, Pins healbordl, noe usaI. Quaac size $95. 114240435at1rlia.n. DO you n= lcoril Fr". stInatu. Cait FIREWOOO. nard- Wood1, cul ln 4.5 fn. card. AFfrox. 400 c la ..16,ichI langlO. ruck "d apOo.375 0.. ft. Ioa $ 173.00. FPhone (519) 8U3-1430 deys or (519) $43-4307 ev00I08 FIREWOOO, bIrch and Inaple. SpîlI end dlvaral. lfldIlOg., Cadet F0st1. 81 ec PAIR of drapars, 95 X 160 talla, ba.ulfUI cactanparaFt pal- ara, rosI, braN. and off Whilta. 71er- CW d linad. 10. PIANOS and Orgies. usaI. Full auarantea. Tha Fiano1. Organ PIANO, oarnt sa,1.9.Pae1. 5-PIECE Oak Maalterraltean-styIa bidroonn suite. $600. 877*5391.e FINE alroonsuite, double bel,' ceas dresser &bIl tfc, Z night tables, 9276. ROOFERS paNer ladder, 1 oyuer id, $11111.00. 2 rInis w fi snon tires ta fit Dalla. or Courier alckup $.00. 878-9596. et ipairinat 414, 285 Octina t.N.,11-n0. Tltursdît, Jaîr 30, 9 uMftl 4 pel. Croens, IlîSha, biby Clathes, tîsIng arF60.&Ir Roc STEREO, Plaoe imp &tue,SAMi0 icI 70600, excellent condition. Agkltta $475 or onfer. 33302. white, excellitt condition, 4 yurF newIl Phonve avenlcgs SWIMMING Pool, 16' X 32', bovegrund, wlth 8fi. redacad dock on4 2 Man a ced furnitolra, 5 place bedroan sot, 5 place living raan set, 5 piste dine set, lttcludes ianpos. $699.95 or $32 manthît CaiI ar8-2373 toopenanaccount. TIRES--75a-lb (4 6.45-1, 130 surnnret & 2 st001). 876-1434. TRUCK< lires, 4 Godyear L7815 an dition, 5175. 678-2487. rentteas ranis uroine Mtinîs, a40F5 trann larpats. FFee :barnlils LUI., Box 7500, London, Otatrio. ISES FREEZER, whiîte 111, ynar aid. 120.00 . UsaI 10919 tub wasltr. $100.00 Haillo oppliincas, 352 Quaatto St. iHwy 71 Maltas '11118, lActoni Ontario. HevnagA GARAGE SALE? salalthe aimia w end raeaala.FREE Oa-N ge Salae sga. iSuvyitt'a'- tocbig toinlil. Git 1tor 2 c att.a sign. ITtemoav i~ $1.) 8 Cel Us Todeyj Weali o tappcot thoap you awd yauradtfortthe M72341 lbsbknee, 01s9 of se GARAGE SALE M BEAVER CRF. (off Oanry 1&HaV.25) Rsan ., Slrin SAI. AUGUOTIST 9 A.. -230 P.M. Gond bayaiOI oac uini vavlIa i Plus nuou nvnvvOl olCpbellioll. Aiea S5e2ff ls th Z"ppOiit1 9 LACKSMITM S5n aPol Stock elOtî o0ut. DForust. Nrme, 1nd "-3.......2 0 SCorrectve shaolng. ADORABLE part GARAGE SALE Ree 5,.Goargetawn, poalle Spacl.mnle SaSt. Auag.1 416-11-117. oaoot. 80; white 9 A.M.-3 1 EXCELLENT App. Husky Trro famile, I -oddM a) louse Mare, vary 53. 8010 8 N00ks. l1 Iaeu.ot> evtle h tors al, 519421.49W. 12' X 17' ?la.,n'ly fr1i 1- 1 ...DOE.MAN, btnala, boo,. GaId Oidng reand lontc.3 096. hs~1>0s~untralcid? 000 0>, sears aend tll lots, lot et. I. F161 e»l- 549 Saiver Courtî, S- fu orto. FIIar3Uffl Miio. 209ore6.69, freoma 0016 819070 2-......,..I WU700 Seddlea. 1Husky, Orabred. I îîlOBrhand14 0 1 E 0. t, yair l ma@.. Nom , f conditonl"a. &_____________M USES -2»rtrafrller. 01.01086ouI> ailfr 7 = 111465.07-11.3W. .09. R7618114. GARAGE 'iNe Believe SALE 11TIN n Heritage" FROM 8A. M. Funitu,.Restocad TOIPM chir Cacao NO. 8 SIDE R0A0 OFF Clv9CaaaPoi GUELPH LISE PfnI.aia.tetoed - ------ 1M N.a On Sococo HOME FARM MARY'0W. 00005 ANTIQUES MILTON 3198 Stailes Ave. cu&ee Iile wsofarontei teikubaa Set. (t Sun. 02st r 10Oa.m. -6 p.m. h.. 9fui,60of.@«Oxl ATI1OUS WANtED ifunNso.. Fc 1 Itee (glass. china, &%«aS610, etc.) 100 a oMlet tauo TOWNIUNE ANTIQIUE$ WMEAT & ixnia Baib& RytLong grain, strIe ivallibla ROR. 3 Ceiilll saac. 16694182 the fiel or N80 delivere6 ln the Actas oe.Order r00t a II I tla eegsiRs.1571. ~)GRAIN Er SUPPLIES LIS. Eltybtor Serceasg Walaaldpoct on.. Cali Toli Frai et 1-800-263-M43 Aok for Datte or Jake Chirles Gre0g Form Pick Vour Own Rispberrios Toatos Cucunabers Potitoas Bob Et MabeI Devolin 877-7484 BEANS PICKLING CUCUMBERS Pick Your Osen Etb UapW.1.«t hI» sSkîdsaa MiqueaFarces 877-4784 G REENO05SStor Cla rentvopiste, 1/ nlle enlise lit Y.klw 00700 aI Stales Ave., Milton For nare Information 14252.72611. aHNOsPp"s L A NOS C AFPIN G, gardituin, lea , Plalac00r ~eat Gand 5021 asrk clone t Ooelga tIl _L W.0 reasucabIe prisas. TeON.R. Oriftcnod b&rackert 09 -al. ,0 *ia M ~IaSOvOiyag ePl.d EU F-nEqutleol 877-7632 AC, conbine, E. ulh O3goct2 ap &2 rowcorn haad, HAS', pick up ln tial pik ip andstraiRît or daivrel. CIII 853. condition S4,80.00 CIII 080 053-0039. FICK Yaur 0"01FOR0 001er, 0mode] pickilg cucunbars, 53o, excelasnt cas. boots, & Pas$. lilion, 81,000. 854.9950 TuasIlys. Thusll6i. or 854-029. IL taaikends. t 50 ASSE 'Farguson sidaradad 1611'ZRd.160Traor, excellent 121 2 niles Wstofcodiiont 7-6Io GuuelphLina. Barry 878-76a870635o N!aîsa (519)1025S233. CLEAN mttlau Ir., asta baed and roidy soon for you o .ta pIck In H ILLSIDE Stabbias ou lls. 1730 par baFdvsîliiiO 100 50'? natvtil tîvil eis for broal Oiter:i1When fils aveMarecirs and rakat s1.00 par baie*Book vs.A teck lay1.11 N0021er 0617 7095horses and QUAI L for sale, 1 day buyicg or seIing for 011 ta, adult live or yau. l0'X12' boa stalis, dm860e. 9542302 or aullour armb, S Tv 105702t viii usan CALL US FOR... 1 FREE Lesson By uppittentt oIy ivoffe epres Juy3/81) *CHILORENS RIDING DAF CAMPS (Nom CospDae (Aîu0uslt h -lîthi Enli itdg asons ( a Ecg Et RI as.9 H3~ oms& t .ab cl. tu, el. T7 DISTRIBUTION ENGINEER EASTERN ONTARIO An Elactrcal Utlile saakvuîvuallal ovuvEginer o abo rasonoabiloitfor taelal srbution syava lasRaotvu lv1the pnactias stsadaspecaionvs as weli as vvdolakvg spevalusulaesalithithevvsouvy yvuaiilsuparvseastaff vf The demiucndidat il ea Protaasivtal ingîvutaout3 yaars- aopercvin a vîlliy v ollaal owevildi Oftered 1Sa c Pstv allo ay ot uscl lu'bercllu s ad s,. vportniyluoprvulasa Ifi osto n s c fcintvi c, ailA YNitE LEIS îiltR16 .5030vor lair AvelaEa1 OtavvlvlavTrotvo narosCuvîin OvAssigm t~ I TECHNICAL SERVICE COUNCIL 111E CONTINENTAL GROUP 0F CANADA MT. CONTINENTAL 15 0ONE 0F THE WORLO S LEAO. INO ENTERPRISES AND A NORTH AMERICAN LEADER IN WAOES 6BRENEFITç AUTOMOTIVE DIVISION requîtes TWO 1 U% LI ali Ul. REPAIR PERSONS OUAUR9CATINS kEXPEMECEREOUIIlE a Pmto e8.Va. blatk. .aiena.m» * Ted .a endmd dbtg . iae.0 LUSTRO STEEL PRDDUCTS Ù 40 Holtby Avenue. Bramnpton ' 451-0241 HapI;", asJaIy f5 GOWINO-AJIBc & Sereaso(1u1 000>10 of91o1 Mîllld iea art pleal a anl- .as th.80ebîrl f théir son David Alle., 7>lys. il oàte..M9ton00 Dstriat opîfil on JobS?. 1981. HAGGAT-Doae 235JIfio Si. N.. Ira 018184 96 nodasce the RîrlO NaoIn mon Donald Edearl WiIO'gd, -7 IRs. 50as m0e brt O60fbir mat Mark Joaanlls$ 9. 15 oas. etf Mofr Midîcil Can", o JoI 14.1981. PENIO--OaIR Il Lyde (nca, Martni) f M3 Cabot Trait. ra f asdle 6actouaca h»Obllîn fO 0f erso FPal, 8 Is. 1 oz. If Mlint District HospaslgonasJUIt 36 1M6. A brother for RIEVE-Jîn RL 02.047 ItIaiLyon$) of 219 Mfarltn Sf., Mlto, ora péésed vaaouR 0thebîrlhof theIr son James Willim, 5S 110. 10 0on. et MIltoc Dstrict Wosptel on Jult 22, 191Pr004 grand- parents ira 8111 Si botty RuSse and Lornee & Sirlot VINCNT-Wyne and Jule of 703709186 ore pl»si 180n tasaca the Rrfhof thelr dalgbfr CrrIa- Ame, 71 . f ois. If Milton District tellfl as Turday, Jot5,1981. A sistSF MR. & MeS. Coin Smoeds ore 0>81864 ta thcemlng norriooe f thelr laughtar Leurie Marielo PaFul1Johc, son of Mr. & Mn,. Gersl VIOdrheydo, &Il of Miltn. W6dlta la toko plis. Au058t 22, 1981, 3 .0. il Emmanucel Baptit Church,M161>16. M. & Mrs. John Simnctlor@ pleésedto annasase the for. 10sonlng mnimlaof thoir daughIer Dicta Maria, ta Mr. Wayntt R Ichard John Roa, on o9 f Or&. loe Mr. Richard ROakon. Cennstot tk@ plac onAugust 8 SMEFFAR, Vil- At fhé Mltos Districte 35701,1981,Vioaa ShefpirI 0f Milton,0 e 50>0960 vote 0f1 Frodsrlak Shepprd. Poulina. Morris, 811. srucs, -Tam, Alie,1 Ilerold and Sas. Dam ser Of T7060098 f 800>, Ina.John, t 09>8114 Rt20 grind-8 child0 e ad 1 ret e randdaaVflt an. Home. Intfermlie Ivrlan Can60rt. M s>1e 80180 OUEEN FOR SALE-SOI-Na. 8.AUOIDROMAT 1 Nursery Sol. Sup- 6aR LAI lleda ndI/ Or In- 100C.AN. stallel, mlroalln 29 M" et . lies, selu reils. 02mI0 Tutnc'5 Garden NGLIS Portable ,stand,$325 or bas amle 0Ofanr. a7833". Cis KITCOON sute,5 . ~ placss adlusableaOa bron. plaid eftWNt MO& L0u210 ail eaeîle cas Nul Etenalns Ito, 150.87. LAWN MOWE-ut byCi nitinhbadeeotîrt Jacobsen. Estite or Naturel ioolciîg nils omerialt Me Komhier .oI .cosI 02109 sk&3i0.0.Ci LAYINO hans, vage, cpIyfr 3,000,0 eedl TEAK bvapasttmMIta it R8*pJM e000 rarlica and LE aualc a hnce, haing f eeders, A.R. SALE 1Woo as brooderS, 6 * fi *81 Oprervain Isater trough. 416-335-234 LIOMI Oak 010>00 - ROOn suite, 6chairs- table, Large buffet- MII0.35 hstsh.Lîke mes. Moka CALCULATORS iii.,i"AsctoatIOnta'rtIo" îtpeorias. 10R s é C0811853-0211. or rast11.l. 11160e171,LVE8 66, Marri s clearaniceassarted Sttion.RC,. style. rolours. As lau CLAACE o a0690,lufor FILisovI valaut TV'. on alît ar rasm'oon. 3 stOreos, radios, PvC5011 1ss OION' vacum cesnes,8399.00. HM oa OH Hto HvIS Hui ,rlîlllrt FlrnInlIre and In . lG-.I. W fime T DzzTU SALES E& SERVICE product boa i th GortuîownsvMilon, cellent eervîts. SamIs Full taningropagrammev tîoilo. Fut appoint- 461-7444 FULLTIME SALES PEOPLE For Mtons Loadlng Sporting Goals Store Stertîca col Auguat. aogat. Must be wil1110010 SalI or1b0000 appli- The Canadien Champion 191 Main SI. Mlton TRUCK E& TRAILER MECHANIC 920111001& sutnîloabilil ty assentiel. Goal 10009,0 programmel. Ap- ARMBRO MAIERIALS Et CONSTRUCTION LbD. 11ev. 7 ..sSof No. 10 NURSERY SCHOOL raqoloas ASSISTANT RUFERVISOR HORNSYGýO-O NURSERY SCHOOL 401 aITrafoagarRd. E.C.E. Olofoma Mtnmeo 17019 exparioase R77.00 1 -6 842-4400 . . . . . . ........ Umm qq ELECTRUCAN Obirny nt f11opron ia Bitgu eOR îpeaecd btulrlal minltenanocaeoclan. Applcant must be icagced &ilave saveral years' exparence In ROctiCIcl minanceicci 6011gb voilage 09aCNnery, eqa40Icent & 0001509 syslams. Must 116 ale la warbindependentty talla maintalaing à installOg cgRIOcal eI qulpmainl PIase contact Gotar8oS» Productu lac. PAO Box 1037 Dugngion, Oon PARTS COSTING CLERK Ei01111071.1vlsovth aluvoigrmn WheeabratiCoporatio lis aillediatavvavvuvinoa PARTS COSTING CLERK This osition ilan Stt Iaoitrlv otl oagigvvlovl anicl.colas vtlvg of ts11 vatolyV ct aillO,,aparationof olvh. iy jouna micsaoand iinîg. The laocan- aidateoIv eon v peIo .to Iluls ooffc tavlhilallly aciththeea o of a t 'îvi rvldea omcpatltivo salynd vl ly p111 bentotîlpian. laalolu M. Thvopson Pataccînl Departimnt WI9EELABRATOR CORPORATION 0F ÀCANADA LIMITED. ࣠401 Wh.albrutan W.y MISan,.Ontofo. 04B7 4164415W0 Summer is hors and we have tumpurairy asuIgnmmÎts avaltile Immedîutoîy for~ eDicta secretuilos a Senior typis For 409616of lodias. alas. etc.Cah LtcO u Heaterimmedlately. Il